Content ... or how to use The Hyper Halfling's Book of Lists. Why and How To Use This Book This ook is designed as a supplemental aid for fantasy Within a list% words in 0stars* indi#ate the title of another list. roleplaying games. !t is primarily an in-game tool to help fill in (1ap #ase em ossed with 0sigil0( means that the item is a map the storytelling gaps #aused y unforeseea le events, ut #an #ase em ossed with the sigil you roll or #hoose from the (Sigil( also e used to uild stories efore the game starts. list. The word in 0stars* may e singular or plural% depending on the #ontext in whi#h you find it. The !ndex uses the singular &o matter how well the game master prepares, players will form of ea#h word. always end up asking a 'uestion there's no answer for. !nstead of saying (Sorry% ! didn't plan for that%( these Lists make it !f you should ever roll the same item twi#e, you ha$e #hoi#es. possi le to 'ui#kly roll up an answer. *or those who prefer to 2ou #an re"roll% or you #an decide it is the e,a#t same item% make things up as they go% these Lists offer myriad options to or part of a set% or you #an descri e it so differently that it is #om at lank rain moments. #learly an uni'ue and unrelated item. (. pair of suede glo$es( #ould e (an old and worn ut well"made pair of faded lue This ook assumes you ha$e a##ess to at least one standard ladies' suede glo$es" or (a dusty rown pair of one" eaded set of polyhedral di#e and know how to use them. !f you don't% suede glo$es with sleeves that rea#h nearly to the el ow". google it or go to your fa$ourite gaming shop and they'll help 2ou #an alter any item in any way you like. you out. Those of you who prefer #hoosing #an ignore the di#e. These Lists state what an item appears to e. .ny additional +on't expect to find lists of things easily googled% like natural information is left to the 31's discretion. *eel free to use as animals, trees or arti#les of #lothing. There are also no lists of much or as little of the information gi$en as you like, and there's things easily found in #ore rulebooks, such as weapons% armour% nothing wrong with substitutions. !f you roll something a out monsters, spells or magi# items. !nstead% there are lists of el$es% ut in your world el$es don't exist% you should su stitute things that #ould e found in someone's po#ket% a#kpa#k or something that makes more sense. !t's also not necessary to #loset- ways to measure random items, and what you might disclose all a$aila le information a out an item. Some players find in your ration pa#k or a farmhouse pantry. prefer (!t's a #lay plate" and others want to know all a out the painted pattern on the front and the maker's mark on the a#k. ! en#ourage those of you who like deep detail to #reate reasons The information found in scrolls, ooks and maps may e for items to e what and where they are. .n o /ect found under flawed% either y a##ident or on purpose, or perfe#tly a##urate. a ed in the inn #ould e of passing noti#e or the fo#us of an The reality of any list result is sub/ect to the imagination of the entire #ampaign. Sample31. .ll attri utes are file$aria le, so every List result is uni'ue. !nde, .lpha eti#ally y List &ame Volume 4 Volume 4 page 7 page 7 0Ba#kpa#k0 Backpack bits and pie#es p. 8 0&ame0 First and last; male and female p. ?8 0Barmaid0 Names and details of barmaids & stable boys p. 9 0&i#kname0 Titles, endearments and earned names p. ?> 0Book0 Book titles and content des#riptions p. 11 0@antry0 Pantry, market or general store foods inventory p. ?: 0Car$ing0 Figurines and other small carve"work p. 16 0@eople0 Pre"made people. Just add water. p. ?; 0City0 City names and temperaments p. 18 0@o#ket0 Items small enough to fit in an average po#ket p. >< 0Component0 Spell components & odd gunk in jars p. <= 0@otion0 Potion qualities p. >? 0Container0 Vessels to put things in p. >: 0@owder0 Dusts p. >: 0Conversation0 Snippets overheard in passing p. <1 0@rophe#y0 Visions of the future from seers of the past p. >9 0Curse0 Curses and items to go with them p. <8 0Quirk0 Odd or notable qualities of people p. := 0+rink0 Alcoholic beverages p. <9 0Cation0 Travel food p. :< 0*urniture0 Chairs, tables and other building"fillers p. <; 0)#ene0 @ainting, tapestry and pottery images p. :? 0Gem0 Gems and jewels and similar shiny things p. 8= 0)#roll0 S#rolls, papers, pages and par#hments p. :: 0!nn0 Inns% taverns and houses of ill repute p. 81 0Sigil0 Sym ol, signet, em lem, arms, bla6on% mark or flag p. :; 0!tem0 Items that could be anything, anywhere p. 8< 0Smell0 Odouriferous smelly s#ents p. 9= 05o 0 Jo s, professions, trades and apprenticeships p. 8? 0Sound0 .uditory e,perien#es p. 71 05unk0 Broken, clutter and things of little value p. 8: 0)pi#e0 Spices, herbs and other e,otic flavours. p. 98 01ap0 Maps p. 81 0)tarter0 Blank brain busters p. 9> 01eal0 Meals; inn, farmhouse and feast p. 8; 0)tatue0 Statue su je#ts and poses p. 9: 01easurement0 Age, colour% fit, quality, si6e, te,ture, et# p. ?= 0Three Words0 Snippets of spee#h or writing p. 9; 01usi#0 Titles of lyrical and instrumentalSample pie#es p. ?< 0Treasure0 Treasure file p. 9D Ba#kpa#k The shoulder ag found with the #orpse under a ush Coll per#entile to find your pa#k. The indi$idual die indi#ator eside the #ara$an tra#k% is for finding a single item inside the pa#k. !f you'd like or% the #hance to roll a nothing% use a larger die. (! pi#k up the a#kpa#k that the ig guy tossed aside during The pa#k itself #ould e a a#kpa#k% shoulder ag% hand ag% the ar fight and we lea$e 'uietly. Very 'uietly.( tra$el #ase% sa#k tied with a rope, or other stuff"holder- in $arious states of repair% #leanliness and original 'uality. E0measurement0F Ba#kpa#k% List 1% @art 1 d1== 1. Ed;F #lean folded shirt% #lean folded so#ks, hair rush, soap% 14. Ed:F pennywhistle, tiny mittens on string% tiny folded so#ks, washcloth, #loth-wrapped /erky% ag of apples% 0 ook0 par#hment"wrapped #ookies, feather% old #loth #at <. Ed10) sooty #ookpot% sti#ky frying pan% metal mug% waterskin, 1>. Ed:F head"lamp helmet% pi#ka,e, < hea$y leather glo$es, wineskin, 8 paper twists of 0spi#e0% potato% roasting fork meat pie in an et#hed lunch tin, un#h of #arrots 8. Ed12F tor#h% flint% rope% string% ell% whistle, 4 round mar les, 16. Ed10) /ar of 0powder0% frayed rope, 4 dirty stones% pi#ka,e% #anvas ag of #altrops, edroll- pa#k is waterproof scrap of fa ri#% dried end of read% dirty leather left glo$e ?. Ed;F < strap"on oot spikes, < thi#k fur"lined wool glo$es, 19. Ed:F tiny hammer% singed leather s#rap% tiny pliers, lo#kpi#ks% < pairs thi#k wool so#ks, fur"lined earflap hat% i#e pi#k wet #lay in oiled #anvas, all of string >. Ed;F wig% reversi le pants% reversi le shirt% fake mousta#he% 18. Ed:F ag of raisins, ag of dried lueberries, flask of garli# oil% fa#e paint% makeup kit% elevator oots% #heap neckla#e rasp erry fruit leather% salmon /erky% ag of ha6elnuts :. Ed:F /ewelled s#eptre, small sa#k of foreign #oin, #hip of stone, 19. Ed10) par#hment% 0map0% 0scroll0% /ournal% pen, extra pen ni % #har#oal pencil% sweaty andana% 0map0 ink, 'uill% pouch of sand% 0 ook0- pa#k is a s#roll #ase 9. Ed?F par#hment full of nature sket#hes, lank par#hment% <0. Ed;F ag of wood #hips% half"made 0#ar$ing0% 0 ook0% 0map0% #har#oal pencil% wooden o, of dried erries knife, folding #ampfire grill% fist"si6ed wood url% 0potion0 ;. Ed?F #loth-wrapped #hild's toy% worn so#ks wadded in a all% <1. Ed:F fan#y ladies' moisturiser #ream in glass /ar% nail la#'uer% list of names, list of natural #reatures- pa#k is $ery small hair rush, /ewelled hair #lip% silk glo$es, silk s#arf D. Ed:F rolled #anvas paint rush holder with d: rushes, pear% <<. Ed?F ra it's foot% tiny skull with 0gems0 in eye so#kets% lank #anvas% rolled painting E0scene0F% paint o,% 0powder0 pressed ?"leaf #lo$er% feathered ird's eak talisman 10. Ed:F ag of salt% skinning knife, sewing needle, leather #ord% <8. Ed12F #lippings from 7 types of evergreen% 0powder0% apple, whistle, string with teeth from multiple #reatures leather #ord% string of #ar$ed one eads, ag of walnuts 11. Ed:F scissors% o, of fine threads in many #olours% mono#le, <4.
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