Eye on the News [email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:IX Issue No:262 Price: Afs.15 MONDAY . APRIL 27 . 2015 -Sawr 07, 1394 HS www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes NUG has no 43 militants Senators accuse US of betraying Afghanistan specific Abdul Zuhoor Qayomi din Munsif, a senator from Kapisa, he added. Rising the same criti- lished a market there. All the said the BSA has not put any pos- cism, Gulalai Akbari a senator northern provinces will turn inse- anticorruption KABUL: Amidst deteriorating itive impact on security situation from Badakhshan, said the secu- cure if the government remained killed in Kunduz security situation, senators on in the country, adding that Wash- rity agreement was signed to bring reluctant in this regard, he said. In Sunday accused the US of betray- ington should support the Afghan security and stability in the coun- the meantime, a number of sena- policy: AT Monitoring Desk Tepa area of the province. ing Afghanistan and violating the security forces based on the agree- try but this did not happen and tors blamed some high ranking of- He said that fresh forces have bilateral security agreement ment. He suggested that former instead Afghanistan is witnessing ficials and regional and other coun- Watchdog KABUL: At least 43 militants reached to the province and secu- (BSA) which was signed between mujahedeen figures should be hired several deadly attacks by the Tal- tries spy agencies for having hand have been killed in military offen- rity forces will soon conduct a Kabul and Washington in Septem- in security forces lines as they are iban and other militant groups. She in mounting insecurity in the coun- AT News Report sives conducted in northern Kun- large-scale clearance operation in ber 30, 2014 a day after the for- experienced in military affairs. An- said the lawmakers passed the try. Abdul Wadood Paiman, an MP duz province, said an official on the area. mation of the National Unity other senator, Hasibullah Kalimzai, BSA with the hope that will bring from Kunduz, claimed a number Sunday. Abdul Wasy Basel, a Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokes- Government (NUG). They said said the US has established the security in the country but the of high ranking officials including spokesman for the provincial gov- man for the Taliban, said Gor Tepa the security deal increased inse- Daesh (ISIS) militant group to fuel agreement was not proved vital the governor of Kunduz have ernor office, told Azadi Radio that area has fallen into the hands of curity in the country; while it was insecurity in parts of the world, therefore the US should brief the paved the ground for collapse of Afghan security forces killed 27 Taliban. He also claimed that their expected to boost up security sit- including Afghanistan. The BSA Afghan parliamentarians in this the province at hands of the Tali- militants in Gor Tepa area of Kun- uation countrywide. They alleged has no value while insecurity is regard. Signing of the BSA does ban. There are a number of fig- fighters have captured 22 check- that the US has deceived Kabul duz city and 16 others in Qala-e- points and arrested 55 Afghan sol- surging in the country, he stated. not mean to witness deteriorated ures inside the National Security Zal district of the province. under the pretext of signing the He said the US should leave Af- security situation only in nine Council that have links with the diers. BSA and it has not implemented ghanistan if it is not interested to northern provinces while once Taliban. The figures delay trans- He said that around eight Af- According to another report, a ghan troops were also killed in the the security agreement. The Unit- implement the security deal, add- they were most secure provinces ferring of equipments to the secu- bomb blast in Kunduz city killed a ed States has deceived the entire ing that Washington must equip and in the country, said Afzal Shamil, rity forces in a bid to pave the operations and 16 others wound- prominent religious scholar, Noor- Islam world and is playing double support the security forces, as a senator from Takhar. Senator ground for the Taliban militants to ed. Basel said that security forces ul-Huda, and injured another per- game with Afghanistan. It has not mentioned in the BSA. Supporting Gul Mohammad said that heavy move forward take control of some have tactically retreated from Gor sons. implemented the BSA, said sen- views of his colleagues, Senator Shir clashes are ongoing in eight dis- areas in the province, he claimed. ator Nisar Haris. The National Mohammad Akhundzada, said tricts of northern Faryab province Paiman accused Omar Safi the Unity Government (NUG) lead- Washington is plotting against Kab- for past several days. He added Kunduz governor and commander KABUL: Though fight against cor- ers should discuss the issue with ul as it fuels insecurity in the coun- that almost 400 families of Uzbek of 202 Shaheen Corps of having ruption was among top priorities 28 militants killed in each other and make the US to try aimed at implementing its own and Chechens have settled in some links with the Taliban, and said are of the national unity government implement the security agree- goals. The US wants to establish areas of the province near border behind the growing insecurity in (NUG), the Independent Joint ment, he suggested. Muhayud- a federal system in the country, of Turkmenistan and have estab- the province. Anti-Corruption Monitoring and military operations Evaluation Committee alleged that the incumbent government has no Police guard specific strategy in this regard. The 118 PISTOLS HANDED chief executive officer (CEO) of guns down his the committee, Rashed Behroz, said that government has no spe- CHIEF IN OVER TO DIAG IN KANDAHAR cific mechanism for fight against corruption. The anti-corruption URUZGAN KANDAHAR CITY: One hun- (DIAG) programme in southern been confiscated by police during efforts made so far are not dred and eighteen pistols were on Kandahar province, an official their operations in the Ghorak dis- enough, he added. Behroz said TIRINIKOT: Acting police chief Saturday handed over the Disar- said. The pistols, including 16 trict, the deputy Kandahar police that their findings show that there for central Uruzgan province Col mament of Illegal Armed Groups Makarov s and 102 TT brand, had chief, Col. Rahmatullah Atrafi, told is no transparency in fight against Gulab Khan has been killed by his Pajhwok Afghan News. He said in- corruption. The judicial organi- bodyguard, an official said on surgents had dispatched the guns zations who handle cases of cor- Sunday. 2nd lieutenant Gul Agha, from across the border in Pakistan, first police district chief, told ruption are also corrupt, he add- Pajhwok Afghan News the but police confiscated them. The ed. Behroz said that the govern- incident took place on mid guns could have been used in target ment is yet to recover $178 mil- Saturday night when Khan went killings and other terrorist activi- lion of Kabul Bank loans. Ajmal out to check security posts and ties. DIAG official in the south, Obaid Abidi, spokesman for Pres- security situation in the area. His Gen. Abdul Qayum Popal, told ident Ashraf Ghani, said that the security guard attacked him on Pajhwok Afghan News the pistols NUG has a strong political will to way back in Sarkhuram area would be placed in the regional s fight against corruption. Abidi in between Dehrawoud District and arms depot and given to the securi- an interview with Radio Azadi said AT News Report Trinikot, Agha added. Agha said ty department concerned after an (NDS) has conducted joint mili- that an elder was also killed with examination. He said the Kandahar that the spread of corruption is not KABUL: As many as 28 Taliban tary operations in different parts police chief and the security guard police had confiscated a large num- acceptable to the government. The fighters were killed and 21 others of Zabul, Faryab, Kandahar, Maid- was arrested. Later, the security ber of weapons during operations NUG since its establishment has were wounded in different crack- an Wardak, Jawzjan, Ghazni, Bada- guard accepted killing of his chief. and had surrendered them to DIAG. spared no efforts to put end to downs carried out by security forc- khshan, Herat, Paktia, Logar and (Pajhwok) (Pajhwok) corruption, he added. es in parts of the country. In a Helmand provinces. Nearly 28 press release issued here, the Min- rebels were eliminated and 21 oth- istry of Interior (MoI), said the ers injured in the military opera- Afghan National Police (ANP) in tions. The ANP recovered huge Would-be suicide collaboration with the Afghan Na- cache of weapons and ammunition tional Army (ANA) and the Na- in the operations as well, the min- bomber tells tional Directorate of Security istry claimed. NDS Taliban MoI to launch crackdown on raped him vehicles with tinted glasses AT Monitoring Desk AT News Report that the MoI has launched such crackdowns several times in the KABUL: National Directorate of Security KABUL: The Ministry of Interi- past, but then canceled it without (NDS) arrested a would-be suicide bomber who or (MoI) is committed to take ac- any tangible result. Samiullah, a was raped by the Taliban commanders before tion against vehicles with tinted resident of Kabul city said that sending him to carry out attack. A statement glasses and without license plates police during such drives don t issued by the NDS quoted the would-be sui- in Kabul city. The ministry in a stop vehicles of high-ranking offi- cide bomber, Bilal, as saying that he was gang statement issued on Sunday said cials and strongmen with tinted raped by four commanders of the Taliban in that taking action against vehicles glasses, but on the contrary harass Bati Kot district of the eastern Nangarhar prov- with tinted glasses and without ordinary people.
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