www.ukrweekly.com ^^^- Address: The Ukrainian Weekly "WE INTEND TO BURY 81-83 Grand Street NO ON E AND WE D О Jersey City, N.J. 07303 Tel. HEnderson 4-0237 NOT INTEND TO BE SYOBODA New York's Telephone: BUJUED." УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК ^Щ^ UKRAINIAN D AI LS BArclay 7-4125 Lyndon B. Johnson Ukrainian Natioanal Ass'n Was ІЬгашшп MrrkUi^rttgn Tel. HEnderson 5-8740 РІК LXXO 4. 230. SECTION TWO SVOBODA. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY. SATURDAY, DECEMBER n. 1965 15 ЦЕНТІВ - 15 CENTS No. 230 VOL. LXXH 'Zarevo' Holds 8th Biennial POPE PAUL vi CLOSES CHICAGO READIES FOR UNA N.Y. UNA D1STR1CT СОММІТТЕЕ Congress in New York ECUMEN1CAL COUNC1L 1N ROMS CONVENTION IN MAY DISCUSSES CAMPAIGN WINDUP NEW YORK, N. Y. - Boh- members of the executive ROME, itnly. - The his-tMaxim Hermaniuk of Wln- Supreme Officers, Local Leaders Meet in Three-Day Parley, NEW YORK. N.Y.(M D.)- and noted that dividends on dan Rymarenko was elected і committee we.4- presented on '"peg.. Elect Convention Committee This year's final meeting of UNA policies will be increas- toric Ecumenical Council of the New York District Com- ed in the coming year. Among president of the "Zarevo' 1 Sunday, in tiv course of the the Catholic Church came to Earlier, in a move of his- CHICAGO, HI. initial impressive gathering schedub Student Society's Executive! second session held at the U- mittee of the Ukrainian Na- other matters, he also inform- a close on Wednesday. Decem- toric ramifications. Pope Paul plans for the 26th Convention ed to begin on May 16. Committee at the organiza-1 krainian National Home. The and Patriarch Athenagoras І tional Association was held ed the meeting about changes ber 8. as .Pope Paul vi pro- of the Ukrainian National Ae- Mr. Lesawyer's proposal on November 26th in the U- to be made in the UNA by- tion's eighth biennial congress delegates also heard reports of the Orthodox Church is- sociation were set in motion calling for the creation of a held here over the weekend of і of the working committee mulgated the four final decla- sued a joint declaration can - krainian National Home, with laws, about moving the UNA here last week as the organi- convention committee with 22 branches, of the District's offices to a better location and November 27th and 28th. j chairmen on the society's in- rations adopted at this year's celling mutual 11th century zation's leadership met in a ten sub-c ommittees, each Close to 100 members and ternal problems and activi- session and then bid farewell excommunications that starts 37. represented. John O. Flis. preparations being made for three-day conference at thecharge d with specific func- chairman, opened the meeting the 1966 UNA convention. delegates attended the two - ties. Messrs. Osyp Zinkevych. to the 2.400 prelates taking ed a 900-year schism in Sherman House, the luxurious tions and responsibilities, was day sessions held at the U-Bakum. Heretz and Dorozyn- part in this great assembly. Christianity. Both leaders ex- hotel which will be the site of approved by all officers at- and gave his report on the Branch representatives re- krainian institute of Ameri- sky reported in that order. More than 100.000 Romans pressed hope that this step the assembly in May. 1966. tending the Sunday, Deccm- Committee's activities ported on the progress of ca and the local Ukrainian and pilgrims thronged St. Pe- may bring eventual reconcilia- Three members of the Ex- ber 5th meeting. Dr. Jaroslaw Padoch, Su- their membership drives and National Home. New Officers ter's Square for the impres- tion be t w e e n the two ecutive Committee, five mem- preme Secretary of the UNA. promised to continue their Churches. Heading the convention underscored that in this efforts in the final weeks of Joining Mr. Rymarenko on sive outdoor ceremonies end- bere of the Supreme Assenv committee is Mr. Stephen Ku- Keynote Speakers ing the Council which Pope The Ecumenical Council's bly, all executive officers of year's campaign nine district this year's campaign and thus the national executive com- ropas. Messrs. John Mychal- branches had thus far failed improve the standing of the Opening the congress on mittee for two-year terms are John ХХНІ had opened on ending came on the Feast of the Chicago District Commit- cewych and Lew Bodnar were October 11, 1962. The vatican the immaculate Conception, a tee and 23 UNA Branches to get any new members and New York Committee. At the Saturday was Mr. Michael the following members: Mi- designated vice-chairmen, and an inevitable consequence conclusion of the reports, a Hereto, outgoing president, chael Heretz. first vice-presi- published a Papal brief for- major holy day honoring the took part in the meeting, Messrs. Theodoeij Nosiewych mally closing the Council and Mother of Christ. The Pon- chaired by Stephen Kuropas. thereof might be the eventual discussion took place in which who welcomed the assembled dent. Olha Repetylo. second and vernard Korchinsky, sec- merging of several inactive the following participated: guests and delegates. Con-vice-president in charge of or- declaring it the greatest of tiff took the opportunity to Supreme vice-President. retaries. the 21 general assemblies of bless the cornerstone of a new branches with more active Messrs. S. Kowalchuk, 1. Wa- ducting the business sessions ganizational affairs, Raya Chairmen and assistant ones. Thus, he said, New York sylyszyn, M. Shpytko, A. Ko- was a presidium with Marko Keis, secretary, Oksana Ba the Church, it said all Ca- church here dedicated to the Early Planning tholics were bound to accept virgin Mary ond commemO; chairmen of the ten sub-com- finds itself in fourth place pystiansky, 1. Pryhoda, P. Ha- Tsarynnyk as chairman, and kum. activities, Bohdan Ha- Joseph Lesawyer, Supreme raitfees were selected as fol- among UNA district commit- rasym and Dr. A. Sokolyszyn. eiuk, press. Уазуі Kaminsky, its decisions, formulated in 16 rating the Ecumenical Maria Hodowanec and Raya declarations, which ushered Council. President, and Dr. Jaroslaw lows: Taras Shpikula and Ste- tecs in the campaign, despite Present at the meeting were Keis, secretaries. finances; auditing committee: in a new era for the Church The Pope also wrote special Padoch. Supreme Secretary, phen Pankiw. registration and the fact that the New York Mrs. Maria Demydchuk, UNA Delivering the keynote ad- Mrs. Anna Procyk, chairman, within and improved contacts spoke at length on plans and housing; Peter Pucilo and Mi- area has the largest Ukrain- Supreme Advisor from New dressee on Saturday were v. Bakum and O. Shevchenko, messages addressed to govv- with the rest of the world. ernment leaders, intellectuals. preparations that must be set chael Hinko, speakers and ian communisty in the free York, and a gue3t from Bos- Messrs. Paul D о r о z у nsky, members: arbitration board: in motion as early as possible honorary guests; John Evan- world, it was decided that ton. .Mass..--Miss Ann Cho- president of the central exe- Lubomyr Kalynych, chair- Attending all four sessions artists, women, the poor and of the Council were 16 Uk - the sick, and the youth. Hi to assure, a successful con- chuk and Myron Hrynewych. New York would seek a per- pek, also a UNA Supreme Ad- ctitive board, who spoke on man, M. Tsarynnyk and Na- vention. faking part in thebanquet ; Mrs. Helen Olek and manent membership organiz- visor, who greeted the repre- the role of "Zarevo" in thetali a Chytra, members. rainian Catholic prelates from repeated his plea for universal various parts of the world, peace and brotherhood as he discussion which followed the Nicholas Kosarchyn, journal; er. sentatives on behalf of her Ukrainian community, and Featured performers at Sat- presentation of draft outlines Myron Kuropas and Peter Ku- Mr. Joseph Lesawyer, Su- District. Dr. Roman Holiat volodymyr Bakum, who dealt urday night's reception were led by Josyf Cardinal Slipyj bid farewell to the prelates and Metropolitans Ambrose in Latin, "ite in Pace",—"Go and various proposals, were llsh, social activities; Wolody- preme President, gave an served as'secretary during the with duties and responsibili- popular humorists M у k о 1 a Messrs. Peter Pucilo and John myr Nychay and Nicholas La- overall report of UNA work meeting. ties of "Zarevo" as a student Ponedilok and ivan Kernyts- Senyshyn of Philadelphia and in Peace." Evanchuk, both members of ba, press; Nicholas Olek and society. ky. and the "Caravana" male the UNA Supreme Auditing Nicholas Senchyshak. public Reports of the outgoing quartette of Newark. N. J. Committee, Mrs. Helen Olek. relations; Stephen Goliash Chicago UNA Branch Contributes Bishop Alexander Consecrated Taras Shpikula and Myron B. and Wolodymyr Berezan. con- ^ Kuropas, Supreme Advisors, cert; John Krasnyk and Ro- 41,554 to University Chair Fund Problems of Higher Education Branch Marks At Ceremony in Chicago as well as local branch officers man Dublanycia, sports ac- CHICAGO, HI. - ву virtue Discussed at TUSM Conference who had attended UNA con tivities; Olha Kozak and Ma- of its generous gift of Sl.554. 10th Anniversary ventions in the past and ry Jackiw, women's activities. the Ukrainian National Asso- -TJfe critical need for the CLEVELAND, О. - л con- Stat"" psychological brain ciation Branch 131. named in firet Ukrainian professorship wishing of students in '.otili-j whose know-how and experi- The sub-committees will be ference devoted in part to the ence will be of great value in honor of the late Metropoli-1 was the central theme of the problems of higher education tarian states, and the lmpor- enlarged by additional mem- tan Andrew Sheptytsky.
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