rA Edited by H. CERNSBACK vai UI I 7- 4:1i RADIO MAGAZINE EXPERIMENTERR PUBL13HING COMPANY, NEW YORK, PUBLIS--IERS OF OTOR CA www.americanradiohistory.com RADIO TUBES The /deal TUBE f> Vacation CNN;4GNAM C''TECT17R - AAIPLIF7 ER N100EL C 299 pA,EbYED Time AT the seashore -in one of our great national parks, or while motoring you will find the Cunningham Dry Battery Detector and Ampli- fier, Type C -299, the ideal Tube for your port- able receiving set. The special filament of this tube having a cur- rent so low that it may receive its supply from standard No. 6 Dry batteries or even from or- dinary flashlight batteries, makes possible this entertaining application of Radio in places far remote. Your dealer caw give you useful suggestions for the purchase or construction of a highly efficient and prac- tical portable Radio Set. Make this a Radio Summer. Cunningham C -299 Detector and Amplifier Tube C -299 3 volts .06 amp. Dry Battery Detector and Amplifier $5.00 Other Cunningham Radio Tubes C- 301A -6 Volts 1 -4 amp. Amplifier $5.00 C -300 -6 Volts Gas Content Detector $5.00 C- 11 -1.1 Volts .25 amp. Dry Battery Detector & Amplifier, Special Base $5.00 C- 12- Similar to C -11 with standard base $5.00_ Cyunnpaingha m tud bes aOSre cove3 Patent Notices 2- , 2- 1 -re12d bt ent s date IS 12- 30 -13, 10- 23 -17, 10 -23 -17 and others issued and -,en- pending. Licensed for amateur, experimental and tertainment use in radio communication. Any other use will be an infringement. .. Cunningham 40 -page Data Book fully explaining care and operation of Radio Tubes now available -moi by sending 1Oc in stamps to San Francisco office. Home Office: Branch 182 SECOND STREET Branch CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO NEW YORK www.americanradiohistory.com Radio l'Tews for August, 1924 145 %j4j TOWER'S ?if.! '' 1 r \`( ll\\ r. ti ) \,_\ lx to HEADSETS As in Transportation, American Gen- ius has progressed from the old -fash- ioned, clumsy, obsolete phones of un- certain accuracy to the modern WEIGHS TOWER'S ONLY SCIENTIFIC 8oz HEADSET Lightest of all in weight, higher re- sistance, with elimination of distor- tion. Longer cord (full 5 ft.) With increased production follows price reduction. As the LARGEST EXCLUSIVE MFGRS. of head- sets in THE COUNTRY, we are able to produce the TOWER'S SCIENTIFIC Headset at the low price of $2.95. NO' Companies of more limited pro- vv duction could not afford to sell p/ris a e such quality phones at anywhere Ce zfsPosfcye near this price. OUR PROTECTION Every set tested and approved by licensed radio operators. Every set covered with money -back guarantee. Production, over one million double headsets for this season. Order at once by post card and we will ship immediately by Parcel Post C. O. D. THE TOWER, MFG Go 98DrBrooldine Ave,Bostor,,Mass. r- ` , : .=; :. scicnZ`ific .,, .-a ..1 www.americanradiohistory.com \ } 1' Ott .111111111P .r 'Mr - - i xrd a> -y. Published by EXPERIMENTER PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC., Publishers of "Radio News." "Science and Invention," "Practical Eleetrics" and "Motor Camper & Tourist." Editorial and General Offices: 53 Park PL, N. Y. C. 'I J H. GERNSBACK, President. S. GERNSBACK, Treasurer. R. W. DEMOTT, Secretary. MEMBER: AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS VOL. 6 CONTENTS FOR AUGUST NO. 2 1924 Page Page Editorial By Hugo Gernsback 153 Saving Tubes with Reflex Circuits By John Scott-Taggart 180 The Solodyne Principle Nuisance By G. V. Dowdirg and P. D. Rogers 154 Reducing the Summer Static By L. W. Hatry 183 Solodyne Circuit Using S: andard Tubes By A. D. Cowper 157 With the Amateurs 184 Working Vacuum Tubes Without "B" Batteries Ripples, Normal and Abnormal By Edward W. Berry 186 -Solodyne Principle.... E y 'John Scott -Taggart 158 Radio Signals the Super- Heterodyne on Wheels The Effect of Fog Upon Putting A. 187 By S. R. Winters 160 By A. Kubiac Radiation Eliminator Prize Contest - 187 The New French Broadcast Station 161 $500 162 Reflexing a Tuned Radio Frequency Receiver Radio Pictorial By Clyde J. Fitch 188 Radio News in Pictures 164 What to Expect from Your Radio Receiving Smith 168 By Paul G. Watson 189 Allez, Houpla I By lobert Francis Set By R. N. Jones 190 Esperanto Radio World Language A Real DX Transmitter 11 By James D. Sayers 169 Principles of C.W. and Radiophone Transmission ` By L. R. Felder 191 The Tropadyne Circuit By Clyde J. Fitch 170 and Reception Awards of the $50 Radio Wrinkle Contest 192 Expanding the Beginner's Set, ...By A. P. Peck 173 Radio Humor 194 How to Build Radio Sets.. By H. E. Benedict 173 Radiotics 194 The Importance of the Trivial, Part II By Sir Oliver Lodge 176 Standard Hook -Ups 195 Radio Does Not Electrocute 177 Correspondence from Readers 197 II Loud Speaker Works on 2rystal Radio News Laboratories 198 l B- Capt. S. A. Huss 178 mna "xmnuimmn New Radio Patents 200 Oscillations By Willard '.Wilson 179 I- Want -To -Know 201 Argentina Radio Broadcast Advertising in 230 By R. A. Gibson 179 Calls Heard Index to Advertisers 148 There are 12 RADIO NEWS is for sale at all newsstands in the United States and Canade, I is published on the 10th of earl preceding mont[.. Building, RADIO NEWS $2.50 a year in U. S. and possessions. also at The International News Co., Ltd., Bream's London, E. C. 4, n.sabers per year. Subscription price is Stamps 'England, and at Brentano's, 37 Avenue de l'Opera, Paris. as U. S. I $3.00 a year. U. S. Coin as well countries, - Canada and foreign Single copies, 25 cents each. A sample copy HOW TO SUBSCRIBE FOR RADIO NEWS. Send your name, address and accetta_d (no foreign coins or stamps). should be drawn to order remittance to Experimenter Publishing Co., 53 Park Place, New York. Mens ion clac' gratis on request. Checks and money orders We also publish SCIENCE AND / will be sent CO., INC. name of the magazine you are ordering. ISYEN- of EXmERIMENTER PUBLISHING to TION, PRACTICAL ELECTRIC$ and MOTOR CAMPER & TOURIST. Write early. and contributions to this journal should be addressed AL communications York, N. Y. Unaccepted contributions RATES AND TERMS. The subscription rate for RADIO NEWS is $2.50 per RADIO NEWS, 53 Park Place, New When remitting do so by check, money order, or registerel Editt, full postage has been inclètded. All accepted contributions year. (12 numbers). canna be returned sinless rate is raid for novel experiments; good letter if cash is enclosed. Avoid sending cash through the mail if possible. Sub- are laid for on publication. 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Copy- several creeks to make an address change 'on our records. write clearly not be reproduced without giving full subscription we enclose a renew-al blank in our las: and rust reproduction os articles in Germany is reserved ON EXPIRATION of your right n Germany. Publication and number to you; we stop our delivery to you on expiration. for T -adio, Berlin 42, Germany. Kansas City Advertising Representatives Western Advertising Representatives Pacific Coast Advertising Representatives City - George F. New York & McClure A. J. Norris Hill Co. Dillon Dept. Finnan Republic Building, Kansas Mo. General Advertising 720 Casa St., Chicago, II. Hearst Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. City, 53 Park Place i www.americanradiohistory.com Radio News for August, 1924 147 lIEU APERED 6RIF fliAL r- ì TRADE MARK P. EG. U.S. PAT. O Fft first tuning dials were ungain- THEly in appearance and crude in "A slight desiation leads to a great error." performance. Some years ago this - Confucius company perfected the Tapered Grip In tuning in the distant sta- Dial, moulded from lustrous black tions there must he unfailing precision. The Grebe Ta- bakelite, that has since become stand - pered Grip Dial gives that precision. ard equipment on all Grebe Receivers. This and other details of Grebe craftsmanship are fully protected by patents granted and pending. Ask your Dealer or write us Grebe Regenerative Receivers are licensed A. H. GREBE & CO., INC. under Armstrong U.S. Pat. No. 1,113,149, Van Wyck Blvd. - Richmond Hill, N. Y. Oct. 6, 1914 Western Branch: 451 E. 3rd St., Los Angeles, Calif. www.americanradiohistory.com l45 Radio News for August, 1924 Index to Advertisers Page Page " Page Page Radio Rabat Compnay, The 250 A Diamond Electric Specialties K Corp. 265 Radio Shack, The 276 277 Kellogg Switchboard & Supply Radio Specialty Company 239 Ackerman Brothers, Inc Dictograph Products Corpora- Co. 218 Company 152 250 Radio Tube Exchange 268 Acme Apparatus tion Keystone Elec. & Radio Co 242 Co 255 Albert E 262 Radio Tube Hospital 266 Adams- Morgan Dieterich, Kilbourne & Clark Mfg.
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