CITY OF ORILLIA Council Committee Meeting Monday, February 1, 2021 2:45 p.m. - Closed Session 4:00 p.m. - Open Session A G E N D A Notice: This meeting will be held electronically. Residents are encouraged to watch the meeting on Rogers TV or online beginning at 4:00 p.m. The portion of the meeting occurring prior to 4:00 p.m., with the exception of Closed Session, will be recorded and available for public viewing on the City's website at orillia.ca. Page Open Session Chair - Mayor S. Clarke Call to Order Approval of Agenda Disclosure of Interest Minutes - January 11, 2021 Council Committee Closed Session Motion to move into Closed Session "THAT, pursuant to Section 239(4) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, notice is hereby given that Council Committee intends to hold a closed session meeting to deal with matters pursuant to Section 239(2) (b) and (d) of the said Act (Personal and Personnel Matters)." Closed Session Items 1. Union Negotiations Working Group - re IBEW Environment and Infrastructure Services Union Negotiations Update. File: L04-I- (Personnel) 2. Boards and Committees Selection Panel - re Committee Appointments. File: C13-GEN (Personal) Page 1 of 78 Page Motion to Rise to Open Session Open Session - 4:00 p.m. Motions Arising from Closed Session Discussions Consent Agenda Board Reports 5 - 10 1. Boards and Committees Selection Panel - re Composition of the Active Transportation Committee. File: C12-ATCXC01-2021- THAT this Committee recommends to Council that as recommended in Report SEL-21-02 dated January 22, 2021 from the Boards and Committees Selection Panel, Chapter 118 of the City of Orillia Municipal Code - Active Transportation Committee be amended to reduce the composition of the Committee from eleven members to nine members, including an amendment to reduce the maximum number of non-resident local representatives from four to three members; AND THAT staff be directed to prepare the appropriate by-law. Council Referrals 11 - 20 1. County of Simcoe - re County Orillia Campus Development Request for City of Orillia Affordable Housing Incentives. File: A16-COS a) Report - Development Services and Engineering Department. THAT this Committee recommends to Council that Report DSE-21-05 dated January 22, 2021 from the Development Services and Engineering Department regarding the County of Simcoe's financial incentives request for the County Orillia Campus development at 2 Borland Street be received as information. 21 - 49 2. Deputy Clerk - re Banning Single-Use Plastics. File: E07-GEN a) Report - Environment and Infrastructure Services Department. THAT this Committee recommends to Council that as recommended in Report EIS-21-01 dated January 27, 2021 from the Environment and Infrastructure Services Department, the Government of Canada’s proposed plan to ban or restrict certain single-use plastics across Canada as reported in its discussion paper entitled “A proposed integrated management approach to plastic products to prevent waste and pollution" be supported in principle; Page 2 of 78 Page AND THAT the Government of Canada be encouraged to support full extended producer responsibility, and where single-use products and packaging items cannot be managed properly and where alternatives can be utilized, the City supports the use of restrictions, bans or requirements that reduce the risk of plastic pollution; AND THAT a copy of this report be forwarded to The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Environment and Climate Change. Departmental Reports 51 - 53 1. Environment and Infrastructure Services Department - re Outstanding Waste Minimization Plan Items. File: E07-GEN THAT this Committee recommends to Council that as recommended in Report EIS-21-02 dated January 27, 2021 from the Environment and Infrastructure Services Department, Recommendations 6b, 12b, 12c, 13c, 13d and 22 of the City of Orillia’s 2016 Waste Minimization Plan be referred to and included as recommendations within the City’s 2021 Waste Minimization Plan for further consideration. 55 - 72 2. Environment and Infrastructure Services Department - re Clear Plastic Garbage Bag Collection Program. File: E07-GEN THAT this Committee recommends to Council that as recommended in Report EIS-21-03 dated January 27, 2021 from the Environment and Infrastructure Services Department, Chapter 877 of the City of Orillia Municipal Code - Solid Waste Management be amended as set out in Schedule "A" of the report effective February 7, 2022. 73 - 78 3. Economic Recovery Task Force - re Economic Recovery Funding. File: D02-GEN THAT this Committee recommends to Council that as recommended in Report ERTF-21-01 dated January 27, 2021 from the Economic Recovery Task Force, the allocation of $60,000 be authorized from the Social Assistance and Economic Recovery COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund to the Economic Recovery Task Force, subject to use of these funds being approved by the City of Orillia Emergency Management Committee for economic recovery projects which align with the Economic Recovery Task Force's mandate. Enquiries 1. Councillor Cipolla will introduce the following enquiry: THAT this Committee recommends to Council that staff be directed to prepare a report with respect to the following: Page 3 of 78 Page The current budget and expenditures with respect to tree planting in the City of Orillia, including the feasibility of increasing funding. 2. Councillor Emond will introduce the following enquiry: THAT this Committee recommends to Council that staff be directed to prepare a report with respect to the following: The feasibility of developing a Strategic Initiatives/Business Development Decision Matrix that would help guide Council when deliberating on proposed community, economic and/or business development initiatives. Announcements Open Public Forum Members of the public wishing to speak during Open Public Forum must pre-register by Monday, February 1, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. To pre-register, please contact the Corporate Services/Legal Department, Clerk's Division, at 705-325-1311 or at [email protected]. Please note that the Open Public Forum period is limited to a maximum of 30 minutes, with each speaker allotted a maximum of 5 minutes. The first six registrants will be guaranteed the opportunity to speak. Adjournment Page 4 of 78 CITY OF ORILLIA TO: Council Committee – February 1, 2021 FROM: Boards and Committees Selection Panel DATE: January 22, 2021 REPORT NO: SEL-21-02 SUBJECT: Composition of the Active Transportation Committee Recommended Motion THAT Chapter 118 of the City of Orillia Municipal Code – Active Transportation Committee be amended to reduce the composition of the Committee from eleven (11) members to nine (9) members, including an amendment to reduce the maximum number of non-resident local representatives from four (4) to three (3); AND THAT staff be directed to prepare the appropriate by-law. Purpose The purpose of this report is to provide the recommendations of the Selection Panel to Council Committee regarding the composition of the Active Transportation Committee. Background and Key Facts • The Selection Panel provides appointment recommendations in accordance with City Policy - Procedures for Appointment of Members - Selection Panel Guidelines. • Vacancies on City Boards and Committees occur as a result of: o a member having served the maximum term o a member resigning for various reasons mid-term o a member not wishing to serve for an additional consecutive term o a member being deemed to have resigned for attendance below 50% • Advertising in the City’s Bulletin Board and on the City’s website has been ongoing since the fall of 2020 and is updated regularly as additional vacancy information is received in accordance with City Policy - Procedures for Appointment of Members - Advertising Vacancies. Options & Analysis The Selection Panel reviewed all memberships and applications as part of the annual review starting in November 2020, and again on January 22, 2021 resulting in public appointment recommendations being made to Council Committee in Closed Session along with the following additional motion: Page 5 of 78 Page 2 of 3 THAT Chapter 118 of the City of Orillia Municipal Code – Active Transportation Committee be amended to reduce the composition of the Committee from eleven (11) members to nine (9) members, including an amendment to reduce the maximum number of non-resident local representatives from four (4) to three (3); AND THAT staff be directed to prepare the appropriate by-law. The Active Transportation Committee has experienced a significant changeover in membership, and over recent years, it has been a challenge to keep the eleven (11) member committee fully appointed. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the numbers of applications being received generally. To assist the Active Transportation Committee in continuing its work through pandemic and membership challenges, it is suggested that a nine (9) member Committee will more easily achieve quorum while continuing to provide a sufficient number of citizen volunteers for initiatives undertaken (such as: preparing an application for a Bicycle Friendly Community Award; reviewing transportation matters with staff resources for active transportation opportunities; and most recently, looking to find synergies with the Health and Wellness sector of Sustainable Orillia). The current qualifications also allow for up to four (4) members to be appointed from the neighbouring townships, and it is proposed that the amendment reduce that number to three (3) so that no more than one-third of the membership is made up of non-residents. Schedule “A” provides the proposed amendments to Chapter 118 of the City of Orillia Municipal Code – Active Transportation Committee. Financial Impact Remuneration applies to members appointed to these Committees in accordance with Schedule ‘B’ of Chapter 493 of the City of Orillia Municipal Code – Remuneration – Expenses resulting in payments that total approximately $26,000 per year. The proposed amendment would reduce the annual total by $600 ($300 per member).
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