c><^!^<c><><>e>e<><><><><>0<><^^ I 1 INDEX % 4 I I% i% I I I I I ! ! ! '5*3K>^00<><><><3><3><3><><><3><><^^ <^^^^^><^><^><£^><^^ Index Aascher, Abraham, 290 Aleman, Miguel, 201 Abbreviations, list of, 452 Alexander Kohut Memorial Foundation, Abdullah, King of Hashemite Jordan, 179, 454 405, 410 Algeria, 425, 432-34 Aberg, Einar, 62, 296 Ail-American Conference against Com- Abrahams, I., 269 munism, 84 Abrevaya, Dr., 303 Allgemeine Wochenzeitung der Juden in Academic Council for Hebrew Univer- Deutschland, 321 sity, 463 Alliance Israelite Universelle, 278, 387, Acheson, Dean, 116, 117, 375 412, 418, 420, 440, 428, 429, 430, Achron, Joseph, 186 431-32, 435 Actions Committee of the Labor Zionist Alliance Israelite Universelle, American Movement in Canada, 466 Friends of, 455 Actors' Equity Association, 60 Alliance Voice—Farband Shtimme, 485 Adato, Salomon, 302 Alpha Epsilon Phi Women's Fraternity, Adenauer, Konrad, 313, 319 459 Adler, Nettie, 250 Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity, 459 Adler, Robert, 186 Alpha Omega Fraternity, 459 Afghanistan, 406-07 Alpha Zeta Omega, 460 Africa, population, 197, 199 L'Amandier Fleuri, 280 Africa (see also North Africa, South Ambijan Bulletin, 335, 336 Africa) American Academy for Jewish Research, Aged, care of, 136-37, 156 Inc., 179, 454 ' Agudas Achim, 291 American Association of English-Jewish Agudas Israel World Organization, 444, Newspapers, 454 447, 448, 456 American Association for Jewish Educa- Agudath Israel of America, Inc., 87, 121, tion, 99, 109, 122, 456. 131, 456 American Association of School Ad- Agudath Israel of America, Inc. Chil- ministrators, 75 dren's Division—Pirchei Agudath American Association of University Israel, 456 Women, 81 Agudath Israel of America, Inc. Girls' American Bar Association (ABA) , 441 Division—Bnos Agudath Israel, 456 American Biblical Encyclopedia Society, Agudath Israel of America, Inc., Wo- 454 men's Division—X'Shei Agudath Is- American Birobijdan Committee (AM- rael, 456 BIJAN), 335, 455 Agudath Israel of America, Inc., Youth American Bowling Congress, 81, 82, 85 Division—Zeirei Agudath Israel, 456 American Camping Association, 60 Agudath Israel of Belgium, 286, 325, American Christian Palestine Commit- 387 tee, 119, 376 Aharonowits, Zalman, 379 American Civil Liberties Union, 26, 62- Ahmed Izzet, Mohammed, 415 63 L'Aide a Israel, 281 American Committee for Hebrew Uni- Aide aux Israelites Victimes de la versity. Weizmann Institute and Guerre. 287 Haifa Technion, 121, 131 Air Force (see Armed Forces) American Committee of Jewish Writers, Akko, 436 Artists and Scientists, Inc., 453 Akorokov, V., 335, 336 American Committee for National Sick Albany Hebrew Congregation, Albany, Fund of Israel, Inc., 463 Ga., 96 American Committee of OSE, Inc., 455 559 560 INDEX American Committee for Relief of American Jewish Physicians' Committee, Yemenite Jews, Israel, 455 463 American Committee for Weizmann In- American Jewish Outlook, 488 stitute of Science, Inc., 463 American Jewish Review, 485 American Committee of Universal Yeshi- American Jewish Times—Outlook, 487 vah of Jerusalem, 463 American Jewish World, 485 American Council on Education, 43, 75 American Jewish Year Book, 179, 485 American Council of Jewish Fraternal The American Klansman, 70 Organizations, 460 American Legion, 84 American Council for Judaism, 83, 119, American Liberty Press, 67 123, 453 American Medical Association, 38-39, American Council on Race Relations, 81 75, 77 American Memorial to Six Million Jews American Economic Committee for of Europe, Inc., 454 Palestine, Inc., 463 American Nurses Association, 38, 81 American Eretz Israel Corporation— American ORT Federation—Organiza- AMEIC, 120, 463 tion for Rehabilitation Through American Ethical Union, 79 Training, 455 American Federation of Jews from Cen- American ORT Federation, Women's tral Europe, Inc., 460 American ORT, 455 American Federation of Labor, 80, 119 American ORT Federation, Young American Federation for Lithuanian Men's and Women's ORT, 455 Jews, 460 American Palestine Corporation, 120 American Federation for Polish Jews of American Patriots, 67 the American Alliance of Jewish American Pro-Falasha Committee, Inc., Polish Societies, Inc., 460 455 American Friends of the Hebrew Uni- American Red Morgan Dovid for Israel, versity, Inc., 188, 463 Inc., 121, 463 American Fund for Israel Institutions, American Technion Society, 463 121, 463 American Veterans' Committee, 63 American Hebrew, 485 American Zionist Council, 110, 117, 118, American Hungarian Jewish Federation- 414, 463 Inc, 460 American Zionist Youth Commission, American Intelligence Agency, 67 464 American Israelite, 487 Americans for Democratic Action, 63 American Jewish Archives, 180, 488 L'Amite Judeo-Chretienne, 278 American Jewish Bibliography, 490-500 AMPAL—American Palestine Trading American Jewish Bibliography (see also Corporation, 464 literature, scholarship) Anglo-Israel Friendship Association, 247 American Jewish Committee, 75, 77, 82, Anglo-Jewish Association, 243, 250, 440 83, 84, 85, 123, 124, 179, 216, 220, Anglo-Saxon Christian Congregation, 66 361, 408, 414, 420, 440, 453, 525-37 Anniversaries, congregational (see under American Jewish Congress, 41, 63, 75, name of congregation) 84, 85, 186, 414, 453 L'Annuaire du Judaisme, 276 American Jewish Congress, Women's Ansche Chesed, Erie, Pa., 96 Division, 453 Anski Cultural Union, 289 American Jewish Historical Society, 454 Anti-Communist League, 67 American Jewish Joint Agricultural Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, Corporation, 455 43, 82, 84, 85, 453 American Jewish Joint Distribution Anti-Jewish agitation, 61-70 Committee, Inc. (JDC) 125, 127-28, Anti-Semitism (see anti-Jewish agita- 209, 220, 227, 259, 275, 279, 285, 287, tion, employment, education, etc; 289, 292, 294, 307, 310, 311, 316, 320, see also individual countries outside 322, 325, 343, 346, 350, 351, 359, 360, of U.S.) 363, 369, 371, 407, 411, 417, 422, 429, Apartheid, 261, 263 432, 435, 436, 455 L'Appel Unifie, 1950, 281 American Jewish Journal, 484 Apenszlak, Jacob, obituary, 501 American Jewish Labor Council, 84, 453 Arab League, 405-06 American Jewish League Against Com- Arab Legion, 405 munism, Inc., 453 Arab refugees, 115, 116, 119, 405 INDEX 561 Arazi, Tuviah, 304 Bailey, Dorothy, 23 Arbeiter Wort, 283 Bakr, Abdullah I., 415 Arcand, Adrian, 242 Baltimore Board of Jewish Education, Arcavy, Isaac, 219 107 Archives et Musee d'Art Populaire Juif, Bamberger, Bernard J., 183 284 Banchik, Simje, 223 Argentina, 214-23 Bannet, Ivor, 250 Argentiner Beymelekh, 222 Barasch, Polia, 353, 354 A.R.I.F.—Association Pour La Recon- Barden Bill, 50 struction des Institutions et Oeuvres Barker, Dudley, 241, 242 Israelites en France, 455 Bar-Levav, Reuben, 178 Arkansas Education Association, 81 Bar Mitzvah, 103, 105-06 Armed Forces, discrimination in, 60-61 Baron, Abraham, obituary, 501 Armstrong, George W., 68 Baron De Hirsch Fund, 462 Army (see Armed Forces) Baruch, Bernard, 356 Arnold, Karl, 319 Batshaw, Harry, 233 Aronson, Arnold, article by, 29-39 Battersby, J. Larrat, 266 Artakov, A., 190 Baum, Marie, 320 Asch, Sholem, 168 Bavli, Hillel, 178 Asher, Court, 68 Bayar, C, 298 Ashkenazy, Maurice, 252, 253 Baylinson, Abraham S., obituary, 501 Asia, population, 195, 196-97, 199 Bayonne Jewish Community Council, Asociaci6n Mutual Israelita Argentina— 108 Chevra Kedisha of Buenos Aires, 214 Bedell-Smith, Walter, 329 Asociac6n Poale Sion-Zeire Sion, 219 Beigin, Menahem, 206, 212 Aspects de la France, 277 Beirut, Boleslaw, 337 Assembled Generate de la Communaute Belarsky, Sidor, 185 Juive, 303 Belgium, 273, 274, 285-87 Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen, Benbaron, David, 431 243 Ben Gurion, David, 123, 124, 130, 132, Association of Orthodox Jewish Sci- 333, 342, 356, 371, 375, 376, 378, 379, entists, 45 384, 387, 389 Association of Private Office Personnel Ben-Haim, 189 Agencies, 35 Ben Isaiah, Abraham, 184 Association of Yugoslav Jews in the Ben-Tuvim, Arie, 238 United States, Inc., 460 Beraud, Henri, 278 Astruk, Herschel, 361 Berg, Albert A., 88 Atkinson, Henry A., 118 Berg Memorial House (see Moretz and Atlanta (Ga.), 73-74 Josephine Berg Memorial House of Attack, 67 Living Judaism) Aufbau, 485 Bergelson, David, 334 Australia, 196-97, 199, 251-60 Berger, Morroe, articles by, 22-29, 57-61 Australian Jewish Historical Society, Bergner, Hertz, 257 257 Berk, Fred, 186 Australian Jewish Welfare Societies, 259 Berkson, Isaac, 109 Australian Natives' Association, 257 Berl Katzenelson Institute, 124 Austria, 322-25 Berman, Adolph, 345 Automobile Club of Minneapolis, 71 Bernadotte, Folke, 296 Autonomous School of Cuba, 209, 210 Bernheimer, Charles, 97 Avenburg, Moses, 217 Bernstein, Aviasaf, 189 Avriel, Ehud, 357 Bernstein, Edgar, article by, 261-72 Avshalomov, Jacob, 188 Bernstein, Leonard, 187 Aynikeit, 334 Bernstein, Misha, 333 Ayoubi, Ali Joudat, 412 Bernstein, Philip, article by, 132-42 Bet-Am, 362 Bachad, 113, 289 Bet Hanoar, 123 Badouin, Prince, 285 Beta Sigma Rho, 460 Baeck, Leo, 244 Beth Din (London), 447 Baerwald, Paul, 279 Beth Din of America, Inc., 456 Baerwald School (see Ecold Baerwald) Beth El, Fort Worth, Tex., 96 562 INDEX Beth Israel, Hempstead, L. I., 96 Brandeis University, 47 Beth Jacob Schools, 108 Brandeis Youth Foundation, Inc., 464 Bezalel National Museum, 394 Brandon, David H., 209 Bialik. Mosad (Bialik Foundation), 177, Branover, David Stichkin, 224 389 Breuer, Jacob, 183 Bialostocki, I., 340 Brill, David, 324 Bible News Flashes, 67 Briscoe, Abraham, 249 Bible reading, 49-50 Brit Trumpeldor of America, Inc.— Bibliography (see literature,
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