CITY OF HOLLAND, MICHIGAN ANNUAL BUDGET For the Fiscal Year July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017 Prepared in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 9.4 through 9.5 of the Charter of the City of Holland and State of Michigan Public Act 2 of 1968, as amended through Public Act 493 of 2000 HOLLAND CITY COUNCIL Nancy De Boer Mayor Wayne Klomparens Council Member, At Large Quincy Byrd Council Member, At Large Myron Trethewey Council Member, First Ward Jay Peters Council Member, Second Ward Brian Burch Council Member, Third Ward Brian Lynn Council Member, Fourth Ward Todd Whiteman Council Member, Fifth Ward David Hoekstra Council Member, Sixth Ward TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY OF HOLLAND ANNUAL BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2017 MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION & FINANCIAL OVERVIEW Organization Vision and Mission / Work and Action Plan Process 2 City Manager's Budget Message 6 Attachments A through E of Budget Message 19 Organizational Chart 31 Community Profile 32 Population Trends and Demographics 34 History of the City 37 Trends of Significant Revenues 41 Financial Policies and Guidelines 47 Annual Budget Resolution 50 PROPERTY TAXES Average Property Tax Distribution 53 2016 (FY2017) Property Taxable Valuation Roll Delineated by Property Classification 54 2016 (FY2017) Property Taxable Valuation Roll by School District and County 55 2016 (FY2017) Property Taxable Valuation Roll Delineated by Property Type 56 Brownfield Redevelopment Authority Tax Increment Financing Plans 61 Property Tax Rate and Levy 64 Property Assessment Rolls Expressed as Taxable Valuations 65 1% Property Tax Administration Fee 66 Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Property Assessment Roll, Tax Rate & Tax Levy 67 Assessments by Percentage and Class 68 Millage Rate History - City of Holland 70 Supplemental Information - Ten Largest Taxpayers 72 FUND SUMMARIES Budget Fund Structure 74 Department/Fund Relationship 75 Fund Descriptions 76 Funds by Type with Adopted Appropriations 85 Revenue and Expenditure Summaries - Governmental Funds 86 Fund Equity Estimates - Governmental Funds 88 Revenue, Expenditure and Fund Equity Estimates - Component Units 89 Revenue and Expense Summaries - Proprietary Funds 90 Fund Equity Estimates - Proprietary Funds 92 Working Capital Estimates - Proprietary Funds 94 Reserve Estimates - Proprietary Funds 95 Summary of Sources and Applications Across All Fund Types 96 Financing Sources, Uses & Fund Equity Across All Funds 100 3-Year Financial Summary - Governmental and Component Unit Funds 102 3-Year Financial Summary - Enterprise Funds 105 3-Year Financial Summary - Internal Service Funds 106 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Fund Summary 108 Funding Sources 110 Funding Uses 114 TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY OF HOLLAND ANNUAL BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2017 GROUPS Summary of All Groups 120 MANAGEMENT & ADMINISTRATION Introduction 123 Group Summary 125 City Council 126 City Manager 129 Elections/Voter Registration 135 City Attorney 138 City Clerk 140 Human Resources 143 Volunteer Services 146 Human Relations Commission 149 Contingencies 159 Cable TV Public Access Fund 161 FISCAL SERVICES Introduction 163 Group Summary 165 Finance 166 Independent Audit 169 Assessing 171 Treasurer 173 Insurance - Unallocated 174 Transfers to Other Funds 176 Budget Stabilization 177 Revolving Cash Assistance Fund 178 Specified Donations Fund 179 City Hall Employees Benefit Fund 180 PUBLIC SAFETY Introduction 181 Group Summary 183 Public Safety 184 Police Criminal Justice Training Fund 190 Police Employees Benefit Fund 191 Fire Vehicle and Equipment Pool Fund 192 TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY OF HOLLAND ANNUAL BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2017 TRANSPORTATION Introduction 193 Group Summary 195 Streets Division 197 Management/Engineering 199 MVH Major Streets Fund 201 MVH Local Streets Fund 202 Allegan County Road Tax Fund 203 Ottawa County Road Tax Fund 204 Street Improvements Reserve Fund 205 Downtown Snowmelt Operating Fund 207 Depot Operations Fund 209 Municipal Airport Facilities & Management Fund 210 Public Transit Facilities & Management Fund 212 Transportation Employees Benefit Fund 213 Centralized Vehicle/Equipment Fund 214 COMMUNITY & NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES Introduction 217 Group Summary 219 City Hall & Grounds 220 Planning & Zoning 223 Environmental Health & Inspections 226 Construction Inspections 229 Social Services 232 Housing & Neighborhoods 233 Economic Development Assistance 236 8th Street Market 239 Downtown Parking System Fund 241 Downtown Development Authority Fund (Component Unit) 244 Downtown Principal Shopping District Fund 247 Dangerous Structures Fund 250 Solid Waste Recycling Fund 253 Brownfield Redevelopment Authority Fund (Component Unit) 256 PARKS & RECREATION Introduction 259 Group Summary 261 Cemeteries 265 Parks & Recreation Administration 267 Recreation 268 Parks 270 DeGraaf Nature Center 272 Cultural Activities Assistance 275 Civic Center 276 Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund 278 Herrick District Library Taxation Fund 279 Windmill Island Gardens Fund 280 TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY OF HOLLAND ANNUAL BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2017 PARKS & RECREATION cont. Park & Cemetery Employees Benefit Fund 284 Holland Historical Trust Fund (Component Unit) 285 UTILITY FUNDS Board of Public Works: Introduction 288 Group Summary 290 Electric Fund 291 Wastewater Fund 295 Water Fund 299 INTERNAL SERVICES FUNDS Introduction 303 Group Summary 305 Technology Services Fund 306 Fuel Dispensing Fund 310 Postage Services Fund 312 Communications Services Fund 315 Compensated Absences Fund 316 Risk Management Summary 318 Employee Workers Compensation Insurance Fund 321 Employee Disability Insurance Fund 322 Employee Health and Dental Insurance Fund 323 Vehicle Insurance Fund 324 Property Insurance Fund 325 Liability Insurance Fund 326 CAPITAL PROJECTS Introduction 327 Group Summary 330 Municipal Capital Improvements Fund 331 Street Capital Projects Fund 340 Sidewalk Improvements Capital Projects Fund 347 Utilities 5-Year Capital Improvement Program 348 TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY OF HOLLAND ANNUAL BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2017 APPENDICES Appendix A - Personnel Full-Time Employee Trends 357 Part-Time Employee Trends 360 Fulll-Time Summary by Department 361 Full-Time Summary by Service Group and Fund 362 Part-Time Summary by Department 364 Part-Time Summary by Service Group and Fund 365 Detail of Approved Positions by Group 367 Appendix B - Capital Outlay Capital Outlay by Group: Management & Administration 395 Public Safety 396 Transportation 397 Parks & Recreation 398 Board of Public Works Utilities 399 Internal Services 402 Capital Outlay - Controlled Type Items 403 Appendix C - Debt Service Legal Debt Limitation and Margin 408 Debt Service Funds - Across All LTGO Bond Issues 410 Debt Service - Taxation & Cash Control 411 Debt Service - Building Authority Construction Bonds 412 Debt Service - Special Assessment Bonds (Summary of Outstanding Issues) 413 Debt Service - Energy Performance Bonds 417 Detail of Remaining Debt Requirements 418 Appendix D - Glossary of Terms 429 BUDGET OVERVIEW INTRODUCTORY > ORGANIZATION MISSION / WORK PLAN PROCESS > CITY MANAGER'S BUDGET MESSAGE > ORGANIZATIONAL CHART > COMMUNITY PROFILE > POPULATION TRENDS > DEMOGRAPHICS >HISTORY > TRENDS OF SIGNIFICANT REVENUES > GUIDE TO THE BUDGET PROCESS AND FINANCIAL POLICIES > ANNUAL BUDGET RESOLUTION -1- Organizational Vision and Mission Statements In 2006, the City Council developed a vision statement. Vision Statement A vibrant, world class community in a beautiful lakefront environment where people work together celebrate community and realize dreams. Mission Statement Maximize Livability. Belief Statement As employees of the City of Holland, we will . Maintain respect for each other and the public. Foster a progressive environment where employees are strongly encouraged to reach their full potential. Perform each responsibility with pride and integrity. Continually improve channels of communications both internally and externally. Encourage participation by all in the development and improvement of services. Strive for excellence and satisfaction in public services. Recognize our strengths and weakness and how we can learn from them. Build upon our diversity and experiences as we prepare for the future. -2- OVERALL COUNCIL STRATEGIES, GOALS AND ACTION PLANS To implement the City’s Vision and Mission, the City Council developed seven (7) strategies and related goals as follows. Budget Action Plans were subsequently developed in the body of this document that follows to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely (SMART) and related to the Council overall Strategies and the FY 17 priorities. These Strategies are supplemented with the highest priority goals set by the City Council on February 17, 2016 below. See the underlined words for new goals. STRATEGY I: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSPORTATION: A. Provide the infrastructure necessary to support the City’s economic development mission, including an emphasis on safety, cost-effectiveness and complete streets multi-modal transportation. B. Quality streets and sidewalks are a pre-condition for quality neighborhoods. Quality neighborhoods are a pre-condition for a world-class community. Quality infrastructure is a pre-condition for industrial development. Industrial development is a pre-condition for community financial stability. C. Foster an environment that supports the retention and growth of industrial businesses. Foster an environment that supports the retention and growth of commercial businesses, including on an attractive waterfront. D. Utilize the incentives available to the City to retain and attract business.
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