Festival posvečamo spominu na prijatelja Niko Bohinc in Alexisa Tioseca The festival is dedicated to the memory of our friends Nika Bohinc and Alexis Tioseco 1 katalog_animateka_09.indd 1 19.11.2009 22:26:43 6. Mednarodni festival animiranega filma Animateka 2009 6th International Animated Film Festival Animateka 2009 Urednica / Editor: Maša Peče Uredniški odbor / Editorial Board: Maša Peče, Igor Prassel Teksti / Texts: Ron Dyens, József Fülöp, Heikki Jokinen, Raimund Krumme, Nina Peče, Martina Peštaj, Igor Prassel, Hana Repše, Chris Robinson, Anna Solanas, Ulrich Wegenast Oblikovanje / Design: Maja Rebov Ilustracija na naslovnici / Front Cover Illustration: Matti Hagelberg Prevod / Translation: Maša Peče Lektoriranje / Proofreading: Mojca Hudolin Tisk / Print: Collegium Graphicum (CIP) Kolofon 2 Credits katalog_animateka_09.indd 2 19.11.2009 22:26:45 Mednarodni festival animiranega filma Animateka 2009 international Animated film festival Animateka 2009 3 katalog_animateka_09.indd 3 19.11.2009 22:26:48 4 Pozdrav / Welcome 92 Posebne predstavitve / Special Programmes 6 Uvod / Intro 93 Fokus na Finsko / Focus on Finland 10 Žirija / Jury 119 *Stop-motion retrospektiva / Stop-Motion Retrospective 150 Najboljši filmi Mednarodnega festivala animiranega filma 17 Tekmovalni program I / Competition Programme I Stuttgart 2009 / Best of Stuttgart International Festival 22 Tekmovalni program II / Competition Programme II of Animated Film 2009 26 Tekmovalni program III / Competition Programme III 161 Evropske šole animiranega filma: MOME Budimpešta / 30 Tekmovalni program IV / Competition Programme IV European Animation Schools: MOME Budapest 33 Slonov tekmovalni program I / The Elephant in Competition I 169 Celovečerni animirani filmi / Animated Feature Films 36 Slonov tekmovalni program II / The Elephant in 170 Jelenček Niko / Niko - Lentäjän poika / Niko & The Way Competition II to the Stars 38 Slonov tekmovalni program III / The Elephant in 172 Cesarjev slavček / Císarˇu˚v slavík / The Emperor’s Competition III Nightingale 40 Slonov tekmovalni program IV / The Elephant in 175 Sita poje blues / Sita Sings the Blues Competition IV 177 Prava mojstra / Aja meistrid / Kings of the Time 43 Vzhodnoevropska in srednjeevropska panorama I / 178 $9.99 Eastern and Central European Panorama 180 Kriza mesojedcev / La crisis carnívora / Animal Crisis 51 Evropska študentska panorama / European Student Panorama 182 Slon: vzgojno-izobraževalni program animiranih filmov 58 Svetovni jagodni izbor I / Best of the Rest I za šole in družine / The Elephant: Educational 63 Svetovni jagodni izbor II / Best of the Rest II Animation Film Programme for Schools and Families 186 Slon: Otroci se predstavljajo / The Elephant: Animations 68 Žirija se predstavlja / Jury Programme by Children 69 Razstava Mattija Hagelberga / Matti Hagelberg 195 Slon: tematski program “Jaz, moje telo in mediji” / The Exhibition Elephant: Thematic Programme “My Body and Me(dia)” 71 Retrospektiva Katariine Lillqvist/ Katariina Lillqvist 199 Družinski Slon I: Celovečerni animirani film za starše in Retrospective otroke od 6. leta / The Family Elephant I: Feature 75 Retrospektiva in program Anne Solanas / Anna Solanas Animated Film for Parents and Children Age 6 and over Retrospective and Selection 200 Družinski Slon II: Celovečerni animirani film za starše in 81 Ron Dyens: Predstavitev Sacrebleu Productions / Ron otroke od 6. leta / The Family Elephant II: Feature Dyens: Sacrebleu Productions Presentation Animated Film for Parents and Children Age 6 and over 86 Retrospektiva Raimunda Krummeja / Raimund Krumme 201 Družinski Slon III: Izbor animiranih filmov za starše in VsebinA Retrospective otroke od 6. leta / The Family Elephant III: Selection of 2 Contents Animated Films for Parents and Children Age 6 and over katalog_animateka_09.indd 2 19.11.2009 22:26:48 203 Družinski Slon IV: Izbor animiranih filmov za starše in otroke od 6. leta / The Family Elephant IV: Selection of Animated Films for Parents and Children Age 6 and over 205 Slonove delavnice / The Elephant Workshops 207 Spremljevalni program / Accompanying Programme 208 Delovni zajtrk / Working Breakfast 210 Srečanja z avtorji / Meet the Filmmakers 211 Avdio-vizualni koncert: Animirana Katalena / Audiovisual Concert: Katalena Animated 212 Razstava Katje Tukiainen / Katja Tukiainen Exhibition 213 Razstava Špele Čadež / Špela Čadež Exhibition 214 Lutkovna predstava LG Papelito / Papelito Puppet Show 215 Začetek in konec / From Beginning to End 216 Otvoritev festivala: Posebne projekcije / Opening Night: Special Screenings 219 Zaključek festivala: Nagrade, posebne projekcije, avdio-vizualni koncert Deceiving Light / Closing Night: Awards, Special Screenings, Audiovisual Concert Deceiving Light 224 Indeks / Index 231 O festivalu / The Festival * Filmi, ki nosijo ta znak, so del Stop-motion retrospektive. / Films bearing this stamp are part of Stop-Motion Retrospective. 3 katalog_animateka_09.indd 3 19.11.2009 22:26:48 POZdrav WElCOmE Živo v Kinodvoru A lively atmosphere at Kinodvor Ko se v naši filmski kavarni začne prebujati festivalska Our cinematic café experiences a special transformation vnema pred decembrsko Animateko, se z njo zgodi nekaj po- when the festival excitement starts building in the months lead- sebnega. Občutki so podobni tistim v prazničnem pričakovanju ing up to December’s Animateka. The feel resembles the fes- novoletnega živžava s toplimi napitki, mehkobo snežne obloge tive anticipation of New Year’s festivities with warm beverages, in nasmejanimi obrazi. Z vsakim dnem raste število članov fe- the softness of winter’s snowy blanket and illuminated smiling stivalske ekipe, ki v našem kinu pripravljajo ambient s temo in faces. With every day the presence of festival crew members kreacijami letošnjega rezidenčnega umetnika. Prijetna napetost grows bigger, as they transform the cinema’s ambience with se stopnjuje s prihodi gostov različnih jezikov in skupnih inte- the theme and creations of this year’s Artist in Residence. The resov, sladka je misel na veseli dogodek, ki ne bo nič več in nič fervor intensifies when guests of varied tongues yet common in- manj kot popoln teden kakovostne animacije, novih poznanstev terests start rolling in. Sweet is the thought of this joyful event, in sproščenega druženja. Festivalski »meeting-point« je srce in which will again be no more and no less than a perfect week duša vsakega festivala, zato Kinodvor tudi letos komaj čaka na of quality animation, new encounters and relaxed gatherings. Animateko. A festival “meeting point” is the heart and soul of every fes- Že prvo leto Kinodvora, ki je pod okriljem ljubljanske ob- tival and that’s why Kinodvor once again eagerly anticipates čine postal novi mestni kino, smo se prepričali, kako dragoceni Animateka. so živahni filmski dogodki, pospremljeni z obiski avtorjev. Filme Last year when, under the aegis of Ljubljana’s Municipali- obogatijo z dodano vrednostjo, ki je kakovost art kina s kultur- ty, Kinodvor became the new city cinema, we learned first hand no-umetniškim programom. Pogovori po filmih v kinodvorani in how precious and invaluable are these lively film events which ob zajtrku s kavo v kavarni Kinodvora ter spremljevalni vizualni, bring along the authors themselves. They enrich the films with glasbeni in multimedijski dogodki v različnih prostorih urbane an additional value which is the true quality of an art house kulture bogatijo naš program in lokalno ponudbo kulturnega cinema. Discussions following films in the cinema and at the turizma. Zlasti ne gre zanemariti pomena in aktivne vloge fe- café during breakfast and coffee, as well as accompanying vi- stivala v razvoju nacionalne kulture ter njene pozicije in ugleda sual, musical and multimedia events held at various venues of na mednarodnem zemljevidu. Dejstvo, da vse našteto prežema urban culture, enrich our programme and the local spectrum družabni duh gostov in nalezljivi entuziazem ekipe, ki dosežeta of cultural tourism. And we cannot overlook the festival’s im- občutek zadovoljstva med obiskovalci, postavlja Animateko v portance and active role in developing our national culture and sam vrh mednarodnih festivalskih srečanj v Sloveniji. its standing on the international map. The fact, that all of the Pozdrav V tesnem sožitju se v Kinodvoru skozi vse leto razvijata above is saturated with an amicable spirit of the guests and the 4 WelCoMe animatečni Slon in naš Kinobalon. Brez prvega namreč naj- contagious enthusiasm of the festival team who together bring katalog_animateka_09.indd 4 19.11.2009 22:26:48 POZdrav WElCOmE mlajši obiskovalci slednjega ne bi imeli ustrezne filmske izbire. about a truly satisfied audience, puts Animateka on the very top Z njuno pomočjo so danes zvesti gledalci animiranega filma of international festival gatherings in Slovenia. komaj nekajletni malčki, ki v varnem zavetju podloženih ki- During the year Animateka’s Elephant and our Kino- nematografskih sedežev doživljajo prve korake filmske vzgoje. balon or Cinemabaloon grow and develop in tight symbiosis Osupli smo, kako hitro, številčno in zavzeto se na naše filmske at Kinodvor. Without the former, you see, the latter’s youngest programe odzivajo skupine predšolskih otrok pod budnim var- audiences would not receive the appropriate choice of film con- stvom vzgojiteljic. In ko že od daleč opazujemo razposajeno tents. With their help today’s devoted viewers of animated films čebljanje malih palčkov, ki stopicajo filmskim dogodivščinam are even the toddlers, taking their first steps of
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