目 錄 Contents 編者的話 Message from the Editor 香港歷史博物館 Hong Kong Museum of History 專題展覽 Special Exhibition 「工」不可沒 — 香港工業傳奇 04 Striving and Transforming – The History of Hong Kong Industry 常設展覽 Permanent Exhibition 香港故事 The Hong Kong Story 08 文物捐贈 Donation 09 孫中山紀念館 Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum 博物館動態 News and Events 常設展覽更新工程 Renovation Project for the Permanent Exhibition 10 常設展覽 Permanent Exhibitions 香港國際博物館 2020 International Museum Day 2020, Hong Kong 14 孫中山與近代中國 Dr Sun Yat-sen and Modern China 32 孫中山時期的香港 Hong Kong in Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Time 32 公眾節目 Public Programmes 18 特稿 Special Issue 永誌孫中山:中山陵與奉安大典 Everlasting Memory to Dr Sun Yat-sen: Dr Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum and Grand Funeral 34 香港海防博物館 Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence 公眾節目 Public Programmes 36 海防館更新工程 MCD's Revamping 「曉士兵團」─ 保衛香港之「銀髮族」 其他分館 Other Branch Museums The ‘Hughesiliers’ – ‘Silver-Haired’ Defenders for Hong Kong 25 葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery 39 公眾節目 Public Programmes 27 李鄭屋漢墓博物館 Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum 40 外展活動 Outreach Programmes 羅屋民俗館 Law Uk Folk Museum 41 《香港軍事發展今昔》 Hong Kong Military History, Then and Now 29 外展工作坊 Outreach Workshops 30 資源及服務 Resources & Services 巡迴展覽導賞服務 Special Docent Service for the Travelling Exhibitions 30 團體預約參觀 Group Visits by Appointments 42 預約手語傳譯導賞 Sign Interpretation Guided Tours by Appointments 43 外借服務 Loan Out Services 44 參考資料室 Resource Centre 45 46 博物館位置及開放時間 Location and Opening Hours 節目如有更改,恕不另行通知。 All programmes are subject to change without prior notice. 編者的話 Message from the Editor 我們的「香港故事」常設展將於今年8月底關 We will close our Hong Kong Story permanent 閉,以便進行全面的更新工程,日後將以全新 exhibition at the end of August this year in order 的演繹手法,向觀眾呈現新的香港故事。在現 to carry out a comprehensive renovation project, 有「香港故事」常設展關閉之前,期待大家把 in which we plan to employ a new interpretation 香 握最後機會,重溫每個展廳的內容及展示手 method and innovative display techniques to present 法,一起緬懷香港的過往及成長。 new Hong Kong stories to our audience. Before the current permanent exhibition comes to an end, we 港 在展開常設展廳的大型更新工程前,我們將推 encourage everyone to seize this last opportunity to 出壓軸的「『工』不可沒 ─ 香港工業傳奇」 come and review the contents and display methods 歷 展覽,近1,200組經典的香港工業製品將呈現觀 of each exhibition gallery and look back together on 眾眼前,並由工業家和勞工階層現身說法,藉 Hong Kong’s past and remarkable growth. 此回顧昔日香港工業的光輝歲月。 史 Before the work on revamping the permanent exhibition starts, Striving and Transforming – The 今年的國際博物館日將於5月16及17日舉行,主 History of Hong Kong Industry, the last large-scale 題為「建構平等的博物館:多元與共融」,博 博 exhibition will be launched. Close to 1,200 classic 物館在共融的環境下為不同身份和背景的觀眾 Hong Kong industrial products will be showcased 提供多樣的展覽和活動。當天,我們會安排不 to give industrial manufacturers and workers as 物 同的公眾活動,歡迎大家一同來參與。 well as the general public the chance to take a trip down memory lane to the glory days of Hong Kong 博物館作為校外的另一個教室,會繼續為觀眾 manufacturing. 館 提供一個獲取知識及提升文化氣質的互動平台 及途徑,快來看看今季我們為大家預備的各項 The theme of this year’s International Museum Day, 活動,期待這個多元開放的學習場所有你的參 which will be held on 16 and 17 May, is “Museums 與。 for Equality: Diversity and Inclusion”, which looks at how museums can provide diverse exhibitions and programmes for audiences of different identities and backgrounds in an inclusive environment. We invite everyone to join us on these two days and take part in the various programmes on this theme that we have arranged. As a classroom outside the school, the museum will continue to provide visitors with an interactive platform and ways to gain knowledge and enhance their cultural awareness. Please have a look at the various public programmes we have prepared for you this season – we look forward to seeing you at the museum and taking part in this diverse and open learning environment! Hong Kong Museum of History https://hk.history.museum 專 題 展 覽 專 題 展 覽 Special Exhibition 「工」不 可 沒 — 香港工業傳奇 早於十九世紀,香港已有外商發展大型工業, As early as the 19th century, foreign merchants Special Exhibition 亦有不少家庭式手作業生產生活用品。香港工 developed large-scale industries in Hong Kong; there Striving and Transforming – The History of 業於二十世紀初萌芽,一些低技術的輕工業湧 were also many family workshops producing everyday Hong Kong Industry 現。戰後香港由轉口經濟體蛻變成為出口導向 items by hand. Hong Kong industry germinated in the 的工業經濟體,出口量名列世界前茅。香港工 early 20th century with the emergence of light industries involving low-level skills. After the Second World War, 敬請留意本館有關展期的最新公布 業於1970年代進入全盛期,「香港製造」成為 Please stay tuned for our update on the exhibition period Hong Kong was transformed from an entrepot to an 國際認可的品牌,更帶動人們的生活水平大幅 export-oriented industrial economy – the city’s export 香港歷史博物館專題展覽廳 改善。近年香港再次迎來產業結構調整,雖然 volume led the world. Hong Kong industry celebrated Special Exhibition Gallery, Hong Kong Museum of History 大量工廠北移,但香港作為決策、設計和推廣 its heyday in the 1970s. “Made in Hong Kong” became 門票 的基地依然未變,並正探索高新技術和創意產 an internationally recognised brand, resulting in a great Admission Fees 業的新路向。 improvement in people’s living standards. In recent years, 港幣HK$ 10 / 7 / 5 元 Hong Kong industries underwent another structural 香港歷史博物館與香港工業總會合辦是次展 change. Although many factories were relocated to 聯合主辦 覽,透過展示約1,200組經典的香港工業製品, mainland China, Hong Kong remained a base for 康樂及文化事務署 除了回顧香港逾百年的工業歷史,探討未來的 decision making, product design and promotion. The 香港工業總會 發展路向,亦會闡述工業家的奮鬥歷程,同時 city is also exploring new possibilities in the high-tech 向付出汗水成就香港工業騰飛的勞動階層致 and creative industries. Jointly presented by 意。 Leisure and Cultural Services Department Jointly organised by the Hong Kong Museum of History Federation of Hong Kong Industries and the Federation of Hong Kong Industries, this exhibition showcases some 1,200 sets of classic Hong 聯合籌劃 Kong-made products. In addition to documenting the 香港歷史博物館 history of Hong Kong industry over the past century, the 香港工業總會 exhibition explores the direction for future development, shows how industrialists strived for success, and pays Jointly organised by tribute to the working class for its contribution to Hong Hong Kong Museum of History Kong’s industrial development. 香港啤酒廠廣告畫 Federation of Hong Kong Industries 1930年代 香港文化博物館藏 Painted advertisement of Hong Kong Brewers and Distillers Ltd. 1930s Hong Kong Heritage Museum collection 唯一冷熱水壺廠駱駝牌熱水瓶 1950至1960年代 香港歷史博物館藏 Camel thermal flask of Wei Yit Vacuum Flask Mfg. Ltd. 1950s to 1960s Hong Kong Museum of History collection 廣萬隆爆竹廠電光炮 捷和鐘錶廠天秤牌座鐘 1920至1930年代 1950年代 香港歷史博物館藏 香港文化博物館藏 Flashlight crackers of Kwong Man Lung Equity clock of Chiap Hua Clocks & Watches Ltd. Firecracker Mfg. Co. 1950s 1920s to 1930s Hong Kong Heritage Museum collection Hong Kong Museum of History collection 05 04 專 題 展 覽 專 題 展 覽 Special Exhibition Special Exhibition 長城塑膠廠Diana-F相機 1960年代 香港歷史博物館藏 Diana-F camera of Great Wall Plastic Works 1960s Hong Kong Museum of History collection 合眾五金廠賽陽牌汽燈 1950至1970年代 香港歷史博物館藏 Solar pressure lantern of Union Metal Works 1950s to 1970s Hong Kong Museum of History collection Complimentary Promotion Items 本館將於「『工』不可沒— 香港工業傳奇」 九龍藤器公司象形咖啡桌 展覽期間,向所有入場人士贈送指定的宣傳 1960年代 香港文化博物館藏 品。數量有限,先到先得,送完即止。 Elephant-shaped coffee table of Kowloon Rattan During the “Striving and Transforming – The Ware Co. History of Hong Kong Industry” exhibition, we will 1960s 星光實業紅A牌仿水晶塑膠製吊燈 present designated promotion items to all visitors Hong Kong Heritage Museum collection 1960至1970年代 香港歷史博物館藏 of the exhibition. These items will be given away on a first-come, first-served basis and will be available Red A faux crystal chandelier of Star Industrial Co. 1960s to 1970s while stock lasts. Hong Kong Museum of History collection 公眾導賞團 華錩金屬製皿廠五星牌銻飯壺 Public Guided Tours 1960年代 香港歷史博物館藏 全程約1小時,每團名額30人,請於該節開始前 Five Stars antimony rice bucket of Wah Chong 1小時內到導賞服務處索取籌號,以預留登記名 Metal Works 額。先到先得,額滿即止。 1960s Hong Kong Museum of History collection Each tour lasts about 1 hour and admits 30 persons. Quota slips for registration can be collected at the Guided Tour Service Counter within an hour before each session starts. First come, first served. 粵語 (每天):上午11時及下午3時30分 Cantonese (daily): 11am and 3:30pm 塑料製品公司音樂火車玩具 震歐線衫廠雞仔嘜線衫 英語 (星期六、日及公眾假期):下午2時 1960年代 1990年代 English (Sat, Sun and P.H.): 2pm Ms Angela Gardner提供 香港文化博物館藏 普通話 (星期六、日及公眾假期):下午4時30分 Musical train of Plastic Manufacturing Corporation Chicks knitwear of Chun Au Knitting Factory 1960s 1990s Putonghua (Sat, Sun and P.H.): 4:30pm Courtesy of Ms Angela Gardner Hong Kong Heritage Museum collection 07 06 常設展覽 文物捐贈 Permanent Exhibition 香港故事 文物捐贈 Donation The Hong Kong Story Donation 「香港故事」常設展是博物館多年來辛勤努力 藏品是博物館的靈魂,也是博物館與群眾之 蒐集、保存及研究工作的總展示。整個展覽佔 間的橋樑,我們會利用市民捐贈的文物進行 地七千平方米,共有八個展區,分布於兩層展 研究、展覽和教育用途,與普羅大眾分享文 廳,包括:「自然生態環境」、「史前時期的 物背後的故事。文物同時也是時代的見證, 香港」、「歷代發展:從漢至清朝」、「香港 透過對它們的研究和詮釋,我們可以超越時 的民俗」、「鴉片戰爭與香港的割讓」、「香 空,了解前人的生活點滴,記取歷史給予我 港開埠及早年發展」、「日佔時期」及「現代 們的啟迪。 都市及香港的回歸」。通過逾四千件展品、多 我們一直致力蒐集、保存、研究、詮釋和展 個立體造景及多媒體劇場,配以聲和光的特殊 示與香港和華南地區歷史相關的文物。本館 效果,生動有趣地介紹香港的自然生態、民間 館藏絕大部分來自公眾人士的熱心捐贈。有 風俗及歷史發展。「香港故事」從四億年前的 你的參與,文物才可得到更好的保護和承 泥盆紀開始,以一九九七年香港回歸作結,內 傳。如欲捐贈物品,可致電(2724 9042)、 容務求雅俗共賞,趣味與教育並重。 電郵([email protected])或郵寄香港歷史博 The Hong Kong Story permanent exhibition 物館(信封面請註明「文物捐贈」),以便跟 showcases the dedicated hard work done by 進。 the Museum staff in the past years in collecting, A museum’s collection is its soul. It also serves as a preserving and researching the history and bridge between the museum and the public. We development of Hong Kong. Occupying an area of use items donated by members of the public for 7,000m², The Hong Kong Story comprises 8 galleries research, exhibition and education purposes in order on two floors, including “The Natural Environment”, to share with visitors the stories behind each artefact. “Prehistoric Hong Kong”, “The Dynasties: From the 捐贈者芳名
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