-^ RECEIVI >> INTfiUVIEW A talk widi the; GACiVs Tony Leuzzi reviews Mark oew Youth Ptc^cspi Coottli- IBsley's rtew comedy About natotc • . queer coafusion. Vl>nBf|flSS at nfU***.«a*>a**....*a....>*n*..*.i J PsgeA14 nrnrvNUr rSCEJrl UySS—'—.^.^.^-^.o Ol^Norr Bucch^^«mm« H „ 8 joim McNa»L 10 ^cr3 Maktngth«>Sca(yia . » IHM . .-»-14 GHCartaiifwncnc^*.....».»...*..M..r.*....... I Cotumntso. „ s Gay Groups « .- 12 Comrmmity Cttntar N«ws 14 OMESMMS i>^—».»ii)nim 15 • <• l|<iii|Ail^ii|>*iM>^ 'MHii .18 .'"i••"•.••'5'•'•'•vV-- /•• 'I mm:tm;^jfm^Wm: 9^, 'i'i'iji<f)jiii'ii>M«j«:*-<iCtiifc".,Lii A P^Mcstkm of ths Gay AlKancs of Four open gays Miss Gay Rochester 2000 NewsFronts • LOCAL AND STATE elected in N.Y. State Ftre Chief appoints new Dan Stewart spins race for mayor of Plattsburgh liaisons with g^y amd lesbian community By Susan JorxSan rights. In the end, Stewart's gay iden­ Republican Dan Stewart became tity proved the deciding ^ctor in his By Susan Jordan thc first openly gay mayor in New favor. Fire Chief Floyd A, Madison has York state when he narrowly de­ Stewart said that he did not expe­ appointed two liaisons between feated Democratic incumbent rience homophobia during the cam­ the Rochester Fire Department Clyde Rabideau in Plattsburgh. paign. "I expected that issue would and the gay, bisexual and lesbian Afcer Nov. % absentee and affi­ not be an issue/' he said. '*! knew a community. They are Deputy davit ballots remained to be certain percentage would vote Chief Robert King and Firefighter counted, but by Nov. 16 Stewart's against me because of that, but it*s Therese MancuK). victory was assured.When asked made up by the other side. The Therese Mancuso told the about his reaction* Stewart said, **l election showed that a brge num­ Etrtpty OoseU "The Chief wants am elated! It was a well-run cam- ber of Democrats and Independents everyone in the community to P^^gn* A group here called Media crossed the line and voted for me." Aysa Black was voted Miss Gay Rochester 2000 on Nov, 14 at Gotham feel that they're served well by Centra) acted as my media acfvl- Speculation In thc gay media has City onUberty Pole Wa^. For more photos see p^ge 14 A. the Fire Department, and vt/ants sors and between them and nrvy been that Stewart's eJftctton will people 3LV«lUb(e to \\%XMT\ to ^ny treasurer Joan t^Pier, ^^^e worked help in rhe stru^c to pass gay rights ^pes of complaints and issues. tiretessty. A poll in September le^latton in m«w Yofk Stste. He rmmtittdp9opAm to fiekJ those showed me behind 55 percent to Stewart commented, "A lot of things and asked if I would do 27 percent, but akhough some people assume that! I have always that. Bastcatiy, he wants every­ people said 1 was behind I Oto one, worked on the stmte and federal one to have the opportunity to t knew I was orrfy behind three to level wtth the PHde Agenda, and wilt say. *l feei the Fire Department one. Between our workers and condnue, but there are no guaran­ has been honrK>phobic and here's myself we were able to bring that tees. However, this wUfprovkki what makes me feel that way.* I back to a SO-SO race, fit w^is a great more access, and that's a good thing. will listen and pass on concerns comeback and made the unattain­ It's like Deborah Glick, who ^eds to Deputy Chief King and Chief able suddenfy attainable." elected to the Assembly from Han> Madbon." Stewart eruled up with 2.772 hatcan. She was able to sCMwIup on Mancuso joined the Fire De­ votes to Rabid«atli*s 2«668. He wilt the Assembly floor aif)d jjfmm xrt- partment in May 1989. She says formally take over as mayor on mendous speech, anrf the httcecHiihAs that she lias not witnessed inci­ Jan. L biH was p«ss«d by thc Assertiity. dents of disorimination invohfing Few candidfttes ca» boast as Also, dectad officials can go to Al­ either members of the public or Stewart can, that tte Empire State bany and ksbby and say, Tm gay and py employees of the Depart­ Prid« Agimda, the Gay aff>dUsbltfn frbm a conservative ar«a and my menc . ' Victory Fund, the Log Cabin fU- cbnstittiems don't seem concertwd "I am a gay person myself," she pubHcans. arKl ReptiMican Govjsr- aboutthis.*^ said, *'and (Chief Madison) nor George FacaM dl contributed Stcvnrt. who Idt the RepiMttin thougt^t it woukl km rtiorm com­ to his success. The town* of P&irty in the early ^Ws du#^ igrKreet fortable for peopte who are gay Plattsburgh has a maidrfty of gaiy st»ice, came tx> PtmsbtM^ wH4n to tatk to someone who would Democratic voters, but ^m su>r'<^ fm was in the Air Force He stayed know what that was aft abouc I rounding area is ti^^^ Republi­ on, fcAih<Sr« a k><^ c^NScf ttf ACT haven't seen any incidents of dis- can. Tta emtcrriiemertt of Stewart UP^hd WprkHi^jbr a ifttiaii^ tMn^ cHmiindon, but tonly work wi^ v^as a dfficult choice for the Pride nir^^teHivtiHaCh^ bas«d on sexuai one gr<MiptSolGan*t«y it doesn't Agenda, since his opponent had a orientation in the ciQf govenwnent: .Imppctt^ As fsr as iMoridni ac the long history of supporting fay Fire Departmenc I haven't been Electiofici>nCi«9M*d o«i p. 3 harassed beg^tse I am gf«y — lr We^vMfnaid" his obnfeerns or cpieiitfons ean comact Therese * .-*I•?i^<- Bf Susen Jardbn wto bbfeet tet tht W*»mlng ancf s«id«;te llie oM^i Mbng The Rochescer-Genesee Rqjjioh AArmif^ concept. 6iMx«e Hed Jfcfl^MritocQfyaSttions. nocraiijK' scrtMn| express their concems OVM* the of die AmeHcan Bapdst Churdi b^linvotedinbutwaslnitofpcila WMTlWe^&eflbrtsteri^ ViMIA php^** she sakL voted by a i«ige maiority oili Q&L Mti :|h« fm. of dHirdiam Vm ^ Accordfir« to ftev. GreenAekl, beddcsh. Hanpjto added, ^Tve seen with IS- to tndude the tvf^pc0M e<teiyhe#c«^^ there are five bottk criteria for ChliifHe^foan a red reachif^ out Granville, Ohio dwrdt intbe fU* Ttee Rev. Sarah GnHmMd, an kittmi^i^mm^^et^stmrni^^ vp Sn (piiBreRC sypes ot peopys, Jloa _ .r. OHMXK eti4,,«bifc anti^gey AfUvrican aiw j^^RwiiiiieHul, t ii^pepsopfc The AmericMi Ba|Mi«t< }n elfoet added a Jlxtii .^^i^B foil tXiillfoCOble coming for- which art open to the LGBff com* Cfirte.sild'Ti i^v^^*w|fpii|^.^ iitnNHM '^, sn ene xo ••eiBomnig^ ;v«iHrdMdtlq^ imnt to be a i -• munity are klioMMi-w^nfatBinfvilnif nfwiipnirt and Is Kheie dbcrfoni* and AAlf nilii|. chtu'dteSi ja^ tnii TheReVr W. Kenrtloi IWUpiieof IKMWH dBilnsr fiyi' or 1 IMOS general boerd meeting MM httt ¥"> ^d'VWflipviMM^^eniln'iwaikinship th# G*neieeJ%i||petiil •^^••j^^y^ offcfiotd by tometMng die De- June in Iowa, ffour Calrtornla! the^ece. "Xamd^kMAmm^ partment mo. churdtes were dianM member­ of temcfctfon |txHjintf;fh««^ Het dvK ^^ fospt halMai^ for fdr miprs infonnation ortoniafce ship in th« national fismtty of dfkm. American Bapdaft congrty LummiWM msalhu. Sgfo^^ » e ilansdsii leiirtp wi* '••••..- • • churches due to ani^-f^ forces tions are autonomous. Judkatories about hdNvay. We CM be pM^ cdl Rev: Wflhms at 450-5765. Newabrlefc contimied on p. 3 imii—in '!» "idin m •t>>'. A2 nor we w be. VVDVURI far enadvig- ee* LETfCRS TO TMS eMTOKE pttoe^ iMrtMMn InvrfvuHi-. Vv^ TCtCKve the ff^^Sc tt> edkSsT specemtf dvl^. vVt BtawBtpNS'Contlnftied-fcaaii p* I s 10 to nine margin in the County Lsfisb- and «Hhir caMribudnf fUipMbtestiiesders persuaded him to nijein ture. entfing ovar 8 00 years of Republican thsip own. Md d» not SfejMtMdidsetfie tha Htif^ die ^90s. Stewart wlio is a csr control, and also endk^ tba bfeddng cf pro-gay inWadvas bodi at tike kKal leval and ortK»G«M»M^^a«p«rdMCnv^aoMt wedteetythctSdiddM dsslar; sbo served fer sm, years on the ectives in Albany, judty Jacobs, main sponsor of W« «rill print iMttrett dfeteObr^ dfacra- PIsctsburgh City Coundl, and was ms/or tk»»Jo»s«>iiiiJ mtifhhk^kmmWm^em tTf AdMtfcAve^ pro tam fram 1996 to'1998. councy and-discriminaiion laws Including viewpoints that matter noc pfWK p^nofwi Nri4ia7.i25S Stewart said. The Republkan iVty has saxual orientation discrimination, is stated charged dramatjcany. Ifyou look at 1^^ to t>ecome majortcy leader of the Lcgisia* *92 and then at l996-*96, die more radical tui:e. •s;. iiii!|ga elements of tha party have suffiered Homophoiiia played a role in at least two # ^ lo«s*k Even the frontrunning candldatas, races lost l>y gay candidates* Judy Crete's • LOGALAND STATE NEWS Ftx>nn NcCain and Bush, ars more open to pys. campaign-was shackled when a^e defeated Budianan has left the party andis now vykh fhaiocal Democratic party cantKdata in the kind donations. For more information on kid in every school, etc. People pretty much Referm. In the last Congressional Section primary^ and the l^srty '"essentially alnn*^ sponsoring xhe event or buying tickets, calf have that information now and where we Hostile climate bec^ has hclpcdf mc bdcbtne a better film Thanks and adieu year, 33 parcmit of gays voted for the doned her,** as the PHde Agenda put it. tiie GAGV at 244-8640. ^ink our focus needs to be is with the prognmmer and, in. ruid» be^^ shape the Republicans. Up here I know so many Pride Agenda Executive Director Matt Fore­ All proceeds raised at the Sweetheart Ball highest risk population, whlcj^h certainly in­ from Chris Russo festival into what itis todsy.
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