October 1926 Published in the interests of the men and women of the Kodak organi3ation by Eastman Kodak Company. Rocnester. N. Y. MONTHLY ACCIDENT REPORT AUGUST, 19~6 Accident Cases Accidents per 1000 PLANT Employees 19~6 1925 1926 1925 Kodak Office .... ........ 0 1 0 .76 Camera Works .. ..... 1~ ~ 3.86 1.36 Hawk-Eye Works . ..... 3 1 6 . 0~ ~ . 99 Kodak Park Works .. .. ~4 11 3 .70 1.9~ Total- Rochester Plants .. 39 15 3 . 4~ 1.66 NATURE OF ACCIDENTS DURING MONTH 16 cases of injury through bruises, burns and lacerations, etc. 10 cases of injury through falling material. 7 cases of injury through falling and slipping. 3 cases of injury through sprains and strains. 1 case of injury through stepping on nail. ~ cases of injury around press. 39 Employees' accident cases during month. VOTE VOTE AS YOU PLEASE BUT VOTE A SECTION OF OUR X-RAY LABORATORY- See Page 3 Uhe K Q DA JK c]v{,aga ;irw VoL. VII OCTOBER, 1926 No.5 AN X-RAY EXA:\HNATION HOW THE X-RAY MAY HELP YOU TO BETTER HEALTH The Work of Our X-ray Laboratory UR X-ray Laboratory, at Kodak You, as an employee, will not be so O Office, operated in conjunction with much interested in the scientific sjde of the our Medical Department, serves a double X-ray as in its practical applications in purpose. In the first place, it has proved diagnosis, and how it may. perhaps some itself vastly efficient in aiding in the cor­ day prove of great value to you. You rect diagnosis of many of the various ills will also be interested in a not-too-long, threatening or afflicting our employees. and non-scientific explanation of what the Secondly, it ably serves as a testing labor­ X-ray is, and how it is made useful to atory for the various X-ray products we humanity. manufacture. Quite possibly you, and many of your The Medical Division of our Sales De­ friends, have been "X-rayed" comforta­ partment is naturally, through its execu­ bly, and with much less effort than when tives and travelling representatives, in you posed for a portrait photographer. close touch with physicians and surgeons, There is no more sensation of comfort, or and various medical and scientific institu­ discomfort, in being X-rayed than you tions who make use of the X-ray in vari­ would experience in holding your hand ous ways. This contact is decidedly ad­ for a brief period in front of an ordinary vantageous in that we learn of any im­ incandescent lamp. perfections in our products, and how to X-rays are a phenomenon very similar overcome them, and make still further im­ in nature to the generation of light in a provements. Mazda lamp.· In this familiar lamp the THE KODAK MAGAZINE THE DENTAL X-RAY APPARATUS electric current enters from your house the hand was held in front of the tube (as circuit, through the metal parts of the we did in the case of the Mazda lamp) base of the lamp, and is conducted to the there would be a shadow of the fingers on filament wires inside the bulb. The the wall. There would be this difference, electric current heats these wires until the however. The bones of the fingers would temperature rises to ·a· point where the cast a dense shadow;· while the fleshy wire becomes white hot, or incandescent, parts would scarcely show a shadow at and radiates light like a miniature sun. If all. This is because the radiation from you hold your hand between this light the X-ray tube penetrates flesh more source and the wall you see a shadow of readily than it does bone. The effect is your fingers where they stop, or absorb somewhat similar to allowing light to the rays of light from the lamp. shine through papers of different thick­ An X-ray "tube," as it is called, is a nesses, the thick sheets absorbing more glass bulb into which an electric current is light than the thin sheets. This shadow conducted, although the voltage is much formation, with the X-rays passing higher than the commonly used llO-volt through flesh more easily than dense ma­ house current. The current is conducted terial like bone, is the basis of all medical into some specially designed terminals or X-ray photography. electrodes, and the resulting action of this We can in no way actually see the vari­ high voltage on these spec;:ial electrodes is ous internal organs as such in their natural to give off the radiation popularly known form and color, but see only their shadows. as "X-rays."-They are invisible. Permanent records of these projected The actual light one sees in an X-ray shadows are obtained by having them fall tube is not X-rays, but merely ordinary on a sensitive photographic film such as light from a tmigsten filament which is a Eastman X-ray Film. This film, or nega­ part of the tube mechanism, and which is tive as it is called, after being developed quite similar to the tungsten filament in looks very much like one of your Kodak your house lamps. · film negatives. X-rays, though they are invisible, act Now get this in mind. Only a person very much like ordinary light. If we having a very thorough knowledge of could see them we should find that when X-ray photography and a complete THE KODAK MAGAZINE 5 X-RAY STEREOSCOPE medical training with its thorough teach­ ing of anatomy and disease can determine anything of value from an X-ray negative. The statements made by some "doc­ tors" that they can give you an X-ray ex­ amination with some mysterious device which they possess, which will enable X-RAY HEAD EXAMINATION them to see into your "innards" just the X-rays taken through the abdomen do same as lifting the hood of a car and not show anything of the stomach or in­ watching the engine work, can safely be testines, but if the patient is given a meal taken with the proverbial grain of salt. of barium sulphate, a heavy white non­ The physician to diagnose from these poisonous powder, and buttermilk, the X-ray shadows must have a knowledge of barium will cast an X-ray shadow because the X-ray shadows of the normal ana­ of its greater density. Similarly, other tomy, and also of the diseased and ab­ parts of the anatomy, by using the proper normal anatomy. With th]s knowledge, chemical, can be made to cast an X-ray an X-ray of the chest cavity will disclose shadow. any impairment of the lungs, and often a The whole system of X-ray examination chest X-ray picture, together with a care­ is easy, and with no pain or risk when in ful health examination, may catch early competent hands, and a great many people tuberculosis in time so that a cure is are having periodical X-ray examinations assured. as a sort of health insurance. X-RAY CHEST EXAMINATION 6 THE KODAK MAGAZINE This story would not be complete with­ X-ray pictures, and you may see for your­ out some mention of the X-ray examina­ self just where the cavities, if any, exist. tion in dentistry. Not only may the Every year the X-ray is extending its teeth be studied for abscesses and other sphere of usefulness, and our own X-ray major troubles, but through a new system laboratory may be depended upon to keep of X-ray examination toothache can be up with the procession. prevented entirely if this special X-ray If one of our Medical Staff, or your own examination is made periodically, say physician, suggests an X-ray examina­ once in six months or a year. A small cavity in a tooth takes about tion, obey the suggestion cheerfully and two years to develop until it reaches the at once. The X-ray apparatus may ap­ nerve or pulp and causes toothache by tlie pear formidable, but its applications are exposure. There is now no need of the· absolutely painless, and you will remem­ painful wedging apart of the teeth for ber your visit with pleasure and with inspection; just a series of perfectly simple profit to your health. NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR EDUCATION HIS fall weather stimulates ambition. ceives not only corrections, but direct TMany men and women desire practi­ assistance and friendly advice. cal instruction which will increase their At the office of Massachusetts Univer­ efficiency and ultimately improve their sity Extension, hundreds of letters on file positions. Fortunately, there are always from men and women who have advanced means of accomplishing this end. The themselves by home study, testify to the Division of University Extension of the actual results of the instruction. If you Massachusetts Department of Education, examine the qualifications of those in ad­ a public institution operating without vanced positions, you will discover that profit, offers practical correspondence they possess two very necessary elements courses in mechanical and engineering - natural ability and training. Natural subjects for men in industry, not only in ability is nothing more than average intel­ Massachusetts but throughout the United ligence plus better than average deter­ States. mination. You have this, and the op­ The subjects include: portunity for training is being prt:sented Mechanical drawing to you. Practical applied mathematics The fees are low, and the courses, Practical electricity which are short, may be finished quickly Elementary concrete construction and followed by more advanced studies.
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