Cambridge University Press 978-1-316-64542-0 — Caria and Crete in Antiquity Naomi Carless Unwin Index More Information 258 259 Index Abu Simbel, 36 Antoninus Liberalis, 66 , 67 Achaemenid Empire, 32 , 46 Apasa, 113 , 115 Aegean islands, 1 , 3 , 4 , 10 , 13 , 29 , 57 Aphrodisias, 8n. 36 , 22n. 107 , 33n. 7 , 46 , 54 , Aelian, 21 , 29 , 91n. 4 57n. 147 , 82 , 82n. 163 , 201n. 54 , 210 Aeschylus, 71 basilica reliefs, 54n. 133 , 56 , 57n. 147 , Ahhiyawa , 98n. 50 , 112 , 118 , 119 70n. 81 , 97 , 176 Aitolia, 81 , 81n. 155 , 150n. 134 , 159n. 198 , Aphrodite, 22n. 107 , 78 163n. 225 , 195 Aphrodite Schoinitis, 173 Aitolian League, 161 Apollo, 6n. 27 , 66 , 67 , 121 , 122 , 122n. 202 , Akakallis, 6n. 27 , 67 122n. 206 , 161 , 163 , 170 , 172n. 27 , 180 , Alabanda, 50 , 50n. 109 , 53n. 126 , 54 , 54n. 135 , 186 , 190 , 241 125n. 8 , 133 , 138n. 68 , 182n. 73 , 210 and Artemis, 65 , 82 , 161 , 200 Alaksandu treaty, 115 Apollo Delphinios, 121 Alexander the Great, 10n. 41 , 33 , 52n. 119 , 96 , Apollo Didymeus, 178n. 61 134 , 134n. 44 , 137 , 157 , 170 , 194 , 194n. Ptoan Apollo, 45 30 , 205n. 89 Apollodorus of Athens, 37 , 37n. 32 Iskander, 96 Apollonius of Aphrodisias, 33 Alexandria, 13 , 13n. 67 , 14n. 70 , 96 , 125n. 8 , Apollonius Rhodius, 68 , 172n. 21 160n. 204 Appian, 22n. 107 Alinda, 50 , 54 , 54n. 135 Appius Claudius, 142 , 142n. 95 Amasis, 35 – 36 Aptera, 133 , 133n. 39 , 152n. 146 Amazons, 17 , 22 , 22n. 107 , 80n. 146 Ariadne, 74 , 174 , 174n. 40 Amyzon, 54 , 56 , 155 , 155n. 176 , 189 – 190 , 192 , Aristophanes, 37 , 49n. 107 193 , 194 , 196 , 212 Aristotle, 76 , 191n. 11 , 194 , 194n. 28 , Zeus Kretagenetas. See Zeus Kretagenetas 208n. 101 and Diktynna Arkades, 150 , 150n. 138 , 152n. 146 , 152n. 147 , Anax, 67n. 53 , 84n. 176 , 91 162n. 219 Anineta, 97 Arnuwanda, 116 Anthes, 59 , 60 , 174 Arsinoë, 13n. 67 Antigonid kingdom, 15 , 133 , 206 Artemis, 82 , 161 , 172n. 27 , 200 Antigonos Doson, 15n. 77 , 135n. 47 , 157n. Artemis Ephesia, 118n. 183 193 , 161 Artemis Leukophryene, 80 , 80n. 145 , Antigonos Monophthalmos, 197 80n. 146 , 178 Antioch, 134 , 194n. 30 Artemisia Antiochos II, 15n. 76 Persian Wars, 14 Antiochos III, 56 , 133 , 162 , 178n. 59 , 190 , 193 , sister/ wife of Maussollos, 14 , 59 , 125 , 195 , 196 , 206 , 207 148n. 127 alliance with Euromos, 146 , 190 – 192 , 199 Arzawa, 20 , 112 – 115 , 113n. 143 , 116 alliance with Philip V, 158n. 196 Asandros, 11n. 48 , 205n. 89 at Amyzon, 155n. 176 , 190 , 194 , 196 , Asklepios, 161 199 – 200 Assuwa, 113 , 113n. 144 , 115n. 163 , 118 , at Teos, 150n. 134 118n. 181 defeat at Apameia, 183 Assyria, 20n. 98 , 57 , 97 , 97n. 42 ruler cult, 200n. 53 contacts with Anatolia, 97 Antiochos the son, 190 , 196 Ninos and Semiramis, 97n. 42 , 174 , 175n. 44 258 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-316-64542-0 — Caria and Crete in Antiquity Naomi Carless Unwin Index More Information 259 Index 259 Asterios, 67n. 53 , 91 , 91n. 1 Chalketor, 157n. 192 , 206n. 97 asylia , 138 , 138n. 74 , 140 , 158 , 158n. 195 Chersonesos, 10n. 48 , 155 , 212 Teian asylia . See Teos: Cretan grants of Cretan Chersonesos, 152n. 153 asylia Chios, 10 , 38n. 35 , 83 , 119 Atabyrion, Mount, 11 , 80 Chrysaor, 53 – 54 , 161 , 162 ateleia, 131 , 132 , 152 and Bellerophon, 70 , 71 Athena, 171 , 173 , 204n. 79 and Pegasos, 53 , 70 , 70n. 81 , 210 Athenian tribute lists, 32 place name Chrysaoris, 54 Athens, 66 , 70n. 74 , 91 , 95 , 163 , 174 , 202n. 64 , Chrysaoric League, 82n. 162 , 162 , 162n. 216 202n. 68 Cilicia, 12 , 13n. 67 , 97 , 115 cult of Bendis. See Bendis at Athens Çine Tepecik, 110 cult of Zeus Labraundos, 201 Cretan- born Zeus. See Zeus Kretagenes/ Attalid kingdom, 15 , 15n. 76 , 133 , 163n. 225 , Kretagenetas 182n. 74 , 204n. 79 Crete Attalos I, 133n. 38 , 135n. 47 , 178n. 59 Cretan koinon , 15 , 133n. 38 , 141 – 142 , 149 , autochthony , 6 , 29 , 29n. 141 , 66 , 67n. 49 , 69 , 209 159 , 165 , 178 – 180 , 181 Cretan mercenaries. See mercenaries Badakhshan, 96 First Cretan War, 142 , 154n. 162 , barbarophōnoi, 34 , 42 , See Strabo: discussion 154n. 164 , 159 of barbarophōnoi insularity, 11 Bargylia, 54 , 54n. 135 , 86n. 196 , 156 Second Cretan War, 141n. 86 Basileus, cult of, 83 – 84 strategic importance, 15 , 158 Basileus Kaunios, 84 Venetian Candia, 16 , 16n. 82 Zeus Basileus, 84 Ctesias of Knidos, 97 Battle of Raphia, 133 cultural agency, 23 , 89 , 165 , 189 , 200 , 205 , Battos, 121n. 197 , 170 207 , 212 Bellerophon, 70 , 71 , 71n. 83 , 71n. 85 , 78 , 79 soldiers as cultural agents, 202 – 207 and Pegasos. See Pegasos cultural interface, 1 , 27 , 28 , 117 Bendis at Athens, 201 – 202 ‘Lower Interface’, 104 , 112 , 117 Biannos, 152n. 146 East Aegean/ West Anatolian bilingualism, 45 , 48n. 97 , 49 interface, 27 Black Sea, 8 , 8n. 37 , 154 Cyclades, 4n. 10 , 7 , 10n. 43 , 73 , Bodrum peninsula, 8 101n. 72 , 107n. 98 Bronze Age Mycenaean infl uence, 110 Cyprus, 12 , 15n. 80 , 41n. 56 , 202 , 203 Boiotia, 121 Cyrene, 13 , 14n. 70 Boiotians in Th essaly, 77n. 128 foundation myth, 121 , 121n. 197 , 176 Borsippa, Babylonia, 8 , 8n. 35 Bottiaia, 194 – 195 Daktyli, 84 , 84n. 184 , 85n. 185 Byblis Darrōn , 205 and Kaunos myth, 68 Datça peninsula, 8 spring/ fountain, 68 , 69 Delos, 7 , 122n. 206 , 132 Delphi, 75 , 77 , 77n. 128 , 121n. 197 , 150n. 134 , Callimachus, 44n. 76 , 122n. 206 , 160 , 165 , 170 , 178 , 194n. 28 160n. 204 , 175 , 175n. 48 Delphic Amphiktiony, 150 Caria foundation myth, 120 , 122 Carian identity, 1 , 2 , 46 , 49 , 51 – 56 , Delphinion, 122n. 202 58 – 60 , 212 Dexippos, Koan doctor, 136 Carian koinon , 51 – 53 Diadochi, 134 geographical region, 32–33 dialects, 46n. 91 Kar, 6 , 7 , 29 , 34 , 79 Didyma, 84 , 85 , 92n. 9 Carian language, 1 – 2 , 41 , 46 , 49 Diktynna alphabet, 2 , 2n. 3 , 70n. 79 Diktynnaistai, 204 – 205 graffi ti, 40n. 49 Zeus Kretagenetas and Diktynna. See Zeus karizein . See karizein Kretagenetas and Diktynna linguistic acculturation in Caria, 48 , 49 , 51 Diodorus Siculus, 6 , 6n. 24 , 7 , 52n. 119 , 61 , Çeşme- Bağlararası, 109 67n. 53 , 71 , 73 , 81 , 93n. 16 , 97 , 159 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-316-64542-0 — Caria and Crete in Antiquity Naomi Carless Unwin Index More Information 260 261 260 Index Dodekanese, 7 , 8 , 10 , 13 , 14 , 28 , 110 , 117 Gaulites, Kara diglōsson, 45 ‘Lower Interface’. See cultural interface Gauls, 135n. 47 , 148n. 122 , 165 , 170 network ‘cluster’, 10n. 45 Glaukos, 53n. 130 , 54 , 78 , 79 , 161 Dodona, 78n. 128 Gordiouteichos, 8n. 36 Dorian foundations, 33 , 34 , 37 , 38 , 40 , 53 Gordis, 57n. 147 , Dorian migration, 4 , 66 , 94 , 95 Gortyn, 77 , 136n. 58 , 141 , 142 , 142n. 95 , Hexapolis, 59 147n. 121 , 152n. 151 , 182 , 185n. 86 , 203 double axe symbol, 16 – 25 Greek koine , 49 , 49n. 102 , 59 Dreros, 122 , 122n. 202 , 152n. 153 , 191n. 10 , Gyges, 17 207n. 99 Dyme, 135 Halbwachs, M., 63 collective memory, 63 , 64 East Aegean Koine, 104 , 108 , 112 Halikarnassos, 14 , 50 , 50n. 112 , 53 , 53n. 126 , Egypt, 6n. 25 , 12 , 14 , 24 , 45 , 78n. 128 , 54 , 57 , 119 , 136 , 136n. 58 , 201n. 54 , 210 121n. 196 , 134 , 154 , 155 , 162 civic history recounted in the Salmakis Carian presence in Egypt, 8n. 35 , 36 , 136 , inscription. See Salmakis 201 , 201n. 59 Dorian identity, 38 , 40 , 59 , 59n. 161 , Eleutherna, 15n. 77 , 152n. 153 , 162n. 219 59n. 165 Endymion, 6 , 6n. 27 , 60 , 60n. 166 , 81n. 155 , Hekatomnid capital, 57 , 59 , 138 , 156 171 – 173 , 174 mixed population, 38 , 59 , 59n. 163 Ephesos, 13 , 21 , 22n. 107 , 38n. 35 , 48n. 97 , 60 , 65 , peninsula. See Bodrum peninsula 79 , 84 , 92n. 8 , 97 , 110 , 115 , 135 , 172n. 27 Hatti, 113 , 116 , 116n. 168 , 117n. 175 birth of Apollo and Artemis. See Ortygia Hattuša, 20 , 112 , 113n. 144 , 118n. 178 kouretes, 82 , 83 Hattusili I, 113 Ephorus, 8 , 45 , 45n. 81 , 66 , 66n. 44 , 81n. 155 , Hattusili III, 116n. 171 160n. 205 , 208n. 101 Hecataeus, 63 Epidamnos, 165 , 203n. 78 Hekatomnid dynasty, 10 , 33 , 46 , 46n. 88 , 59 , epigraphy 125 , 135 , 138 , 154 archives, 170 , 177 – 178 , 182n. 77 basileis , 52 dating by letter forms, 146 , 157n. 192 , Hekatomnos, 50 , 59 172n. 20 , 175 , 192 , 192n. 17 Herakleia- under- Latmos, 10n. 48 , 171 – 173 , historical inscriptions, 77 – 78 176 , 183 , 201n. 54 Eranna, 152n. 146 dispute with Euromos, 171 , 171n. 20 , 193 Erythrai, 38n. 35 , 48n. 97 , 74 , 84 , 85 , 85n. 187 Endymion myth. See Endymion Erythros myth, 74 isopoliteia treaty with Miletos. See treaties etesians, 12 Herakles, 17 Eumenes II, 133n. 38 , 142 Heraklaidai, 195 , 195n. 34 Euripides, 36 , 87 Hermesianax of Kolophon, 181 Euromos, 45 , 125 , 155 , 157n. 192 , 189 , 193 , Hermias, Koan doctor, 136 197n. 45 Hermione, 135 constitutional reforms, 190 – 192 , 197 , 199 Hermos River, 113 cult of ‘Cretan- born’ Zeus. See Zeus Herodoros of Herakleia, 66 Kretagenes/ Zeus Kretagenetas Herodotus, 6n. 25 , 21 , 24n. 113 , 45 , 49 , dispute with Herakleia, 171 , 172n. 20 , 192 51n. 118 , 52n. 122 , 61 , 62 , 93 , 94n. 23 , epigraphy, 145 , 146 207n. 101 renamed as the Philippeis, 191 , 197 , 199 Artemisia of Halikarnassos, 14 Europa, 5 , 5n. 20 , 67n. 53 , 70 , 71 employment of mercenaries in Egypt, Evans, A. J., 21 , 24 , 104 34 – 36 , 45 family, 40 , 40n. 51 foundation mythologies, 63 , 119 – 120 foundation of Cyrene, 121 migration narratives, 4 , 6 , 66 foundation of Miletos, 39 , 40 , 67 Ionian migration, 38 garrisons, 45 , 133 , 155 , 191 , 197 , 199 , 203 , Isagoras’ family, 202n. 68 203n. 77 , 204n. 79 , 206 on Caria, 2 , 5 , 7n. 28 , 48 , 51–52, 57 , Ptolemaic garrison at Itanos, 14 , 69 , 209 203n. 78 on Crete, 5n. 19 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-316-64542-0 — Caria and Crete in Antiquity Naomi Carless Unwin Index More Information 261 Index 261 on Halikarnassos, 59n.
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