- atalo of th e Thirt econd Annu al y s C g Officers and Stu dents . OF TH E Le on a r d Me dica Schoo The Medi calDe artm ent of p Sh aw University RALEIGH For the Academi c Year E ndi ng May Thi rty- first Ni neteen H un dred and T el w ve l i RALEIGH EDWARDS BROUGH TO N PRINTING C OMPAN Y 1912 BOARD OF TRUSTEE S Ex Offici o A RE V. A . S . HOBART, D . D . , CH ESTER , P . N Y H D D E YORK . RE V. L . MOREHOU SE , . N W , N Y S NE W K . E . R F RANK T. MOULTON, Q , YO , Fi r t Class—1910 s W T S . E E D D . E T N EN ER R V. GEORGE . HORR , . , N O C , MAS E RK N Y RE V. H . L . MOREHOU SE , D . D N W YO , . E s E T E S AW W M . HERBER . H q AL A , ; S , SS - M E A D D N T N L E N . R V TT . WI S C . J . WHI ED , , S O A , S eco d Class - E x irin 1911 n p g B J E . DELLINGER , M . D . , GREENS ORO , N . C . * E . O . SILVER, E S Q . , EAST ORANGE, N . J S M F N W S E . E D . TANNER, Q , BLOO I L , J H F F T E R R K NE . W IT I , M . D . , B OO LI , MASS Th ird Clss —E x irin 1912 a p g E S . E H J . N . W G . BAILEY, Q , RAL I , C H N H . P E A A $ F R O . CH TH M, LL . D . , O O D, N . C . E AY E S E JOHN . R , Q . , RAL IGH , N . C . RE V E E PR N F E D W S G . W. W. S I I M K , L , ASS ‘ Deceased. FACULTY E . CHARLES F RANCIS ME S RVE , LL . D , PRESIDENT. WILLIAM MONCURE , M . D DEAN . ( University of Pennsylvania . ) Professor of Histology, Pathology, and Bacteriology, and As s istant Surgeon Leonard Medical School Hospital . A . W. KNO$ , M . D . ( Bellevue Hospital Medical College . ) Professor of Principles and Practice of Surgery, and Clinical Ope rat i ve Surgery ; Visiting Surgeon to the Leonard Medical School Hospital . W . I . ROYSTER, M. D . , ( Bellevue Hospital Medical College . ) Professor of Pri nciples and Practice of Medicine, Clinical Medicine and Visiting Physician to the Leonard Medical School Hospital . M D K . P . BATTLE, A . B . , . , r i M ( University of Vi gi n a ; Bellevue Hospital edical College . ) Professor of Physiology, C linical Professor of Diseases of the E ye, Bar , and Throat, and Visiting Surgeon to the E ye , E ar , and Throat Department of the L eonard Medical School Hospital . M R . H . LEWI S , . D. , r nd l. ( University of Ma y a ) Professor of Diseases of the E ye and E ar ; Consulting Surgeon to the E ye and E ar Department of the Leonard Medical School Hospital . M P A M PH . D J . ICKEL, . , . , i ( University of Goett ngen . ) Professor of Medical and General Chemistry . M D . JOHN B . WATSON, . , N ar i n C ola . ( University of orth ) Professor of Materia Medica . H . MCKE E TUCKER, M . D . , ar an ld . ( University of M y ) Professor of Gynecology, and Clinical Profess or of Gynecology . M J S . MCKEE, D s r lnd . ( Univer ity of Ma y a ) Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children ; Vis it ing Ob stetrician to the Leonard Medical Sch ool Hospital . M R . S . STEVENS , D N h a roli na . ( University of ort C ) Profes sor of Anatomy and Demonstrator of Anatomy ; Visiting Phy s i ci an to the Leonard Medical School Hos pital . M C . O . ABERNETHY , . D . , Professor of Therapeutics , and Clinical Profes sor of Medicine . As s ist ant s L . E . MCCAULEY, M . D . , Quizmaster in Therapeutics . P . F . ROBERTS , M . D . , Demonstrator in Bacteriology . J . O . PLUMMER, M. D z Qui Course in Anatomy . Calendar from Ju 1 191 t o n l2 u e 0 1 y , , J 3 , 914 1912 JU LY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OC TOBER ‘ S M T W T F S l2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 NOVE MBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY APRIL S M T W T F S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 31 AUGU ST SEPTEMBER OC TOBE R NOVE MBE R DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARC H APRIL MAY JU NE CALE NDAR 1912 . S pecial and Defici ency E xami nat ions Wednesday . First Semester begins Wednesday . ’ Annu lO M . President s a pening Address onday M . Y . C . A . Reception to New Students Friday Concert b y Athletic Association , Friday Night of Fai r Week . Mi s s i onarqoncer t , Home Missions S unday . — Thanksgiving H oliday Thursday . Pound Party for Leonard Hospital Friday . M A S . Y . C . Pub lic Meeting unday Temperance Concert S unday . — Christmas Holiday Wednesday . 1913 . — E mancipat ion Day H oliday Wednesday . ’ President s Reception to the S enior Classes Friday . Second Semester b egins Wednes day . D ay of Prayer for Colleges S unday . Concert of Leonard Medical Missionary Associat ion , S unday . ( Mar 2 Mi . ssionary Concert , Foreign Mi ssi ons ” S unday . -M J i Apr . 25 ay 5 . E xam nat i ons Ma 11 B y . accalaureate S erm oh S unday . 13 . M usicale Tuesday . 14 . nn u lA . A a Meeting of lumni Wednesday 15 E . Commencement xercises T hursday . A F ew Words t o Young Men Who are Thi nking of E nt er i ng Upon the Study of Medicine i The race s greatly in need of consecrated , skilled physicians and surgeons , and the Leonard Medical S chool has been established to meet this want . No one can do more to improve the daily life of the c n e t ed o s cr a . masses than the l , skillful , Christian physician The young man who aspires to become a physician should not t of ( hink what he may be able to do for himself, but the great good h e m ay f do for su fering humanity : and that , too without receiving, in man y$ er es Not s e r a ce s wc . l cases, a penny for his professional f, but the , must ever be his motto , and this requires not ability alone, but the M most rugged and strongest character . The Leonard edical S chool h a s no denominational or religious test for a dmission . Its students represent nearly all of the denominations , while a few have no church connections whatever . Young men of clean , pure lives, honest and reliable and total abstainers from the use of spirituous and malt liquors , who will refrain from the use of tobacco in any form in the rooms and about the grounds of the institution ; such e young men as these, and these only, need apply for admission . W th b es t l want e young men, and only those who will cheerfully comp y with our rules and regulations , and we are determined to make the n th orou h edu conditions as favorable as possible for obtai ing a g _ cation . AD MINI STRATION BUIL DING ANNOUNCEMENT - A four years course has become popular with our students , because a e ssential , as it gives s u ffici ent time to become thoroughly acqu inted with the different branches of medicine ; and Will enable graduates — t o pass a creditable examination before medical boards a legal r e — qu i r em ent in most States previous to the commencement of the practice of medicine ; and every year such examinations are b ecom ing more rigid . If in any department of life a little learning is ' ‘ dangei ou s , it is especially true in the medical profession , and should c r r i c be carefully guarded against . Ou r aim is to follow closely the u u lum of study as given in subsequent pages of this announcement . As a proof of the wisdom of the policy and methods of the Leonard Medical S chool , it can be stated that its graduates rarely fail to win for themselves positions of i nflu ence and usefulness in the communi t ties where they settle . They are not obliged to go o States where a license is not required in order to practice medicine ; the Faculty feels that it is a kind of reflecti on upon the institution when they o do s o. It is cons idered a great compliment to the s uperior instru lh tion here given that in severa instances young men who ave spent two or three years at Leonard have gone elsewhere and been ad mi tt ed to the Ju ni or or Senior class , and graduated with honor .
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