EVAROM® Food Flavors Αρώματα Τροφίμων Arome Alimentare 30 YEAR ANNIVERSARY ΕΠΕΤΕΙΟΣ 30 ΕΤΩΝ 05/2019 ANIVERSARE 30 DE ANI BIOTREK S.A.C.I. For 30 years now, BIOTREK S.A.C.I. produces food grade flavors for the food, pharma and feed industries. We have a wide range of products of natural and nature identical flavors in liquid and powder form which we export to many countries in Europe, the Near East and Africa. We are able to create special, unique flavors for your product both economically and flexibility regarding quantities. Furthermore, our many years of experience when combined with quality raw materials and our competitive prices make it possible to offer you exquisite flavors that will add value to your product. ΒΙΟΤΡΕΚ Α.Β.Ε.Ε. Εδώ και 30 χρόνια, η ΒΙΟΤΡΕΚ ΑΒΕΕ παράγει βρώσιμα αρώματα για τις βιομηχανίες τροφίμων, φαρμάκων και ζωοτροφών. Διαθέτουμε μεγάλη ποικιλία σε φυσικά και ομοιοφυσικά αρώματα σε σκόνη και σε υγρή μορφή τα οποία εξάγουμε σε πολλές χώρες στην Ευρώπη, στη Μέση Ανατολή και στην Αφρική. Έχουμε τη δυνατότητα να δημιουργήσουμε ειδικά, μοναδικά αρώματα για το προϊόν σας, οικονομικά και με ευελιξία στις ποσότητες. Επιπλέον η πολύχρονη εμπειρία μας σε συνδυασμό με άριστα υλικά και ανταγωνιστικές τιμές μάς δίνουν τη δυνατότητα να δημιουργήσουμε υπέροχες γεύσεις που θα προσθέσουν αξία στο προϊόν σας. BIOTREK S.A.C.I. De 30 de ani BIOTREK S.A. produce arome pentru industria alimentara, farmaceutica si zootehnica. Dispunem de o gama larga de arome naturale si identic naturale sub forma lichida sau de pudra pe care le exportam in multe tari din Europa, Orientul Mijlociu si Africa. Avem posibilitatea de a crea arome speciale, unice pentru produsele dumneavoastra, economic si cu flexibilitate in ceea ce priveste cantitatea comandata. In plus, experienta noastra de lunga durata, in combinatie cu materiile prime de inalta calitate si preturile competitive, ne dau posibilitatea de a crea gusturi senzationale care vor contribui la imbunatatirea produselor dumneavoastra. WHY CHOOSE US? ΓΙΑΤΙ ΕΜΑΣ? DE CE NOI? Specialized Personnel Competitive pricing Εξειδικευμένο προσωπικό Οικονομία Personal specializat Cost scazut Uniqueness and Innovation European origin (made in Greece) Καινοτομία και μοναδικότητα Ευρωπαϊκής προέλευσης (παράγονται στην Ελλάδα) Originalitate si inovatie Origine europeana (se produc in Grecia) Chocolate // Σοκολάτα // Ciocolata ................................................................................................................................ p. 4 Vanilla // Βανίλια // Vanilie ..................................................................................................................................................... p. 5 Dairy // Γαλακτοκομικά // Lactate .................................................................................................................................... p. 6 Butter // Βούτυρο // Unt ....................................................................................................................................................... p. 7 Cheese // Τυρί // Branza .................................................................................................................................................p. 8 - 9 Fruit (other) // Φρούτα (άλλα) // Fructe (altele) ....................................................................................................p. 10 Tree Fruit // Καρποί Δέντρων // Fructe de copac ................................................................................................p. 11 Citrus // Εσπεριδοειδή // Citrice .....................................................................................................................................p. 12 Berries // Μούρα // Fructe de ..........................................................................................................................................p. 13 Tropical Fruit // Τροπικά Φρούτα // Fructe Tropicale ........................................................................................p. 14 Nuts // Ξηροί Καρποί // Nuci si alune ..........................................................................................................................p. 15 Sweet // Γλυκά // Dulciuri ....................................................................................................................................................p. 16 Brown & Baked // Καφετιασμένα & φούρνου // Produse coapte si inchise la culoare ...................p. 17 Fats // Λιπαρά // Grasimi .....................................................................................................................................................p. 18 Seafood // Θαλασσινά // Fructe de mare .................................................................................................................p. 19 Meat // Κρέας // Carne .............................................................................................................................................p. 20 - 21 Vegetable // Λαχανικά // Vegetale ......................................................................................................................p. 22 - 23 Herbal // Μυρωδικά // lerburi aromatice ...................................................................................................................p. 24 Spice // Μπαχαρικά // Condimente ...............................................................................................................................p. 25 Floral, Woody, Tabac // Λουλουδένια, Ξύλινα, Ταμπάκ // Floral, Lemnos, Tutun ...............................p. 26 Alcohol // Οινοπνευματώδη // Alcool .........................................................................................................................p. 27 Other Flavors Categories // Άλλες Κατηγορίες Αρωμάτων // Alte categorii de arome ...............p. 28 Information // Πληροφορίες // Informatii ................................................................................................................p. 29 CONTENTS ΠΕΡΙΕΧΟΜΕΝΑ CONTINUT Dictionary 3 Languages // Λεξικό σε 3 γλώσσες // Dictionar in 3 limbi .....................................p. 30 - 31 CHOCOLATE Σοκολάτα // Ciocolata NAME DESCRIPTION DOSE FORM TRADENAME APPLICATION COLOR SOLUBILITY Chocolate Dark Dark chocolate with cherry mint direction, chocolate cherry cordial 0.1 - 0.20% L 524101M direction. Liqueur, pudding, chocolate milk, chocolate cake, cookie filling, praline, Light Evarom WS ice cream, glaze brown Chocolate Dutch Chocolate flavor with nutty character 0.1 - 0.40% L 523403K Praline, cocoa drink, Gianduia, wafer filling, cookie filling, syrup. Evarom Clear WS Good for rounding out chocolate fillings. Chocolate Milk Cocoa powder & fresh full cream milk flavor. 0.1 - 0.20% L 523401K Chocolate milk, chocolate dessert, rice pudding, ice cream, vape, Evarom Clear WS pasta. Good for rounding out chocolate products. Chocolate Twix Undutched cocoa powder flavour, powdery 0.1 - 0.20% L 533402K Evarom Liqueur, cocoa beverage, cereal bar, milk chocolate, cheesecake swirl Tinted clear WS Chocolate White True, recognizable white chocolate 0.1 - 0.20% L 526301M Ice cream, hot beverage, panna cotta, frosting, whipped cream, Evarom Off white WS meringue, buttercream Chocolate Dark Dark chocolate flavor from well roasted cocoa beans 0.1 - 0.20% L 593502KT Ganache , praline croissant filling, couverture, bon bons, chocolate Evarom Clear WS/OS bars, chocolate chips Chocolate Abyss Sweet, deeply dark chocolate with cocoa powder and minty backdrop 0.1 - 0.20% L 593705KT Evarom Real chocolate ice cream coating, anhydrous fat based fillings Clear WS/OS Chocolate Eclipse Bitter, deeply dark chocolate with cocoa powder and minty backdrop 0.1 - 0.20% L 523514K American ice cream, hard candy, chocolate milk, cake, pudding, Evarom Clear WS/OS frosting Chocolate 692101M Rich chocolate with a slight milky note 0.4% - 2% P Bakarom Cake mix, cocoa beverage, coffee drink, cookies. Brown WS Chocolate Double Chocolate & cocoa flavor double strength 0.05-0.2% L 526202K Ice cream, double chocolate pudding, sandwich cookie filling, frosting, Light Evarom WS buttercream brown 4 VANILLA Βανίλια // Vanilie NAME DESCRIPTION DOSE FORM TRADENAME APPLICATION COLOR SOLUBILITY Vanilla Magnolia Vanilla with woody, floral and creamy almond notes 0.02 - 0.2% L 523806K Evarom Creme patisserie, panna cotta, dairy desserts Light yellow WS Vanilla 523323K Classic supermarket vanillia smell but full strength. Nice room filling 0.1 - 0.2%. L General bakery, cookies, biscuits, yeast cake, cheesecake, dairy desserts, Evarom Light yellow WS rice pudding, coffee, cookie icing, marshmallow, liqueur, cocoa beverage Vanilla Anjouan Milky vanilla flavor with distinct spice and flower notes 0.03 - 0.6% P 693505K Ice cream (krema flavor), soft ice cream mix, custard cream, cake, Evarom White WS brownie mix, milch-nudeln (baked pasta pudding) Vanilla Venlo 524302M Strong vanilla with appealing secondary notes: dairy, smoky and spicy 0.05 - 0.3 % L Anhydrous white filling, coffee, egg nog, advokaat liqueur, cake, whipped Straw Evarom WS cream, custard cream Yellow Vanilla Bourbon Delicate vanilla, sugary. Extract like with some beany notes. 0.2 - 0.5 % L 524524M Evarom Whipped cream, ice cream, crepe mix, sugar glaze, chocolate, rice pudding Light brown WS Vanilla Kokona Rich, warm vanilla with creamy dairy and sweet cherry notes 0.05 - 0.30% L 523707KT Evarom Chocolate ice cream coating, praline, couverture, chocolate filling Milky white WS/OS Vanilla Salvador Strong vanilla flavor with buttery
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