-. ..:.~, , .::.~ '~"" . '. ' "" " ~'oIm. h' illIC WORmS1!llVlCll OVuNIGIff liD 12:00 1:00 pm CAR TALK So""'?' d"b:I\ pedal Iduseo 10 pop lraock up. Tie a W""",, Nt100 12:15 Oft!he Shelf Li~aJy ~.1%:30 rope to It >tid 81'" ,t a tug. A.funny omelI.very _ you lun\ Merid;'"The masazine orthu.... HlO Wod<l N1e... 1:10 on the heal? Itcould be __ fIatnW. This andGlther'S"'ol ' ..... F...Tho.' 1:15C_Hall~_ 2.-00 advioe for ~r car from tM aulo-omrti$den.t <:::Iidk4.nd Clack.. World N.. 2:05 Wodd Busia... Rqxut MS11ltd.mting tl><! tappet brothers. Don't forg~ the pU%Zler! A r<!broo<lc:asl World A report onhow m<>ot of w·woddli.... ~ WOr,ld .from Saturday. TodayTopiCal aope<ts ofthe inllemational 5Cl:Il<.. _!\ladasl , :/'!Xlpm FRESH.AIR See Monday 012:00 pm.. at9:00 .... 2:4S S,PCNU Roundup 3,00 N......:lI030 0"" 3:00 pm ALI: mINes CONSIDERED See Monday 0l3:00pD\. l'Iaaetl'ocuo 01\ d<""Iopme'nr >tid the envi""__crt ·4,00 5:00pm CllC"S AS IT HAPPENS s.e Monday at S:OO pm. Nnwdcsk t:3O Spo... lnl<.....lional 6'.30 pm ALL mINes CONSIDERED.,..The Final Eddiom. See S,oo am MOIlN1NG mmoNnlIlC WORLD NIlWS ~ond.y a' M<K1<l.y·at 6'.llG pm. 5.1lO. 7:30 pm YOtlIl lEGAL RIGHTS Son Ma"'" Deputy DGtrii<t Attorney 9:00 am 'I1lE WORm TODAY See TUesday a19:OO ..... Chuck Fmney and IW; guests talk With list<me... aI:oJ>ut 1080/ 9:15.m 8BCc;>unoolC s.e Monday at 9015 am. and conswner probkms. Call in yow que<tions ~ and 9;((J am NAnoNAlNA~Nl!WSIEARTH &; SKY Sa:;M<>nday bisguesl ' at9:40..... .' , 8:30 pm: SOUNDPRINT Do<:umen.aries wM<h 9i45 am BKlTAlN ToDAYSee MOnday ai 9:45 am. combine vivid. sound with personal 10000am REALCOMPlirlNC Wl1HJOllN C. DVORA.!l:-"Wa",h· stQry tcllinJ; from award winning audio dog" frx the PCitId""'Y, ~uthorand joumoilist.}oHln Dvorak joum>lish. s.e listinp bdow. what used to be.th< "Sof!w.,.,/Hardtall:"_now gets 9;00 pm TANGENTS Fbrthru hoQm l!:V1:ry ...-in tbO litle. " .' week,. hast.core Stem presents an 11':~C NEWSDliSK' , . adventuroUs blmd of g~mgmusic witl",.n.elrIphosis 11:30 0l'EN AIR AIon Potleyno... Performing Arts Jout=I..par' on world.and roots music and !TlJ$,.<t<ultunJ jazz.1F.aa:ne in oitoday. pIOgrUI. Saturdays al7 pm for th. new WEl!KEND TANGlENTS. Nooa NAnONAl PR~CLUB Bach week speol<cs..adn:ss and Midnight BBC WORLD SllRVlCE OVERNICHT liU5:00aan.5ee • _~frOQ\ the W..hlnglon, D.C. p"""''''''p''. Th~ay ii$tin5~rfor .... compkk schedule. SOUNDPRINT INEDIlESDAVSIIf 1!:30 I'M "1'•. 2 David .....,:.' . May 7 C)rnic iJt Cybeawpacr: TIle' Sea«h lor .a N~w lJtorii;a • In pcoduDn Atm--Mark Power's family photo aIbuan. illooKs ~I and aaltur-..I crjtic Andrei Codrncu fled his..-lw ..IfIho co.... from a nonnal, loving-Irish Calholi<:>bmily. Romania beea~ rhc promi..~ Utopill Wi1& nor COOlducive' 10 Expu..how t-relaticnohip aad leelinp ebango>l!tIowarrJ, frh!. .xpr~ Now )"~ casts hi... dissldent'to ~C' Cdl. bl.tnf her fOlldly .."'"pwolder andre.li>ed th..._1ft foct obj«1:ol Amui.ca's om.e:.sion with tJ'ff specch.. the IIDtemet. oocn<thlng wry dift.......bout her J'OUIlt'"r t>mIho=rJhv;,1 . , ~t 01 $ChcxlWe to hi' OI-:UlOU n(1'd . AND THE WINNER IS••• 'pT. 16 It'a. Gay 'ThtQIJ SUaicbt T.IJ, about PnHtfa~ C...uuO..r IJIl(JllrWdWf'1'I lu L3n IU~abo\tt proabIte ClIlK"er ~10W:•• so II'l' '*_" I dUll, .1 ",wdr,l( 1ft tIW' ~ya\lOut bow to h ...' It. PtolJuO'''I·I.3i11 OrwOIIIll..,'"d C rhlt'd "Off,., aI (1I0,Jr~ I{ V''t'~ talwJ Q$ on the IfttaJwt ""nd into doctors' oltll.'t~ a,.rt".p;IIU'llh' lk"..~nUJ?,Schoot In ~n hOm-lor I5Omt' plain talk about pJ'Ol'toale (.1I10::1·r. If(J,JOJ,I'fI, (.mnd P"r~ wH""., Of (~ l.urth .c SIl)- ~OIIhC ,pr.23 c..IfdDez lb. Molt PopuJ"!, o.v8 jn thf" WorM Pmdu~cn (:nntc"s'l '''':1 Wlltl Gorw are tht cb)'lol ttw sJmpJc cup 01 (,(ltl,'1' AIIV "Wll'y VIlli tiN' (Of' 1"11'1' of 0 $/.000U U ~ drinlr.lt, 411 c:oIfte at.art.d our fhl' IIII1\(' '"";W ...... l"'·.'1I1I. W, ':'f1VItlr tLu,,,,J II.] 1_' r (III journey'tom tht tau-forot to the 1ol:.a1 :.;.",hlj' b 0", U... W,l' "It f>,,,"nkl' (I,"Aboor~ Y.Ai W Wf' my_s"t- ttw Jald. Iinc:Ungt on fh~ welrll!", IU,..."I VOI'II!,I! i ~ fill .111 ""I:' (/Iff' WlII"U'1: I 4rvs. Ih~ ~ I 11f"""" lkJn\ Wf'..A. of M"y 'I 01 9,·fl) fI, til, t)1I f nt1h cC ,\Jty pr.30 MJoolllOlppJ Math ·i I,,,,' """/"'-(<QII ""'111 0" on In the 19r6OI,. R.ob4tn MOth wu. "",('II·~Il~'w" , 1,,;1 "11: 101 " W",1n.o:l"'') 111,,), / bder whehtlpeeS OI'I,n-' Yotc,-t.~I!lI(lIlio",,,,.If'(.''l, III tit, 1OUth. $ifttc:. the ~.rly ]91(),. rhJI "'f,.."dl)fll :.llnllllO""- _,.'1,\'"" , hal betft An f'dUC'lUon NYolutioNry, htoll'illr, III 11mb,., ,,1,,1< ," 1 maCh into the btertt.nd m'n& of d'••dwmf,If" ..J !ol':"h, .. ,l chi........ 1 . _ . '. I BBC WOllLD SEIl.VJeB OVE1lNlGHl' tiD 5:00 am. t:2:lJlI World N..... 12:15 Qfftltdhelfl.lterary ....diria;s t:=IO Com..-rof tile MOJlllt aa.lCol muaiA: 1:00 WotIcl _ 1:10 P....e ForThoughl 1:15 TunIi"ll A Tune C~Imusk 1;30 The T_y:V""""1lodr. Sbow Just dle lhiIlg allo:r. claooicaJ muaiA: feal1lre 2:IJO WOdcI New. :!:OS WOCW' Busin...1lepert,2:15 Live PI.,.. The An:bi..,The_ biza"". unusual and juslplain bod r-.ls eve< ~5/ S). Then a Pop Muok Futare 2:30 .Wodd TndoyTop;;..l "p<ClIof"'"lnlemationaloaae. Relnnadcastat!1m...... ~ Sporto Roundup _, N........... :k:lO DiIcoYayS<ienoe docwn""taries·Rebroadcast today at 1()o.30 ..... 4:\10 ~leo , d<tk .:30 Neighbon Arts feah!~ '.,-45Fn>m Ou, Own Camespon. dent Wi~ 10<41 coIot &r penonal oplnion from BBC """'"""""," dents .<OUnd Ire wodd S:OO am, MORNING WmONIBB<;WOKLD NEWS See MoaiiIay.t , 5:00. 9:00 am .tHE WOKLD TODAY Sft Tuesday~"9:00 ..... 9:15 am ,1IllC OUTLOOK See Mollday.19:15 am. 9:40':"" NATlONALNATlVENEWS·/IiAB.TH4<SICYSoelofinrlday '9:~:-T()DAYSee~~9~~ 10~BBClllEWORI(5 A new ..-..l<IytepOrton the ...... NEW developmenllin tedmoIogy ond _ and soe"tilbc SHOW! frnnlias. ' )()O.30am BBC DISCOVERY Fi......le _ documenWiu. ll:OOam IIIlCNBWSDI!SJc 11:30am OP6N AlB. , . ' Noon ALTEllNAnV6 RADIO Futurint;the pmgr=i~_ and tlIinJa:rl< ..~poinb-ot__,_Iy.-:hIN___ • The pedecf antld_1or Ruoh! How To Receive Information Radio KALW (FM) on Your TV Gable U)IOU Hveln Sanl'randlco• .,...lV.....company eam..KALW C. A 75 olv\Ito 300 oIun adaplOr. aIoo ,wIddy __at (I'M) .ll03.3mHz(not at 91.7m1iz) _,.,..can teed..I'Mc:olbIf , hardoratt and _ --... ", no addltloaal_..1n)lOU' ainwnt l>iJl. a..cl< ..idx""our The m ..sy *J'S 10 hooking up I'Mcoble rodIo: ' mpony aboullhtit cumml poIlcy nprdlDg FMaI>Io...,110 . 1. Connect lhtcab. to the RF apUtoor'. inpul. ~chtt or not ,hey a1low _ ... hook up toI'M_ ,2. CoM<CllwO .o."d..1cables you bousbt In... "", spJitOrs"o ...." 10 on the", own. '. outputs. ' Hooking up I'Mcable radio .. not much motW dtl6cul' IIwn 3. C"",*, one ,,1_10your TV 0< cab.. be:<. hooking up a TV or VOl 10 cable. Ira • _.ofapfillinS rht,;able •. Conru:d!he other lood 10 Iho 15 to 300 oIun adaptor. : I lipal Into two pam-.pam Iiol and~6...,how •.,pilde S. Attach"'" 300 oIun end 01"'" adap"" lO .... PM...­ follow .honIy. Af/lor apllttlns !he ~oipol. 00JU>C<t d.1lhe oonnKtor on the Nclc 01 your.~ __vw. cabla 1o)lOUt cable bo>c orlVand the other 10 the ....-cror 6. Tune)lOUt PM ........ """;_10 )03.3mHz.U,.... do"'"","yo on your •......, -...or I'M radio, Vlacom/TC1 ..your cable providar, caU yourcabIo......,..."_Iy ThIs ...lIy it-JUs'ha' .Imoot_ ClIn do and I'..,111 10 lind out which lrequency they ......nsmlllnfo<motlon RacIlo g....dy Improvo )lOUt recq>1lon of KALW (FM) il our 0111"'1 io iJ'OO'/ ICALW (FM). (InMarin TCl ...transmllsICALW (FM).,­ dlolorlad ., )lOUr Iocorion. U )IOU ~'11wI "" to lh< took. """".aoI>1o tnqunq.1 91.7mHz). <emplny will b< ,glad 10 \look )IOU' mdlo up 10 the cable for ~ ­ I Wlhl be 01 help, so pl_ cllrect call 10: for. fa. 01 count. 0." EVaN Wha' )IOU'U nood: ChIef EJ1cinHr .t ICALW A. An RJ' .pU_. widely avollablo '1·1lanlw.~ and._010 300 Manoell 5hett ......... San francisco. CA 94134 B. Two c:oa>daI cabIea with TV........,IOr. on """" ...tI. One (415)841-412104013 01 __10 be Ioow .-"-YOU' IU' opl' .10 )lOUt __ and Iho oihor fnlm apIinor 10 your lV. 10 51 ,. '.1,,:" ., ," .. "',, , . :,:' \ . ~:.':""\ .... .~ SOCIAL THOUGHT . :' \ THURSQAYS liT 7:30 PM " 3 Agnes Heller, prores.or of philosophy, Now SdtooI ofSo6aI R~ rch. Ame·ri",. Wu Born Modem.. Witboatt.a GJelt Jim. 5 Mid-'Novok. mota! philooopher. W....ingo.:.u, D.C. 'The • N ti"" History ond With 0 future of F_~_ Nature ofComIllCm! ond the Core VaI_0('" Asnericon Post-modernity Fits Amerig.·We can Jive in ttiE present ,llepub1l< ...PorlectJy Suilood.
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