may 17-23, 2013 | rhode island’s largest weekly | Free art CLOTHES MAKE THE MAN ‘artist/rebel/ dandy’ at the risd museum _by Greg Cook | p 13 EQUAL, AT LAST Same-sex couples celebrate their newly- legal love _by Philip Eil | p 8 THIS A LASTING IMPRESSION BLUE-COLLAR BLUES JUST IN A Q&A with carver Nicholas Benson | p 6 !Prolyphic’s honest hip-hop | p 12 providence.thephoenix.com | the providence phoenix | may 17, 2013 3 LUPOS.COM LUPOS • 79 WASHINGTON ST. • PROVIDENCE / THEMETRI.COM THE MET • 1005 MAIN ST. • PAWTUCKET SUNDAY, JULY 21 AT LUPO’S JUST ADDED ~ THURSDAY, AUG. 1 AT LUPO’S THIS FRIDAY, MAY 17 AT LUPO’S may 17, 2013 contents on the cover F photos by natalja kent/two moon photography in thiS iSSue p 14 A$AP FERG p 12 p 21 8 equal, at last _by philip eil The same-sex marriage law doesn’t officially go into effect until August 1, which TUESDAY, JUNE 4 AT LUPO’S FRIDAY, JUNE 7 AT LUPO’S WEDNESEDAY, JUNE 19 AT LUPO’S gives us a moment to catch up with six couples who share their newly-legal love. 12 homegrown product _by chris conti Blue-collar blues: prolyphic and Buddy Peace salute the Working Man. Plus, on page T1, “Off the Couch.” 13 art _by greg cook Performing the 25th Anniversary Clothes make the man: “artist/rebel/dandy: men of fashion” at the RISD Museum. Operation: of 2013 14 theater _by bill rodriguez mindcrime Brown/Trinity Rep MFA’s romeo and juliet; the zoo story at Mixed Magic. ALSO PERFORMING CLASSIC HITS 21 film Starring the original Lead singer “Short Takes” on no and from up on poppy hill. GEOFF TATE with All-Star guest players from Ozzy Osbourne, in every iSSue 6 Quiet Riot, Whitesnake, Dio, 4 phillipe & jorge’s 10 dining Blue Oyster Cult, AC/DC & more cool, cool world Every dish is done just right at Trattoria How things work | Sequestered Longo. SATURDAY, JUNE 8 AT again | Celebrating Bob | Mama’s 11 8 days a week THIS FRIDAY, MAY 17 AT THIS SATURDAY, MAY 18 AT boys | Quote of the week Stomp6 ; RISD’s Collection 2013, the Big Draw, and Graduate Thesis Exhibition. 4 the city _by derf 7 22 moonsigns 6 this just in _by symboline dai PLAYING A Q&A with a master craftsman 22 jonesin’ _puzzle by matt jones TUES 8/13 BARONESS | Digital alchemy on Power Street 10 DEAD SUN 5/19 FRANKIE O’ROURKE FRI 5/24 THE BITCHIN’ AARDVARKS Stomp | p 11 Max SOUNDOFF • IN THE MEANTIME 11 THE GRAVE REVIEWS Creek BOSTON’S GRATEFUL DEAD EXPERIENCE ARC IRIS SAT 5/25 CHARGE THE ATLANTIC 12 TUESDAY, JUNE 18 AT LUPO’S FRIDAY, JUNE 28 AT LUPO’S JUST ADDED ~ SAT., JULY 13 AT THE YOUNG WESTPORTS • FLY KITE CANVAS TUES 5/28 FUTUREBIRDS BURLAPAN • MILK 30 FRI 5/31 THE AGENTS CRADLE TO THE GRAVE ATLANTIC THRILLS 30 SAT 6/1 NORTHERN LANDS THE MALLETT BROTHERS BAND VIKING JESUS • CACTUS ATTACK providence associate publisher Stephen L. Brown FRI 6/7 START MAKING SENSE Managing editor Lou papineau THE WHITE PANDA DRIVER FRIENDLY NIGHTS WITHOUT TELEVISION news editor phiLip eiL contributing editors BiLL rodriguez, Johnette rodriguez JUST ADDED ~ FRI., JULY 19 AT FRIDAY, JULY 19 AT LUPO’S COMING TO LUPO’S SAT 6/9 SCHOOL OR ROCK - SEEKONK contributing writers rudy cheekS, chriS conti, providence | portLand greg cook, chip young SAT 7/13 MON 6/10 TOMMY MALONE vol. xxvi | no. 20 contributing photographer richard mccaffrey OF THE SUBDUDES contributing illustrator daLe StephanoS STREETLIGHT MANIFESTO Stephen m. mindich THE publisher + chairMan editorial design Manager Janet Smith tayLor TUE 9/3 THURS 6/13 TERRAPIN FLYER everett finkeLStein graphic designers andrew caLipa, caitLin muSSo LEMONHEADS WITH MELVIN SEALS & MARK KARAN chief operating officer account executives Jennifer aLarie, Bruce aLLen, ZAPPA PLAYS ZAPPA PLUS SHAKEDOWN officeS JoShua cournoyer, dayna mancini integrated Media account coordinator adam FRI 9/6 providence 150 cheStnut St, providence, ri 02903 FRI 6/14 KOOL G RAP 401.273.6397 | fax 401.273.0920 oppenheimer THE GASLIGHT ANTHEM portland 65 weSt commerciaL St, Suite 207, portLand, me 04101, 207.773.8900 | circulation Jim dorgan [director], michaeL JohnSon fax 207.773.8905 MON 6/17 ATLAS GENIUS [manager] national sales office 150 cheStnut St, providence, ri 02903, WED 9/18 PACIFIC AIR • HAERTS 401.273.6397 x 232 | fax 401.272.8712 the phoenix Media/coMMunications group website providence thephoenix.com chairMan Stephen m. mindich chief operating officer everett finkeLStein WALK THE MOON subscriptions BuLk rate $74/6 monthS, $156/1 year, aLLow 7-14 dayS for deLivery. TUES 6/18 WHY? executive editor peter kadziS senior vice president a. wiLLiam riSteen caLL 401.273.6397 the phoenix newSpaperS | fnx radio network | g8wave copyright © 2013 By the providence phoenix, inc. aLL rightS reServed. reproduc- LUPO’S BOX OFFICE • MON-FRI NOON - 6 PM LUPOS.COM • F.Y.E. STORES • ROUND AGAIN RECORDS • IN YOUR EAR • EMPIRE GUITARS tion without permiSSion, By any method whatSoever, iS prohiBited. printed by maSS weB printing | peopLe2peopLe group maSS weB printing co., inc., 314 waShington St, auBurn, ma 01501 | 508.832.5317 4 may 17, 2013 | the providence phoenix | providence.thephoenix.com THE SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL Phillipe + Jorge’s Cool, Cool World Listen local. Rhode Island PublIc RadIo RIPR.oRg HOW THINGS WORK Featuring the InsIde ‘the system’; government at Its worst; dylanology LIVE fine works of entertainment 180 selected Your superior correspondents were Pub on Smith Street in Providence will take which features Rick Bellaire, Nick DiBi- really difficult. P&J hope to see some of you all weekend flistening to Dan Yorke on WPRO last place Friday, May 17. As usual, there will asio and Fred Wilkes. Patrick’s first started there. artists & Friday afternoon when news broke that be a video, a quiz, and dedications sand- having these celebrations in 1998 and the craftspersons Delicious former State Senate President Joseph wiched around live music performances. ZimmerMen, according to McGetrick, MaMa’S boyS Foods Montalbano was being nominated for the “But this year,” organizer Jim McGetrick “have been doing something similar in Your superior correspondents primarily from around state’s Superior Court. Immediately, Dan says, “there could really be something northern RI for just as long.” use Facebook to promote this phony the country. Downtown started putting the pieces together. with the addition of a second band, the Jorge has attended the Patrick’s Pub baloney column. But it’s also a good The speculation goes like this: the recent ZimmerMen.” Dylan fest a few times. It’s a fun night way to keep in touch with friends all over Sidewalk Sale passage of marriage equality was the linch- The event’s regular band, the BusKings, and a must for Bob Dylan fanatics. Be the world whom we haven’t seen in a pin for this new development. Historically, will be alternating with the ZimmerMen, warned, however, that the “quiz” is really, while. For instance, it’s great way to touch the marriage equality issue has been ham- base with former members of Rubber strung in the Senate, where the current Rodeo, the Mundanes, Talking Heads, president, Teresa Paiva-Weed, was an oppo- Barry and the Remains, and other musical nent. Thus, in order to get the bill through, the City _BY DERF acts whom Jorge used to play with back in there would have to be some horse-trading the ’70s. among the pols. Although Paiva-Weed This past Sunday was Mother’s Day WILCOX PARK—WESTERLY, RI 10 AM-5 PM voted “no” on the bill, she could have been and, outside of posting the requisite MAY 25 & 26, 2013 • FREE ADMISSION • RAIN OR SHINE a lot more of an obstruction. Frank Zappa tune — in this case, “Peaches This, we suspect, was where the horse- en Regalia” — we spent a good deal of trading took place. Joe Montalbano, who time checking out old family photos of our had a fairly serious ethics charge lodged friends’ mothers. Many were stunningly against him leading up to losing his Sen- beautiful. ate seat in a major upset back in 2008, was Jorge’s mother passed away more set up to finally get his reward, with the than 18 years ago and, unfortunately, he pols hoping that everyone had forgotten doesn’t have the scanning equipment about the ethics charges. to post any old photographs. (Though he FOR INFORMATION 401.596.7761 We have no animus against any of was able to post one of him and his mother these people, but P&J have a strong suspi- that ran in the Other Paper for Mother’s cion that Yorke has it mostly right. And Day, 1984). She — Marjorie Jenks McCrae that is how “the system” works in the Big- — was an amazing woman who was very gest Little. It is also why many knowledge- active in Pawtucket communities and able people who follow local politics closely held interesting jobs over the years. She are so frustrated and disgusted. was the secretary for Hasbro’s Don Levine, for example, at the time he invented SequeStered again G.I. Joe. Phillipe and Jorge didn’t really take the To Jorge’s eternal gratitude, Marge also threat of sequestered funding by the fed- took an interest in genealogy and traced eral government too seriously, figuring the family roots back to Roger Williams. that it was just another scare tactic being Being a direct descendant of Vo Dilun’s used by DC blowhards to force Obama to founder was not something Jorge knew look bad.
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