¼Jherh Eatq ;Kno½ , Yadav ¼,E- Yadav Shree Gupta Grains Production and ¼Deyk 6- Roopbas Road, Ch- ;Kno½ Productivity in Rajasthan (

¼Jherh Eatq ;Kno½ , Yadav ¼,E- Yadav Shree Gupta Grains Production and ¼Deyk 6- Roopbas Road, Ch- ;Kno½ Productivity in Rajasthan (

MAHARSHI DAYANAND SARASWATI UNIVERSITY, AJMER List of Ph.D. degree awarded from 01-01-2010 to 15-07-2017 Faculty¼ladk;½- Social Science ¼lekt foKku½, Subject- Economics ¼vFkZ'kkL=½ SN Candidate's Name in Sex Father's Mother's Subject/ Supervisor Topic ¼'kh"kZd½ of Ph.D. Registration Date of Eng & Hindi with Male Name in Eng Name in Eng Faculty No./ Year V.C.'s Address & & Hindi & Hindi Femal Approval e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1. Mrs. Manju Yadav F M.B. Kamala Economics Dr. Manju Inter regional variations in food 4053/06 29-05-2010 ¼Jherh eatq ;kno½ , Yadav ¼,e- Yadav Shree Gupta grains production and ¼deyk 6- Roopbas Road, ch- ;kno½ productivity in Rajasthan ( Near Bhawani Top, ;kno½ 1980-81 to 2004-2005) Alwar jktLFkku esa [kk|kUu mRiknu ,oa mRikndrk esa vUr% {ks=h; fo"kerk,a ¼1980&81 ls 2004&2005½ 2. Mrs. Shahnaz F Ishrat Rayees Economics Dr. Manju Economics of Tourism in 4055/06 10-07-2010 ¼ Jherh 'kgukt½ Hussain Fatima Shree Gupta Rajasthan: Problems and 7/97, Malviya ¼b'kjr ¼jbZl prospects ¼jktLFkku esa i;ZVu dk Nagar, Jaipur- 17 gqlSu½ Qkfrek½ vFkZ'kkL= % leL;k,a ,oe~ lEHkkouk,a ½ 3. Ram Swaroop M Sita Ram Kamod Economics Dr. Rashmi Monetary policy of the Reserve 4005/05 5-3-2011 Pareek ¼jke Lo:i Pareek Pareek Bhargava Bank of India: Objectives, ikjhd½ ¼lhrk jke ¼deksn Instruments and Evaluation (since S/o Sh. Sita ¼fjtoZ cSad dh Ram pareek, Amli ikjhd½ ikjhd½ 1980-81 to 2004-05) Road, Pindwara, ekSfnzd uhfr 1980&81 ls 2004&05½ Post- Pindwara, Dist. Sirohi 1 4. Sub hash Chander M Ghewar Hanja Devi Economics Dr. Rashmi Importance of Mehndi (Heena) 4041/05 15-3-2011 Naval ¼lqHkk"k pUnz Ram ¼?ksoj ¼gatk nsoh½ Bhargava small scale industry in Rajasthan (A ¼y?kq uoy½ S/o Ghewar jke ½ census study of Pali District.) Ram, P-26/H-7026, m|ksx esganh dk jktLFkku esa egRo Patiala Jaav, Shiv ¼ikyh ftys dk lax.kukRed v/;;u½ Colony, Sojat City, Distt- Pali- 306 104 5. Smt. Sharda Pandey F Brij Mohan Geeta Economics Dr. J.N. Growth and disparities of 4714/04 17-3-2011 ¼ Jherh 'kkjnk Pandey Pandey Sharma commercial banking in Rajasthan. ¼c`t eksgu ¼xhrk ¼jktLFkku esa okf.kfT;d cSad dh ik.Ms;½ C/o Sh. Om Babu Shukla, B-3 ik.Ms;½ ik.Ms;½ lao`f) ,oa fo"kerk,a½ Jamana Dairy, Sodala, Ajmer Road, Jaipur- 302006 6. Santosh Kumar M Jagdish Shayer Economics Dr. J.N. Cost and afficiency analysis of 4707/02 19-7-2011 Rajpurohit ¼larks"k Chander Devi ¼'kk;j Sharma professional higher education in dqekj jktiqjksfgr½ Rajpurohit nsoh½ Rajasthan. ¼jktLFkku esa O;kolkf;d ¼txnh'k Vijay Pujan, I-54, mPp f'k{kk dk ykxr o dq'kyrk pUnz Mini Secretariat fo'ys"k.k½ Area, New civil jktiqjksfgr½ lines Hanumangarh Jn. 335512 7. Manak Ram M Deva Ram Gheveri Economics Dr. Rashmi A study of population growth and 4046/05 27-3-2012 Singariya ¼ek.kd Singariya Devi ¼?ksojh Bhargava economic development in Rajasthan. ¼nsok jke ¼jktLFkku esa tula[;k o`f) ,oa vkfFkZd jke flaxkfj;k½ 76, nsoh½ Seth Sanwaria flaxkfj;k½ fodkl ij ,d v/;;u½ Colony, Jaliya Road, Beawar, Dist- Ajmer 305 901 8. Smt. Sulochana F Giri Raj Chatru Economics Dr. J.N. An Econometric analysis of growth 4091/07 15-5-2012 ¼ Jherh lqykspuk½ Meena Meena Sharma and disparities in industries of W/o Sh. Satya ¼fxjh jkt ¼pr: eh.kk½ Rajasthan. ¼jktLFkku ds m|ksxksa esa Narayan Meena, 09, eh.kk½ lao`f) vkSj fo"kerkvksa dk vFkZfefrd Near D.E.O. fo'ys"k.k½ Office,Mahadevali, 2 Shiv Nagar Tonk- 304001 9. Smt. Sheela Yadav ¼ F Harinder Shanti Devi Economics Prof. M.L. Management of Bank credit in rural 4008/05 22-5-2012 Jherh 'khyk ;kno½ Singh ¼'kkafr nsoh½ Chhipa transformation (in reference to ¼gfjUnj ¼xzkeh.k :ikUrj.k esa cSad C/o Sh. R.N. Yadav, Rajasthan) 18/IV, Income Tax flag½ lk[k dk izca/ku ¼jktLFkku ds lanHkZ esa½ Colony, Near Vidhansabha , Jyoti Nagar,Jaipur- 10. Tina Soni ¼Vhuk F Nand Gomati Economics Dr. Manju Relevance of the Ancient Indian 4009/05 8-10-2012 lksuh½ Kishore Devi Soni Singh economic thoughts in the present E-408, Shastri ¼uUn ¼xkserh nsoh Nagar, Ajmer Soni economic system of India (with 305001 fd'kksj lksuh½ special reference to Kautilya) lksuh½ ¼orZeku Hkkjrh; vkfFkZd O;oLFkk esa izkphu Hkkjrh; vkfFkZd fopkjksa dh izklafxdrk ¼dkSfVY; ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ lfgr½ 11. Sunita Nebhwani F Thakur Radha Economics Dr. Manjula Performance evaluation of banks in 4011/05 01-12-2012 ¼lquhrk usHkokuh½ D/o Nebhwani Nebhwani Mishra India (before and after Sh. Thakur ¼Bkdqj ¼jk/kk Liberalisation) Hkkjr esa cSadksa ds Nebhwani, B, Dhola usHkokuh½ usHkokuh½ fu"iknu dk ewY;kadu ¼mnkjhdj.k ls Bhata Road, Ajmer iwoZ ,oa i'pkr~½ 12. Arun Singh ¼v:.k M Jagat Pal Shakuntala Economics Dr. J.N. Economics of human capital 4716/04 30-4-2013 flag½ A-138, Hasan Singh Devi Sharma formation analysis of growth, ¼txr iky ¼'kdqUryk disparities and productivity in Khan, Mewati ekuo iwath fuekZ.k dk Nagar, Alwar- flag½ nsoh½ Rajasthan. vFkZ'kkL= % jktLFkku esa lao`f) fo"kerk,a rFkk mRikndrk dk fo'ys"k.k 13. Miss Hemlata F Ishwardas Poonam Economics Dr. Rashmi Economics of Rajasthan apparel 5158/09 25-1-14 Manglani lqJh Manglani Manglani Bhargava exports : An empirical study of bZ'ojnkl iwue jktLFkku oL= gseyrk eaxykuh, Jaipur printing arts 417/25, Jhulelal eaxykuh eaxykuh fu;kZrksa dk vFkZ'kkL=&t;iqj NikbZ Chock, Asha Ganj, dykvksa dk ,d vuqHkokRed v/;;u Ajmer 3 14. Swatantra Kumar M Rakesh Saroj Economics Prof. M.L. Micro finance and empowerment of 5029/08 20-3-14 Sharma Lora= Kumar Sharma Chhipa women : An impact study of self dqekj 'kekZ Sharma ljkst 'kekZ help groups (SHGs) in Rajasthan , 777/28, jkds'k dqekj Near Shiv Mandir, with special reference to Ajmer lw{e foRr ,oa efgyk Bihari Ganj, Ajmer 'kekZ District l'kfDrdj.k % jktLFkku esa Lo;a lgk;rk lewgksa dk vtesj ftys ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa izHkkokRed v/;;u 15. Rani Augustine F Augustine Rosa Economics Dr. Manjula Estimation of the money multiplier 5049/08 22-5-14 jkuh vkxLVhu, St. V.J. Ausgustine Mishra and its component ratios ekSfnzd Francis provincial vkxLVhu jkstk xq.kd ,oa blds ?kVd vuqikrksa dk oh-ts- vkxLVhu house, Mirshah Ali, vkadyu Bhopa ka Bada, Ajmer 305001 16. Smt. Parul Saxena F Ravinder Shashi Economics Dr. Manju Impact of business process 5022/08 22-8-14 Jherh ik:y lDlSuk, Dayal Mathur Shree Gupta outsourcing industry (BPO) on 3, Kesri Colony, Mathur 'kf'k ekFkqj Indian Economy, A case study of Adarsh Nagar, jfoUnj Gurgaon Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk ij Ajmer 305008 n;ky ekFkqj fctusl izkslsl vkmVlksflZax ¼ch-ih-vks-½ m|ksx dk izHkko xqM+xkao ,d fo'ks"k v/;;u 17. Miss Beena Sisodia F Pusa Ram Sampati Economics Dr. Deepak Role of Tourism in Rajasthan's 5159/09 14-3-2015 dq- chuk fllksfn;k, Sisodia Devi Mehra Economy ( with Special Reference Royal Shoes iwlk jke lEirh nsoh to Religious Tourism) jktLFkku dh Emporium, Jeengar fllksfn;k vFkZO;oLFkk esa i;ZVu dh Hkwfedk Bazzar, Jaitaran ¼/kkfeZd i;ZVu ds fo'ks"k lUnHkZ esa½ (Pali) 306302 18. Ramesh Chandra M Debi Lal Udayee Economics Economics of „Direct –To- 5132/09 Keer Keer Bai Home‟ Television 28-09-16 jes’k pUnz dhj nsch yky mn;h ckbZ Broadcasting Services in India H.No. A-255/256, dhj Hkkjr esa MkbjsDV&Vw&gkse Near Keshav „ ‟ nwjn’kZu Madhav Community izlkj.k lsokvksa dk vFkZ’kkL= Bhawan, Panchwati Colony, Bhilwara 311001 4 v/;;u 19. Jagat Jyoti Barua M Jagannath Jyoti Economics Demographic Change in 5133/09 Tkxr T;kfr c:ok Barua Prova Rajasthan: A case study of the 28-09-16 C/o Shri txUukFk Barua Nagaur and Bikaner Districts. R.K.Sharma, c:ok jktLFkku esa tulkaf[;dh ifjorZu % 777/28, Near Shiv T;ksfr izHkk ukxkSj o chdkusj ftyksa dk ,d Temple, Bihariganj, c:ok Ajmer 20. Ms. Pushpa F Madan Tulsi Economics Contribution of Special 03/2010 Chouhan Lal Chouhan Economic Zone (SEZ) in the /Eco/02 18-02-17 lqJh iq"ik pkSgku rqylh Chouhan Economic Development of H.No. 327/43, enu yky pkSgku Rajasthan Near Radha pkSgku jktLFkku ds vkfFkZd fodkl esa fo’ks"k Krishan Mandir, vkfFkZd {ks= ¼lst½ dk ;ksxnku Dholabhata, Ajmer 5 Faculty ¼ladk;½- Social Science ¼lekt foKku½, Subject-Geography ¼Hkwxksy½ SN Candidate's Name Sex Father's Mother's Subject Topic ¼'kh"kZd½ of Ph.D. Registratio Date of in Eng & Hindi Male Name in Name in Faculty n No./ V.C.'s with Address & Eng & Eng & Year Approval Femal Hindi Hindi e 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 9 1. Hari Krishna Sen ¼ M Mangi Lal Bikee Geography Dr. A.S. Human resource development in 4611/02 21-6- ¼ekaxh yky½ gfj d`".k lsu½ s/o Sh Devi ¼fcdh Panwar marwar region (A geographical 2010 nsoh½ Mangi lal, Post- study) ekjokM+ izns'k esa ekuoh; lalk/ku fodkl ¼,d HkkSxksfyd v/;;u½ Karmawas patta, via- pipliya kllan, Distt- Pali 306307 2. Mrs. Anita Yadav F Ram Mani Geography Dr. N.R, Crop production in Indira Gandhi 4626/03 27-9- ¼Jherh vfurk ;kno½, Chandra Yadav ¼ekuh Kaswan canal command with special 2010 ;kno½ c/o NR kaswan, H Yadav ¼jke reference to water management: pUnz ;kno½ no- 887 ward-15, A case study at distributary level purani abadi, (1994-95 to 2003-04) bfUnjk xka/kh ugj flafpr {ks= esa ty izca/k ds fo'ks"k Sriganganagar- lanHkZ esa Qly mRiknu% forfjdk Lrj ij 335001 ,d v/;;u ¼1994&95 ls 2003&04½ 3.

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