Tuesday, 28th September, 1954 LOK SABHA DEBATES (Part I—Questions and Answer) V O L U M E l S ; 1 9 5 4 {27th September to 30th September, ipS4) SEVENin SESSION 1 9 5 4 LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI CONTENTS VoUme V— From 37th S ep tm t^ {0 30th September, 954X CoLtrMNS^ '4onday, 27th September, 1954 Oral Answers td Questions— " Surred Questions Nos. 1348 to 135a, 1354, i 353. 1359 > i36l» 13^3 to 1370, 1373, 1373 to 1378,1380 to 1382, 1384,1386 to 1390, I3^» 1394 to 1398,1069 and 1 3 5 8 ...................................... 1629 —^ Written Answers to Questions— Starred Questions Noa. 1345 to 1347, I353> i 356> i357» 1360, 1362, 1371, 1372, 1374. I379 > 1383 * i 385 > I39 X and 1393 • 1669— 78 Unstarred Questions Nos. 715 to 765 and 767 to 791 . ■ 678— 1720 Tuesday, 28th September, 1954 Oral Answers to Questions— Starred Questions Nos. 1399, 1401 to 1405, 1407, 1410,1412 to 1414, 1416, i4i7> 141910 1422,-1424 to 1426, i4^ A and 1429 to i 433 ....................................................... ......... 1721—56­ Written Answers to Questions— * ' ^ Starred Questions Nos. 1400, 1406, 1408, 1409, 1411, 1415, 1418, i4as» 1427. 1428, 1436 to 1438 and 1440 to 1442 , . 175 6 -6 6 Unctarred Questions Nos. 79a to 839. 841 to 858, 838-A and 858-B . ............................................... 1766—1804. (I) ( «) W td m u b ^ , 29th Septen^, i$s 4 Column'' Oral Answers to Questions— Starred Questions Nos, 1443, 1444, 1447 to 1451* H 53> I454» 1456 to 1458, 1460 to 1464, 1495, 1465. 1468, 1470 to 1473. I475> 1477 to 1480,1482,1484 to i486,1488 and 1490 . 1805— 45 Short Notice Question No. 15 , . 1843— 46 Written Answers to Quesftons— Starred Questions Nos. 1445,1446, i 432> i455. 1459 . 1466, 1469. 1474.1476. 1481, 1483. 1487* 1489. 1491 to 1493, 1496 to 1505, 1505-A, 1506 and 1507 ..... 1846—62 Unstarred Questions Nos. 859 to 889» 891, 893, 894 and 896 to 9 1 1 .................................................................................1862— 94 Thursday, 30th September, 1954 ^Oral Answers to Questions— Starred Questions Nos. 1508, 1510 to 1513,1516, 1519, 1520, 1522,1523. 1525.1527. 1529 to 1533, i 535.Sa«d *537 to 1555 ^895—1935 Short Notice Question No. 16........................................................... 1935— 38 Written Answers to Questions— Starred Questions Nos, 1509, 1514, 1515, 1517, 1518, 1521, 1524,1526,1528, 1534 and 1 5 3 6 ..........................1938—44 Unstarred Questions Nos. 912, to ^ 7 , 947"A, 948 to 957, 957-A, 958 to 973 and 9 7 5 .................................. 1944— 80 LOK SABHA DEBATES (Part I—Questions and Answers) I 72I 1722 LOK SABHA Shrl D. C. Sbarma: May I know what the hon. Minister means by Tuesday, 28th September, 1954. saying that the pattern of education' is to be changed? -Lok Sahha met at Eleven of Mr. Speaker I think let us not the Clock. spend time oyer this now. As he said, it is a long note, the hon. Mem­ [Mr. Speaker in the Chair] ber may study it and put specific questions about the points in it. ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Shri D. C. Sharma: May I know Central A dvisory B oard of E duca ­ t io n if the recommendations of the sub­ committee have been circulatea to the •1399. Shrl D. C. Shanna: WiU the State Governments and their react­ Minister of Education be pleased to ions obtained? state whether the recommendations of the sub“Committee - set up by the Dr. M. M. Das: Yes; they have Central Advisory Board for Secondary been circulated to the State Govern­ Education have been examined? ments and we have up-till now re­ ceived replies from the following The Parliamentary Secretary to the State Governments: PEPSU. Madhya Minister of Education (Dr. M. M. Pradesh, Bombay. Andhra. Punjab. Das): Yes. Assam, Travancore-Cochin, Hydera­ bad, Madras. Saurashtra. Bhooal and Sbri D. C. Sharma: May I know West Bengal. what the recommendations of the sub-committee are with re*?ard to the Shr^ D. C. Sharma: May I know if recommendations of the report? the recommendations of the Com­ mission appointed by the Central Dr. M. M. Das: The recommendat­ Ministry of Education have been col­ ions of the sub-committee runs into lated with the recommendations made ten closely typed foolscap pages. It by the Secondary Education Com­ is not possible to give in a few words mittees appointed by so many Gov­ the recommendations to the hon. ernments all over India? Member. But, I may say that these recommendations relate to a change Dr. M. M. Das: So far this parti­ in the pattern of secondary education, cular sub-oommlttee appointed by the establishtnent of multi-purpose Chairman of C.A.B.E. in the question , schools, general improvement of is concerned, the terms of reference teaching in secondary schools, im­ are to make suggestions about the provement of libraries etc. earliest implementation of the re­ commendations of the Secondary Mr. Speaker: I think it would be Education Commission. better if a copy is placed on the Table of the House. Sliri S. N. Das: In view of the fact that the implementation of the re­ Dr. M M, Das: Yes; Sir, I will do commendations of this Commission h. will entail sufficient amount of money 425 L.S.D. 1724 1723 Oral Answers 28 SEPTEMBER 1954 Oral Answers to be spent by the various States (b) The number of posts militaris­ concerned, may I know whether the ed up-to-date is 159 in the various Central Government has given any cadres. indication to the various Slate Gov­ ernments as to the financial ciid that (c) The expenditure incurred on the Central Government would be the entire posts before and after giving to them? • militarisation comes to Rs. 2,64,240/­ p.m. and Rs. 2,63,460/- p.m. res­ Dr. M. M. Das: The present scheme pectively. that has been circulated to the State Governments involves an expenditure Sfcri V. P. Nayar: May i know of approximately Rs. 15-96 crores. whether any relaxation has been Out of this sum the Central Govern­ shown in respect of such persons who ment would be required to contribute are militarised, especially in regard Rs. 9*76 crores and the State Govern­ to physical qualifications and age? ments have been asked to contribute Rs. 6 2 croros. Sardar Majithia: So far as physical qualifications are concerned, people Shri V. P. Nayar. May 1 know are checked up according tc their whether these recommendations in­ age, which means that a person who clude any specific recommendation is 45 is not expected to be as fi» as a for the improvement of students’ person of 25. So far as the other health and aljo the necessity to pro­ point—qualification—is concerned, they vide for free meals for those deserv­ are qualified. ing students so that they cm take advantage to the fullest extent of the S’hri V. P. Nayar: My point does education which is given? |not seem io have been understood by the hon. Minister. I want to know Dr. M. M. Das: The hon. Member whether, in view of the technical should understand that education is qualifications of such persons who are a State subject. militarised, any relaxation in res­ pect of the general rules which re­ Shri V. P. Nayar: That I know. quire a certain physical quaUfication etc., being satisfied, is being shown to Dr. M. M. Das: So far as physical these candidates? health of students is concerned, re­ commendations have been made. Sardar Majithia: I have not quite understood the question. As I have M ilitarisation op M. E. S. S t a f f already said, physical standards vary with the age. ♦1401. Shrl V. P. Nayar: Will the Minister of Defence be pleased to Mr. Speaker: Whatever the physical state: standards may be for a particular age, has thei^ been any relaxation in (a) the number of total M.E.S. basic that category or grouo of age, in cadres to be militarised; regard to other qualifications? (b) the number of M.E.S. basic Sardar Majithia: No such relaxat­ Subordinate Cadres militarised up-to- ion has been shown. date and their categories; and (c) the expenditure incurred on flhri V. P. Nayar: May 1 know them per month? whether it is a fact that, as the bulk of M.E.S. works are executed by The Deputy Minister of Defence contractors; there is great unemploy­ (Sardar MaJltWa): (a) The total ment and the necessity to militarise number of posts to be militarised, in more and more persons is thereby seven diiferent cadres, is 1,415. obviated? 1725 Oral Answers 28 SEPTEMBER 1954 Oral Answers 1726 Sardar Majitliia: No. The necessity of three stages. The early two stages arose to militarise tliem because, —gravity and magnetic surveys— when tihese civillians are posted to have been completed. The Iftird stage units which are on an active war —seismic work—will be taken up role, difficulties arose regarding during the next season. After that, administration, discipline and all it will have to be further followed up that. Therefore, it was fo*’nd neces­ by test boring and drilling investig­ sary to militarise them. Besides, the ations. It is only after all these that hon. Member will see that we are the Geological Survey of India can saving about Rs. 800 by this step. say whether there are Lnv definite Shri V. P. Nayar; One more quest­ possibilities of oil being found or not. ion, Sir. Shri Dabhi: What led Government Mr. Speaker: Order, order.
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