16594 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 3, 1976 H.R. 13664. May 10, 1976. Government Op­ Provides financial assistance to persons Prohibits certain large petroleum refining erations: Rules. Abolishes certain Federal whose small businesses are displaced by Fed­ companies from acquiring or controlling an regulatory agencies unless, Within the next eral and federally assisted programs so that interest in the marketing of petroleum or three years: ( 1) the President recommends they are able to lease, rent or purchase re­ petroleum products. to Congress that any agency or agencies placement quarters. H.R. 13672. May 10, 1976. Interstate and should not be abolished; (2) the relevant H.R. 13668. May 10, 1976. Small Business. Foreign Commerce. Reaffirms the intent of committee investigates and publishes a re­ Amends the Small Business Act to allow the Congress with respect to the structure of the port on such agency; and (3) the Congress Small Business Administration to provide common carrier telecommunlcations indus­ adopts a concurrent resolution disapproving disaster loans to small businesses in areas try rendering services in interstate and for­ t he abolition of such agency or agencies. which the Administrator declares to have eign commerce. Reaffirms the authority of Requires three year automatic abolition of been struck by impacted disasters. the States to regulate terminal and station existing agencies unless similar positive ap­ H ..R. 13669. May 10, 1976. Small Business. equipment used for telephone exchange serv­ proval is given by the President and Con­ Amends the Small Business Act to increase ice. Requires the Federal Communications gress. the maximum Small Business Administra­ Commission to make specified findings in Allows for the transfer of agency functions tion share on a business loan. connection with Commission actions author­ to the President or a successor agency with H.R. 13670. May 10, 1976. Small Business. Amends the Small Business Act to provide izing specialized carriers. the continuation of the present rules and H.R. 13673. May 10, 1976. Armed Services. proceedings. that a small business concern shall include a nonprofit organization the purpose of which Authorizes the President to sell one landing H.R. 13665. May 10, 1976. Interstate and craft repair ship and one inshore patrol craft Foreign Commerce. Amends the Solid Waste is to provide economic benefit or valuable service to its members and which possesses to the Government of the Republic of the Disposal Act to prohibit the iSSuance of Philippines. solid waste management regulations With re­ such financial structure and prospects as would reasonably assure that it is able to H.R. 13674. May 10, 1976. Ways and Means. spect to the sale or distribution of beverage Amends the Tariff Schedules of the United containers at Federal facilities. meet financial obligations. H.R. 13666. May 10, 1976. Ways and Means. H.R. 13671. May 10, 1976. Small Business. States to lower the custom duty on vanadium Amends the Social Security Act by includ­ Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Amends pextoxide imported for processing into fer­ ing the services of optometrists under the the Small Business Act to authorize loans by rovanadium. Medicare supplementary medical insurance the Small Business Administration to cer­ H.R. 13675. May 10, 1976. Veterans' Affairs. program. tain small businesses in the pet roleum and Extends the period in which veterans may H.R. 13667. May 10, 1976. Small Business. petrochemical industries. use their veterans' educational assistance. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS DR. HARRY RONALD FISHMAN Whereas, Dr. Fishman has designed more with funct ional diSabilities. Inventor of more than 50 devices to correct such weaknesses as than 50 therapeutic devices to aid the treat­ round shoulders, fiat feet, muscular and de­ ment of these diSorders, he has turned them HON. JOSHUA EILBERG fective posture; and over to schools, hospitals and clinics Whereas, Harry R. FiShman has given these throughout the country as a public service. OF PENNSYLVANIA devices free of charge to the Philadelphia The N .E. Junior Chamber of Commerce is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Public School System and to many hospitals proud to number Dr. FiShman as one of our Thursday, June 3, 1976 and has otrered to demonstrate the devices to rising community, and prouder still to cite physical education people in foreign lands him as "1956 Man of the Year". Mr. EILBERG. Mr. Speaker, Dr. Hany who have inquired about the appliances; and R. Fishman is retiring after 43 years as Whereas, Mr. Fishman has received cita­ Most noteworthy was a letter of com­ an inspirational teacher, dedicated edu­ tions from the University of Kentucky, Unl­ mendation from then Governor Shaffer of Pennsylvania: cator, and humanitarian. versity of Pennsylvanla Hospital, Pennsyl­ vania. State Unlversity, the State of New LETTER FROM GOVERNOR SHAFFER Dr. Fishman, who I have known per­ York, Temple Unlversity and Wayne Unlver­ DEAR DR. FISHMAN: Your outstanding work sonally for many years, has spent his life sity, for "his advancement of scientific helping children and adults learn and to in the field of physical welfare for the chil­ knowledge in remedial gymnastics"; and dren of your city deserves my congratula­ overcome physical handicaps as well as Whereas, his contributions to the well-be­ tions. those limitations placed upon them un­ ing of youth was the main topic at a recent It is my firm opinion that the children of fairly by society. session of the President's physical fitness Pennsylvania represent our greatest natural Dr. Fishman was first recognized for program committee in Washington; there­ resource and to devote your life to the de­ fore velopment of sound and strong bodies can his pioneer work in the field of correc­ Resolved, by the Council of the City of tive physical education. As a teacher in mean nothing but a. selfless devotion for the Philadelphia., that we hereby extend a pub­ betterment of mankind. the Philadelphia school system, he de­ lic tribute, on behalf of all of the people ot vised over 50 pieces of therapeutic equip­ this committee, to Harry R. Fishman, a Dr. Fishman's efforts in the field of ment which enabled boys and girls en­ teacher who is devoting his life to the de­ civil rights were also exceptional. When rolled in the classes to improve or correct velopment of sound and strong bodies among he first began to coach swimming and their functional disabilities. our children and by so doing is bringing much praise upon himself, our public school gymnastics at the Bok Vocational School, His work in this field became nation­ system and the City of Philadelphia.. black students had never tried out for ally known and men and women in the Resolved, that a. suitable engrossed copy these teams. Dr. Fishman encouraged field of education and medicine came to of thiS resolution be presented to Harry R. the black students to try to make the his school from all over the Nation and FiShman. teams, but he discovered that no swim­ even from foreign countries to observe Certification: This is a true and correct ming pool was available to blacks at that this new trend in corrective therapy. copy of the original Resolution passed by the Council of the City of Philadelphia on the time. Dr. Fishman was presented the Gold Going about the city, he pleaded with Medal Award by the National Podiatry seventh day of February 1957 .-James J. Tate, President of City Council. various pool owners to permit his young­ Association for sharing his knowledge sters to make use of their facility. Fi­ with the members of their profession. His The Northeast Junior Chamber of nally, through the help of the local success can be attested to by people who Commerce also lauded his efforts and YMHA a pool was made available the presented him with their Man of the to best could evaluate his contributions to Bok team. For the first time, blacks and the betterment of the health and welfare Year Award. The inscription on the plaque and scroll stated: whites shared the swimming pool and of the youth he served. competitive swimming with other school The City Council of Philadelphia: RESOLUTION N.E. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE teams became a reality. RESOLUTION The N.E. Junlor Chamber of Commerce is Another first was achieved by Dr. Relat ive to the Outstanding Contributions signally proud this year to honor Dr. Harry Fishman, when he was called upon by to the Physical Welfare of Young People by Ronald Fishman as its "Man of the Year" Harry R. FiShman. in recognition of his outstanding endeavors the school district of Philadelphia and Whereas, Harry R. Fishman, of 906 Knorr which have been aimed at improving the the Crime Preventio.n Association to or­ Street, a. Physical Education instructor a.t health and welfare of children, not only in ganize and conduct the school district's Fels Jr. High School, has gained national ac­ the Northeast, but throughout the country. first community recreation center. It claim for his work in correcting functional He has pioneered in the field of remedial operated every evening from 7 until 10, disabilities in children; and gymnastics to aid in the correction of pupils and he opened its doors to members of June 3, 1976 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 16595 the black community. The area around presented to him upon hts leaving the which I have introduced relative to pensions the school was predominately white and school for medical reasons: for World War I veterans. the resentment was bitter by people who DEAK DR. FisHMAN: We are sad at the The bill, H.R. 3616. the "World War I Pen­ thought of your leaving and hope that you sion Act", would provide a.
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