US 2013 0210470A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2013/0210470 A1 Davies et al. (43) Pub. Date: Aug. 15, 2013 (54) CONTENT-BASED NOTIFICATION AND Publication Classification USER-TRANSPARENT PULL OPERATION FOR SIMULATED PUSHTRANSMISSION OF (51) Int. Cl. WIRELESS EMAIL H0474/2 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. (71) Applicant: ROCKLIFFE SYSTEMS, (US) CPC ....................................... H04W 4/12 (2013.01) USPC .......................................................... 455/466 (72) Inventors: John Davies, Sunnyvale, CA (US); Martin Chapman, Egerton (GB) (57) ABSTRACT Exemplary system, method, software and apparatus embodi (73) Assignee: ROCKLIFFE SYSTEMS, Campbell, ments provide for creating a content-based notification for a CA (US) mobile device, as a simulated push operation, for devices which do not have push capability. The system comprises a (21) Appl. No.: 13/757,775 database, a server, and may also include a second web server for user account configuration. The database is adapted to (22) Filed: Feb. 2, 2013 store user account configuration and preference information. The server is adapted to receive a first message having a first Related U.S. Application Data protocol, such as SMTP, and to determine whether the con tent-based notification for the first message should be pro (63) Continuation of application No. 12/418,571, filed on vided. When the content-based notification is to be provided, Apr. 4, 2009, now Pat. No. 8,428,604, which is a con the server is adapted to extract a subset of information from tinuation of application No. 1 1/268,903, filed on Nov. the first message, and using the Subset of information, to 7, 2005, now Pat. No. 7,532,890. create a second message having a second, different protocol, (60) Provisional application No. 60/667,038, filed on Apr. Such as SMS, with the second message providing the content 1, 2005. based notification of the first message. 195 DATABASE SERVER OO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / - FIRST PROTOCOL TO SECOND PROTOCOL CONVERSION SYSTEM FIRST-TO SECOND PROTOCOL GATEWAY DATA MESSAGE AND DATA PACKET SERVICE CENTER Patent Application Publication Aug. 15, 2013 Sheet 1 of 5 US 2013/0210470 A1 “Off?HINDE0IJ.NOE HEMHES Patent Application Publication Aug. 15, 2013 Sheet 2 of 5 US 2013/0210470 A1 J HEMHES Patent Application Publication Aug. 15, 2013 Sheet 3 of 5 US 2013/0210470 A1 HOSSHJOHd _+NOIIVJIINBHINW NOIIWWHO-NI[]NWCITEI NOI10-ITES -i Patent Application Publication Aug. 15, 2013 Sheet 4 of 5 US 2013/0210470 A1 START: RECEIVE FIRST MESSAGEY - 400 FIG. 4 HAVING FIRST PROTOCOL 405 CONTENT-BASED NOTIFICATION NO OF THE FIRST MESSAGE TO BE G.) TRANSMITTED USING ASECOND PROTOCOL. YES EXTRACT A SUBSET OF INFORMATION 410 FROM THE FIRST MESSAGE CREATE A SECOND MESSAGE HAVING THE 415 SECOND PROTOCOL, USING THE EXTRACTED SUBSET OF INFORMATION 420 DIRECT TRANSMISSION CAPABILITY YES AVAILABLE NO 425 ENCAPSULATE SECOND 430 MESSAGE AS A DATA PAYLOAD IN A THIRD sEcoStics MESSAGE HAVING A THIRD PROTOCOL TRANSMIT THIRD MESSAGE TO A NETWORK FOR EXTRACTION AND TRANSMISSION OF THE SECOND MESSAGE MATCH REQUEST REQUEST RECEIVED FOR WAIT PREDETERMINED WITH FIRST MESSAGE THE FIRST MESSAGE PERIOD OF TIME TRANSMIT FIRST MESSAGE 465 RETURN Patent Application Publication Aug. 15, 2013 Sheet 5 of 5 US 2013/0210470 A1 START: RECEIVE CONTENT-Y-500 FIG. 5 BASED NOTIFICATION INTERRUPT OR AWAKEN TASK 505 OR APPLICATION PARSE AND DISPLAY CONTENT- 510 BASED NOTIFICATION YES USER INPUT REQUEST A COMPLETE MESSAGE2 52O USER INPUT THAT COMPLETE MESSAGE IS NOT REQUIRED? 525 GENERATE AND TRANSMIT A 530 REQUEST FOR THE COMPLETE MESSAGE RECEIVE ALL OR PART OF MESSAGE-15 DISPLAY MESSAGE 540 545 ADDITIONAL MESSAGES NO RESTORE DISPLAY TO OUTESCENT MODE/55 555 RETURN US 2013/0210470 A1 Aug. 15, 2013 CONTENT-BASED NOTIFICATION AND when email is available, the user's receipt of the email typi USER-TRANSPARENT PULL OPERATION cally has been delayed until the user, in fact, initiates the FOR SIMULATED PUSHTRANSMISSION OF communication session and performs the query. From the WRELESS EMAIL perspective of the service provider, Such repeated query ses sions may also be a waste of available bandwidth and service CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED capacity. APPLICATIONS 0005. As an alternative, service providers may provide a 0001. This application is a continuation of and claims dedicated infrastructure to automatically send all email to priority to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/418,571, filed specialized mobile devices, such as the Blackberry devices Apr. 4, 2009, inventors John Davies et al., entitled “Content provided by Research In Motion, which have the capability Based Notification and User-Transparent Pull Operation for and are configured to automatically receive all email without Simulated Push Transmission of Wireless Email, which is a Such a prior query session (i.e., the devices and service pro continuation of and claims priority to U.S. patent application vider have always on “push” technology). Such devices, how Ser. No. 1 1/268,903, filed Nov. 7, 2005, inventors John ever, are significantly more complicated and expensive than Davies et al., entitled “Content-Based Notification and User typical mobile telephones and, in addition, require Support Transparent Pull Operation for Simulated Push Transmission from a specialized infrastructure. This push technology is not of Wireless Email, which is a nonprovisional and a conver compatible with many, if not most, current and legacy cellular sion of and further claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent telephones. Application Ser. No. 60/667038, filed Apr. 1, 2005, inventors 0006. As a consequence, a need remains for a method, John Davies et al., entitled “System to Simulate Push Based apparatus and system to provide a simulated push operation Email Delivery', all of which are commonly assigned here of email to these devices which are capable of only pull with, the contents of which are incorporated herein by refer operations, using a wireless transmission infrastructure ence with the same full force and effect as if set forth in their which does not have Such separate push capability or which is entireties herein, and with priority claimed for all commonly otherwise limited by bandwidth or service capacity. disclosed Subject matter. FIELD OF THE INVENTION SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 0002 The present invention, in general, relates to wireless 0007. The exemplary embodiments of the present inven transmission of electronic mail ("email') to mobile devices tion provide a method, apparatus, Software and system which and, more particularly, relates to an apparatus, method, sys create a content-based notification of an email which is trans tem and Software for providing wireless, content-based noti mitted to a typical, generic or legacy mobile device, such as a fication of an email to a mobile device using a first, limited cellular telephone or PDA. The various exemplary embodi capacity protocol, and a user-transparent pull operation for a ments thereby provide a simulated push operation of email to simulated push transmission of a complete email using a these devices which are capable of only pull operations, and second protocol. use a wireless transmission infrastructure which does not have such separate push capability or is otherwise limited by BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION bandwidth or service capacity. The method, apparatus, Soft 0003 Electronic mail to many mobile devices such as ware and system of the exemplary embodiments utilize cur cellular telephones, “smart” cellular telephones, personal rently available protocols having limited capacity channels to digital assistants (“PDAs), and notebook computers, in the provide a notification of an email to the mobile device, with prior art, have typically required a user to first initiate a the notification having Sufficient and meaningful information communication session with the service provider. Following to enable a user to reasonably determine whether to view a establishment of the session, the user may then query or corresponding complete email using a transparent pull opera otherwise determine whether any email is available for wire tion. The exemplary method, apparatus and system embodi less downloading to the mobile device and, if so, request the ments also provide for user customization, such that a user is download (i.e., thereby performing a “pull operation). notified of only those emails which the user has determined 0004. These various mobile devices, such as a typical cel would be significant in a given period of time or in a given lular phone, are limited to Such pull operations for download location. ing email or other information, and do not have other or 0008 A first exemplary embodiment provides a system for additional capabilities. Such limitations are due to hardware, creating a content-based notification for a mobile device software, or both hardware and software. In addition, the using a plurality of communication protocols. The system infrastructure provided by the service provider is also limited, comprises a database, a server, and may also include a second, due to either the various protocols utilized (e.g., Advanced web server. The database is adapted to store user account Mobile Phone System (AMPS), Code Division Multiple configuration and preference information. The server is Access (“CDMA'), Global System for Mobile (“GSM)) or adapted to receive a first message having a first protocol of the to limited bandwidth for a given service area. To determine plurality of communication protocols and to determine whether email is available throughout a day, a user must whether the content-based notification for the first message repeatedly initiate Such wireless communication sessions, should be provided. When the content-based notification is to regardless of whether email is, in fact, available for down be provided, the server is adapted to extract a subset of infor loading. Not only is such an activity a waste of the user's time mation from the first message; using the Subset of informa and effort when no email is available.
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