PKESTuH Llbk^ik'/ O p in i o n / Ed it o r ia l ' A r ts &-LEii ^ gE ^ N Tribute to John Denver Dave Matthews' 1 VMI Rugby Bunting Calls for Having Stellar Committee to Season Study All Sports tK|)t Caiiet $ 1 . 0 0 VOLUME XC Friday, 31 Oetober 1997 Number 8 News Briefs Dean Search Ranger Challenge Team Committee . World Narrows List Takes 3rd at Brigade Competion (il; V VATICAN CITY - The Vatican launched an examination to Five of anti-Jcwish currents in Chris­ Steve Nichols tianity Thursday, which some be­ News Writer Dave Bums lieve helped stifle Church opposi­ News Editor tion to Nazi anti-Semitism. Cardi­ On the weekend of 25 Oc­ nal Roger Etchegaray sain an tober, the VMI AROTC Ranger Chal­ On Wednesday October 29"' the opening speech that the confer­ lenge Black and Gold teams com­ VMI Dean Selection committee inter­ ence will focus on religious ream peted in the annual Colonial Brigade viewed it’s first candidate for the posi­ for Jewish persecution rather than competition at Fort A. P. Hill. In a tion of permanent Dean of the Faculty. “simple racial or political motiva­ competition that saw over 30 teams, Dr Wade Dunn is the current department tion. Or, as one theologian put it, VMI Black came in third place over­ head of Civil Engineering at the United the focus will be on “anti-Juda- all. Highlighting this as one of their States Coast Guard Academy. He re­ ism,” rather than “anti-Semitism.” more successful years, Black team ceived his Bachelors of Science and rose to a competition level team in Masters of Science in Civil Engineering JERUSALEM - Sarah just two months of training while from VPl and eamed his P.H.D. in Civil Netanyahu, Israel’s first lady, ap­ other schools practice year round. Engineering from Penn State University. peared in court, Thursday to try to The VMI Gold, was an­ Dunn is one of the five candi­ prevent her ex-husband from pub­ other integral part of the VMI team. dates that have been selected for the fi­ lishing letters she sent him and ex­ They focused on introducing the nal stage of the application process. First cerpts of conversations that were Ranger challenge competition to Classman Clark Twiddy the cadet repre­ taped during their marriage. It was new members and letting them gain sentative on the selection committee not clear what was on the tapes. experience for next year-when they stated “ I am very impressed with the This is not the first time Doron could possibly make the Black sUong credentials each of the candidates Neuberger’s efforts to reveal team. “I think we did pretty good has.” In regards to Dunn he stated that “ Netanyahu’s past have been im­ but we needed to be more consis­ he is an extremely qualified candidate, peded. Last year, Neuberger tent,” Tom Hanifen, Gold team cap­ his experience as an administrator and dropped plans to write a kiss-and- tain. Although only placing in the educator would give him the adequate tell memoir about their failed mar­ top half. Gold team managed to skills needed for the position.” i riage, citing what he called “very bring in some record times in indi­ Members o f the VMI Black Team compete in the Rope Bridge event on Sturday at Ft. AP Hill. The Dean selection committee heavy pressure.” vidual events. has sought to incorporate the faculty in The competition, designed What set his year apart were years,” Dan Gibson, Black team cap­ weapons assembly/disassembly, the final decision, by holding open fo­ ALGIERS, Algeria .O p­ to provide challenges that an Army the teams training regimen. Straight tain. Although many doubted this PT test, land navigation, rope rums between the candidate and the fac­ position and pro-government al­ officer might face in his or her ca­ out of a Sylvester Stallone movie, the harsh way to train, the team embraced bridge construction and crossing, ulty. A large group of faculty from each; lies staged the largest anti-govern­ reer is open to both male and female team practiced with 45-pound ruck­ it as it proved to lower run times dra­ and a 10k ruck-run. “I thought the department gathered on the 400 level of ment protest in six years Thursday, AROTC Cadets. It is also designed sacks on their back. This included matically and give the team an over­ teams overall did great, when you Lejune hall at 1100 hours on Thursday marking their disapproval of the to promote teamwork and the spirit everything from stadium runs, dis­ all PT score of 287 out of 300. considered we have half the time October 30"’ to hear Dr Dunn give the alleged fraud in last week’s local of friendly competition. Sometimes tance runs, push-ups and dips. “1 He competition was com­ as the other schools...we’ve done first of five presentations. During his elections. An estimated crowd though, the competitive spirit runs ■ think the PT program, from the be­ posed of several events. Among really w ell,” Col. W alter L. twenty minute talk Dr. Dunn defined his 30,000 people took to the streets high and can be an all-consuming ginning, really helped us out. It gave these were; BRM (basic rifie marks­ Chalkley, PMS. view on the role of the dean. He felt that^ of Algiers and sent a clear signal quest for the number one spot. us the highest PT score in the three manship, grenade assault course. small segregated groups (or as he called to President Liamine Zeroual that it Balkanization) were hurting faculty the multi-party political system he relations. He explained diat unity was the put in place must be given a larger only way to achieve high academic goals voice in the nation’s affairs. To and maximize efilciency with faculty leg­ address the protesters’ concerns, islation. Faculty members asked him Zeroual will deliver a speech on Cadets Audition for MTV questions on tenure issues and weather national television and radio Fri­ Jeremy Obenchain most impossible to have me fit or not he would seriously consult with day night. News Writer comfortably into an RV with nine other tliem before making decisions. After the people- e’mon I would have to sleep meeting. Colonel Mike Harris felt “ National VMI cadets usually are not with my feet out the window.” Gratified to see that tlie committee cre­ rssociated with performing arts, but on Following the second inter­ ated these fomms in order to have the ROBY, 111. - A five- October 13, six cadets answered MT V’s view Blackburn and Bums were con­ faculty play a major part in the final se­ week standoff between a mentally call to audition for Road Rules ’97. tacted and notified that MTV wanted lection.” ill woman and Illinois police Road Rules is a series that captures the to have another interview. The inter­ The next faculty forum will be ended peacefully Thursday after journey of ten young people as they view was to be done at VMI, in uni­ beheld on Tuesday, 4 November for Dr. she ventured outside of her home travel together in an RV at home and form, and over a speakerphone in front Jolin Calabro, a professor of English at and officers apprehended her. abroad. The camera follows the group’s of a camera. David Bums 98’ said that the United States Military Academy. The “She came out on the back deck interaction on a daily basis and high­ “ The third interview was a lot of fun. following fomm will be held on 13 No­ in the back of her house,” Chris­ lights them as they encounter obstacles How often does a person get to inter­ vember for Dr Joseph Byme, the Acting tian County Sheriff Dick Mahan on the way to their final goal. view for a television show in class dyke Provost and Dean at Norwich. On Tues­ said. The standoff began when There was an open casting with a cup of coffee from Crozet and day, 18 November Dr James Turner, the Shirley Allen brandished a shot­ call where candidates had to fill out a Dave Matthews playing in the back Head of Cell Biology at the University gun as her brother and sheriff’s questionnaire, present pictures, and ground.” of North Texas. The final forum will be deputies tried to take her in for the Dave Burns and Eddie Hidalgo Rule the Road on the way to Richmond have a personal interview. After the For the time being all they held on Tuesday, 2 December, for Dr court-ordered evaluation on Sept. casting call, two cadets were selected made me feel like I was among friends.” a ivertisement that that the Cadet Pro­ can do is wait for a phone call, because James Kays, the Head of systems Engi­ 22. for a second interview. Dave Bums ’98 The interviewing staff was made up of gram Board posted at Sally Port on we all know that we don’t call them they neering at the United Sates Military and Nate Blackburn ’98 were called tWo assistant producers from the show the first stoop. The cadets who at­ call us. Suprisingly, David and Nathan Academy. ROCKINGHAM, N.C. - back to the Berkley Hotel in Richmond and the executive producer of MTV’s tended- Mike Spinelli 98’, Eddie have kept level heads about the whole The selection committee has Mark Easterling, a 19-year-old, al­ for another interview and a video shoot.
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