26200 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 18, 1969 The list which I submitted as a sup­ Mr. CANNON. I would agree with the (H.R. 6508) to provide additional assist­ plement to the list furnished by the dis­ Senator completely, if there were no real ance for the reconstruction of areas tinguished Senator from Maine in our purpose to it. damaged by major disasters. hearings shows that the effort to get Mr. PROXMIRE. What is the purpose? cooperation has continued, a series of Mr. CANNON. The Senator from Wis­ attempts, up to the present time, up to consin just read the purpose. He read ADJOURNMENT UNTll.. 10 A.M. September. that into the RECORD a few moments ago. TOMORROW On the other point, as to cutting off Mr. PROXMIRE. I am very interested Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres­ after Apollo 12, we have nine Saturn V's to hear that, because the Senator from ident, if there be no further business to now that are either built or in the proc­ Nevada is an extraordinarily able sena­ come before the Senate, I move, in ac­ ess of construction. This is a pretty tor and has studied this program; and cordance with the previous order, that expensive piece of hardware to stop if anybody can give us an answer on the Senate stand in adjournment until everything and say, "Hold the boat. We're this, I am sure he can. It is said that the 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. not going to go any further. We have purpose is to give us a better scientific The motion was agreed to; and Cat 8 invested this money, but let us not spend knowledge of the earth and the moon o'clock and 2 minutes p.m.) the Senate any more money because we can't get and there is a human fulfillment in be­ adjourned until tomorrow, Friday, Sep­ cooperation from the Russians or some­ ing able to look at television and seeing tember 19, 1969, at 10 a.m. one else." additional landings on the moon. n Mr. PROXMIRE. I cannot resist one seems to me that this says there is not a Parthian shot. The Senator from Nevada significant purpose in benefiting human CONFIRMATIONS seems to be saying that we have spent life and the quality of life in this country Executive nominations confirmed by the money and have the equipment. or in other countries. the Senate September 18, 1969: Therefore, why not use it, even if there AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT is no real purpose t.o be gained in doing so? Why not go ahead with it? Well, we Joel Bernstein, of Illinois, to be an Assist­ MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE ant Administrator of the Agency for Inter­ can save $800 million by not using it, ac­ national Development. cording to the letter from Dr. Paine. A message from the House of Rep­ Ernest Stern, of the District Of Columbia, That is his own estimate. I think he is resentatives by Mr. Bartlett, one of its to be an Assistant Administrator of the being conservative. We can save $800 mil­ reading clerks, announced that the Agency for International Development. lion. I think that 1s a very strong argu­ House had agreed to the report of the COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION ment in this day of enormous burdens committee of conference on the dis­ Thomas K. Cowden, of Michigan, to be a on our taxpayer and inflation in favor agreeing votes of the two Houses on the member of the Board of Directors of the of postponing manned :flights. amendment of the Senate to the bill Commodity Credit Corporation. EXTENSIONS OF RE.MARKS HUD'S SECRETARY GEORGE ROM­ if I summarize briefly its purposes and limi­ many other flood-prone areas and commu­ NEY OUTLINES AID FOR HURRI­ tations, and indicate the actions we propose nities throughout the United States. CANE VICTIMS UNDER FL.OOD IN­ to take in response to such disasters. In response to the obvious insurance needs SURANCE ACT Based upon a recognition by the Congress of these other areas and to the increasing of the vast number of persons currently re­ social and economic costs of unrestrained siding in floOd-prone areas and the imprac­ flood plain development, the Federal Insur­ HON. JOE L. EVINS ticality of their relocation, the Flood Insur­ an'Ce Administrator, Mr. George K. Bernstein, OF TENNESSEE ance Act contemplates both a comprehensive has been seeking new ways of accelerating program of land management for flood-prone the flood insurance program and expediting IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES areas and a nationwide program of Federal the provision of Federal :flood insurance Thursday, September 18, 1969 flood insurance in response to the fact that throughout the United States as rapidly as such coverage ls generally unavailable from statutory limitations and our existing funds Mr. EVINS of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, private sources. Thus, as a condition of Fed­ permit. Thus, in August he instructed the in 1968 the Congress enacted the Na­ eral insurance, and in order to minimize fu­ Oorps of Engineers and other agencies that tional Flood Insurance Act to assist those ture losses of life and property, a community all pending and future studies should be homeowners living in areas subjected to must adopt appropriate land use and control made on a zone rather than a structure basis, :flooding. The recent Hurricane Camille regulations restricting unwise future utill­ which would significantly shorten the time zatlon of its flood plain. required for the study. Economies of scale and the devastation it caused underlined Because of the concentration of .hazards in and any other time and money-saving meth­ the importance of the program. these flood-prone areas and the consequent ods will be sought wherever possible. In this connection, Secretary George inabllity of any insurer, private of govern­ While we cannot promise results over­ Romney of the Department of Housing mental, to spread the risk and the cost of in­ night, we hope to make significant new and Urban Development has recently surance, the actuarial rate for flood insur­ progress in this vital program during the outlined proposals to increase the effi­ ance would prove prohibitive to most affected next few months. ciency and effectiveness of this insurance persons. Therefore, the statute provides for Sincerely, Federal Subsidization of the first $17,500 of GEORGE ROMNEY. plan. flood insurance on single family structures, Because of the interest of my col­ the first $30,000 on two-to-four family leagues and the American people in this structures, and the first $5,000 on the con­ TREATMENT OF AMERICAN PRIS­ most important program, I place in the tents of any dwelling unit. Similar coverage ONERS BY THE NORTH VIET­ RECORD herewith a copy of a letter from will also be made available for small busi­ NAMESE AND THE NATIONAL Secretary Romney discussing the mat­ nesses in the near future. At the present LIBERATION FRONT ter and outlining proposals to improve time, three communities in the United States its administration. have such Federal flood insurance available­ Metairie, Louisiana; Fairbanks, Alaska; and HON. DELBERT L. LATTA The letter follows: Alexandria, Virginia. THE SECRETARY OF HOUSING Many more communities are now seeking OF OHIO AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, this coverage, but as an outgrowth of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Washington, D.C., Sept. 15, 1969. early history of the statute, detailed rate­ Wednesday, September 17, 1969 DEAR CONGRESSMAN: The recent disasters making studies were initially deemed neces­ caused by Hurricane Camille have empha­ sary for each community seeking the cov­ Mr. LATTA. Mr. Speaker, I have sized -the potential significance of the Na­ erage. Such studies are extremely time-con­ joined with many other Members of tional Flood Insurance Program. The Pro­ suming and would unquestionably take many this House in cosponsoring a resolution, gram, authorized by the National Flood In­ years to carry out. At present, only 40 such stating it to be the sense of Congress surance Act of 1968, is administered by the studies are underway or under contract by that the President, the Department ·of Federal Insurance Administration of this the Federal Insurance Administration with Department, utilizing the services of the such agencies as the U.S. Army Corps of State, the Department of Defense, the . private. insurance industry. In light of the Engineers and the Tennessee Valley Author­ United Nations, and the people of the increasing number of inquiries we are re­ ity. Yet recent events have made abundantly world appeal t.o North Vietnam and the ceiving about the program, it may be useful clear the urgent need for flood insurance in National Liberation Front of South September 18, 1969 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 26201 Vietnam to comply with the Geneva while it offers professional training to This "extra-curricular activity," combined its students at the same time. With the regular schedule of instruction, Convention relative to the treatment of gives every PCO student a practical and pan­ prisoners of war and the inspection of In order to acquaint Senators with the oramic view of his chosen profession. To prison facilities. It is almost impossible many achievements of Pennsylvania these must be added over 800 hours of at­ to believe that a civilized nation would College of Optometry during its 50 years, tendance in the clinics, where the students withhold information on prisoners of and its plans for the future, I ask unani­ receive tremendous opportunities for the war from their families for periods as mous consent to have printed in the greatest diversity of experience in optometric long as 5 years despite their families' RECORD an article about the school, pub­ practice.
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