Sanctuaries and the Power of Consumption Networking and the Formation of Elites in the Archaic Western Mediterranean World Proceedings of the International Conference in Innsbruck, 20th–23rd March 2012 Edited by Erich Kistler, Birgit Öhlinger, Martin Mohr and Matthias Hoernes 2015 Harrassowitz Verlag . Wiesbaden KKistler.inddistler.indd AAbs13bs13 221.10.20151.10.2015 114:40:224:40:22 P H I L I P P I K A Altertumswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen Contributions to the Study of Ancient World Cultures Herausgegeben von/Edited by Joachim Hengstl, Elizabeth Irwin, Andrea Jördens, Torsten Mattern, Robert Rollinger, Kai Ruffi ng, Orell Witthuhn 92 2015 Harrassowitz Verlag . Wiesbaden KKistler.inddistler.indd AAbs12bs12 221.10.20151.10.2015 114:40:224:40:22 Bis Band 60: Philippika. Marburger altertumskundliche Abhandlungen. The publication of this volume was funded by the Provinces of the Tyrol and Vorarlberg, the Hypo Tirol Bank, the Aktion D. Swarovski KG as well as the research area “Cultural Encounters – Cultural Confl icts” and the Italien-Zen- trum at Innsbruck University. Bibliografi sche Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografi e; detaillierte bibliografi sche Daten sind im Internet über http://dnb.dnb.de abrufbar. Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografi e; detailed bibliographic data are available on the internet at http://dnb.dnb.de. For further information about our publishing program consult our website http://www.harrassowitz-verlag.de © Otto Harrassowitz GmbH & Co. KG, Wiesbaden 2015 This work, including all of its parts, is protected by copyright. Any use beyond the limits of copyright law without the permission of the publisher is forbidden and subject to penalty. This applies particularly to reproductions, translations, microfilms and storage and processing in electronic systems. Printed on permanent/durable paper. Printing and binding: V Hubert & Co., Göttingen Printed in Germany ISSN 1613-5628 ISBN 978-3-447-10507-1 KKistler.inddistler.indd AAbs14bs14 221.10.20151.10.2015 114:40:224:40:22 Contents INTRODUCTION Sanctuaries and the Power of Consumption: a Preface ....................................................... IX Initializing the Debate: the Call for Papers .......................................................................... XI AssemBling the Responses: an Overview of the Contributions ......................................... XIII List of Editors and Contributors ................................................................................... XXVII THINGS IN MOTION AND WESTERN MEDITERRANEANIZATION Martin MauersBerg Obsolete Perceptions? Frameworks of Intercultural Exchange in Ancient Narrative............ 3 Veronika Sossau The Cultic Fingerprint of the Phoenicians in the Early Iron Age West? ............................. 21 Eleftheria Pappa Oriental Gods But Domestic Elites? Religious SymBolism and Economic Functions of Phoenician-Period Cult Loci in South IBeria ................................. 43 Petra Amann Gaben unter Eliten. Zu den etruskischen mulu/muluvanice-Inschriften .............................. 63 Marion Steger La TomBa dei Guerrieri a Montagna di Marzo alla luce della diffusione delle ‘iscrizioni parlanti’ in Sicilia dall’età arcaica alla prima metà del V sec. a.C. ........... 83 Christian RussenBerger Bildproduktion und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung der indigenen Kulturen West- und Zentralsiziliens in archaischer Zeit ............................... 99 Holger Baitinger In weiter Ferne, so nah! Einheimisches und Fremdes im Spiegel der Metallfunde von Selinunt .......................................................................... 137 VI Contents Stefano Vassallo Oggetti in movimento in età arcaica e classica ad Himera, porto sicuro per uomini, merci, idee .................................................................................. 153 Yvonne Gönster The Silphion Plant in Cyrenaica: An Indicator for Intercultural Relationships? ............... 169 COASTAL AND INLAND SANCTUARIES AS CENTERS OF A WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN ELITE NETWORK Marco Fabbri A Seat of Power in Latium Vetus: The Archaic Building CompleX on the Arx of Gabii ......................................................... 187 Lucio Fiorini The Sacred Area of Gravisca: Ethnic and Religious Interactions in Comparison .............................................................. 205 Maria Paola Baglione – Barbara Belelli Marchesini – Claudia Carlucci – Maria Donatella Gentili – Laura Maria Michetti Pyrgi: A Sanctuary in the Middle of the Mediterranean Sea ............................................. 221 Silvia Martina Bertesago – Valentina Garaffa Manifestazioni del sacro di età arcaica nella mesogaia della costa ionica. I depositi votivi di “Grotte delle Fontanelle” a Garaguso .................................................. 239 Alessandro Corretti – Franco Cambi – Laura Pagliantini ‘The Finest Harbour’: The Argonauts (and the Others) on the Island of Elba ................... 263 Maria Cecilia Parra Il santuario del Capo Cocinto: “nuovo” osservatorio occidentale di presenze multiculturali ............................................. 275 Francesca Spatafora Santuari e luoghi sacri in un’area di frontiera: la valle del Belice tra elimi, sicani, punici e greci.............................................................. 287 Monica de Cesare Aspetti del sacro a Segesta tra l’età arcaica e la prima età classica ................................... 303 Clemente Marconi – Valeria Tardo – Caterina Trombi The Archaic Pottery from the Institute of Fine Arts EXcavations in the Main Urban Sanctuary on the Akropolis of Selinunte ............................................. 325 Johannes Bergemann Drehscheiben der Kulturen? Ländliche Heiligtümer in Sizilien: Gela und Agrigent im Vergleich ........................................................................................ 339 Contents VII SANCTUARIES AND THE FORMATION OF ELITES: POWER OF CONSUMPTION – CONSUMPTION OF POWER Jan Paul Crielaard Powerful Things in Motion: A Biographical Approach to Eastern Elite Goods in Greek Sanctuaries ..................................................................... 351 Margarita Gleba Sacred Cloth: Consumption and Production of Textiles in Sanctuaries and the Power of Elites in Archaic Western Mediterranean World ................................... 373 Erich Kistler – Martin Mohr Monte Iato: Two Late Archaic Feasting Places between the Local and the Global ..................................................................................... 385 Birgit Öhlinger Indigenous Cult Places of Local and Interregional Scale in Archaic Sicily: A Sociological Approach to Religion ................................................... 417 Massimo Osanna Seats of Power and Power of Consumption in the Hinterland of the Ionian Coast of Southern Italy during the Archaic Age .......................................... 435 Gabriel Zuchtriegel Archaic Latin Sanctuaries: Ritual Consumption in the Mediterranean Context ........................................................... 459 Raimon Graells i Fabregat Zwischen Privatem und Öffentlichkeit. Das festliche Bankett als soziale Praxis in Katalonien im 6. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. ............................................... 473 CONCLUSION AND DEBATE Hans Peter Isler Conclusione ....................................................................................................................... 489 Erich Kistler – Birgit Öhlinger – Matthias Hoernes – Martin Mohr Debating “Sanctuaries and the Power of Consumption” – or: Eight Points to an Alternative Archaeology of Proto-Globalisation ............................ 493 General Index .................................................................................................................... 541 Indigenous Cult Places of Local and Interregional Scale in Archaic Sicily: a Sociological Approach to Religion Birgit Öhlinger Ritual and religion in Archaic Sicily1 Research on Archaic Sicily oscillates between the colonial model of Hellenization which sees the Greeks as civilizers, and post-colonial approaches, like selective acculturation, hybridity, middle ground or third space, which put the focus on the indigenous communities and regard them as active parts in wider processes of ‘colonization’2. Although the indige- nous communities have been spotlighted through postcolonial studies, the investigation in local religion is frequently still stuck in colonial thinking3. In many cases the discussion has been restricted to the question of to what extent Greek cult practices, beliefs, deities and sacred architecture were absorbed by the locals and how their religion was hellenized4. The notion behind such approaches is that it is possible to determine the different ethnic groups, whether Greeks or natives, through the archaeological material. Based on the an- cient written sources the various indigenous groups have been located within geographic areas with the aim to determine their ethnic identity through material expressions5. In this context, ceramics, graffiti, inscriptions, burial customs and architecture have been elevated to ethnic markers, following the paradigm of “one tribe – one style”6. Exemplary for this problem stands the interpretation of sacred and residential architecture7. Round huts were seen as indigenous characteristics and rectangular
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