European Project GrapeGen 06 - Grapevine Genetic Resources European Grapevine Catalogue: Towards a Comprehensive List T. Lacombe, L. Audeguin, M. Boselli, B. Bucchetti, F. Cabello, M. Crespan, C. D’Onofrio, J. Eiras Dias, S. Ercisli, M. Gardiman, MS. Grando, S. Imazio, O. Jandurova, A. Jung, E. Kiss, P. Kozma, E. Maul, D. Maghradze, C. Martinez, G. Muñoz, J-K. Pátková, I. Pejic, E. Peterlunger, D. Pitsoli, D. Preiner, S. Raimondi, F. Regner, G. Savin, S. Savvides, A. Schneider, J-L. Spring, A. Szoke, A. Veres, J-M. Boursiquot, R. Bacilieri and P. This Annex 2 A : Index of the official names of grape varieties registered in the European Union Legend : before the arrows, name of the variety as registered in the country. After the arrows, common prime name of the grapevine variety according to VIVC database when referenced, # identification number of the variety, species, sex (H = hermaphrodite, F = female, M = male), colour of berry skin (B = yellow-green, N = blue-black, Rg = red, Rs = rose, G = grey). 1 1 Blanchard (ESP) >>> BLANCHARD 1 A # 1435 - berlandieri-vinifera - - 101.14 (ITA) >>> MILLARDET ET GRASSET 101-14 # 7745 - riparia-rupestris - F - N 101.14 cl.3 (BGR) >>> MILLARDET ET GRASSET 101-14 # 7745 - riparia-rupestris - F - N 101-14 Millardet et de Grasset (DEU) >>> MILLARDET ET GRASSET 101-14 # 7745 - riparia-rupestris - F - N 101-14 Millardet et de Grasset (PRT) >>> MILLARDET ET GRASSET 101-14 # 7745 - riparia-rupestris - F - N 101-14 Millardet et de Grasset (FRA) >>> MILLARDET ET GRASSET 101-14 # 7745 - riparia-rupestris - F - N 101-14 Millardet-Grasset (ESP) >>> MILLARDET ET GRASSET 101-14 # 7745 - riparia-rupestris - F - N 1045 Paulsen (PRT) >>> PAULSEN 1045 # 9018 - berlandieri-rupestris - M - 1045 Paulsen (ITA) >>> PAULSEN 1045 # 9018 - berlandieri-rupestris - M - 106.8 (ITA) >>> MILLARDET ET GRASSET 106-8 # 7749 - cordifolia-riparia-rupestris - F - N 106-8 (PRT) >>> MILLARDET ET GRASSET 106-8 # 7749 - cordifolia-riparia-rupestris - F - N 110 Richter (ITA) >>> RICHTER 110 # 10065 - berlandieri-rupestris - M - 110 Richter (PRT) >>> RICHTER 110 # 10065 - berlandieri-rupestris - M - 110 Richter (DEU) >>> RICHTER 110 # 10065 - berlandieri-rupestris - M - 110 Richter (FRA) >>> RICHTER 110 # 10065 - berlandieri-rupestris - M - 110 Richter (ESP) >>> RICHTER 110 # 10065 - berlandieri-rupestris - M - 110 Rihter (BGR) >>> RICHTER 110 # 10065 - berlandieri-rupestris - M - 1103 Paulsen (ESP) >>> PAULSEN 1103 # 9023 - berlandieri-rupestris - M - 1103 Paulsen (BGR) >>> PAULSEN 1103 # 9023 - berlandieri-rupestris - M - 1103 Paulsen (ITA) >>> PAULSEN 1103 # 9023 - berlandieri-rupestris - M - 1103 Paulsen (PRT) >>> PAULSEN 1103 # 9023 - berlandieri-rupestris - M - 1103 Paulsen (FRA) >>> PAULSEN 1103 # 9023 - berlandieri-rupestris - M - 125 AA (ITA) >>> KOBER 125 AA # 12344 - berlandieri-riparia - F - N 13-5 E.V.E. Jerez (ESP) >>> EVEX 13-5 # 4011 - interspecific cross - M - 13-5 EVE Jerez (PRT) >>> EVEX 13-5 # 4011 - interspecific cross - M - 140 Rudjery (BGR) >>> RUGGERI 140 # 10351 - berlandieri-rupestris - M - 140 Ruggeri (ESP) >>> RUGGERI 140 # 10351 - berlandieri-rupestris - M - 140 Ruggeri (ITA) >>> RUGGERI 140 # 10351 - berlandieri-rupestris - M - 140 Ruggeri (FRA) >>> RUGGERI 140 # 10351 - berlandieri-rupestris - M - 140 Ruggeri (PRT) >>> RUGGERI 140 # 10351 - berlandieri-rupestris - M - 1447 Paulsen (ITA) >>> PAULSEN 1447 # 9037 - berlandieri-rupestris - F - N European Project GrapeGen 06 - Grapevine Genetic Resources - Version 21 January 2011 P. 1 / 61 1447 Paulsen (FRA) >>> PAULSEN 1447 # 9037 - berlandieri-rupestris - F - N 1447 Paulsen (PRT) >>> PAULSEN 1447 # 9037 - berlandieri-rupestris - F - N 157.11 C. (ITA) >>> COUDERC 157-11 # 3012 - berlandieri-riparia - - 157-11 Couderc (PRT) >>> COUDERC 157-11 # 3012 - berlandieri-riparia - - 161.49 C. (ITA) >>> COUDERC 161-49 # 3016 - berlandieri-riparia - F - N 161-49 Couderc (ESP) >>> COUDERC 161-49 # 3016 - berlandieri-riparia - F - N 161-49 Couderc (DEU) >>> COUDERC 161-49 # 3016 - berlandieri-riparia - F - N 161-49 Couderc (FRA) >>> COUDERC 161-49 # 3016 - berlandieri-riparia - F - N 161-49 Couderc (PRT) >>> COUDERC 161-49 # 3016 - berlandieri-riparia - F - N 1616 Couderc (ITA) >>> COUDERC 1616 # 3134 - longii-riparia - F - N 1616 Couderc (PRT) >>> COUDERC 1616 # 3134 - longii-riparia - F - N 1616 Couderc (FRA) >>> COUDERC 1616 # 3134 - longii-riparia - F - N 1616 Couderc (ESP) >>> COUDERC 1616 # 3134 - longii-riparia - F - N 17.37 (ITA) >>> COUDERC 17-37 # 2914 - interspecific cross - - 17-37 (PRT) >>> COUDERC 17-37 # 2914 - interspecific cross - - 196-17 Castel (ESP) >>> CASTEL 196-17 # 2170 - rupestris-riparia-vinifera - M - 196-17 Castel (FRA) >>> CASTEL 196-17 # 2170 - rupestris-riparia-vinifera - M - 196-17 Castel (PRT) >>> CASTEL 196-17 # 2170 - rupestris-riparia-vinifera - M - 19-62 Millardet-Grasset (ESP) >>> MILLARDET ET GRASSET 19-62 # 7731 - berlandieri-vinifera - - N 2 216-3 Castel (PRT) >>> CASTEL 216-3 # 2175 - longii-riparia-rupestris - M - 216-3 Castel (FRA) >>> CASTEL 216-3 # 2175 - longii-riparia-rupestris - M - 225 Ruggeri (PRT) >>> RUGGERI 225 # 10362 - berlandieri-riparia - M - 225 Ruggeri (ITA) >>> RUGGERI 225 # 10362 - berlandieri-riparia - M - 3 31 Richter (PRT) >>> RICHTER 31 # 10060 - interspecific cross - M - 31 Richter (ESP) >>> RICHTER 31 # 10060 - interspecific cross - M - 3309 (BGR) >>> COUDERC 3309 # 3160 - riparia-rupestris - M - 3309 C. (ITA) >>> COUDERC 3309 # 3160 - riparia-rupestris - M - 3309 Couderc (FRA) >>> COUDERC 3309 # 3160 - riparia-rupestris - M - 3309 Couderc (PRT) >>> COUDERC 3309 # 3160 - riparia-rupestris - M - 3309 Couderc (ESP) >>> COUDERC 3309 # 3160 - riparia-rupestris - M - 333 Ecole de Montpellier (PRT) >>> TISSERAND # 12520 - berlandieri-riparia - M - 333 Ecole de Montpellier (FRA) >>> TISSERAND # 12520 - berlandieri-riparia - M - 333 Escuela Montpellier (ESP) >>> TISSERAND # 12520 - berlandieri-riparia - M - 34 E.M. (ITA) >>> ECOLE MONTPELLIER 34 # 3815 - berlandieri-riparia - M - 34 Ecole de Montpellier (PRT) >>> ECOLE MONTPELLIER 34 # 3815 - berlandieri-riparia - M - 34 Ecole de Montpellier (FRA) >>> ECOLE MONTPELLIER 34 # 3815 - berlandieri-riparia - M - 4 4010 Castel (FRA) >>> CASTEL 4010 # 2212 - riparia-rupestris - M - 4010 Castel (PRT) >>> CASTEL 4010 # 2212 - riparia-rupestris - M - 41 B (ITA) >>> MILLARDET ET GRASSET 41 B # 7736 - berlandieri-vinifera - F - N 41 B Millardet et de Grasset (PRT) >>> MILLARDET ET GRASSET 41 B # 7736 - berlandieri-vinifera - F - N 41 B Millardet et de Grasset (FRA) >>> MILLARDET ET GRASSET 41 B # 7736 - berlandieri-vinifera - F - N 41 B Millardet Grasset (ESP) >>> MILLARDET ET GRASSET 41 B # 7736 - berlandieri-vinifera - F - N 420 A (ITA) >>> MILLARDET ET GRASSET 420 A # 7810 - berlandieri-riparia - M - 420 A Millardet et de Grasset (DEU) >>> MILLARDET ET GRASSET 420 A # 7810 - berlandieri-riparia - M - 420 A Millardet et de Grasset (FRA) >>> MILLARDET ET GRASSET 420 A # 7810 - berlandieri-riparia - M - European Project GrapeGen 06 - Grapevine Genetic Resources - Version 21 January 2011 P. 2 / 61 420 A Millardet et de Grasset (PRT) >>> MILLARDET ET GRASSET 420 A # 7810 - berlandieri-riparia - M - 420 A Millardet-Grasset (ESP) >>> MILLARDET ET GRASSET 420 A # 7810 - berlandieri-riparia - M - 444-6 (PRT) >>> 444-6 # PRT482 no correspondance in VIVC database- - - 44-53 Malègue (PRT) >>> MALEGUE 44-53 # 7171 - riparia-rupestris-cordifolia - M - 44-53 Malègue (FRA) >>> MALEGUE 44-53 # 7171 - riparia-rupestris-cordifolia - M - 5 5 A Martínez-Zaporta (ESP) >>> MARTINEZ ZAPORTA 5 A # 7448 - berlandieri-vinifera - - 5 BB Teleki-Kober (ESP) >>> KOBER 5 BB # 6313 - berlandieri-riparia - F - N 5 C Geisenheim (DEU) >>> TELEKI 5 C # 12324 - berlandieri-riparia - M - 57 Richter (ITA) >>> RICHTER 57 # 10062 - berlandieri-rupestris - F - N 57 Richter (PRT) >>> RICHTER 57 # 10062 - berlandieri-rupestris - F - N 6 6736 Castel (ESP) >>> CASTEL 6736 # 2237 - riparia-rupestris - H - 7 775 Paulsen (ITA) >>> PAULSEN 775 # 9007 - interspecific cross - M - 775 Paulsen (PRT) >>> PAULSEN 775 # 9007 - interspecific cross - M - 779 Paulsen (ITA) >>> PAULSEN 779 # 9008 - berlandieri-rupestris - M - 779 Paulsen (PRT) >>> PAULSEN 779 # 9008 - berlandieri-rupestris - M - 9 93-5 (PRT) >>> COUDERC 93- 5 # 2975 - - H - N 99 Richter (PRT) >>> RICHTER 99 # 10064 - berlandieri-rupestris - - N 99 Richter (FRA) >>> RICHTER 99 # 10064 - berlandieri-rupestris - - N 99 Richter (ITA) >>> RICHTER 99 # 10064 - berlandieri-rupestris - - N 99 Richter (ESP) >>> RICHTER 99 # 10064 - berlandieri-rupestris - - N A Abbuoto N. (ITA) >>> ABBUOTO # 7 - vinifera - - N Abondant B (FRA) >>> ABONDANT # 24 - vinifera - H - B Abouriou N (FRA) >>> ABOURIOU # 34 - vinifera - H - N Abrusco N. (ITA) >>> ABRUSCO # 32 - vinifera - - N Accent (DEU) >>> ACCENT # 20540 - interspecific cross - - N Acolon (DEU) >>> ACOLON # 17123 - vinifera - H - N Admirable de Courtiller B (FRA) >>> ADMIRABLE DE COURTILLER # 68 - vinifera - H - B Afuz Ali (ROM) >>> AFUS ALI # 122 - vinifera - H - B Afuz Ali (HUN) >>> AFUS ALI # 122 - vinifera - H - B Agianiotiko N (GRC) >>> AGIANNIOTIKO # 99 - vinifera - - N Agiorgitiko (CYP) >>> AGIORGITIKO # 102 - vinifera - H - N Agiorgitiko N (GRC) >>> AGIORGITIKO # 102 - vinifera - H - N Aglianico (BGR) >>> AGLIANICO # 121 - vinifera - H - N Aglianico (MLT) >>> AGLIANICO # 121 - vinifera - H - N Aglianico / Aglianico del Vulture N. (ITA) >>> AGLIANICO # 121 - vinifera - H - N Aglianico N (GRC) >>> AGLIANICO # 121 - vinifera - H - N Aglianicone N. (ITA) >>> AGLIANICONE # 103 - vinifera - - N Agni (CZE) >>> Agni # CZE1
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