I I The New* aie of the Auti.Apartheid Msumnt lop Will vote at gem-ps~w The apartheid reg Namibia has implicat rest of Southem Afri that it will glve all-coei the 'internal deal' in agw ocsain the to the fishlnin South The British Gout a staric choice - to i African liberation sti confront South Afric maintain its tradition with the racist regine Salisbury and Pretori The Anti-Aprthe urges the British Goy join with the other W in blockading South supporting UN mand It ppels to al t thousawds of people abhor aparthaid andr act with it ins thhitin On October 21 tbe Apartheid Moveent national march and ri call on the Governisg ment the UN arms be Imes aonol on ions for the w. t Omten Rhodesia and t itwill fight IAfrica itself. arranst now has d. with the uigle and m or to a] alliance sin a. id Movement ernmsent to "etern powers Africa and story saneracialiom to oft "riis. aAntihs called a ally hich will .nt timspjestand impose econsomic sanctons againstousth thiat of the BritishpeoplelienotAfric. withthewhite minority regies. We ask allour suppoters to but with the peop of Sothem moblise to show that the sympa- Africa who are struggling for their freedom. 'BRITAIN MUST IMPO SANCTONS'- SWAPO WesternEurope, Shapua drectlyr or indirectlybypuppet& 'Kaukungtsa,hasmadethe SouithAfrica'sactionisa followingstatement: challengenotonlytothepeopleof SOUTH Africa has declaredUOUI in Namibia, but to the world commuNamibia. It is declaration of war nity and especially the Western against the Namibianp eopi. countries and the UN. SIAO isn urprisedta h WecallupontheUNtoimple- all along the Sdth A ria ment its proposals and to see that Governmmnt has n nsncere and free and fair elections are held in dishonest in deaing withv the indje- Namlibia under UNcontreol. Unless pendence issue. It istvery clear that elections are super'ised bythe UN, the South African overnmeint, SWAPO cannot parti .ciIpate. together with its Western allies, has We call on the people of Britain been deliberately delaying genuine to suppsort the struggle in Namibia independence for Namibia. led bySWAPO. Wea/ilon t .o SWAPO is left with no alterna- British Goenmnt to support our tive but to step up its war of struggebiitiat nsr ationagis Iliberation. We cannot tolerate the Southb Africa - including a total indefinite illegal occupation of our ecnfntiC boycott. Mobilise for October 21! Among the organisations sponsoring the rally are: Iron & Steel Tradef Contqdlion Civil and Public Service Asociation AUIEW (Onaloasrinsg totion) SOGAT Musicians Union National Unio, of Minaorkeni (Scotland, Yorslire, Ketm, North esters. Nottingho nd oi Sooth W.I., areas) NATSOPA t(London (hin Flrencheo) ASLEF TGWVU (Reions 2 ands 9) 14ATPFHE Soty of Clotl and otiuic Young5 Fabiono NAtional Unaion of Students Ifatonal Union ofSchol So far coaches to the rally hare been arranged from: Cardiff, Southampton, Leeds, Sheffield, Lancaster, Loughborough and Norwich. Derails from AAM. Posters, leaflets and other publicity material from: AAM, 89 Charlotte Street, London W1P 2DQ Tel Ol-58053t, !A)7 Anti-Apartheid News AAM calls SA D toncement a has rejected )is a declarae people of them Africa. i shot through Iot them ,ansigence of But it offered i hope for a dence in to more lves te negotie,erything it clear the way .ber, it offered ith South )f thep UN plan .is r * Papg2 An 74plqrheid Newws. .. Q - jsr 1-978 ANTI APARTHEID ACTION - NATIONWIDE: Britain Glasgow MORE than 1060 people demonstrated outside Glasgow City Chambers on Septenber 6, when Lord Provost David Hodge entertained the South African ambassador. Matthys Botha, to lunch. The demonstration was the climax of a long and widelysupported campaign for the cancellation of the visit. Six Labour MPs, Labour, Scottish Nationalist and Liberal Councillors, delegations from several shop stewards committees and other trade union bodies, church representatives and Janey Buchan, Scottish Chairman of the Labour Party, were among those taking part. Many other organisations and individuals had requested the Lord Provost to cancil the lunch, includingthe Glasgow District Council itself. The Provost has since been expelled from the Labour Group on the Council. Glasgow Anti-Apartheid Movementis planning to hold a sponsored walk on September 17, which it hopes will raise around £200. Contact: John Nelson, 3 Rosevale Crescent, Hamilton, Lanarkshire. 'el Hamilton 26781. Scotland EAST Kilbride Trades Council held a public meetingon September 14, which was addressed by David Hemson of SACTU. It is hoped that this will lead to the formation of a new Anti-Apartheid Group. On September 15 Datid Henson spoke at a Clydebank public meeting attended by over 80 people, together with Shirley Talbot of the ANC and Revd lain Whyte of AAM. Scottish AAM held a day conference on 'Women and Apartheid' on September 16, at which the speakers were David Hemson, Shirley Talbot, Jean Middleton and Jane Phakathi of the Christian Institute. The conference was attended by more than 40 people from a wide range of organisations. Contact: John Nelson, Secretary, Scottish AAM, 3 Rosevale Crescent, Hamilton, Lanarkshire. Tel Hamilton 26781. Southwark A NEW Anti-Apartheid Group is being formed in Southwark, London. Anyone interested in joining the group, contacteStve Spencer at The Edward Rudolf Schopl, 62 Overbill Road, Dulwich, London SE22. Tel 693 2527. Leicester LEICESTER Anti-Apartheid Group is holding its annual general meeting on October 8 at 7 pm at Friends Meeting House, Queen's Road, Leicester. A representative from SWAPO.will speak at the meeting. The Group's September meeting was addressed by Kennedy Cruickshank of ZIMA (Zimbabwe Medical Action). It also held a very successful social to raise funds for AAM on September 9. Contact: Shantum Set, 18St Albans Road, Leicester. Tel Leices ter 548679, Camden CAMDENWAnti-Apartheftl'Grouss sponsored walk for Soweto on June 24 -aised over £530. Forty-one walkers took part - and Fred, the dog, who was tponsored for £15. Camden AA Held a placard demonstration ih Swiss Cottage to publicise the case of Solomon Mahlangu On October 20 the Amandla Folk Group and People's Stage will give an evening of song, music, poetry and sketches from and abosat Sooth Africa, Contact; Ost Glynn, Tel 794 3546, Croydon CROYDON Anti Apartheid Group is collecting clothing for Zimebwean refugees, Contributions can be handed into the AUEW Office, 8 South End, Croydon, Croydon Warehouse Theatre has been displaying anti-apartheid posters during the three-week run of 'Cut the Grass so we can see the Elephants'. Contact: U Alexis, 44 l urley Oaks Road, Sanderstead, Surrey, Tel 660 9921. Barnet BARNET Anti-Apartheid Group is planning to hold a meeting with local church leaders as a firststep in an educational drive on Southern Africa in the local community. The Group is carrying on with its regular Saturday morning sales of AA NEWS in local shopping centres, Offers of help and enquiries about Barnet AA Group's activities to: Frank Edwards, tel 446 4065; or Liz Backhurst,449 1818. SurreySURREY Anti Apartheid Movement has written to Foreign Secretary David Owen asking him to intervene with the South African Government on belalf of AK C militnt Solomon Malangu who is under sentence of death. Surrey AA is also appealingfor funds to pay the defence costs of the Chairman of Sutton AA Committee, Rupee Singh, who was recently cleared of a charge of assaulting a policeman. She was arrested during a picket of a school in Brixton where the National Front was holding a meeting last April. Although the charge against her was dismissed, she has been refused legal aid. So far Surrey AAM has raised E160 towards a legal bill of £214.56. THE Anti-Apartheid Movement's 'Apartheid in Practice' poster series won an award at the Inter, national Poster Biennial held in Warsaw during the summer. Exeter THE West Country group 'Amandla' is to go on tour with its special programme of songs and poems about South Africa in October. The Group will perform at the Bristol Flier, Gloucester Road, Bristol, at 8 pm on Saturday October 14; at the People's Stage, Totnes, on Sunday October 15; and at Barnfield Theatre, Exeter, on Tuesday October 17, On October 20 it will appear at a fund-raising evening organised by Camden AA Group in London, and on October 21 will put on a show in Cambridge. Amandla is willing to perform at events arranged by AA and other groups. For detailsrcontact: Mervyn Bennun, Connetts, Halsford Wood Lance, Nadderwater, Exeter. Tel 039-281 384. NUS AAM THE NUS-AAM network of student activists on Southern Africa will discuss plans for the coming session at a meeting in London on September 23. In meny universities and colleges student anti-apartheid societies are planning activities during Freshers Week, especially to alert new students to the role which Barclays Bank plays in South Africa. Students interested in campaigning on Southern Africa contact: Garth Strachan, Anti-Apartheid Movement, 89 Charlotte Street, London WIP 2DQ. Hants police HAMPSHIRE Police Force is sending police cadets for training in South Africa - despite protests from Southampton Community Relations Council, Southampton AA Group and Bryan Gould, one of -Southampton's two Labour MPs. The cadets are sent for a year through Project Trust, a charity based on the Isle of Coil, Argyleshire Two cadets are in Johannesburg working in a home for Coloured boys and a third is in a similar home in the Transvaal. There is also a cadet attached to a home for Coloured girls in Durban and another at a YWCA near Durban. Project Trust has 18 volaflehrs, including the police cadets, in South Africa. Black groups in Southampton are strongly opposed to this training. In a press statement the Community Relations Council objected 'to these arrangements which expose young cadets to a grossly unjust system and then plants them back again in our community, Anti-apartheid supporters are asked to protest to the Home Office and Project Trust and to investigate where their local police forces are sending cadets for overseas training.
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