Document of The World Bank FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Public Disclosure Authorized Report No: 53425-ZA PROJECT APPRAISAL DOCUMENT ON A PROPOSED LOAN Public Disclosure Authorized IN THE AMOUNT OF US$3,750 MILLION TO ESKOM HOLDINGS LIMITED GUARANTEED BY REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Public Disclosure Authorized FOR AN ESKOM INVESTMENT SUPPORT PROJECT March 19, 2010 Energy Group Sustainable Development Department Africa Region Public Disclosure Authorized This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (Exchange Rate estimated as of February 15, 2010) Currency Unit = Rand Rand 7.50 = US$1 FISCAL YEAR April 1 – March 31 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AfDB African Development Bank DNI Direct Normal Insulation AFD Agence Française de Développement DPE Department of Public Enterprises AQA Air Quality Act of 2004 DSM Demand Side Management AMEU Association of Municipal Electricity Undertakings DST Department of Science and Technology ASGI Accelerated Share Growth Initiative DoE Department of Energy BBEE Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment DoEA Department of Environmental Affairs BEE Black Economic Empowerment DWAF Department of Water Affairs BER Bureau of Economic Research EA Environmental Assessment BID Background Information Document Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and EBITDA BOP Balance of Payments Amortization CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate ECA Environmental Conservation Act CAS Country Assistance Strategy ECAs Export Credit Agencies CBM Coal Bed Methane EDI Electricity Distribution Industry Holdings CCS Carbon Capture and Sequestration EDPL Electricity Sector Development Policy Loan CDM Clean Development Mechanism EE Energy Efficiency CEC Committee for Environmental Coordination EGEAS Electric Generation Expansion Analysis System CED Capital Expansion Department EGF Electrical Generation Facilities CEO Chief Executive Officer EIA Environmental Impact Assessment CFAA Country Financial Accountability Assessment EIB European Investment Bank CFLs Compact Fluorescent Lamps EIRR Economic Internal Rate of Return COO Chief Operating Officer EMF Environmental Management Framework CPA Criminal Procedure Act EMP Environmental Management Plan CPAR Country Procurement Assessment Review ENPV Economic Net Present Value CPIA Country Policy and Institutional Assessment EPP Electricity Pricing Policy CPI Consumer Price Index ERR Economic Rate of Return CPS Country Partnership Strategy EU European Union CPF Carbon Partnership Facility FBE Free Basic Electricity CSDP Competitive Supplier Development Program F&C Fraud and Corruption CTA Coal Transport Agreement FDI Foreign Direct Investment CSP Concentrating Solar Power FBE Free Basic Electricity CTA Coal Transport Agreement FGD Flue Gas Desulphurization CTF Clean Technology Fund FIRR Financial Interest Rate of Return CTL Coal-to-Liquid FM Financial Management DA Disbursement Account GDP Gross Domestic Product DEAT Department of Environment and Tourism GEF Global Environment Facility DBSA Development Bank of Southern Africa GHG Greenhouse Gas Development and Climate Change Strategic GNP Gross National Product DCCSF Framework GNI Gross National Income United Kingdom Department for International GoSA Government of South Africa DFID Development International Bank for Reconstruction and IBRD Department of Minerals and Energy Designated Development DMEDNA National Authority ICR Implementation & Completion Results Report DNA Designated National Authority ICB International Competitive Bidding IEP Integrated Energy Planning PDD Project Development Department IFC International Finance Corporation PEFA Public Financial Management Assessment IFI International Financing Institutions PFM Public Financial Management IFR Interim Financial Reports PFMA Public Financial Management Act IGCC Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle PMI Purchasing Managers Index IMF International Monetary Fund PPA Power Purchase Agreement IP Investment Plan PPIAF Public Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility IPFA Institute for Public Finance and Auditing RAP Resettlement Action Plan IPP Independent Power Producer RE Renewable Energy IRP Integrated Resource Planning RED Regional Energy Distribution/Distributor ISEP Integrated Strategic Electricity Plan REFIT Renewable Feed-in Tariff KfW Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau REMT Renewable Energy Market Transformation Project JSAN Joint Staff Advisory Note RoA Return on Assets LDP Letter of Development Policy RoCE Return on Capital Employed LNG Liquid Natural Gas ROD Record of Decision LRMC Long Run Marginal Cost RoE Return on Equity LTMS Long Term Mitigation Strategy/Scenario ROSC Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes MDGs Millennium Development Goals RPF Resettlement Policy Framework MET Medupi Execution Team SAAQIS South African Air Quality Information System MEU Municipal Electric Utilities SACU Southern Africa Customs Union MFMA Municipal Finance Management Act of 2004 SADC Southern Africa Development Community MIC Middle Income Countries SANS South Africa National Standards MoE Ministry of Education SAPP Southern African Power Pool MoF Ministry of Finance SARB South African Reserve Bank MoH Ministry of Health SARS South African Revenue Service MPC Monetary Policy Commission (SARB) SBD Standard Bidding Document MPT Medupi Project Team SDR Safeguards Diagnostic Review MTBPS Mid-Term Budget Policy Statement SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment MTEF Medium-Term Expenditure Framework S&I Supply & Install MTPPP Medium Term Power Purchase Program SIL Specific Investment Loan MYPD Multi Year Price Determination SOE State Owned Enterprise NCB National Competitive Bidding SME Small and Medium Enterprise NEDLAC National Economic Development and Labor Council SSA Sub-Saharan Africa NEEA National Energy Efficiency Agency TFA Transnet Freight Rail NEMA National Environment Management Act 1998 UCG Underground Coal Gasification NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development UCSP Upington Concentrating Solar Power plant NERSA National Energy Regulator of South Africa United Nations Framework Convention on UNFCC NERT National Electricity Response Team Climate Change NGL National Gas Liquids UMIC Upper Middle Income Countries NIPP National Industrial Participation Program WM Waste Management NIRP National Integrated Resource Plan WBG World Bank Group NPV Net Present Value WTP Willingness To Pay NT National Treasury WPP Wind Power Plant OCGT Open Cycle Gas Turbine OHSP Occupational Health and Safety Management Plan Vice President: Obiageli Katryn Ezekwesili Country Director: Ruth Kagia Sector Director: Inger Andersen Sector Manager: Subramaniam V. Iyer Task Team Leaders: Reynold Duncan and Pankaj Gupta SOUTH AFRICA ESKOM INVESTMENT SUPPORT PROJECT CONTENTS Page Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 1 I. STRATEGIC CONTEXT AND RATIONALE ............................................................................... 2 A. Country and sector issues ................................................................................................................ 3 B. Rationale for Bank Involvement .................................................................................................... 21 C. Higher level objectives to which the project contributes ............................................................... 27 II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................ 27 A. Lending instrument ........................................................................................................................ 27 B. Project development objective and key indicators......................................................................... 28 C. Bank strategy for support to Eskom and project components ....................................................... 28 D. Lessons learned and reflected in the project design ....................................................................... 33 E. Alternatives considered and reasons for rejection ......................................................................... 34 III. IMPLEMENTATION ...................................................................................................................... 37 A. Partnership arrangements ............................................................................................................... 37 B. Institutional and implementation arrangements ............................................................................. 38 C. Monitoring and evaluation of outcomes/results ............................................................................. 40 D. Sustainability ................................................................................................................................. 41 E. Critical risks and possible controversial aspects ............................................................................ 41 F. Loan/credit conditions and covenants ............................................................................................ 43 IV. APPRAISAL SUMMARY ............................................................................................................... 47 A. Economic and financial analyses ..................................................................................................
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