264J the Alpine Journal 2018 Inside.Indd

264J the Alpine Journal 2018 Inside.Indd

Index 2018 1/5th Royal Welch Fusiliers 110, 114 Aguja Poincenot 1st Battalion Manchester Regiment 107 Whisky Time 313 1st Gurkha Rifles 111 Aguja Rafael Juárez 1st Royal Berkshire Regiment 110 Los Millenials 313 2nd Battalion Hampshire Regiment 114 Aguja St Exupery 320 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry 106 Aguja Val Blois 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade 110 La Torcida 313, 314 2nd Battalion Royal Scots 106 Ahmad, Yeop 216–7 4th Battalion Black Watch 107 Ahobamba valley 304 5th Battalion Oxford & Bucks Light Infantry 110 Aiguille d’Argentière 242 5th Gurkha Rifles 108, 109 Aiguille du Chardonnet 240, 241, 242 8th Battalion King’s Royal Rifles 110 East Ridge Integral 243 9th Battalion Sherwood Foresters 110 Aiguille du Grépon 376 9th Royal Warwickshire 110 Aiguille du Jardin 12, 243 11th Battalion London Regiment 114 West Pillar Direct 11 14th Royal Warwickshire Regiment 112 Aiguille du Moine 233, 235 28th Chasseurs Alpins 107 Aiguilles Rouges du Dolent 239 Aiguille Verte 11, 367, 368 A Airy, George 353 Abadi, Sajad Ali 99 Ak-su 283 Abaitua 263 Aksu valley 283 Achi Baba 108, 109 Ala Dag range 376 Adamello 126 Albert, Kurt 362 Adams, John Albert Premier hut 241 Risk and Freedom: Record of Road Safety Alborz 99 Regulation 162 Alcocer, Cristopher 312 Adamski, Janusz Adam 266 Aleta de Tiburón 313 Adam Smith, Janet 178 Alexander the Great 38 Adams Reilly, Col 243 Alexandra Supernova 282, 285 Adams, Ruth 394 Alhuina gorge 292 Aden 385 Allahabad 377 Adriatic Sea 118, 125 Allan, Sandy 250, 276, 384 Adventure Scientists 159 Allaucawanka (Allachuanca) 294–5 Aemmer, Rudolph 234 Allen, John 422 Afanasiev, Viktor 275 Allen, Rick 240, 241, 262, 276 Afghanistan 40 Allers, Leon 379 Agassiz, Louis 156 All or Nothing 253 Aguja Chilena 309 Allwein, Dr Eugen 189 Aguja Desconocida 313 Almaraz, Guillermo 310 Aguja Flor de Pupusa 309 Alone on the Wall, book 342 Provi dencia 310 Alpenkorps 122 Aguja Guillaumet 314, 320 Alpine Climbing Group 30, 31 Amy­Vidailhet 312 Alpine Club vii, viii, xi, 29, 30, 31, 105, 106, 107, Disfrute la Vida 312 113, 156, 161, 188, 206, 219, 222, 225, 226, 227–9, Pilar del Quinto Sol 312 230, 232, 233, 235, 259, 318, 352, 355, 382 Plata o Plomo 312 Alpine Club Library 213, 386, 428 Aguja Iñaki Coussirat Alpine Club of Pakistan 337 San Percutori 309 Alpine Club Photo Library viii Aguja Intihuasi 309 Alpine Journal viii, 105, 107, 132, 143, 178, 179, Aguja Janajman 206, 228, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 346, 443 Wash’n’go 309 Alpini 118, 122, 124 Aguja Julio Altamirano 309 Alpinist 178, 179 Aguja Mermoz 312, 314 Alps 117, 174, 219, 224, 225, 227, 233, 239 Jardines Japoneses 312 Alvarez, Al 178 I NDEX 2 0 1 8 453 Alvey, Carl 19 review 331 Alzamora, Lucas 311 Arughat Bazar 151 Ama Dablam 340, 395 Ascent American Alpine Club 355 review 333 American Alpine Journal 58 Ascent of John Tyndall (The) Amery, Leo S vii, 112 review 352 Ammann, Jean 348 Ashburner, John Night Naked 438 obituary 375 Among the Summer Snows Askole 43, 82, 85 review 361 Asperity 62 Amorós, Consuelo 304 Asquith, Herbert 113 A Mountaineer’s Life Assam 356 review 335 1950 earthquake 152 Ampleforth College 387 Association of British Members of the Swiss Anasazi 343 Alpine Club 385 Anderegg, Jacob 222 Astorga, Chantel 66, 68, 69, 70, 257 Andermatten, Franz 222 At-Bashi range 281, 285 Anderson, Dave 280 Atherton, John 443 Anderson, Lloyd 379 Aubers Ridge 167 Ang Nima Sherpa 264 Auer, Hansjörg 431 An Introduction to the Birds of Malaya 213 Aurelius, Marcus 95 Annapurna 262, 351, 420 Austrian Alpine Club 260, 308 Annapurna Base Camp 150 Austro-Hungarian empire 118 Annapurna III 362 Ayres, Harry 394 Antarctica 25, 180, 318 Anthoine, Mo 347, 348 B Anti-Atlas 334 Babanov, Valery 275 Antonio ‘Sevi’ Gómez Bohórquez Babolin, Mara 280 article: ‘Peru 2017’ 286 Bachelard, Gaston 191 Anzac Cove 108 Badal Peak 273, 275 Aonach Dubh Badriashvili, Archil 269 Trapeze 250 Badwal, Gajendra 322 Aoraki Mt Cook 315–6 Badwal, Surendra 322 Appalachian Mountain Club 355 Baghdad 114 Aravis mountains 15 Baillie, Rusty 400 Arbuthnot, Lt G A 105, 115 Balicki Denjongpa, Anna 196 Archer Hirst, Thomas 353 Ballard, Tom 279 Ardang 325 Ball, Dave 439 Arelovich, Lisandro 311 Ball, John 433, 435 Arête des Bouquetins 246 Baltoro 278 Arganglas 334 Baltoro glacier 79, 80, 336, 337 Argan La 258 Baluchistan 96 Argentière 12 Banco de Bosques 308 Arjuna 3–10, 253, 254, 255 Band, George 199, 320, 395, 443 Gandiva 9 Band, Susan 443 Arjuna South 3, 253, 323 Baneh (Pistacia atlantica) 98 Arkaitz Ibarra, Vasques 310 Banerjee, Argha 322 Arman Sar 279 Bangor University 140 Army Chaplain Service 106 Barker, Jack 303–304 Army Service Corps 114 Barnaj I 253, 256, 259 Arnold, Dani 244, 278 Barnard, Michael 250 Arosio, Titio 298 Baró, Oriol 287, 292 Artists of the Alpine Club (The) 445 Bartholomew, Doug 250 Art of Freedom Barun valley 395 454 T HE A LPINE J OURN A L 2 0 1 8 Bass, Malcolm 432 Bevan, D L 376 article: ‘The Mind Has Mountains’ 131 Beyul Dremojong 196 Bates, Bob 343 Bhaktapur 149 Bath University 163 Bhatia, Sonali 258 Batian 400 Bhatti, Col Abdul Jabbar 267 Battle of Caporetto 120 Bhote, Samden 269 Battye, Maj H M 105, 109 Bielby, Mark 325 Battye, Maj Legh Richmond 109 Bielecki, Adam 262, 277 Battye, Richmond Moffat 109 Bierling, Billi 272, 399 Batura 278 Bietschhorn 233 Batura glacier 135 Bihar-Nepal 1934 earthquake 152 Bau, Alessandro 247 Billon, Leo 246 Bauer, Paul 189, 200, 207, 211 Biner, Joseph 444 Baumgartner, Ruedi 370 Biner, Viktor 233 Bazman 97 Bingham, Hiram 305 Beaven, Bill 394 Bin Laden, Osama 42 Beckey, Fred 58, 60 Bintley, George 412 Cascade Alpine Guide 381 Bird, Maj L W 110 Challenge of the North Cascades 379 Birkbeck, John 433, 435 Climber’s Guide to the Cascades and Olympics of Birnie, Eugene St J 210 Washington 381 Biswas, Dr K 214 Mountains of North America (The) 381 Biven, Peter 401 Mount McKinley: Icy Crown of North America 381 Black Watch 112 obituary 378 Blixen, Karen 397 Range of Glaciers 381 Blodig, Karl 11–2, 18 Beckey, Helmy 379 Boardman, Pete 333 Belleville, Max 134 Boardman Tasker Award 180, 183 Bellò, Tarcisio 280 Bodet, Stéphanie 240 Benet, Romano 263 Boesam 321 Bengal Cavalry 109 Bonamore, Virgilio 123 Ben Hope 250 Bonatti-Vaucher 246 Blue River 250 Bonatti, Walter 80 Turf Factor 250 Bond, Megan 379, 382 Bennen, Johann Joseph 223 Bonhomme, Paul 245 Ben Nevis 114, 249, 250 Bonington, Chris 333, 391, 413, 421 Optimist’s Arete 251 Bonington, Helen 334 Berg, Alik 290–2 Bonington, Wendy 333, 334 Berg, Bengt 205, 211 Bonney, Rev T G 435 Berge, Ola 48 Bonniot, Max 246, 247 Berg, Felix 262 Borchers, Heinz 274 Bérhault, Patrick 245 Borkoldoy range 281, 326 Berlin 126 Bosch, Andres 278 Bern 169 Boswell, Greg 248, 250, 338 Bernard Meldrum, John 345 Botor, Jaroslaw 277 Bernasconi, Matteo 298 Boudhanath 149 Bernays, David 158 Boyle, Alan 438 Bernese Oberland 223 Spirits of the Dolomites 433, 437 Bernet, Jean 234 Bravo glacier 56 Berry, W K A 38 Breevoort, Margaret 226 Bersaglieri 123 Breithorn 171 Bertheau, Therese 48 Breitwangflue 244 Berwald, Olaf 358 Bremer-Kamp, Cherie 193, 199, 200, 201 Bessot, Aurélien 312 Living on the Edge 191 Beta Block Super 244 Brenner, Julius 189 I NDEX 2 0 1 8 455 Brenva Spur 222 C Bressard, Christophe 244 Cairngorms 250 Brezovjak, David 285 Calabuig, Diana 287 Briggs, Ben 316 Caldwell, Tommy Briggs, Dave 419 Push (The) 438 Bright, Miles 319 Camasa, Yjegual 288–9 Britannia hut 385 Cambridge 385 British Antarctic Survey 400, 417 Cambridge University Mountaineering Club 376 British Columbia 55, 380 Canterbury University Tramping Club 394 British Mountaineering Council vii, 29, 30, 182, Cape Helles 108, 109 285, 399, 418, 419, 422 Caporetto 124, 125 British Psychological Society 132 Caprez, Nina 240 British Stauning Alps Expedition 319 Capusan, Vlad 312 Britten, Benjamin 404 Cararach, Roger 295, 296 Broad Peak 276, 331 Cardell, Maria 283 Broda, Fips 58 Carey, Mark Brower, David 365 article: ‘Lessons from the Andes’ 154 Brown, Hamish 391, 392 Carfrae, Capt C F K 1, 110 Brown, Joe 199, 362, 365, 391, 395, 407 Carlyle, Thomas 353, 354 Brown, Les 420, 421 Carnic Alps 118, 120, 121, 126 Bruce, Lt Col C G 108, 109 Carn Mor Dearg 249, 250 Carpathians 118 Bruchez, Vivian 239 Carratt, Steve 279, 322 Brunken, Lance-Corporal 122 Carrington, Rab 30 Bryant, Dan 395 Carr, Rachel 324 Buachaille Etive Mòr 248 Carter, Jimmy 381 Dingle 250 Cartwright, Jules 30, 339 Holy Grail (The) 250 Cascades 380, 381 Orphan (The) 251 Casella, Mario 351 Buchan, John 113, 178 Casey, Richard 214 Greenmantle 113 Cassin Ridge 68 Mr Standfast 113 Castañeda, Koky 296, 298 113 Thirty­Nine Steps (The) Castle Peak 256 Buckingham, Guy 131, 136, 144 Catarata de Gocta 286 Buckle, Derek 259, 323 Caucasus 118 Buckley, Nigel 355, 442 Cavaro, August 287 Budhi Gandaki valley 149, 150, 152 Cavassa, Diego 310 Buffet, Charlie 350 Cave, George 93, 279, 322 Bukkehøe 50 article: ‘Half a Route in Shimshal’ 86 Bullock, Nick 338 Cawood, A H 220 Bullock Workman, Fanny 178 Central Alps of the Dauphiny (The), book 369 Burbridge, Charlie 432 Central Karakoram National Park 82 Burgener, A 226 Cerro 34 Leguas 311 Burgun, Jean 20–28, 318 Cerro Adela Sur 312 Burke, Bill 269 Cerro Chaltén 313 Burke, Chris 262 Cerro Colorado 308 Burke Khang 268 Cerro de los Caranchos 311 Burke, Mick 333, 401 Cerro Horqueta 311 Burma 211 Cerro Kishtwar 253, 254 Burnley 115 Cerro Pastos Largos 310 Burns, Cameron M 382 Cerro Pollone Burns, John D 366 Maracaibo 312 Butler, Richard 308 Cerro San Lorenzo 308 Bygdin 45, 48 Cerro Solo 456 T HE A LPINE J OURN A L 2 0 1 8 French Connection 311 Cima Piccolo 244 Los Gringos No Comen Llajua 311 Cima Undici

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