Svein, Tangerud, Ase, and Robertsen

Svein, Tangerud, Ase, and Robertsen

INDEX A Angel, Larry, 97 animal chemistry, see medical chemistry Abeshouse, B.S., 133n Anning, S.T., 122n Abinger, 1st baron, see Scarlett, James Anselm, E., 6 abortion, 2n, 22, 25 - 7, 362, 489 Anthropological Institute, see Royal Abraham, Sir Edward, 42n, 55n Anthropological Institute Academie de Medecine, see Royal Academy of anthropology, 373, 383 - 418passim Medicine antibiotics, 41; see also, penicillin accidents, workplace, 191 - 202 antiseptics, 21, 35, 37, 38, 39, 51, 55 Achard, C., 442n antivivisectionists, 213 Acton, William, 93 Aparicio de Zubia's pamphlet on the 'oleum acupuncture, 57n, 59 - 60, 111 magistrale', 203 - 11 Adami, 34n aphrodisiacs, 113 Adams, Joseph, 77 apiary, 375 Adams, M., 8n Apollonius, 220 Addison, Frank, 386n, 387n apoplexy, 139 Agramonte, A., 337n apothecaries, 116; see also, Society of AIDS, 114 Apothecaries of London Aikin, Arthur, 173 Apothecaries' Act (1815), 39, 116, 117 Albinus, Bernhard Siegfried, 447, 461, 462, Apple, Rima D., 237 - 8 463,464 Arabic medicine and science, 88, 484 - 6 Albucasis, 88 Arblay, Madame d' (Fanny Burney), 137, 140, albuminuria, 174 - 5, 177, 179, 184 - 5, 186, 187 141, 312- 13, 317 Albury, W.R. (rev.), 226 Arbuthnot, John, 134 Alcock, P.C., 201n archaeology, 81 - 89, 383 - 418 passim; see also, Alderson, Sir Edward Hall, 263 palaeopathology Alexander, D., 328n archives Alibert, Jean Louis, 64, 67 Archives Nationales, Paris, 423n Alison, W.P., 149 Contemporary Medical Archives Centre, Allan, A.R., 357 212-15, 217, 222, 374, 388n Allbutt, Sir (Thomas) Clifford, 124- 5, 360 slide archive of State University of New York Alleged Lunatics' Friend Society (1845-63), at Stony Brook, 237 - 8 245 -75 Wellcome Foundation and Wellcome Institute, Allen, David E. (rev.), 483 385n Allen, Francis H., 391n see also, libraries; manuscripts Allen, William, 173 Arcini, Caroline, see Anderson, Trevor et al. Allison, A.F., 21 In Arctic exploration, 362 - 3 Althorp, Viscount, see Spencer, John Charles Aretaeus the Cappodocian, 359 Altick, Richard D., 384n, 394n Aristotle, 97, 468 Alvardo, Juan Grajera, 82n Arluke, Arnold, 479 Alvarez Pelaez, R., 490 Aronson, J.K., 476 American Genetic Association, 417 arsenic, tests for presence in bones, 181 American Institute of the History of art, medical, 57 - 69, 99, 240 - 1, 480 -1 Pharmacy, 91 arthritis, 134, 141 American Medical Association, 92 Asclepius, 228, 411 anaesthesia, 35, 223 - 4, 232 - 3, 244 aseptic techniques, 21, 37 analgesia, 232 - 3; in childbirth, 222 - 3 astrology, 110-11 analysis, chemical, 173 - 90passim asylums, 247 - 75 passim anatomical illustration, 57 - 69, 99 asylums anatomical museum, Dr. Spitzner's, 90 Acomb House, York, 261 Anatomical Society of Great Britain, 131 Bethlem, 255, 257n, 261, 263n, 353, 371 anatomy, 368; 444- 67 passim Brislington House, Bristol, 251, 268 Ancell, Henry, 179 Colney Hatch, 255, 261n, 270, 271n Anda, Svein, see Anderson, Trevor et al. Earl's Court House, 351 - 6 Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett, 12 Farnham House, Dublin, 264 Anderson, Hugh, 360 Fisherton House, 270, 272 Anderson, Trevor, Ar ini, Caroline, Anda, Fishponds, Bristol, 263 - 4, 268 Svein, Tangerud, Ase, and Robertsen, Hanwell, 255, 256n, 270, 271n, 353, 356 Gunvor: Suspected endemic syphilis Haydock Lodge, 260 (treponarid) in sixteenth-century Norway, Hayes Park, 272n 341 - 50 Heigham Retreat, Norwich, 261n, 272 Andre, Jacques, 113 - 14 Kensington House, 250, 261n, 354 Andrews, S.P., 490 Lincoln, 356 491 Downloaded from IP address:, on 04 Oct 2021 at 19:58:36, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Index Longwood House, Bristol, 268 Barber-Surgeons' Company of London, Manor House, Chiswick, 272 203n, 204 Moorcroft House, 262 Barbour, G., 81n Northampton, 263, 270, 271n, 272 Barcia-Goyane, J.J., 242 Northwoods, 263 Barcroft, Henry, 380 Retreat, King's Road, 354 Barfoot, Michael, 358 Retreat, York, 249, 292n, 371 Barlow, Claude, 367 Surrey County, 255, 374 Barlow, G.H., 175n, 179 Ticehurst, 251, 354n Barlow, Sir Thomas, 70, 71, 72 - 3, 74, 79 Wells County, 269 Barnes, Robert, 256n West Malling, 268 Baron, S.W., 219 Wyke House, 271 Barr, James, 284, 294 Atlay, H.B., 118n Barrett, Charlotte, 137n, 313n, 317n Augustin, G., 322n Barry, Spranger, 142 Austin, William, 280 Barsanti, Giulio, 365 Austoker, Joan, 216 Barthez, Antoine-C.-E., 78, 79 Austrian, Robert, 476 - 7 Bartholin, Thomas, 59 Aveling, J.H., 6n, 8n, 10 Barton, Benjamin Smith, 92 Avicenna, 359, 411 Bartrip, P.W., 193n, 201n Azouvi, Frangois, 227 Basil, St., 218, 219 Bassi, Enrico, 229 Bates, M., 332 Baumes, J.-B., 43 In, 432n B Baumgartner, K.H., 64 Baur, Otto, 240 - 1 Baader, Gerhard, 243, 359 Beal, Peter, 100 Babayan, Edward, 482 - 3 Beatty, Sir William, 114 Babington, Thomas, 294 Beauclerk, Topham, 313 Babington, William, 173, 174n Beaupurthuy, Louis Daniel, 337 Back, Sir George, 362 Bebian, Roch-Ambroise, 236 Bacon, Francis, 1st baron Verulam, 100- 1, 321 Beck, Eric (rev.), 101 -2 bacteriology, 42 - 56, 78, 212 - 15, 477 - 8 Beclard, J., 442n Baer, K.E. von, 365 Beddoes, Thomas, preparatory work (with Bailey, H.W., 14, 15 James Watt) for the Bristol Pneumatic Bailey, William, 252, 254n, 267n Institute, 276- 302 Baird, D., 22n Beddoes, Mrs. Thomas (nee Anna Edgeworth), Bakay, Louis, 244 282, 284, 288 Bakemore, Colin, 103 Bedford, 5th duke of, see Russell, Francis Baker, Alexander, 204n Beechey, Sir William, 62 Baker, Ann, 204n Beeson, Paul, 92 Baker, Christopher, 203n Behlmer, George, 194n Baker, Dowglas, 204n Bellot, H. Hale, 118n Baker, Elizabeth, 204n Bembridge, B.A., 380, 473 - 5 Baker, Frances, 204n Ben-David, Joseph, 243 Baker, Sir George, 317 Bence-Jones, Henry, 174, 183, 186n Baker, George, translator of Aparicio de Benedict, Ruth, 408n Zubia's pamphlet on the 'oleum magistrale', Bennett, C.H., 134n 203 -211 Berengario da Carpi, 359 Baker, George jun., 204n Berkeley, George, bishop of Cloyne, 143 Baker, Grace, 204n Bernard, Claude, 479- 80 Baker, John, 203n Berrios, G.E. (rev.), 107 - 8 Baker, Peter, 203n Berry, Charles-Ferdinand d'Artois, duc de, Baker, Simon, 203n 436, 439 Baker, William (fl. 1560), 203n Berry-Hill, Henry, 61n Baker, William (fl. 1851), 193n, 195, 196n, Berry-Hill, Sidney, 61n 197n, 199, 200 Bert, Paul, 479 Balderston, Katharine C., 136n, 314n Berthe, M., 78 Baldry, P., 49 Berthier, Ferdinand, 236 Balfour, Sir Andrew, 406n Bertier de Sauvigny, Guillaume, 428n Balfour, Henry, 389 - 90, 393, 415n, 416n Berzelius, Jons Jacob, 173, 174n, 176, 177, Balguy, Thomas, archdeacon of Winchester, 178, 181, 186 310 Besredka, A., 52 Balthorp, Robert, 203n Best, Geoffrey, 167 Bana, F. D. 331 Bettany, G.T., 173n, 174n Banister, John, 204, 205 - 6, 210 Betterton, Thomas, 142 Banks, Sir Joseph, 143, 285, 289 Beukers, H., 357 Banks, Sir William Mitchell, 123 Bezodis, P.A., 351n Bann, Stephen, 390n Bichat, Marie-Frangois-Xavier, 226 492 Downloaded from IP address:, on 04 Oct 2021 at 19:58:36, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Index Bickel, L., 49, 54n, 55 of St. Thomas's Hospital Medical School, Bickerton, T.H., 16 1984, 239 Bidloo, Govert, 452, 453 Bolk, L., De segmentale innervatie van Billard, Charles M., 77 romp en ledematen bij de mens, 1985, 368 Billroth, Theodor, 120n Boschung, U. (ed.), Johannes Gessners Birch, A. de Burgh, 125 Pariser Tagebuch 1727, 1985, 365 - 6 Bird, D.T., 239 Brandt, A.M., No magic bullet, 1985, 366 - 7 Bird, Golding, 174, 175n, 186, 187 - 8 Brooke, C., A history of Gonville and Black, Joseph, 277, 279- 80, 283, 284, 285, 444 Caius College, 1985, 360 Blackden, Stephanie: The Board of Supervision Budd, W., On the causes of fevers (1839), and the Scottish parochial medical service ed. by D.C. Smith, 1984, 487 1845-95, 145 -72 Carrick, P., Medical ethics in Antiquity, Blackrie, Alexander, 317n 1985,489 Blackstone, Sir William, 143 Ceard, J. (ed.), Lafolie et le corps, 1985, 113 Blackwood, Beatrice, 392n, 393n, 404n Chitnis, A.C., The Scottish Enlightenment Blagden, Sir Charles, 465 and early Victorian English society, 1986, Blake, John B., 470 375 Bland, Robert, 16, 17- 18, 33-4 Clark, L.L., Social Darwinism in France, Blegborough, Henry, 453 1984, 233-4 Bliquez, Lawrence J., 82n Contemporary Medical Archives Centre, Blom, Grethe A., 348n consolidated accessions list, 1985, 374 blood Cooter, R., The cultural meaning ofpopular albumin in, 186 science, 1985, 236-7 analysis of, 176-7, 178, 179, 180, 182 Corsi, P., Oltre il mito, 1983, 365 function of red corpuscles, 184 Del Regato, J.A., Radiological physicists, physical structure of, 179 1985,484 pressure, 94- 6 Drachman, V.G., Hospital with a heart, transfusion, 41 1984,240 Bluglass, Robert, 243 Duffy, John, The Tulane University Blunt, John (pseud. of S.W. Fores), 8 Medical Center, 1984, 104 - 5 Board, Ernest, 406n Elwood, W.J., and Tuxford, A.F. (eds.), Board of Supervision and the Scottish Some Manchester doctors, 1984, 97 - 8 parochial medical service 1845 - 95, 145 - 72 Exploring Local History, ed. by M. Boas, Franz, 405, 408, 409, 413, 416 Gardener, 1986, 490 Boddington, George, 249n Finckh, E., Foundations of Tibetan Boer War (1899- 1902), 224 medicine, vol. 2, 1985, 373 Boerhaave, Herman, 141, 229, 365, 455, 459, Fleischer, A., Patentgesetzgebung und 463 Chemisch-Pharmazeutische Industrie Bokun, Branko, 490 im Deutschen Kaiserreich, 1984, 106 - 7 Bolden, Gilbert, 255, 259, 263 - 4, 266, 269, 272, Flexner, J.T., AnAmerican saga, 1984, 103 - 4 273, 274 French, J.D. et al., An American Bolk, L., 368 contribution to neuroscience, 1984, 103 Bolton, Herbert, 413n Gritzer, G., and Arluke, A., The making of Bonaparte, Marie, 231 rehabilitation, 1985, 479 Bonne-Wepster, J., 331n Grmek, M.D., Les maladies d l'aube de la Bonney, Victor, 2, 37, 38 civilisation occidentale, 1983, 97 book reviews and notices Haigh, E., Xavier Bichat and the medical Andre, J., Les noms des plantes dans la theory of the eighteenth century, 1984, Rome antique, 1985, 113 - 14 226 Apple, R.D., Illustrated catalogue of Hall, A.R., and Bembridge, B.A., Physic the slide archive of historical medical and philanthropy.

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