HCpLAToR E ,, 2: H2 29 .) -: Ui r-l i.! BT 5< . THE ITOUSE OF VAIERIAN CONCERNING TIIE MEANTNG OF CONTROL MARI<S AND SYMBOLS OF POW'ER ON TIIE SITEI<EIS OF IYNN . ISRAELT NAMISMATIC GREAT, PROF. DAN BARAG, DIES Visit www.TomCederlind.com .. SYRACUSE. c. 404-400 Be. Silver Dekadrachm, unsigned dies by Kimon . ... or call for a complimentary catalog .... TOM CEDERLIND NUMISMATICS & ANTIQUITIES PO Box 1963, Dept. C 15031228-2746 Portland, OR 97207 Fax 15031 228-8130 www.TomCederlind.com/[email protected] Vol. 24, No. 1 Inside The Celator® ... January 2010 ~'%!.ato'" Consecutive Issue No. 271 n'4~tmg Roman:c@ kd Culture ~ - FEATURES PUbhshertEditor KeIT}"-K"' :iVetterstrom [email protected] 6 The House of Valerian by Jan M. Dyro!! Associare Editors Robert L. Black 16 Concerning the Meaning of Control Michael R. MehaJick Marks and Symbols of Power on the Page 6 Shekels of Tyre For Back Iswes From by Dr. Paul Goldstein 1987 to May 1999 contact: Wayne Sayles DEPARTMENTS [email protected] 2 Editor's Note An: Parnell Nelson Coming Next Month 4 Letters to the Editor Maps & Graphic Art: Page 16 Kenny Grady 32 People in the News f roULt!i ill l.lumismatic!i p.o, Box 10607 L.ancasIer, PA 17&05 33 Art and the Market TeUFax: 717~ Coming Events For FedEx & UPS deliveries: 36 Kerry K. Wetterstrom 87 Apricot Ave 40 From the Pages of The Voice of the Turtfe: leola, PA 17540-1788 A Personal Glimpse into the Numismatic About the cover: A Scene of the Sixties 26mm bronze from www.celator.com Nicomedia in Bithynia The Celator (ISSN '1048-()986) by Paul Rynearson that depicts confronted, Is an independent journal pub­ lished on the first day of each 41 ANT IQ1JIT IES by David Liebert radiate busts of Valerian month at 87 ApricOt Ave, leola, I and Gallienus with a PA 17540-1788. It is circulated In­ small, bare-headed bust ternationally through subscrip­ 42 <[oios of tbe :D3 ible by David Hendin tions and special distributions. of Valerian II between Subscription rates. payable in 44 The Internet (onnection them. The reverse de­ U.S.lunds. are $36 per year (Pe­ riodical ratll) within the United by Kevin Barry & Zachary "Beast" Beasley picts the three neoc­ Stales; $45 10 Canada; $75 per orale temples of Nico­ year 10 all other a!.klresses (ISAl). 45 crhrouqh the Cooking glass media situated around a Advertising and copy deadline is the first workday of each month for by Wayne G. Sayles central altar with a ser­ the following monlh"s Issue. Unso­ pent. SNG von Au lock licited articles and news releases 46 Cartoon 860 (same dies). En­ are w&Ioome. howwer publication larged photo courtesy of canr'lOl be guaranteed. Unless ex­ Professional Directory pressly stated, The Celatorneither 47 e NG, Inc. endorses nor is responsible for the ro"Ilent8 01 advertisements, Iettefs­ 53 On the Road - The Celator's Show & Club Schedule to-Ihe-editor, feature articles, regu­ The Gelator office lar columns and press releases In 53 Classifieds its pages, including any opinions will becfosedonJan. stated th&rein. and the 6CCUf8Cy 01 1-, Jan. 6"-10", Jan, any data provided by its contribu­ Club & Society Directory 54 nd nd tors. Periodical postage peid 22 and Feb. 22 - (USPS 1tOO6(77) lancaster, PA 55 Index of Display Advertisers 2f . heck the "On 17604 and adGitional ofIioos. d\e Road': sectioo (p. ~C20 1 0, Para<igm 53) for furltl!l!.details. Numismatics & PLtIIshinQ, Inc. Office tlo4J5'a'te nor­ Postmaster: please send mally N®.D 0 6PfjI address changes to: EST Plea.§.e kee in P.O. Box 10607 mind~~t h is IS a Lancaster, PA 17605-0607 one- e·rson busi­ ness when you're FOUNDED 1987 BY trying to reach me. WAYNE G. SAYLES Thank you! EDITOR'S " COMING NEXT ' ~ MONTH NOTE ~- IN THE CELATOR· History and Coinage of the Arkadian League of 370 BCE by Steve M, Benner n the morning of November 13'\ I had the Coins and the O opponunity to attend and give an oral statement at the Cultural two-page statement that I had prepared, Synoptic Problem Property Advisory Committee (CPAC) and after answering a couple of ques­ by Peter E. Lewis hearing for the Memorandum of Un­ tions from the committee, 1 walked back derstanding (MOU) with Italy. This to my seat thinking that this was the fast­ AND COMING SOON hearing was conducted at the Depart­ est five minutes I had ever experienced. ment of State, Annex Building, in Later, several people commented to me The !JJst Temple of Washington, DC. The MOU with Ita­ that they believed I had been cutoff be­ Apollo PaioHnus ly is up for renewal in 2010, and this fore the end of my allotted time. by Marvin Tameanko hearing was onc of the preliminary As the morning progressed, the steps in the process, an "interim re­ members of CPAC heard statements Meet the Reverend of view" as it has been deemed by the from fOUf speakers representing the Numismatics: Conversations U.S. State Department. Association of Art Museum Directors This was the fi rst such hearing that (AAMD), four speakers that spoke on with Richard Plant r have attended, and it was an inter­ behalf of the archaeological commu­ by Mark Fox esting, albeit a bit frustrating, experi­ nity, and finally, Dr. Stefano De Caro, ence. J came away from this hearing from the Italian Ministry of Culture, The Tetradrachms of Pyrrhwr­ with the strong belief that the odds are gave a long, perhaps 30 minutes, pre­ A Preliminary Die Study against the ancient coin collecting sentation on behalf of the Italian gov­ community in receiving a "fair shake" ernment. (At this point, it was obvi­ by Kimon Tsoukanelis from the U.S. Department of State, ous that the five minute rule had been Anti-Christian Coinage specifically its Cultural Heritage Cen­ abandoned, at least fo r those that ter office, at these C PAC hearings. spoke in favor of import restrictions.) of Maximinus II The three speakers representing Finally, allhough the Public Notice by Brian Rowe collectors and dealers were invited to for th is CPAC hearing specifically speak first, each speaker was limited stated that "oral comments must be The Walls ofNiaIea to five minutes, and we were informed limited to Article II of this MOU" with by Walter C. Holt that this would be strictly enforced. Italy, which deals with the implemen­ William Pearl stein, an attorney that tation and obl igati ons of the Italian Fifty Coins in 2,500 Years; represents certain New York City an­ government in respect to the current A Numismatic Walk tiquities dealers, spoke first, and was MOU, speakers from the archaeologi­ through Indian History dutifully cutoff at 5 minutes . Peter K. cal community were allowed to lobby Tompa, representing the Professional for the inclusion of ancient coins, pres­ by Pankaj Tandon Numismatists Guild (PNG) and the In­ ently exempted, in the renewal of the ternational Association of Professional MOU with Italy. The He/mets of Perdikkas II Numismatists (IAPN), was next, and Based on th is experience, J now by Randall Hixenbaugh he did an excellent job of both sum­ know that the best option that the an­ marizing his position paper, and casu­ cient coin collecting community has The Pilgrim Tokens of Saint ally passing around to the CPAC mem­ fo r a "fair hearing," where we won 't Simeon the Younger bers a late Roman bronze of Licin ius he limited to five minutes or less, is by Max Spiegel & Sam Spiegel I, vetted through the British Portable through the court system. This is the Antiquities Scheme, and then legally option that ACCG is currently pursu­ An Introduction to Roman imported into the U.S. ing, the option that we have condUe!­ Imperial Vota Next up was your's truly (repre­ cd two successful benefit auctions for senting the Ancient Coin Collectors so as to raise much needed legal funds, by Paul R. Bredt Guild), and though I entered the hear­ and unless there is a dramatic "shake­ A Controversial Reverse ing with a bit of trepidation, the hear­ up" at the U.S. State Department's ing's casual atmosphere had a calming Cultural Heritage Center office, it is by Pierre R Monney effect on my nerves. Unfortunately, I the only viable option that is available was not allowed to fmish reading the to us in the foreseeable future. 'l-he C eltlt01 is ,,,, »tcd t o. t-l nd dcdictlted to the coin dic-en!iMoe.s Off t-l ntiq u itv whose a'lt 'Ze maitis as powe'ltu l and a ppe ali 1t ~ tod a. 'f as il1 thei'l OWI1 time. ~ 2 The Gelator January 2010 3 Reader Points Out Celtic Hammer­ Clarification for Baumheckel Article God Found in Kent Greetings. I just received my No­ by Chris Rudd vember 2009 issue of The Celator, and I did catch an accidental (?) de­ letion in Ken Baumheckel's article on Last year, an exceedingly rare gold "Oil Lamps of the Old TestamenLH quarter stater, minted over 2,000 years A Walk Down You have a certain "Kennedy" men­ ago in the Somme Valley of Northern tioned in the endnotes 2, 5, 9 (pag­ France, was found near Ringwould, Memory Lane es 23 and 24), but no mention of him Kent, by a metal detectorist (see Fig. 1). Fantastic editorial (November 2009 or the work cited in the bibliography Struck circa 250-225 BC in the land of issue): it took me on a wonderful walk (pages 24 & 26).
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