safety explosive 1155 safe, clear, easy of access, of easy access ● frei von Klippen und Untiefen, frei von Hindernissen S safe against base failure ● grundbruchsicher safe against buckling ● knicksicher safe cover ● Deckung f [beim Sprengen] safe slope, stable slope ● standfeste Bo¨schung f, SA, selective availability ● Aktivieren n der Option, sichere Bo¨schung Optionsaktivieren safe slope of cut, stable slope of cut ● standfeste Saale glaciation, Saale (glacial stage) [The terms Einschnittbo¨schung f, sichere Einschnittbo¨schung applied in northern Europe to the third classical safety bank > protective bank glacial stage of the Pleistocene Epoch after the safety against buckling ● Knicksicherheit f [z. B. von Elster glacial stage and before the Weichsel, Pfa¨hlen] equivalent to the Riss and Illinoian glacial stages] ● safety against ground failure, safety against slope Saaleeiszeit f failure, safety against shear failure ● Gela¨ndebruchsi- saber growth (US), bent growth, sabre growth (Brit.) cherheit f [of trees] ● Sa¨belwuchs m [von Ba¨umen; er ist oft ein safety against shear failure > safety against Hinweis auf Kriechverformungen des Hangs] ground failure sabkha [Arabic] > vloer safety against sliding, horizontal resistance ● saccharoidal, sucrosic, sugary ● zuckerko¨rnig Gleitsicherheit f [Sie ist ha¨ufig der entscheidende sacrificial anode ● Opferanode f gru¨ndungstechnische Nachweis bei Bauten im offenen sacrificial cone [of a dynamic penetrometer] ● Wasser] verlorene Spitze f [einer Rammsonde] safety against slope failure, safety against ground saddle, riding stick (⚒) ● Knebel m, Sattel m, failure, safety against shear failure Gela¨ndebruchsi- Fahrsattel [Ein am Fo¨rderseil befestigtes Querholz, auf cherheit f welchem sitzend der Fahrende ein- und ausgefahren safety against ultimate limit state (failure), bearing wird] capacity, bearing resistance ● Grundbruchsicherheit f saddle [In structural geology, a low point, sag, or depres- safety and health facilities (or: installations) ● sion along the surface axis or axial trend of an anticline] Sicherheitseinrichtungen f (pl) [auf der Baustelle] ● Sattel m safety (blasting) explosive, coal getting (blasting) saddle > reef explosive, permitted (blasting) explosive ● saddleback > anticline Sicherheitssprengstoff m, Schlagwettersprengstoff, saddle beam ● Wehrlatte f, Kronenholm m [oberste flammensicherer Sprengstoff Horizontaleinfassung] safety boss, safety examiner, safety officer, safety offi- saddle flank, saddle slope ● Sattelflu¨gel m, cial [A colliery or metal mine official who is responsible Sattelflanke f, Sattelschenkel m for the safety of a district as regards falls of ground, gas saddle fold [A type of fold that has an additional flexure and haulage](⚒) ● Sicherheitssteiger m S near its crest, at right angles to that of the parent fold and safety cap (⚒) > hardhat much larger in radius] ● Sattelfalte f safety commercial explosive, safety (industrial) saddle-like curvature profile ● Sattellage f explosive ● (gewerblicher) Sicherheitssprengstoff m saddle reef, saddle (vein) [An ore deposit which follows safety concept ● Sicherheitskonzept n the bedding along the saddle or arch of an anticline] ● safety deputy, deputy (⚒) ● Sicherheitsmann m Sattelgang m, Sattelreef n, Sattelvererzung f safety distance [from existing structures] ● Sicherheits- saddle-shaped [In the form of an anticlinal fold] ● abstand m [zu baulichen Anlagen] sattelfo¨rmig safety during ring erection ● Sicherheit f beim saddle slope, saddle flank ● Sattelflu¨gel m, Ringbau [Schildvortriebstechnik] Sattelflanke f, Sattelschenkel m safety embankment > protective bank saddle (vein), saddle reef [An ore deposit which follows safety examiner > mine inspector the bedding along the saddle or arch of an anticline] ● safety explosive [It requires a powerful initial impulse Sattelgang m, Sattelreef n, Sattelvererzung f and therefore may be handled safely under ordinary saddling support ● Sattellagerung f conditions] ● handhabungssicherer Sprengstoff m H. Herrmann, H. Bucksch, Dictionary Geotechnical Engineering/Wo¨rterbuch GeoTechnik, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-41714-6, # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 1156 safety factor [Nicht verwechseln mit Sicherheitssprengstoff als safety technical problems ● sicherheitstechnische Wettersprengstoff] Probleme f safety factor [of a slope] ● Sicherheitsfaktor m [einer safety technical standards, safety technology stan- Bo¨schung] dards ● sicherheitstechnische Normen f (pl) safety from brittle fracture, resistance to brittle frac- safety valve > (pressure) relief valve ture ● Spro¨dbruchsicherheit f safflorite [A tin-white orthorhombic mineral, CoAs2.It safety fuse > (blasting) fuse is isomorphous with loellingite and dimorphous with safety fuse detonator ● Zu¨ndschnurzu¨nder m clinosafflorite. It usually contains considerable iron] ● safety fuse (type) delay detonator ● Zu¨ndschnur- Safflorit m, Spatiopyrit m, Schlackenkobalt m, zeitzu¨nder m Eisenkobalterz n safety gate [An automatically operated gate at the top saffron of antimony > kermesite of a mine shaft or at landings both to guard the entrance sag > depression and to prevent falling into the shaft](⚒) ● sag [A depression in a coal seam] ● Bruch m Schachtverschluss m sag [A depression produced by downwarping of beds on safety gate > safety (sluice) gate the downthrown side of a fault such that they dip toward safety gear [emergency breathing pack, headlamp etc.] the fault] ● Vertiefung f ● Sicherheitsausru¨stung f sag-and-swell topography, sag and swell ● Kuppen f safety hat (⚒) > hardhat und Senken f, kuppige Topografie f, Kesselfeld n, safety (industrial) explosive, safety commercial Senken und Kuppen, kuppige Glaziallandschaft f explosive ● (gewerblicher) Sicherheitssprengstoff m sag of the tank bottom, ground slack ● safety-in-mines, safety-in-pits ● Bergbausicherheit, Bodendurchhang m [Tankgru¨ndung] Grubensicherheit f, Bergwerksicherheit sagger clay, firestone, saggar clay, fire clay [The term safety joint > (drill pipe) safety joint ‘‘firestone’’ was formerly, but inaccurately used for safety lamp, explosion-proof lamp (⚒) ● Wetterlampe f, ‘‘underclay’’. Although many fireclays commonly occur Sicherheitslampe, Schlagwetterlampe as underclays, not all fireclays carry a roof of coal and (safety) lamp cab(in), (safety) lamp store, (safety) not all underclays are refractory] ● Kapselton m lamp room, (safety) lamp station (⚒) ● sagmeter ● Durchhangmesser m Lampenstube f, Lampenkaue f, Lampenraum m, sag pipe > inverted siphon Lampenstation f, Lampenbude f sag pond, fault-trough lake, rift(-valley) lake [A small safety-line ● Sicherheitsleine f [zur Absturzsicherung body of water occupying an enclosed depression or sag einer Helmlampe] formed where active or recent fault movement has safety margin ● Sicherheitsniveau n impounded drainage; specifically one of many ponds safety measures, security precautions, safety pre- and small lakes along the San Andreas Fault in Califor- cautions ● Sicherheitsvorkehrungen f (pl) nia] ● Grabensee m safety of the face [tunnelling] ● Standsicherheit der sag slope ● durchha¨ngende Bo¨schung f S Ortsbrust f [Tunnelbau] sag subsidence, trough subsidence [Areas impacted by safety pillar > stoop historical underground coal mining may sometimes safety precautions, safety measures, security precau- exhibit abandoned coal mine subsidence in the form of tions ● Sicherheitsvorkehrungen f (pl) ‘sinkhole subsidence’ (open holes) or ‘trough subsidence’ safety primer cartridge ● Sicherheitsschlagpatrone f, (a saucershaped shallow depression] ● Muldensenkung f Schlagwetterpatrone Saharides ● Sahariden f [In der Sahara durch die safety regulations ● Sicherheitsvorschriften, kaledonische Faltung wa¨hrend ihrer tektonischen Phase Sicherheitsmaßnahmen f (pl) geschaffen. Sie verlaufen in nordsu¨dlicher Richtung] safety shoe ● Sicherheitsschuh m saif (dune), s(e)if (dune), sword dune ● Sa¨beldu¨ne f safety (sluice) gate [A gate installed in a high-level sailing chart, ocean(ic) chart, track chart ● navigation canal for closure in emergency to prevent loss Ozeankarte f, Segelkarte, U¨ bersegler m of water] ● Notschu¨tz(e) n,(m) sailor’s landmark > landmark safety standards ● Sicherheitsstandards Sainflou theory (for forces on breakwaters) ● safety stop [A horn fitted between the rails near the Wellenkrafttheorie f nach Sainflou, Sainflousche shaft at the pit bottom](⚒) ● Sicherheitsanschlag m Wellenkrafttheorie salinity level 1157 Saint Elmo’s fire, St. Elmo’s fire, brush discharge ● saline > salt well Elmsfeuer n, Eliasfeuer saline, salina [A natural deposit of halite or of any other sal, sial, granite layer, granitic layer [The upper layer of soluble salt, e.g. an evaporate] ● Salzlagersta¨tte f the Earth’s crust] ● Sial(schale) n,(f), Oberkruste f, saline, salt lake, brine lake, salina [A confined inland kontinentale Kruste, granitische Schale body of water having a high concentration of salts, prin- salaquifer, saline aquifer [It contains salty water] ● salz- cipally sodium chlorid(e)] ● Salzsee m (halt)iger Grundwasserleiter m saline, salt land ● Salzland n salar [A term used in SW U.S. and in the Chilean nitrate saline, salt rock ● Salzgestein n fields for a salt flat or for a salt-encrusted depression that saline, salty ● salzig may represent the basin of a salt lake] ● Salar m, Salina f, saline > alkali Salztonebene f saline-alkali soil, saline-sodic soil ● Salzalkaliboden m Saldenburg granite ● Saldenburger Granit m saline aquifer, salaquifer [It contains salty water] ● Saldenburg granite
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