Colonisation and Conquest in Medieval Ireland: the English in Louth, 1170- 1330 Brendan Smith Index More Information

Colonisation and Conquest in Medieval Ireland: the English in Louth, 1170- 1330 Brendan Smith Index More Information

Cambridge University Press 0521573203 - Colonisation and Conquest in Medieval Ireland: The English in Louth, 1170- 1330 Brendan Smith Index More information INDEX Ace, Thomas, 143 diocese of, 19, 62±3, 66, 69, 121 Airgialla, see also Louth, 8, 34 province of, 21, 26, 90 church reform in, 19±20, 25±7 school of, 25 grants of to English lords, 30±1 town of, 12, 23, 33, 46, 54 Mac Mathghamhna leadership of, 53±4, 84 Arrouaisian observance (Augustinian), 20, 63 response in to English encroachment, 22±4 Arthurstown (co. Meath), 109 status before twelfth century, 11±12 Athboy, synod at, 1167, 22 Ua Cerbaill leadership of, 14±15 Athelard, see Allard Airgialla, bishop of, see Clogher, Louth Athelardestoun, see Allardstown Airthir, 12, 53, 54, 55, 87 Athenry, 88 Alger, Hugh, 86 Athlone, 94 Alger, William, 128 de Atrio Dei, Richard, 129 Allard (Athelard) Henry, 131, 132 de Audley family, 40, 48 Allard, Nicholas, 132 de Audley, Henry, sheriff of Shropshire and Allard, Robert, 131, 149 Staffordshire, 43 Allard, William, 132 del Auney, John, 81, 82 Allardstown (Athelardestoun), 51, 80, 96, Augustinian order, 17, 20, 27, 58, 63 131±2 Avenal, Nicholas, 145 Amicia, widow of Nigel le Brun, wife of Walter de Cusack, 128 Babeswood, 51 AmlaõÂm, abbot of Saul, 67 Bagot family, 48 Anglo-Saxons, 58 Bagot, William, 128 Antrim, 14 Baggotstown, 51 Ardagh, diocese of, 77 Bairche, 14, 16 Ardee, 45, 79, 85, 106, 110, 113, 127, 135, 137, de Bakepuz, Philip, 133 141, 143, 151 Balibragan, see Braganstown barony of, 19, 32, 40, 41, 59, 97, 103, 130 Ballyboggan (co. Meath), 116 castle of, 34, 35, 133 Ballymascanlon, 59, 67 community of the town of, 114, 136, 157 Baltinglass, 20 English of, men of, 33, 62, 83, 86, 87, 145, de Balybyn, Richard, constable of Drogheda 148 castle, 136, 149 town of, 35, 60, 98, 105, 116, 136, 144 Bangor (co. Down), 25, 64 Armagh, 22, 24, 25, 67 Bannockburn, 88, 102 archbishop of, 31, 44, 57, 58, 61, 64, 110, Barronstown, 100 129, 159 de Baskervill, John, sheriff of Louth 1274, 134 bishopric of, 17 Baskervillesrath, 51 chapter of, 65 Bawntaffe, 51 clergy of, 57 Beaulieu, 44, 150 county of, 10, 13, 15 Bective, Cistercian house of, 123 177 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521573203 - Colonisation and Conquest in Medieval Ireland: The English in Louth, 1170- 1330 Brendan Smith Index More information Index de Bermingham family, 126 de Burgh, family, 141 de Bermingham, Edmund, seneschal of Louth, de Burgh, Aveline countess of Louth, wife of 115 John de Bermingham, 115 de Bermingham, John, earl of Louth 1319±29, de Burgh, Hubert, 30 justiciar of Ireland 1321±4, 113, 125, 127, de Burgh, Richard, earl of Ulster 1281±1326, 132, 143, 153, 157, 158 85, 109, 144 created earl of Louth, 1319, 113±14 de Burgh, actions in Louth during Bruce involvement in English politics, 117 invasion, 105, 153 leader of English at Faughart, 1318, 106 de Burgh, interests in Louth, 60, 103, 130, murder of, 1329, 114±15 141±2 relations with tenants in Louth, 115±17, 119, de Burgh, relations with English and Irish, 81, 121, 149 87, 98 de Bermingham, Peter, 153 de Burgh, William, 30 de Bermingham, Reymond, parson of de Burgh, William, 88 Stabannon, 115 de Burgh, William, earl of Ulster 1326±33, 89, de Bermingham, Robert, 116 144 Bernard, abbot of Froidmont, 68 de Buterley, Stephen, 42 Betaghs (betagii) see also Hibernici, 56, 78, 79, 80, Butler family, 113 101 Butler, Edmund, custos of Ireland 1312±14; Bettinus, merchant of the Friscobaldi, 143 justiciar of Ireland 1315±18, 79, 95, 99, le Blound (le Blund), Adam, 101 100, 103, 105, 144, 145 le Blound, Alice, 128 Butler, Isabel, 60 le Blound, Laurence, 128 Butler, Theobald, 93 le Blound, Master Ralph, 123 daughter of wife of John Pipard, 95 le Blound, Richard, 128 le Blund see le Blound Cachepol, Robert, 85 Bodenham, John, 79 CaÂeluisce, 46, 54 Bonere, Richard, 152 Canon, Hugh, 97 Boyle (co. Roscommon), Cistercian house of, Canterbury, 30, 44 70 Cantred, 34 Boyne, river, 10, 13, 16, 20, 21, 22, 31, 65, 150 Carbury (co. Kildare), 114, 116 Braganstown, 56 Carlingford, 32, 34, 60, 64, 105, 109, 141, 142, massacre at, 1329, 114±15, 117, 119, 121, 143 125, 127, 129, 138, 157±8 Carlingford Lough, 10; Carlingford mountain, de Brandwade, Geoffrey, sheriff of Louth 10 1329±30, sheriff of Dublin 1324, 135±6 Carlisle, 119, 151, 152 Brega, 13 Carmelite order, 60, 110 Breifne, 27 Carrickbaggot, 51, 128, 150 Brisbon, Adam, 132 Carrickfergus, 151, 153 Brisbon, John, 132 Cashel, 20, 25 Brisbon, Stephen, 132 de Cassel, Robert, 127±8 Brisbon, Walter, 125, 131, 132 Castile, 30 Brisbon, Walter junior, 132 Castlebellingham, 51, 112 Brisbon, William, 80, 132 Castledermot (co. Kildare), 145±6 Britain, 1, 2, 3, 27, 124 Castleknock (co. Dublin), 148 Broun, William, 76 Castle Roche, see Roche Bruce invasion, 1315±18, Castletown, 134 defeat of Edward Bruce at Faughart, 1318, de Cauntenton family, 102, 145 89, 102, 106, 112, 151 Cavan, 106 English support for in Louth, 109±11 CeneÂl Conaill, 53, 72 Irish attitude to, 88±9 CeneÂl nEoÂgain, 11, 12, 14, 21, 23, 53±4 Bruce, Robert, see Robert I, king of Scotland Charlton, John, 102, 103n. 49 le Brun, Nigel, 128 Cheshire, 5, 9, 104, 124 Buildwas abbey (Shropshire), abbot of, 68 Chester, 31, 104 Burgess, Ralph, coroner of Louth 1306, king's Christiana, wife of Walter le Hauberge, 133 receiver, 77, 135, 136 Cistercian order, 15, 20, 24, 27, 58, 67, 71 178 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521573203 - Colonisation and Conquest in Medieval Ireland: The English in Louth, 1170- 1330 Brendan Smith Index More information Index Clairvaux, 24, 25, 67, 68, 73 Cremorne (co. Monaghan), 32, 53, 83, 84 de Clare family, 37 Crossath, Nicholas, 85 de Clare, Richard Fitz Gilbert (Strongbow), Crowmartin, 45, 100 28, 29, 37, 40, 50 Cruciferi observance, Augustinian order, 60 de Clare, Thomas, 7 de Crues, see de Cruise `Clericis Laicos', 91 de Cruise (de Crues, de Cruys) family, 82, 125, de Clifford family, 141 137 de Clinton family, 38, 40, 43, 48, 159, n. 18 de Cruise, Henry, 83 de Clinton, Gerald, 121, 149 de Cruise, Henry son of Otuel, 86 de Clinton, Henry, 38 de Cruise, Mahon, 82, 130, 149 de Clinton, Hugh, 39 de Cruise, Nicholas, chief serjeant of Louth de Clinton, Hugh, sheriff of Louth 1300±1, 1313, 136 1305±7, king's receiver in Louth de Cruise, Richard, chief serjeant of Louth 1310±19, chief serjeant of Louth 1311, 96, 1297, 136 130, 135, 137, 146 de Crumba, Roger, sheriff of Louth ?1279, 134 de Clinton, John, 39 de Cruys, see de Cruise de Clinton, John, 114, 116, 149 Croxden (Staffordshire), 48 de Clinton, John, sheriff of Louth 1338±42, Cumberland, 9 121, 126, 148 Cumbria, 36, 37 de Clinton, Jordan, 39 Cumin, John, archbishop of Dublin de Clinton, Roger, 39 1181±1212, 57, 63 de Clinton, Simon, 39 Curragh, 50 n. 126 de Clinton, William, 100 de Cusack family, 126 Clintonsrath, 51 de Cusack, Adam, 112, 126, 149 Clintonstown, 51 de Cusack, John, sheriff of Louth 1315±8, Clogher, Clogherhead, 10, 79 1328±9, 119, 137 Clogher (co. Tyrone) leader of force to Scotland 1322, 149 Augustinian house at, 20 participation in Braganstown massacre, bishop of, 19, 56 115±17, 138 diocese of, 16±9, 21, 26, 62, 64, 66, 69 roÃle during Bruce invasion, 108, 110, 112, town of, 12, 64 126 Clones, 46, 54, 62, 127 de Cusack, Nicholas, 149 Clonfert, synod at, 1179, 26 de Cusack, Peter, 121, 149 Clonkeen, 19, 32, 58, 59 de Cusack, Walter, seneschal of Trim, chief Cloyne, bishop of, 71 itinerant justice 1308, justice of the de Cogan, Miles, 22 justiciar's bench 1317, 103, 112, 146, 149 Coinmheadh, 123 connections with Roger Mortimer, 117, 133 Coleraine, 105 executor of will of Nigel le Brun, 128 Coleshill (Warwickshire), 38 roÃle during Bruce invasion, 108 de Coleshulla (Coleshill), Osbert, see also de Cwmhir (Wales), Cistercian house at, 72 Clinton, 34, 38, 39 Collon, 10, 72, 97, 99 DaÂl Cais, 25 Conaille Muirtheimne, 13, 58 Darcy, John, justiciar of Ireland 1329±31, Cooley, 10, 12, 59, 60, 130, 141 1332±3, 1334±5, 1336, 117, 130, 143 Corbally, 131 Dardisrath, 51 Cork, 151 Dartry, 32 Cornewaleys, Adam, 104 Darver, 133 de Costentin, Geoffrey, 40 David, bishop of Waterford, 61 Cosyn family, 154 David, earl of Huntingdon, 36, 37 de Cotegrave, Robert, 143 Denn, Richard, 151 Coterel family, 104 Derbforgaill, wife of TigernaÂn Ua Ruairc, le Coupland, Matthew, 129 66±7 de Courcy, John, 37, 50, 54, 57, 58, 62 Derbyshire, 38, 41, 43 attacks Louth, 33, 53 Derry, 21 conquest of Ulster, 22, 29, 39 Desmond, earldom of, 113 Crek, Robert, 133 Despenser family, 117 179 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521573203 - Colonisation and Conquest in Medieval Ireland: The English in Louth, 1170- 1330 Brendan Smith Index More information Index Despenser, Hugh the elder, earl of Winchester roÃle of during Bruce invasion, 88±9, 1322±6, 118 105±12, 145 Despenser, Hugh the younger, d. 1326, 118, Dunheved, Nicholas, 134 119 Dunleer, 10 Devereux family, 42 Durham, bishop of, 103 Devereux, Nicholas, seneschal of Meath 43 Dyfed, 42 Devon, 142 Dyffryn Clwyd, 129 Dominican order, 60 Dysart, 133, 152 Donaghmoyne, 10, 33, 34, 45, 46, 56, 61, 63, 109,134 Edward I, 91, 108, 154, 157 Donany, 76 colonial policies of 6, 7 Douglas family, 124 contact with English of Louth, 95, 149 Dowdall family, 159 roÃle as Lord Edward during English civil Dowdall, Walter, sheriff of Louth 1309±10, 89, war, 94, 148 96, 137 Edward II, 99, 102, 103, 108, 119, 154 Dowdall, William, 129 Ely, 57 Dowdallshill, 51 Emery, merchant of the Friscobaldi, 143 Down, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 58 England, 5, 8, 9, 25, 28, 70, 124, 147, 149, 154, battle of, 1260, 54, 55 155, 156 Dowth (co.

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