DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Local Member - Cllr. Robin Currie PLANNING APPLICATION REPORT Date of Validity - 14th August 2003 MID ARGYLL, KINTYRE AND ISLAY Committee Date - 5th November 2003 21st October 2003 Reference Number: 03/01511/NID Applicants Name: Argyll and Bute Council Application Type: Notice of Intention to Develop Application Description: Construction of improved berthing facilities Location: Bruichladdich Pier, Bruichladdich, Isle of Islay (A ) THE APPLICATION (i) Development Requiring Express Planning Permission: • Installation of four mooring dolphins linked to pier by steel walkway. • Installation of berthing dolphins and fender wall to end of existing pier. (ii) Other aspects of the development: • Dredging/rock removal to accommodate deeper draught tankers. (B) RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Members be minded to support the application subject to: 1) The standard time limit condition and reason and the conditions and reasons attached; 2) An informal hearing being held in view of the number of representations in respect of the proposal; 3) The application being notified to the Scottish Executive in accordance with the requirements of the Town and Country Planning (Development by Planning Authorities)(Scotland) Regulations 1981. (C) DETERMINING ISSUES AND MATERIAL CONSIDERATIONS The proposal is for the installation of berthing dolphins and fender piles directly to the end of an existing pier, and the installation of four offset mooring dolphins and a galvanised link walkway. The development is required to overcome the shortcomings of the existing wooden pier and the current berthing arrangements. It has been prompted by the need to meet health and safety requirements associated with the berthing of larger vessels, the need for which has been brought about by Government proposals to ban the use of single-hulled oil tankers. Alternative means of securing the continued long-term use of the site by coastal tanker, such as constructing a solid jetty extension or a remote discharge point out in Loch Indaal, have been considered but have been discounted for environmental, financial, or technical reasons. The existing suppliers have indicated their intention to discontinue deliveries of fuel oil and heavy oils during 2004 unless the existing facilities can be suitably upgraded. If the supplier were to continue making deliveries, these would require to be made by road tanker via the mainland ferry. It is most unlikely that an alternative supplier would be prepared to consider using a small terminal which fails to meet modern shipping standards. The improvements proposed to the end of the pier will not be readily visible from the shore, and those elements which will be visible will not be significant. The formation of four offset mooring dolphins, two on either side of the pier, linked to the existing structure by 50 m long walkways will have more of an impact visually. There are no objections to the proposal from statutory or other consultees. 56 representations against and 2 for the proposal have been received from third parties, largely in terms of the visual impact of the development, and its possible consequences for small boat users. F:\MODERNGOV\DATA\PUBLISHED\INTRANET\C00000243\M00001206\AI00010323\PLANNINGAPPLICATION0301511NIDBRUICHLADDICHPIER0.DOC It is considered that the additional berthing structures proposed will be viewed in the context of an existing industrial pier and will not appear unduly incongruous within such a setting. Only the top 4 – 6 metres of the 2.3m diameter structural steel piles forming the dolphins will be visible above sea level, dependant upon the state of the tide. The connecting walkways will not appear dominant elements at the distances from which they will generally be viewed from within the village, given that they are relatively lightweight structures, less than a metre deep and with an open structure tubular handrailing. Lighting will not be significant as it will only be necessary to illuminate the walkways for safety reasons during mooring operations. Access to the pier facilities for fishing vessels and small boat users can be maintained as it is proposed to remove rock and dredge from the tanker berthing area, and provision for other boat access can be made at that time. Development Plan policy supports the maximization in the use of infrastructure facilities, and measures necessary to safeguarding of vital transport links, and in particular those associated with coastal shipping, which is considered to have both economic and environmental benefits. In this case, it is not considered that the visual impacts of the development or its consequences for the setting of Bruichladdich are of such magnitude, that they would outweigh the overall benefit to the islands in sustaining the continued use of the existing terminal as an affordable, safe and viable means of importing fuel in bulk. Angus J Gilmour Head of Planning 22nd October 2003 Author: Peter Bain 01546 604082 Contact Officer: Richard Kerr 01546 604080 F:\MODERNGOV\DATA\PUBLISHED\INTRANET\C00000243\M00001206\AI00010323\PLANNINGAPPLICATION0301511NIDBRUICHLADDICHPIER0.DOC CONDITIONS AND REASONS RELATIVE TO APPLICATION 03/01511/NID 2. Prior to the commencement of development, full details of the lighting scheme for the proposed development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the duly approved details. With the exception of any navigation lighting, illumination of the walkways between the mooring dolphins and the existing pier structure shall only take place during the berthing and sailing of vessels, and lighting along the walkways shall not be illuminated at other times. Reason: In order to avoid unnecessary illumination to help minimise the impact of the development in the interests of visual amenity. 3. Prior to development commencing, details of the colour finish of the exposed sections of the mooring dolphins, the walkway structure and handrailing shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the duly approved details and shall be retained as such thereafter. Reason: In order to secure a recessive finish to help minimise the impact of the development in the interests of visual amenity. F:\MODERNGOV\DATA\PUBLISHED\INTRANET\C00000243\M00001206\AI00010323\PLANNINGAPPLICATION0301511NIDBRUICHLADDICHPIER0.DOC APPENDIX RELATIVE TO APPLICATION: 03/01511/NID A. POLICY OVERVIEW Argyll and Bute Structure Plan 2002 STRAT SI 1 – Sustainable Development Argyll and Bute Council shall adhere to the following principles in considering development proposals, and in its policies, proposals and land allocations in Local Plans. It will seek to: a) maximise the opportunity for local community benefit; b) make efficient use of vacant and/or derelict brownfield land; c) support existing communities and maximise the use of existing service infrastructure; d) maximise the opportunities for sustainable forms of design, including energy efficiency; e) avoid the use of prime quality or locally important good quality agricultural land; f) use public transport routes fully and increase walking and cycling networks; g) avoid the loss of recreational and amenity open space; h) conserve the natural and built environment and avoid significant adverse impacts on biodiversity, natural and built heritage resources; i) respect the landscape character of an area and the setting and character of settlements; j) avoid places where there is significant risk of flooding, tidal inundation, coastal erosion or ground instability and; k) avoid having an adverse effect on land, air and water quality. STRAT DC 1 – Development within the Settlements Encouragement shall be given, subject to capacity assessments, to development in the settlements as follows: A) Within the Main Towns … B) Within the Small Towns and Villages to development serving a local community of interest, up to and including medium scale development, on appropriate infill, rounding-off and redevelopment sites; in exceptional cases large scale development may be supported. C) Within the Minor Settlements … D) Developments which do not accord with this policy are those outwith A), B) and C) above and urban bad neighbour developments which are essentially incompatible with the close configuration of land uses found in settlements e.g. mineral extraction development or development which results in excessively high development densities, settlement cramming or inappropriate rounding-off on the edge of settlements. E) Developments in settlements are also subject to consistency with the other policies of this Structure Plan and in the Local Plan. STRAT DC 8 – Landscape and Development Control A) Development which, by reason of location, siting, scale, form, design or cumulative impact, damages or undermines the key environmental features of a visually contained or wider landscape or coastscape shall be treated as ‘non-sustainable’ and is contrary to this policy. Outwith the National Park particularly important and vulnerable landscapes in Argyll and Bute are those associated with: 1. National Scenic Areas 2. Historic landscapes and their settings with close links with archaeology and built heritage and/or historic gardens and designed landscapes. 3. Landward and coastal areas with semi-wilderness or isolated or panoramic quality. B) Protection, conservation and enhancement to landscape will also be encouraged in association with
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