lltglftetoum An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the People of Hightstown and Vicinity 104TH YEAR—NO. 19 HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1952 PRICE-FIVE CENTS To Guide Nation for Next Four Years State May Call 3 Held in Bail E. Ewart Upsets Lewis by 3-2 Margin to Give Off Small Game For Violating Hightstown First Democratic Mayor in 37Years; Season Start Liquor Laws Rain Needed Badly ABC Agent Arrests Hoch, Richardson Win Council Seats for GOP As Woods Approach Trio in Dawes Court; Mrs. Hoivell Defeated Tinderbox Stage Await Jury Action Local New Mayor In Governing Body I he first part ot New Jersey s Three local persons were held in Election Score small game hitmmg season is sclwaU sa«) foil e;„.|, Monday when ar- Post Bid by 64 Votes nled to get tinder way at 9 a.tn. .Sat- r„ip„ed heiore Itidge .Saimiel Hard 2 Worked Hard unlay, and Inmdreds ot local iiiin-! in iiiiinidpal c.ttri on charges ot vi- 1 3 T. Registered .. i>h 616 uh A reeord 1/60 local voters went to rods are prepared to lake nii Ihelolatitig alcoli.dic hevenigc regttia- \ oted ............... 6/2 .'96 498 5J- , liic i)olL in Tuesday’s general elec­ chase yic rabbit, niaic plieasunl, • lions. Tiie complaint was inailv bv lTcs.-\ icc Pres. To Get Votes tion and named a Democratic mayor jack rabbit, quail and squirrel. an iiiye,sligaiur ot ihc Stale Alco'- Ike-Xixrm ....... 515 422 3 12 352 land two Republican Councilmen. However, game division officials hnlic Heverage Control unit. Steve.-Sjiark...... 149 169 181 I5" Klnier E. Ewart, Borough mayor- Llmer FT Ewart, former council- at Trenton may postpone the open­ Jesse Cox of .Academy street and L .S. .Senator ,man who served from 1945 to 1948, ing unless there is a hca\y rain this Ruth Johnson of Uberiy street were elec!, gave the almost fr.rtoiten focal Smith K .......... 477 3<*8 277 J37 Democratic party a sh'U in ilie arm upset Mayor David E. Lewis by a week. The Stale’s jiarched wood­ charged with selling liquor without .-Me.xamler D .... 151 169 159 L5/' ;3-2 count and became the town’s lands and fields are almost in the Tuesdav when lie defeated Mayor a license and hrank Jordan of 1 Jawes CongreS' Dewis for a tw«-i-year term. first Democratic head in 37 years. tinderbox stage as rcsTik of the I Court with po.-;session with intent to Ingic-'bv K ...... 439 346 2.54 3<»8 He ptflled 973 votes to Lewis' 691. month-long dry siicll. ' sell, Howell D ......... 194 199 198 179 Although the Council remained Levels, who has held the job since The season will close on Deccin The llirec pleaded guilty before F reeholders srditlly Republican wiili the return 1947 and been a member of the her 13, but will be reopened Jtccein- Ihinl ami were lielil for action of O’Daiineil R .... 4-ki 3.52 2/6 324 f.f Counciiman Joseph Hoch and . Council since 1932, was seeking a tlie Mercer County Grand Jury. Hail election of William H, Richardson, ; fourth term. ber 22 and continue through Decem­ Plumen K ....... 429 333 2frf» 298 it was tlie first time in many a m'<<jn ber 31 with ruffed grouse, quail and for tlie trio was posted hy Irving Brenfieck R .... 418 315 255 298 The last Democrat to serve as Seidel, Mercer street tavern owner. that a Democrat walkeil a f { with the squirrel the prizes. Rabbits and BB.ck H ........... 165 176 171) L59 loff chair. niayor here was the late Richard D. pheasants arc off limits during the Accf)rding to local police the AHC Falvcv D ......... 172 1x2 16.4 171 {Norton in 19U and 1915. later period. had been working on the case for Hallatui 1) ........ L'9 179 l05 Ewart worked hard f«ir the vic- i Hfjwever, the governing body re- i.< ry. He talked Ifi peojilc on the Daily bag limits are: male iilieas more than two moiilhs and tlie ille­ -Mavor 'mained solidly Republican as incuin- gal sale \va;s made on Sunday. The Lew!' R ........... 324 2(i3 b>4 -Street, sent out 1.50lt letters statme I bent Joseph Hoch and newcomer I throe were t.tkc, inP, n.slotly M ,. F.wart D ......... 317 35<» 360 his record while a member of Coun­ 'William H. Richardson won seats. 3" smiir’rel'6 ' ’ '*'*'* ' ' Court rooming house, police Coimcilmcii cil from 1^5-18 ami pm into f>[>era- Kichardsf.n was high man with 1,002 Hacli k ............ 389 286 224 tion a mobile loud si-eaking system votes, while Hf.ich edged Mrs. itoro- Ducks, mergaii.sers, .-Vincrican ami ‘^'pDlii le ' I fi Kicharvlsaii R .... on election eve. redbrcistcd, geese, brant and coot J ’’'‘'p - " ; ; " V 432 311 2.59 • thy E. Howell, niece of the newly- may be taken front Eridav through ',' , Dt 't’l’ett " DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER H'lWell D ......... 275 295 259 In a statcmeifi iol!av.in^^ his vic­ elected mayor, by 64 tallies, 893-829. Collectar tory lie made n.. ra-sh promises, but December 31.11 1q'l he woodcockI ■ 1 season^ j,,jr1 renlon (.nor-,, pan ^30 an a care css dnv- Mrs. Howell is the first woman Gen. EI#enhower scored a landslide victory over Gov. Adlai E. Erving K ......... 4151 381 316' .said he .-.•vnild do the job to the best ever to run for the local Council. js under wtty and condmies Novent- , .>f Iiih ability, Stevenson in their bitterly fought race for President in Tuesday’s gen­ Black R ........... The total vote was the heaviest on Federal stamp is required fttr j ^^'M*’* * , v , Tvvji. Comimtlcc ! record, surpassing the previous high eral election. The military hero will guide the nation for the next four ' rcrize! K ........ jmark of 1,627 cast iu the 1944 pres- ducks and geese for anyone over Id! years, along with his running mate, Sen. Richard Nixon of California. years of age. .Siwctal sUate license is ! ^ Bonds Kenny Heads . ideniial election. Of the 2,U4<i voi- required for woodcock. 1 'fF','*-'- . , $285 M. Pkwv. er.s lierc, HfVT/ took time out to go Foxes may be hunted w.th hou.uls ‘ '^"juatc nt Cranbury ptud Vf ' ................. 191 16] 1(4 to the jiolls. X'. , .. 94 iN' 95 b\5 Miss Edith \'. Erving, Republican, and firearms from Monday to April ^ $25 M. H.'-iiiiul the an)\ candidate for tax rollector, 30 except during the deer season. i t ...y tl 1'^ g as.'^* Dr. Litterick MissWetherill, Farm Youth The county pays a bonniy for them o, kranimry j'aiti Y es................. 3.B 246 ’28 23 a post 'he prc'Ctuiv balds, r*-resved .and they musi be reported to 0,r carclc,-.-driving; John I X. .. .U 44 39 1.178 V-.U-. • L. u.'iuv.:i wcu f'T tlu. Eisen- game division at Trenton within 4d, hn cf \yasIm|gioii,‘‘T D.C.. r ‘''e tflO n each Conducts AF Virginia Man Mrs. Thompson Named Credit Service •i-•••* r-Xi\oii ticket erw'hehningly, I'.ir spt'fdiiig; Mariling^ I’auM- nf Xcw 'an-.- ii 1,239 t'> 499 for Stevenson- Gunners are advised to um.- c.\ S’->rkniau. The .iinry was the same tremc caution in ilir fu-kl and re­ Y.-rk City, $25 far n-ii-- pla'r> -i ■ To Library Committee ■:i -I.'haled far ]ii< car. Program Study Married Here Kenn --i Hiyiia-iown a-' sijTi.,r fii Ea?t \N’in(L-‘>r Township where spect the rights of jiropcrly <iwncr'- tin 'lO r .'Uoidard bearer' -• T 352 I'ersniis trcspa>.-,iiig ou imcicd kinds !;.nn v.rfiih I rk-.iit -er\-.v V'g’yP f .1 T r ijiigi I,lit. ^r,n_ are hiible to penalty oi nni h than ' Dr. William S. Litterick, direelor! .^!i^s j i'daine Wetlierill -ui ijiori.ii c imnnui ac- epi Tlie •• >ie in tbe unvnshij* p.l'-o set $25 nor more th;in $50 ami ci-t-. riv'.'o;r. oim •utiecd tod-; l'(V Publish AppeTs jof research at Stephens College, Ca . tliiug'liiei of Ml''. I.c'iii K. W'eilierili h \ V'-.ur.cd Tnc'das night .wcret;.r;. W . H. -Mien a rt:c-ird wliun 525 at ih« olO ehgi- They are also i>rohibitcd inun fli- I Inmbia, Mo., lias been granted a six’ Sr. of I-'reeh'ilii road. bec:uiie tlu. H'..;.i;ell 'vill 'p en d .th e iw'm >ix blus -..''t bailot', Thi.s v.:v5 87 per charging a firearm within .KK) feet iiiiomli.s leave of ab.sciu.,i: to cnmluei, lirifle of Howard Belvin I'aimlen, '' i. aiilis ill I-'Dri'ia. .Mr>. 15rm->i J. Koniiy w ti' er;nlti..:<,(I from Rm HtUL of an occupied tlwelliiig except b\ la study of tlie Armed Fore*. ? Infor-’ of .Mrs. Howard Camden uf .M:tc!:i -ers L'uiver'-ity in HH7 foUiu.ine Short Stories yt-.-if' wj' -FTvice .-.ad -\ugusi W‘. Genzel won the un- the owner of the projierly. mation and Education program uiuler pungo. \’a., S:iturday at the F'irst i Mi>r- 1 tunnel!. <• >ui«.-'vd cummiitvc }>< .st wiiii 324 Sporting goods stores here rejiort; ! tbi- direction of Mrs. Anna Rosen Baptist Cliurcli. The Rev. Leland • -;nce kieen empp.yi .1 ..i, .'W-.cml Misv Margaret Je^'t-n in ;i letter \ f ‘-‘ Jersey lo f 'im k farms.
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