3522 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. MA_y 1, form in a statute, assuming the end to be a. good one. I understand fourth Tuesday in July shall be held on the third 'fuesday in May, him to say he did not draw the section. provided that this act shall not apply to the next term of the circa it Mr. SPRAGUE. It was officially sent to our committee and I sup­ nncl di trict courts to be holden at Windsor, but that the Game shall po ed it would cover the case. It came from the Judge Advocate be helll as provilled by law. General and wa recommended by the Secretary of War. I did not The bill was ordered to be engros ed and read a third time; and examine it further. It seemed to me it covered the point; "Qut I leave being ongro sed, it was accordingly read the third time, and pa s 11. the language to the Senate. But in reference to the Fisk University, the award, as I said before, was $37,500 for the claim the owner had 1\"'EW LAND DISTRICTS IN KANSAS. on the Government for the land and for his buildings and for a va.ri- Mr. PHILLIPS. I ask unanimous consenttoreport from. the Com-: ety of things. · mittee on the Public Lands the bill (H. R. No. 203) to create two; Mr. EDMUNDS.. How could we pay him damages for using the additional land di tricts in the State of Kansas. land if we had already bought it Y The bill was read. .Mr. SPRAGUE. We had not bought it, but it was pa.rt of the 1th-. SPEER. I must object to that bill; it seems to create two or compensation. We used this outlying land ·on the hill adj acent to three new land offices. Nashville as a. matter of defense, on which an individual had a farm. Mr. DUNNELL. It only creates two, and I hope there will be no He asked for damages, and damages were awarded; bnt to get dam­ objection to it. ages he was required to give title to the United States. He gave title Mr. PHILLIPS. IhopethegentlemanfromPennsylva.niawill with­ to an officer of the United States. The purpose now is to authorize draw his objection. the a.cceptance of the land on the part of the United States awarded Mr. SPEER. I cannot do it now. by this commission. REPORTS ON DnfiGRATION. Mr. SARGENT. I move that the Senat · proceed to the considera­ tion of executive business. Mr. DONNAN, from the Committee on Printing, reported the follow­ Mr. SPRAGUE. I hope this bill will be di posed of. ing resolution; which wa-s read, considered, and agreed to: Mr. EDMUNDS. I ask the Senator from California to withdraw Resolved, That three thousand copies of the letter of the Secretary of tho Treasury of January 21, 1874, with tho accompanying reports concerning the im.mi~a.tion serv. his motion to go into executive session long enough to enable me to ice and the better protection of immigrants to the United States, be prmted for the move to take up and put back in its place the civil-rights bill that use of the House. it may be in order to-morrow. Mr. DONNAN moved to reconsider the vote by which the resolutio'n The PRESIDENT yro tempo·re. The understanding was that the was adopted; and also moved that the motion to reconsider be laid civil-rights bill was informally displaced a.nd that it would be the on the table. · unfinished business. · The latter motion was agreed to. Mr. SARGENT. That being so, I renew my motion. Ml.·. SPRAGUE. I hope the Senator from California will waive his ORDER OF BUSINESS. motion. Mr. GARFIELD. I call for the regular order. Mr. SARGENT. If I thought there was any hope of disposing of The SPEAKER. This being private-bill da:y, the regular order of the bill immediately, I would do so ; but I think the necessity for business is the call of committees for reports of a private nature; but amendment has been pointed out, and it had better be considered the gentleman from Massachusetts, [Mr. E. R. HoAR,] who has charge further. of ·the bill in relation to American citizenship, reported-from the Com­ Mr. SPRAGUE. Permit me to read a communication from the Sec­ mittee on Foreign Affairs, desires to make a statement in reO'ard to retary of War. that bill. Under the regular order that bill will go over until Tues­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Does th'3 Senu,tor from California day next. withdraw his motion Y Mr. E. R. HOAR. I simply desire to say that I propose without Mr. SARGENT. No, sir, I do not. further debate to call the previous question on the motion to recon­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question is on the motion of sider. If the House sustains the previous question on that motion, I the Senator from Cr,lifornia that the Senate proceed to the consider­ understand that the gentleman from New York [:Mr. HALE] will move ation of exei:mtive tusiness. to lay the motion to reconsider on the table. If the House refuses to The motion was agreed to, there being on a division-ayes 21, noes sustain that motion, I then propose to call the previous question on 20; and the Senat-e proceeded to the considemtion of executive busi­ the bill and amendments. · ness. After one hour and thirty minutes spent in executive session Mr. HAWLEY, of Illinois. I desire to say a. word a.t this point. the doors were reopened, and (at .five o'clock and five minutes p.m.) It has been suggested to me by the chairman of the Committee on the Senate adjourned. Appropriations that that committ-ee is very anxious to go on to-day ·with the Indian appropriation bill, and I had thought that if the House would give the whole day to-morrow to private bills I would be willing that the Committee on Appropriations should have to-day. It is believed by the Committee on Appropriations that if th y cn.n HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. go on with the Indian bill to-day, and the Honse will hold a night session, they may dispose of the bill to-day. We are all of course FRIDAY, May 1, 1874. very anxious to facilitate the business of the Committee on Appro­ priations as far as possible. I am certainly very anxious that they The House met at twelve o'clockm. Pmyer by the Chaplain, Rev. · should get along with their work. I do not desire that private bills J. G. BUTLER, D. D. or any other business should stand in the way of the appropriati0n The Journal of yesterday was read and approved. bills, and if the House is willing to make that arrangement, to give COURTS IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.. the whole day to-morrow to private bills, t hat ought to be satisfac­ Mr. POLAND, by unanimous consent, from the Committee on the tory. Judiciary, reported back, with the rerommendation that it do pass, Mr. GARFIELD. I hope the -arrangement suggested by the gen­ the bill (H. R. No. 3098) to amend the act entitled "An act tore­ tleman from Illinois will be made. I have no doubt that if the House organize the courts in the District of Columbia, and for other pur­ will give us their a-ssistance the Indian appropriation bill can be dis­ po es," approved March 3, 1863. posed of before to-morrow. The bill was read. It provides that the justice of the supreme The SPEAKER. This will involve the postponement of the bill in court of the District of Columbia, holding a criminal term for said charge of the ~entleman from Massachusetts [Mr. E. R. HoAR] until District, may, when not engaged in·the proper business of the crim­ Tuesday mormng next after the reading of the Journal. ~ -· inal term, hold sittings of the circuit court, and employ the petit ju­ Mr. .MYERS. I desire to say as a member of the Committee on ries drawn for the criminal term in the tria.l of such cases depending Foreign Affairs that I desire to occupy ten or fifteen minutes in the in said circuit court as the justice presiding therein may assign to discus ion of the bill before any vote is taken in regard to it. I be­ him for that purpo e; and that the business done at such sittings lieve that is my right and privilege as a membor of the cqmmittee shall be recorded in the minut.es of the circuit court. reporting it. I understood that to-day being private-bill day the The bill was ordered to be engrossed and read a. third time; and bill from the Committee on Foreign Affairs would, as a matter of being engrossed, it was a.ccordingly read the third time, and passed. rourse, go over until Tuesday next. 1\fr. E. R. HOAR. Wouldmycolleaguede ire to submithisrema.rks UNITED STATES COURTS IN VERMONT, before we had an opportunity to move the amendments agreed to in :Mr. POLAND also, by unanimous consent, from the Committee on the committee Y the Judiciary, reported a. bill (H. R. No. 3169) changing the time of llr. UYERS. I de ire to submit my remarks just a.s my colleague holding the circuit and district courts in Vermont; which was read a on the rommittee has submitted his. first and second time.
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