Elptll Serlel, Vol. XXXIII, No. 18 Tuesday Deeemher 1, 1987 Agrahayana 10, 1f09 (s.ta) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) N9mth Session (Eighth Lok Sabha) (Yol.XXXIII contains Nos. 11 to20) LOIC SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DEJ,m Prb ' Ba. ,.oo CON I ENTS [Eighth Se"tes, Volume XXIII, Ninth Session, 1987/1909 (Saka)] No. 1S t Tuesday. December 1, 19~7/Agrahayana 10, 1909 (Saka) COLUMNS Oral Answers to Questions: *Starred Questions Nos. 351,353 to 355 and 357 to 360 1-34 Written Answers to Questions: Starred Questions Nos. 352, 356 and 36J to 371 35-47 Unstarred Que'\tions No". 3555 to 3559, 3562 to 3599,3601, 3604 to 3653, 3655 to 3761, 3763 to "!o770 and 3772 to 3789. 47-3'S Papers Laid on the Table 318-324 Leave of Absence from the Sittings of the HOllse- 324-326 Committee on Papers Lajd on the TabJe- Seventeenth Report aod Minutes. 326-327 Statement Re : Fire Accident in a Coach of 14 DN Ajrner-Delhi Fast Passenger Train on 29-11-87-- 327-328 Shn Madhav Rao Scindia Matte rs Under Rule 377- 328-333 (i) Need for expansion of Integrated Child Development Projects in Oris~a Shrimati Jayanti P 4-,;, '1, 328-329 (ji) Need to establish an independent lAS eadra for Goa State. Shri Shantaram Naik 329-330 (iii) Need to instal a T.V. Tower in Balrampur. Gonda, U.P. Shri Deep Narain Van 330-331 (iv) Need to pro" ide necessary facilities to the people engaged in carpet making in Mirzapur and Bhadoi areas of Uttar Pradesh. Shri Umakant Mjshra 331 ·Tbe Siln t marked above the name of a Member iDdicatei that tIae q..et_ .. actualyasked on the floor of the House by that Member. ( ii ) COLUMNS (v) Need to withdraw orders banning bookin, and unloading of goods on railway stations situated at a distance of 25 Kms from transhipmen t points on various Zoval railways. Shri Chintamani Jena 331-332 (vi) Need to dear the dues by National Federation of IndustIial Cooperatives Ltd. to different handloom societies. Shri Saifud din Chov. dhary 332 (vii) Need to assc~s the damage caused by floods in Brahamputra and its tributaries in Assam and draw up short/long term ichemes to rehabilitate the affected peop Ie Shri Abdul Hamid. 333 (viii) Need to declare birthday of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose as a 'National Holiday' Kumari Mamata Banerjee 333 Railway Claims Tribunal BiB and Metro Railways (Construction of Works) Amendment Bill- 334 Motions to consider Shri Piyus Tiraky 334-337 Shri Brajemohan Mohan t y 337--140 Shri N. Soundarajan 340-341 Kumari Mamata Banerjee 341--345 Shri Ram Narain Singh 345-346 Dr. Pbulrenu Guha 346-348 Sbri N .V.N. Somu 348-351 Sbri Kammodilal Jatav 351-353 Shri Asutosh Law 353-356 Shri Ram J3abadur Singh 356-358 Shri C. Janga Reddy 358--360 Shri Madha'v rao Scindia 360-362 Railway C1aims Tribunal Bill-- clauses 2 to 38 and t Motion to pass Shri Madhavrao Scindia 370-37. ( iii ) COLUMNS Metro Rai Iways (Construction of Works) Amendment Bill- Clauses 2 and 1 Motion to pass Shri Mhdhavrao Scindia 370-317 Diicussion Re. Situation Arising out of Natural CJamlueli with particular Reference Dhought. Floods and Cyclone 37J-430 Shri ViJay Kumar Yadav 371-374 Shri Kamla Prasad Singh 374-375 Shri K.D. Sultanpuri 375-377 Shri Suresh Kurup 377--380 Shri Jagannath Choudhary 380-383 Shri Be1esahab Vlkhe PattI 383-387 Shri D.L. Baitha 387-389 Shri S. Thanaaraju 389-392 Shrt Jagannth PatnaJJ~ 392-395 ShnmatI D.K. Bhandari 395-397 Prof. N.G. Ranga 397-400 Shri V.S. VIJayragha\-an 400-407 :-'hll Ram Narain Smgh 404-407 Shl i Nawal Kishore Sharma 407-413 Shri D.P. Jadeja 413-418 Shri Amar Roypradhan 418-421 Dr. A.K. Patel 42J-424 Shri R. Jeevarathmam 424-430 Business AdvIsory Committee Forty.fifty Report-presented 430 LOK SABHA DEBATES --=-=---==-==---=-===-=--=======--~=--===---- -- lOK SA!3HA THE MINISTER OF STATE TN THE MINISTRY OF PARLIAMENTRY AFFAIRS (SHRIMATl SHEILA Tuesday. December I, 1987 [Agrahayana DIKSHlT): (a) 10 (d) A statement is J{I, J~IIj'1 (Saka). gi ven below. SfH te mcnt (a) The quantum of goods transported The Lok Sablia nte t at. Eleven of the Clock to Koini F. C. 1. godown during the last one year through the contractor from [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair; Gopalganj Railway Station, monthwise, a. reported by F. C. 1.. is given below :- [Tralls/alion] Month Quantity MR. SPEAKER Today ProI'. Saheb Transported is all alone. SHRI BALKAVl BAIRAGl: The overnber, 1986 to General is there but there j s no army. March, 1987 Nil MR. SPEAKER: Where are your April, 1987 884.88 MT. colleagues? May, 1987 2106.86 MT. ORAL A . SWERS TO QUESTJONS June, 1987 Nil ITranslati on] July, 1987 Nil Loss oC Goods ill Transit to Koinl FC! Godown August, 1987 24.11.08 MT. *351. SHRI KALl PRASAD September, 1987 it Pi\ DEY: Will the Minister of FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES be pleased to state: October, 1987 1100.00 MT. (a) the quantum of goods transported to Koini F. C. 1. godown during the last Total 6502.8 ~ MT. one year through the contractor from Gopalgauj Railway Station, month-wise; (b) As reported by F. C. I., the follow- (b) the total amount paid to the con- ing amount has been paid to the contrac- tractor for transporting the goods ; tor during the last one yeart- (c) whether it is a fact that there has Month Amount paid been large scale shortage and loss of goods to the con- in transit and if so, the details of loss of tractor goods, month-wise ; and (d) the action taken against officials November, 1986 to responsible for such loss and preventive March, 1987 Nil measures taken for future 1 . 3 0,a1 Answer, OECEMItBR I. 1987 Oral AnJw~rJ' 4 which the following action has already been April. 1987 Rs. 9485.06 taken by the Corporation. Mav, 19X7 R~. 225S3.R3 Mr. S~leakcr, Sir. when the (ioveJl1'" ment admit~ that there has heen some June. 1987 Nil !>hortagc 10 tran\po rtatlon, then why action is not he,n~ taken '! Thi~ matter l"ertaino; July, 19S7 Nil to m) conlollituency afllJ ha~ heen raised in ,hi., Hou.,c. ~1r. SpcHk~r, Sir, inve~tigatioL1 Augu~t, 19s7 hI The contractor against the ··contractors ha~ been going October. 1 9 X7 has not yet liun- on by the Central Bureau of Jnvcstigatioo mitted lh..: hill..,. for the Jast one year and them a fa\ourilc person ··wa" given contract of Koini and GopaJganj. My question ,vas to be admirh..'d lotal Rs. 3 2,O(lfL ~ 9 for ) 7th \\ hlch wa'i dcf.!J'rt..'d fOf I Sf. .l\IR. SPI AKER . \1., k..aJi PIJ"'dd )OU (C) and \\i) SOil'll! ... horlage... II) tran ... - WIll nor make allcgdtl('n in the H"u ... c. portation have been rc!'ported hy Food Cor- You sholild a .... k ljllc,ttoll ,lr(llght poration of Indsa. for which the following action has already hccn taken by the Cnr- SBRI KALI PRASAD PAND~Y : I poration am not m~'n"nrl'n,!! name. My orrginal quc!',tJOn )~ .•.•.. (i) The Dl!'pol I n~harge Wet, 'ou",p.!nd- ed and charge-~h.:~l..:d MR. SP~ J\KfR . That will fhlt go Oil 1l."\.old. (it) T hH!C 'ttaff membl!r~ from the 1 krot h.-tve heen tran ... ferred. SHRI KAI f PRI\SAD pl\"NDry \tfr. Speakl'r, \11 thl' nldHcr .... houhl be got (ill) el31 Patna has registered a ca ~c Illvcstlgated hy Lhe LentTa! BUleau of again .... l the D~p()t lncharge for Inv,·.. ;tlgation. "I hi... Quc~ltl(ln was to be th..: vdriou ... Irr('gularitie~ reported asked on 17th hut ~:r, }OU will he ,urpris- h) ha ve h~l!'n committed by the cd to kno~ that it ha't hc,-'n publ',hcd 10 the D~pot lncha rge for 1986 87. ~·lfindlht.'n Samachar" of 25th Novem· ber- (iv) rhe FCI and entrul\ted a fIrm of (,hart~r('d Accountant-; to jnV'e~­ "Rl..lckmar~eting Dr Fel "hea'" Ilg.He the iJ regllldritie~ in the It wa!o. ~lalcd authoritatively on 14th funclionjng of the Depot. On the November ...••. basis of the report of the Charte- red A~countants, Fer is taking MR. SPPAKnR . Don't read our, put action CigdilHt the other errant a quest ion. olficials. SHIll J...:I\LI PRASAD PANDEY: I The maHer ha, al,o been rererred to am a~k.ing question. It is written there that the cor for fUrl her itw.-\ligal ion. the police have seized S2 quintaJs of wheat a.nd action has been taken under the E~sential Commodities Act against a trader"· (InlerruPlions) SHRI KALI t»RASAD PANDEY: Mr. Speaker. Sir, in reply to my question, Narratmg he incident, the S. P. tbe hon. Mini ... ter has stated that some Thakur Ke ... ha v Prar,;ad SingJi ~tatcd that shortages in tran~portati on have been while (.'oming hack from patrolling. reported by Food Corporation of Illdia for (lntl'rruptionf). 'Not recorded. 5 AGJtAUAYANA to, 1'909 (SAKA) 6 MR. SPEAKER: There is no need to M.R. SPEAKbR: You want inquiry read out the wh(\lc thing. Th., cannot be ,tgainst the pre~nt contracter also. perm i I ted. SHRI KALJ PRASAD PANDEY The (IITli'r' !I/)I/OII\) gf'o(b !oIel/cd in (iopa Jgan.1 ...••.
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