
464 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 23 SELECT COMMITI'EE ON SMALL BUSINESS, form the duties of the Chair during my also hold public hearings on Friday, Jan­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES .absence. uary 30, 194<3, at 10:30 a. m., on Senate Januar y 23, 1948 (cor rected from Janu ary A. H. VANDENBERG, bill 1651 , to amend the General Bridge 12, 1948) Presi dent pro tempore. Act of 1946. All interested parties will , To THE CLERK oF THE HousE: Mr. CAIN thereupon took the chair as be afforded the opportunity to be heard .. The above-ment ioned committee or sub­ Acting President pro tempore. concerning these bills. Witnesses are re­ commit tee, pursuant to section 134 (b) of THE JOURNAL quested to file with the committee writ­ the Legislat ive Reorga nization Act of 1946, ten statements of their proposed testi­ Public Law 601, Seventy-ninth Congress, ap­ On request of Mr. WHERRY, and by proved August 2, 1946, as amended, submits mony at least 3 days in advance of the unanimous consent, the reading of the hearings. the following report showing the name, pro­ Journal of the proceedings of Wednes­ fession, aJ1d total salary of each pe!'son em­ LEAVES OF ABSENCE ployed by it for the period from July 1, 1947, day, January 21, 1948, was dispensed to and including December 31, 1947, together with, and the Journal was approved. Mr. BALDWIN. Mr. President, I have with funds if authorized or appropriated to .MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT a very important meeting to attend in and expended by it: Connecticut tonight and I ask unani­ Messages in writing from the President mous consent to be absent from the Sen­ of the United States submitting nomina­ Total ate after 12:30 p. m: tc;>day! Name of employee Profession gross tions were communicated to the Senate . The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ salary by Mr. Miller, one of his secretaries. pore. Without objection, the order is MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE made. M . W. RowelL __ _______ Chief o(Staff _____ _ $4, 166.65 Allen W. Maddren ______ Staff member ___ __ 3, 998.24 A message from the House of Repre­ Mr. WHERRY asked and obtained · J . G. Crost. ----------- __ ___ do ___ ___ ____ __ _ 1, 692. 43 consent that Mr. FLANDERS be excused Leo Cullinane ____ ____________ do ___________ __ . 1, 482. 51 sentatives. by Mr. Maurer, one of its Willis J. Ballinger_ ______ Economic adv: iser 3, 973. 6!1 reading . clerks, announced that the from attendance on Monday and Wed­ · (per diem). House had passed a bill {H. R .. 2873) to nesday next. William Warmack __ ~ --- Staff member {per 1, 808.00 diem). amend certain provisions of the ·Recla­ Mr. WHERRY asked and obtained con­ Grace F. Purdy_ ________ Clerk __ ----------- 494. 50 mation Project Act of 1939, in -which it sent that Mr. FLANDERS be excused from Arvilla Benson ___ _______ Stenographer _____ _ e43. 29 G!adys.Flanagan _____________ do ___________ __ 1, 269. 65 requestea the concurrence of the Senate. attendance on Monday and Wednesday Kathryn 0 . Keyes _________ __d o __ __________ _ 823.89 MEETINGS OF COMMITTEES DURING next. Dorothy Henry- -- ~ ----- ·_____ do ____________ _ 1, 385.64 Willie E . ForisteL _________ __ do· ----- ~ -- --- - 461. 88 . SESSiON OF THE SENATE EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. Margaret Denny-------- _____ do ______ ______ _ 194.67 Ethel M . Zider ___ __ __________ do __ __ ______ ___ 90.54 Mr. WHERRY. _ Mr. President, I ask The ACTING _PRESIDENT pro tem­ Virginia Flatley ____ ____ : ---- ~do __ ____ __ __ __ _ 207. 77 unanimous consent that the Subcom­ pore laid before the.Senate the following Margaret M. Koe ln .~ --- __ ___ d O----- --- ~ -- -- 230.94 C. J. Reynolds, Jr _______ Messenger-------"- 1, 110. 96 mittee ott Commodity Speculation of the letters, which were referred as indicated: Senate Committee bn Appropriations be SUSPENSION OF DEPORTATION OF ALIENS To ta L.------ ~ ----------------------- 24,035.25 granted permission ·to sit during the ses­ ·A letter from the Attorney General, trans­ sion of the Senate today. mitting, pursuant to law, a report reciting Funds authorized or appropriated, for com- mittee expenditure_----------------------- $60,000.00 The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ the facts and pertinent provisions of law in Mar. 24 throu {1; h June 30, 1941-----·---------- 18,622.21 pore. Without objection, the order · is the cases of 298 individuals whose deporta­ made. · tion has been suspended for more than 6 41, 377. 79 months by the COmmissioner of Immigra­ July 1 through Dec. 31, 1947_________ ________ 39,075: 44 . Mr. LODGE. Mr. President, at there­ tion and. Naturalization Service under the quest of the C()mmittee on Foreign Re­ .authority vested in. the Attorney General, to­ Balance pnexpended as of Dec ..3 1, 1947 _ 2, 302. 35 lations, I ask unanimous consent that WALTER C. PLOESER, Chairman. gether with a statement of the rea,son that committee be authorized to aold for · such suspel;.ls~on (with accompanying hearings during the session of the Sen­ papers); to the Committee on ~he Judiciary. ate today. REPORT ON TORT CLAIMS PAID BY FEDERAL The . ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ SECURITY AGENCY SENATE pore. Without objection, permission is A letter from the Acting Administrator, granted. Federal Security Agency, transmitting, pur­ FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1948 PUBLIC HEARINGS BY SUBCOMMITTEE suant to law, a report of all claims paid by . that Agency under the Federal Tort Claims ON FLOOD CONTROL AND IMPROVE­ <Legislative day of Wednesday, January Act, for the period August 2, 1946, to Decem­ 21, 1948) MEN~ OF RIVERS AND HARBORS, COM­ ber 31, 1947 (with an accompanying report); MITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS to · the Committee_ on the Judiciary. The Senate met at 12. o'clock meridian, Mr. MALONE. Mr. President, I wish CONVEYANCE OF CERTAIN LANDS IN THE DIS- on the expiration of the recess. to take this opportunity to announce that TRICT OF COLUMI3IA TO HOWARD UNIVERSITY The Chaplain, Rev. Peter Marshall, the Subcommittee on Flood Control and A letter from the Administrator, Housing D. D., offered the following prayer: Improvement of Rivers and Harbors of and Home Finance Agency; transmitting a the Committee on Public Works .will hold draft of proposed legislation to authorize Our Father, let not Thy servants be­ public hearings in room 412, Senate Of­ Defense · Homes Corporation to convey to come discouraged or grow weary in well- Howard University certain lands in the Dis­ doing. · fice Building, beginning at 10:30 a. m., trict of Columbia, and for other purposes March 15, 1948, on Senate bill 1277, to Bolster their faith that with Thee (with accompanying papers); to the Com­ amend the Tennessee Valley Authority mittee on Banking and Currency. there is an answer to every question and Act of 1933, as amended, and for other a solution to every problem. TRAVEL EXPENSES INCURRED BY VETERANS' AD­ purposes. At that time the subcommit­ MINISTRATION BENEFICIARIES AND ATTEND­ Under Thy guidance, let them know tee will . be glad to hear all interested ANTS that they are not leading a forlorn hope, parties who may wish to offer testimony A letter from the Administrator of Vet­ but are the spokesmen for· a good way on the provisions of this measure. Wit­ erans' Affairs, transmitting a draft of pro­ of life. nesses are re·quested to file with the posed legislation to amend Public Law No. Help us all to keep it good and to make committee written statements of their 432, Seventy-sixth Congress, to include an it better.. Through Jesus Christ our allowance of expenses incurred by Veterans' proposed testimony at least 3 days in Administration beneficiaries and their at­ Lord . Amen, advance of the heafing date. tendants in authorized travel for vocational DESIGNATION OF ACTING PRESIDENT Mr. President, I also wish to take this ·rehabilitation purposes- (with accompanying PRO TEMPORE opportunity to announce that the Sub­ papers); to the Committee on Finance. The Chief Clerk read the following committee on Flood Control and Im­ REIMBURSEMENT OF COMMISSION ON ORGANI- letter: provement of Rivers and Harbors of the ZATION OF EXECUTIVE BRANCH FOR CERTAIN Committee on Public Works will hold EXPENDITURES UNITED STATES SENATE, public hearings on Thursday, January A letter from the Administrator of Vet­ PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, 29, 1948, at 10 a. m., on Senate Joint erans' Affairs, transmitting a draft of pro­ Washington, D. C., January 23, 1948. posed legislation authorizing the Adminis­ To the Senate: Resolution No. 155, rescinding an order trator of Veterans' Affair·s to reimburse the Being temporarily absent from the Sen­ of the Federal Power Commission au­ Commission on Organization of the Execu­ ate, I appoint Hon. HARRY P. CAIN, a Sena­ thorizing redevelopment of the Wilder tive Branch of the Government for certain tor from the State of Washington, to per- Dam project. The subcommittee will sums expended in connection with its study 1948 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 465 of the Veterans' Administration· (with an By Mr. CAPPER: mittee on Banking and Currency, and. accompanying paper); to the Committee on A petition signed by sundry members of ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as Finance. the Georgia Women's Christian Temperance follows: REPORT OF E XPENDITURES BY UNITED STATES Union and 669 citizens of the St"ate of Geor­ RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED AT THE EIGHTH ANNUAL COURT OF CUSTOMS AND PATENT APPEALS gia praying for the enactment of Senate bill 265, to prohibit the transportation Of alco­ MEETING OF THE KANSAS BUTTER INSTITUTE, A letter from the Director, administrative holic beverage advertising in interstate com­ JANUARY 12-13, 1948 office of the United States courts, trans­ merce; to the Committee on Interstate and mitting, pursuant to law, a report of ex­ Whereas the eastern subcommittee for Foreign Commerce.
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