Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68569-6 - Old English: A Linguistic Introduction Jeremy J. Smith Index More information Index ablaut 61–2, 76, 99, 113–14, 123 Armenian 6 absolute comparison 107 Arum wooden ‘sword’ 39, 126 accent (diacritic) 40 aspect 63, 75–6 (defined), 82, 84, 93 accusative 22, 75, 80, 95–107 asyndetic parataxis 92 accusative and infinitive construction 89 auxiliary verbs 19 (exemplified) active voice 84 (defined) Auzon Casket see Franks Casket adjectival adverbs 108 adjective phrase 19–20 (defined), 78 back (of vowels) 14 (defined) adjectives 19 (exemplified), 105–09, 122 back-mutation 49–52 see also strong (of adjectives), weak back-umlaut see back-mutation (of adjectives) Balto-Slavic 5 Adventus Saxonum 5, 127 Bede 132, 135–6 adverb clause 87, 89 Belloc, Hilaire 92–3 adverb phrase 19–20 (defined), 78 Beowulf 36, 133–5 adverbial 20 (defined) Beowulf Manuscript 7, 133 adverbs 19 (exemplified), 108 bimoric 43 Ælfric 29, 46, 132 borrowing 8, 19, 21 (defined), 26, 62, 64–8 Ælfric’s Colloquy 132 bound morpheme 18 (defined) Ælfric’s De Temporibus Anni 132 breaking 47, 48, 51–3, 56, 67, 115–16, 117, 119 Ælfric’s Grammar 46, 132 British (as language-variety) 5 Ælfric’s Life of King Edmund 29–33 see also Celtic Ælfric’s Life of King Oswald 132–133 Brussels Reliquary Cross inscription 129 Ælfric’s Lives of the Saints 132 Bucharest ring 48 Æþelweard 29 Burgundian 5 Æþelwold 29 affixation 21 (defined), 44, 62–3 Cædmon’s Hymn 36, 135–6 affricate 14 Caistor-by-Norwich astragalus bone 126–7 Afrikaans 4–5 cardinal numerals 81, 108–9 agreement 22–3, 79, 82, 84 case 22, 27, 75, 79–80, 94 ff. Aitken’s Law see Scottish Vowel-Length Rule Catalan 65 Albanian 3, 5 causative 123 Aldred 136 Celtic 5, 64–5 Alfred (the Great), King of the West Saxons 2, centre (of vowels) 14 (defined) 45, 128, 131 Chaucer, Geoffrey 45 Alfred Jewel 122, 128 Chinese 77 Alfred’s Preface to the Pastoral Care 131–2 class (of verb) 113–21, 123 allograph 12–13 (defined) clause 20, 22 (defined), 77 allophone 12 (defined) close (of vowels) 14 (defined) alphabet 37, 39–40 closed-class (of parts of speech) 19 (defined) alveolar ridge 14 (defined) coda 15, 44 analytic language 76–7 (defined), 121 cognate 8 (defined), 27, 53–4 anaphoric reference 91 cohesion 19, 27, 91 Anatolian 5 cohesive ties 91 Anglo-Frisian Brightening see first fronting comparative clause 87–8 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 7, 36, 92–3, 129–31 comparative comparison see comparison of anomalous verbs 120–1 adjectives aorist 122–3 comparative conjunction 88 apposition 30 (defined) comparative reconstruction 7–8 (defined) approximants 14 comparison of adjectives 107–8 Arabic 21 comparison of adverbs 108 Aristotle 68 compensatory lengthening 50, 117 195 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68569-6 - Old English: A Linguistic Introduction Jeremy J. Smith Index More information Index complement 20 (defined) GenAm see General American complementary distribution 41 (defined) gender (grammatical) 22, 27, 75, 79, 80–1, 94 ff. complex verb phrase 76, 82, 84, 86 General American x–xii componential analysis 70 genitive 32, 75, 79, 95–107 compound demonstrative 122 genitive phrase 20 (defined), 78 compounding 21 (defined), 62–4 Gepidic 5 concord see agreement German 3, 4–5, 32, 42, 48 conjugation 109 Germanic 3–5, 47–8, 93, 96, 116, 118–19, 121–2 conjunctions 19 (exemplified) Gothic 5, 8, 9, 27, 48, 53–4, 60–1, 66, 77, 96, connotation 69 108, 113, 116, 118–20, 123–4 consonant 13 (defined) gradation-relationship 61 conversion 31, 64 grammar 2, 17 (defined), 74 (defined) coordinated clause 88 ‘grammatical change’ 114 Corpus Glossary 47, 127 grammatical gender 81, 94–105 correlative construction 90 grammaticalisation 121 correlative words 90 grammatischer Wechsel see ‘grammatical change’ Cotton, Sir Robert 138 grapheme 12–13 (defined), 15 creole 66 Great Vowel Shift 28 Greek 37, 54–5, 64, 66–7, 118, 122–4 Danish 4–6 Grimm, Jacob 53, 122 dative 30, 75, 80, 95–107 Grimm’s Law 53–5, 67, 125 declension 94 Gujerati 65 definite article 104 demonstratives 104–5, 122 half-line 33, 35 denominative 123 hard palate 14 denotation 69 headword 19 (defined) determiners 19 (exemplified), 101–5 heavy (of syllables) 15, 44–5 deverbative 123 Hellenic 5 diachronic 2 (defined) hierarchy of grammatical units 18 diatopic 2 (defined) Hindi 3 diphthong 13 (defined) homorganic (of consonants) 50 Donatus 12 hue 71 Dream of the Rood, The 33–5, 38, 129 hypotaxis 92 durative 123 Dutch 4–5 Icelandic 4 imperative mood 83–4 East Germanic 4, 27 see also verb Edmund, King of the East Angles 29 imperfect aspect see progressive aspect element-order 85–7 i-mutation 49, 51, 53, 62, 67, 101, 107–8, 115, ending see inflexion 119–20 Epinal-Erfurt Glosses 53 inchoative 123 Exeter Book 7, 143 indefinite article 104 indefinite pronoun 104 Faroese 4–5 indicative mood 83–4, 89 feminine 22, 81, 94 ff. see also verb figura 12 indirect object 30 (defined) finite 82, 84 Indo-European language-family 3 (defined), 5, 53 finiteness 82 Indo-Iranian 5 Finnish 9, 77 infinitive 31, 82 first consonant shift see Grimm’s Law see also verb first fronting 47, 48, 51–2, 67, 117 inflexion 18, 22 (defined), 26 First Grammatical Treatise 46 inflexional morphology 17 (defined), 74, 94–123 Franks Casket 6, 51, 127–8 Ingvaeonic 4–5, 39, 47, 55, 116 free morpheme 18 (defined) instrumental 80, 104 French 3, 6, 9, 21, 26, 44, 64, 66, 68, 71, 83 insular script 39–41 fricative (of consonants) 14 (defined) interdisciplinary semantics 71 Frisian 4–5, 39, 48, 116 interjections 19 (exemplified) front (of vowels) 14 (defined) internal reconstruction 7–8 future 76, 83 International Phonetic Alphabet x–xii, 12 fuþark 38–9 interrogative pronouns 103–4 fuþorc 37–9 intransitive 63, 84–5 Irish Gaelic 5 Gaelic 64 irregular (of nouns) 101 Gallehus horn 126 irregular (of verbs) 76, 120–1 gemination 55, 117 see also verb 196 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68569-6 - Old English: A Linguistic Introduction Jeremy J. Smith Index More information Index Italian 65 non-finite 20, 82–3, 87 Italic 5 Norman French 64, 141 i-umlaut see i-mutation see also French Ivarr the Boneless 29 Norse see Old Norse North Germanic 4, 122 Jones, Sir William 7 North Italic 125–6 Jordanes 3 North Sea Germanic 4 Junius Manuscript 7 see also Ingvaeonic Norwegian 4–6, 67 kataphoric reference 91 noun 19 (exemplified), 94–101, 121 kenning 69 noun clause 87, 89 Kentish Psalm 140–1 noun phrase 19–20 (defined), 77–82 Kylver stone 38, 124 nucleus see peak number (as grammatical category) 22, 27, 75, laterals 14 79–80, 82, 95 ff. Latin 9, 21, 22, 40, 44, 53, 56, 64, 66–7, 71–2, see also verb 77, 99, 126, 136, 138 numerals 19 (exemplified), 81–2, 108–9 levels of language 2 lexeme 18 (defined), 59 (defined) object 20 (defined) lexical-distributional differences 43 obligation (expression of) 83 lexical morphology 17 (defined), 59 (defined) Old High German 27, 53, 72, 116, 119–20 lexical verbs 19 (exemplified) Old Icelandic 9, 46, 72 lexicography 19 (defined), 59 (defined), 70, 74 Old Irish 56, 64 lexicology 59 (defined) Old Norse 6, 8–9, 26, 38, 48, 64–6, 116, 118, lexicon 2, 18 (defined), 59 (defined), 59–73 122, 141 light (of syllables) 15, 44–5 Old Saxon 116, 117 Lindisfarne Gospels Gloss 53, 136–8 Old Welsh 64 linguistic reconstruction see reconstruction onomastic meaning 65 Lithuanian 54 onomastics 65, 72 littera 12 onset 15, 44 loanwords see borrowing open (of vowels) 14 locative 80 open-class (of parts of speech) 19 (defined) logographic 13 ordinal numerals 81–2, 108–9 long (of syllables) 15, 44 Oðinn 38 Lord’s Prayer 25–7 palatal consonants, influence of 49, 51–2, 56, macron 16, 40 67, 116 main clause 20 (defined), 86–7 palatal diphthongisation see palatal consonants, manner of articulation 14 influence of masculine 22, 81, 94 ff. palatalisation 55, 67 meaning see semantics palaeography 40 merger 45 paradigm 8, 18, 23 (defined) metaphor 69 paradigmatic variation 7 metatheses 55 parataxis 92–3 mid (of vowels) 14 participle 82–4 mid-close (of vowels) 14 see also verb mid-open (of vowels) 14 parts of speech 19 modifier 19 (defined) passive voice 84–5 (defined) monomoric 43, 56 past participle 63, 82, 84–5, 93 monophthong 13 see also verb mood 82–3 peak 15, 44 mora, morae 15, 43, 55 perfect (in Greek) 122–3 morpheme 18 (defined) perfect aspect 63, 75 (defined), 84–5 morphology 2, 17 (defined) perfective (in Greek) 123 mutation see umlaut person (as grammatical category) 31, 75, 79, mutation plurals (class of nouns) 100 81–2 see also verb Nahuatl/Aztec 21, 65 personal pronouns 102–3 natural gender 81 Peterborough Chronicle 7, 141–2 negation 82, 85 philological notation 46 Negau helmet 125–6 phoneme 12–13, 15 neogrammarians 54 phonemic inventory 13, 41–2 neuter 81, 94 ff. phonographic 13 nomen 12 phrase 19, 22 (defined), 77 nominative 22, 75, 80, 95–107 pidgin 66 197 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68569-6 - Old English: A Linguistic Introduction Jeremy J. Smith Index More information Index place-names see onomastics Scots 28, 42–3, 57, 72 place of articulation 14 Scottish Gaelic 3, 5, 57 plosive (of consonants) 14 Scottish Standard English x–xii plural 22 Scottish Vowel-Length Rule 57 see also noun, adjective, verb secondary stress 44 poetry 7 second consonant shift 58, 72 polysemy 69 second fronting 52 potestas 12 second participle 93 predicator 20 (defined) semantics 2, 68–9 pre-language 4 semantic field 70 pre-English 4 semantic relations 68 pre-Germanic 61, 116 semiotic triangle
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