1 2016.01.06 Dunhuang - Song of Living Beings to be presented at Shanghai Himalayas Museum from November 29, 2015 to March 20, 2016 From the 4th century to the 14th century, people spent over a thousand years carving out the Dunhuang Grottoes spanning more than 1,680 meters from the south to the north. During the past seven decades, generations of “Dunhuangers,” from the National Dunhuang Art Institute (founded in 1944) to today’s Dunhuang Research Academy, have made enormous efforts to bring back to life the nearly extinct beauty and vitality of this medieval culture and art. From 2014 to 2015, the Shanghai Himalayas Museum and the Dunhuang Research Academy have tirelessly endeavored to present the beauty and vitality of Dunhuang to audiences in Shanghai. In addition to historical relics as well as expert replicas of grottoes and cave paintings, this unprecedented exhibition of Dunhuang in Shanghai will feature an enchanting dialogue between the treasures of Dunhuang and contemporary art. Dunhuang—Song of Living Beings, the first major exhibition of Dunhuang in Shanghai, showcases 165 sets of original works and artifacts representing all the core aspects of Dunhuang art and culture. Highlights include eight replica caves that embody the highest artistic value of the Dunhuang grottoes; eleven copies of painted stucco sculptures; sixty copies of cave murals produced by the founding pioneers of the National Dunhuang Art Institute (precursor to the Dunhuang Research Academy which included Mr. Chang Shuhong, Mr. Duan Wenjie and Ms. Chang Shana); twenty-five copies of silk paintings, ten carved brick replicas from the Dunhuang tombs of the Han Dynasty, and fifty-one cultural relics from Dunhuang. The eight replica caves featured in this exhibition present a rare opportunity for audiences in Shanghai to view the interior of these grottoes. Except for the Mogao Cave 17 (Dunhuang Library Cave), all of the caves on which the seven replicas are based, are not open to the public for the sake of preservation. Mogao Cave 275 of the Northern Liang period (397-439) is one of the oldest caves at Dunhuang. The cave is home to Maitreya, the future Buddha. With a round face, a robust physique and a calm expression, he sits cross-ankled wearing a crown containing three round jewels. His sitting pose and decoration, as well as the triangular brocade-patterned backrest, suggest the integration of traditional Chinese sculptural arts and influences of Buddhist art from Central Asia. Moreover, sixteen out of the fifty-one cultural relics on display have been designated “First-Class National Cultural Relics,” including the “Nature of the Tathagata in Nirvana Sutra (Northern Wei period).” Due to their protected status, these relics are rarely put on display to the public in the galleries at Dunhuang. Also on display will be Buddhist sutras written in Chinese, Tibetan, Khotan, Turkic, Uighur, Sanskrit, Sogdian and Hebrew scripts. Through the presentation and interpretation of these relics and historical documents, the exhibition aims to make the art and history of Dunhuang more accessible to the general public. In this vein, the Shanghai Himalayas Museum has invited a professional docent team from the Dunhuang Research Academy to provide audiences with insight into exhibited works as well as a myriad of stories behind Dunhuang. In the past few years, the art of Dunhuang has travelled to the National Art Museum of China (Beijing), Guan Shanyue Art Museum (Shenzhen), Zhejiang Art Museum (Hangzhou) and the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, each iteration garnering popular acclaim from local audiences. For this unprecedented exhibition of Dunhuang in Shanghai, in addition to historical relics and expert replicas of grottoes and 上海·浦东新区樱花路 869 号 3-4F 上海喜玛拉雅美术馆 Tel: 021-50339801 2 2016.01.06 cave paintings, the Shanghai Himalayas Museum will feature a probing dialogue between the treasures of Dunhuang and contemporary art. A selection of contemporary artworks, including works by Li Lei, Ding Yi, Qiu ZhiJie, Li Yongzheng, and Nam June Paik will be placed in conversation with the art of Dunhuang to reflect on the multiple relationships—inspirational, conflicting, and transformative—that obtain between historical and contemporary art and culture as well as in the mode of approaching and representing religion and spirituality. As a major stop on the ancient Silk Road, Dunhuang was of strategic importance in terms of connecting China and the West. The history of Dunhuang as an official county dated back to the ruling period of Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty (156 BC- 87 BC). As an extension of the exhibition space, iconic landmarks such as the Yumen Pass, the Great Wall of the Han Dynasty and the Beacon Tower at Yangguan will be re-created at the Himalayas Center plaza to give visitors a vivid sense of the scenery of ancient Dunhuang. At the same time, a series of lectures by masters of Dunhuang art including Fan Jinshi and Wang Xudong will be presented during the exhibition period. As Ji Xianlin, renowned Chinese scholar has stated: “Globally speaking, there are only four cultural systems that truly have a long history, span vast geographical areas and could be considered one of a kind, namely China, India, ancient Greece and Islam…. Moreover, the four cultural systems all converge at one point: Dunhuang and the Xinjiang area in China.” Dunhuang - Song of Living Beings will be unveiled on November 29, 2015 at the Shanghai Himalayas Museum. The exhibition is co-curated by Mr. Wang Xudong, Director of Dunhuang Research Academy, and Mr. Wong Shun-kit, Advisor to Shanghai Himalayas Museum. Dr. Yongwoo Lee, Director of Shanghai Himalayas Museum is the Artistic Director, and Ms. Fan Jinshi, Honorary Director of the Dunhuang Research Academy, and popularly known as the “Daughter of Dunhuang,” the exhibition’s chief Academic Advisor. This exhibition is made possible through the generous support of Mr. Dai Zhikang, Chairman of Zendai Group. ------------- Dunhuang - Song of Living Beings Artistic Director: Yongwoo Lee Academic Advisor: Fan Jinshi Curators: Wang Xudong, Wong Shun-kit Opening Ceremony and Press Preview: November 29, 2015 (Sun.) Exhibition Dates: December 1, 2015 - March 20, 2016 Opening Hours: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm (closed on Mondays) Organized by: Shanghai Himalayas Museum, Dunhuang Research Academy Contemporary Art Section (Artists’ names are listed in alphabetical order): Ding Yi, Guo Gong, He Chengyao, He Wenque, Huang Yong, Jiang Zhenggen, Kong Baiji, Li Hongbo, Li Lei, Li Yongzheng, Nam June Paik, Ni Youyu, Qiu Zhijie, Shao Yinong & Mu Chen, Shi Zhiying, Wen Hao, Xu Jing, Xie Shenghai, Zhang Kechun, Zhu Legeng 上海·浦东新区樱花路 869 号 3-4F 上海喜玛拉雅美术馆 Tel: 021-50339801 3 2016.01.06 Media contacts: Xian Chen: [email protected] About Shanghai Himalayas Museum Designed by Arata Isozaki, Shanghai Himalayas Museum (formerly known as Shanghai Zendai MoMA), established by Shanghai Zendai Group in 2005, is a privately funded, non-profit art institute focusing on art exhibition, education, collection, research and academic exchanges. With vision and an open mind, the museum plays an active role in promoting cultural and art developments, exploring new patterns for museums in the context of the contemporary society, discovering new art forces, and promoting communication and collaboration between China and abroad and among different disciplines to showcase and interpret eastern values and spirit with a contemporary touch. Since 2011, the museum has presented a series of international art projects including “Designing Design / The Exhibition of Kenya Hara in China 2011”, “Tony Cragg: Sculptures and Drawings”, Ink Art Exhibition Series, “Ateliers – Ofer Lellouche Solo Exhibition”, 2014 John Moores Painting Prize (China) Exhibition, solo exhibitions of Sean Scully and Michael Craig-Martin. www.himalayasmuseum.org 上海·浦东新区樱花路 869 号 3-4F 上海喜玛拉雅美术馆 Tel: 021-50339801 4 2016.01.06 在上海遇见敦煌 “敦煌:生灵的歌” 将于上海喜玛拉雅美术馆展出至 2016 年 3 月底 从公元4世纪到14世纪,古人花了一千多年开凿出南北长1680米的敦煌石窟群;从1944年国立敦煌艺术研究所 成立到如今的敦煌研究院,一代代“敦煌人”用七十余年把中古时代的繁华之地再现于世人面前;从2014年到 2015年底,上海喜玛拉雅美术馆与敦煌研究院合作,花了两年的时间,联合敦煌博物馆将敦煌位移至上海。 2015年11月29日,“敦煌:生灵的歌”大型展览于上海喜玛拉雅美术馆开幕。展览由敦煌研究院院 长王旭东、上海喜玛拉雅美术馆顾问王纯杰联合策展;上 海 喜 玛 拉 雅 美 术 馆 馆 长 李龙雨为艺术总监,有“敦 煌的女儿”之誉的敦煌研究院名誉院长樊锦诗担任学术顾问,并由上海喜玛拉雅美术馆理事会主席、证大 集团董事长戴志康先生大力支持。在带来大型敦煌臻品艺术的同时,首次, 丝路上的艺术瑰宝与当代艺 术亲密接触。 “敦煌:生灵的歌”还原 8 个(其中北凉 275 窟展出至 2016 年 1 月 4 日)最具艺术价值敦煌石窟,并展出 经典的彩塑临摹 11 件、壁画临摹品(常书鸿、段文杰、常沙娜等敦煌艺术顶级大师作品)60 件、藏经洞绢 纸画复制品 25 组件、藏经洞文物五十余件等共计一百六十余组件源自敦煌的艺术沉淀。在 7 个石窟中, 除莫高窟晚唐第 17 窟(藏经洞)之外其它洞窟因保护的原因不对外开放,而在本次上海展中,公众将有机会一 睹其容颜。其中第 3 窟是元代晚期最重要的代表窟,是敦煌现存唯一以观音为主题的洞窟。画像以焦墨勾勒, 色彩淡雅,造型蕴藉、庄重,特别令人称赏的是丰富多彩的线描,洞窟虽小,但具有很高的艺术水平。在特别展 出的五十余件珍品文物中,其中 16 件为国家一级文物,包括“大般涅槃经如来性品经(北魏)”等在内的 源自藏经洞的绘画、古代写本、刻本的作品,都是在敦煌的陈列厅都是很少拿出来展览的宝贝。写本和刻本 所使用的语言文字除汉文外,还有藏文、于阗文、突厥文、回鹘文、梵文、粟特文、希伯来文等。通过对文物及 文献的展示和重新演绎,此次展览,公众将能够更透彻了解敦煌的艺术及历史。同时,上海喜玛拉雅美术馆邀请 到了敦煌研究院专业的解说团队,使展览本身不仅仅是作品的陈列,更有一个个关于敦煌的故事将随展览在上 海传颂。 作为一个成熟的“展览”,敦煌展在近年中国美术馆、深圳关山月美术馆、浙江美术馆、香港文化博物馆等巡展 中每每引起轰动,不同于以往,在呈现最经典之敦煌艺术的同时,上海喜玛拉雅美术馆作为当代艺术馆,首次实 现敦煌艺术与当代艺术的对话。通过白南准的《蓝佛》(Blue Buddha),孔柏基的《莫高窟佛像》, 邱志杰的《总会有人信》,李磊的《佛不语》,丁乙的《十示系列》……等作品,“敦煌:生灵的歌”将 带领公众立基于敦煌石窟的视觉体验之后重新审视当代艺术里面关于佛教/宗教的创作。 作为古代“丝绸之路”的重镇,总绾中西交通的“咽喉之地”,敦煌郡设立于汉武帝时期,作为本次展览的延伸, 展期内的喜玛拉雅广场上,玉门关、汉长城、阳关烽燧等具有代表性的建筑以及地貌,将以相应比例实景复原, 古代敦煌历史人文之景将得以在上海再现;此外包括樊锦诗等敦煌大师系列讲座也将于展览期间展开。国学大 师季羡林曾说:“世界上历史悠久、地域广阔、自成体系、影响深远的文化体系只有四个:中国、印度、 希腊、伊斯兰,再没有第五个;而这四个文化体系汇流的地方只有一个,就是中国的敦煌和新疆地区。” 正因如此,憧憬敦煌并不需要其他的理由。 上海·浦东新区樱花路 869 号 3-4F 上海喜玛拉雅美术馆 Tel: 021-50339801 5 2016.01.06 开展以来,整个江浙沪地区亦是掀起一股敦煌热,喜玛拉雅美术馆门口也是常常排起长队。主办方建议合理安排 观展时间,完整看完此展览至少需要 2 个小时,如能安排平日观展的观众,建议平日参观,一来门票相对便宜,
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