NATIONAL ACADEMIES OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA UNITED STATES NATIONAL COMMITTEE International Union of Radio Science National Radio Science Meeting 7-10 January 1992 Sponsored by USNC/URSI in cooperation with Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado U.S.A. National Radio Science Meeting 7-10 January 1992 Condensed Technical Program Monday, 6 January 2000-2400 USNC-URSI Meeting Broker Inn Tuesday 7 January 0835-1200 A-1 REVIEW OF THERMAL NOISE MEASUREMENTS AT NIST CR2-06 E-1 SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT IN A CHANGING TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENVIRONMENT CRl-9 0855-1200 G-1 IONSPHERIC IRREGULARITIES CR0-36 J-1 INTERPLANETARY AND INTERSTELLAR SCATTERING-I CR2-26 0915-1200 B-1 WAVEGUIDES CR2-28 C-1 STATISTICAL SIGNAL PROCESSING CRl-46 1335-1700 A-2 NOISE METROLOGY CR2-06 A-3 NEAR FIELD ANTENNA MEASUREMENTS SESSION CR0-30 B-2 ANTENNAS CR2-28 C-2 GEOMAGNETIC INDUCTION EFFECTS CRl-46 F-1 ATMOSPHERIC PROPAGATION CRl-40 G-2 IONOSPHERIC MODELING AND PROPAGATION CR0-36 JE-1 SPECTRUM USEAGE CONSIDERATIONS IN RADIO ASTRONOMY AND REMOTE SENSING CRl-9 1355-1700 H-1 PLASMA WAVES IN THE POLAR MAGNETOSPHERE CRl-42 J-2 INTERPLANETARY AND INTERSTELLAR SCATTERING-II CR2-26 1700-1800 Commission A Business Meeting CR0-30 Commission C Business Meeting CRl-46 Commission F Business Meeting CRl-40 Wednesday, 8 January 0815-1200 PLENARY SESSION Duane Physics G0-30 1335-1700 C-3 COMMUNICATION THEORY CR2-06 G-3 HIGH LATITUDE EFFECTS AND IONOSPHERIC TECHNIQUES CR0-36 J-3 POINTING AND METROLOGY OF RADIO TELESCOPES CR2-26 1335-1520 B-3 ROUGH SURFACES AND EXOTIC MEDIA CR2-28 United States National Committee INTERNATIONAL UNION OF RADIO SCIENCE PROGRAM AND ABSTRACTS National Radio Science Meeting 7-10 January 1992 Sponsored by USNC/URSI in cooperation with IEEE groups and societies: Antennas and Propagation Circuits and Systems Communications Electromagnetic Compatibility Geoscience Electronics Information Theory Instrumentation and Measurement Microwave Theory and Techniques Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Quantum Electronics and Applications Programs and Abstracts of the USNC/URSI Meetings are available from: USNC/URSI National Academy of Sciences 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20418 at $5 for 1983-1992 meetings. The full papers are not published in any collected format; requests for them should be addressed to the authors who may have them published on their own initiative. Please note that these meetings are national. They are not organized by the International Union, nor are the programs available from the International Secretariat. ii MEMBERSHIP United States National Committee INTERNATIONAL UNION OF RADIO SCIENCE Chairman: Chalmers M. Butler* Vice Chairman: David C. Chang* Secretary: Charles M. Rush* Immediate Past Chairman: Sidney A. Bowhill* Members Representing Societies, Groups, and Institutes: American Geophysical Union Dr. George W. Reid American Astronomical Society Dr. William J. Welch IEEE Antennas & Propagation Society Dr. W. Ross Stone IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Dr. A. A. Oliner American Meterological Society Dr. Richard Hahlgren Members-at-Large: Dr. Susan Avery Dr. Lewis Duncan Dr. Robert Mattauch** Dr. R. M. Price Dr. David J. Thompson Dr. Donald Wilton** Liaison Representatives from Government Agencies: National Telecommunications & Information Administration Dr. Hans Liebe National Science Foundation Dr. Julie Lutz Federal Communications Commission Mr. William A. Daniel Department of Defense Mr. William J. Cook Department of the Army Mr. Earl J. Holliman Department of the Air Force Dr. Allan C. Schell Chairmen of the USNC/URSI Commissions: Commission A Dr. Motohisa Kanda Commission B Dr. Ralph E. Kleinman Commission C Dr. Raymond Pickholtz Commission D Dr. James W. Mink Commission E Dr. Emil F. Soderberg Commission F Dr. Juergen H. Richter Commission G Dr. Haim Soicher Commission H Dr. William Taylor Commission J Dr. James M. Moran Commission K Dr. James C. Lin * Member of USNC/URSI Executive Committee ** Pending approval iii Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of Commissions of URSI resident in the United States: Vice Chairman, Commission C Dr. A. D. Wyner Vice Chairman, Commission D Dr. T. Itoh Vice Chairman, Commission F Prof. R. K. Moore Chairman, Commission H Dr. R. F. Benson Foreign Secretary of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences Dr. James B. Wyngaarden Chairman, National Research Council, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Resources Dr. Norman Hackerman Chairman, National Research Council, Board on Physics and Astronomy Frank Drake Honorary Members Dr. Harold H. Beverage Dr. Ernst Weber NRC Staff Director Dr. Donald C. Shapero NRC Program Officer Dr. Robert L. Riemer NRC Administrative Associate Ms. Susan M. Wyatt iv DESCRIPTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL UNION OF RADIO SCIENCE The International Union of Radio Science is one of 18 world scientific unions organized under the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU). It is commonly designated as URSI (from its French name, Union Radio Scientifique Internationale). Its aims are (1) to promote the scientific study of radio communications, (2) to aid and organize radio research requiring cooperation on an international scale and to encourage the discussion and publication of the results, (3) to facilitate agreement upon common methods of measurement and the standardization of measuring instruments, and (4) to stimulate and to coordinate studies of the scientific aspects of telecommunications using electromagnetic waves, guided and unguided. The International Union itself is an organizational framework to aid in promoting these objectives. The actual technical work is largely done by the National Committee in the various countries. The officers of the International Union are: President: E. V. Jull (Canada) Past President: Dr. A. L. Cullen (U.K.) Vice Presidents: Prof. J. Bach Anderson (Denmark) Dr. P. Bauer (France) R. L. Dowden (N.Z) Prof T. O'Koshi (Japan) Secretary-General J. Van Bladel (Belgium) Honorary Presidents: G. Beynon (U.K.) W. Dieminger (West Germany) W. Christiansen (Australia) W. Gordon (U.S.A.) F. L. H. M. Stumpers (Netherlands) The Secretary-General's office and the headquarters of the organization are located at Avenue Albert Lancaster, 32, B-1180 Brussels, Belgium. The Union is supported by contributions (dues) from 38 member countries. Additional funds for symposia and other scientific activities of the Union are provided by ICSU from contributions received for this purpose from UNESCO. The International Union, as of the XXth General Assembly held in Washington, DC in August 1981, has nine bodies called Commissions for centralizing studies in the principal technical fields. V Every three years the International Union holds a meeting called the General Assembly. The next is the XXIVth, to be held in 1993. The Secretariat prepares and distributes the Proceedings of the General Assemblies. The International Union arranges international symposia on specific subjects pertaining to the work of one or several Commissions and also cooperates with other Unions in international symposia on subjects of joint interest. Radio is unique among the fields of scientific work in having a specific adaptability to large-scale international research programs, since many of the phenomena that must be studied are worldwide in extent and yet are in a measure subject to control by experimenters. Exploration of space and the extension of scientific observations to the space environment are dependent on radio for their research. One branch, radio astronomy, involves cosmic phenomena. URSI thus has a distinct field of usefulness in furnishing a meeting ground for the numerous workers in the manifold aspects of radio research; its meetings and committee activities furnish valuable means of promoting research through exchange of ideas. Steering Committee: s. w. Maley, Chairman (303) 492-7004 D. C. Chang D. s. Cook P. L. Jensen Technical Program Committee: C. M. Rush, Chairman J. Richter M. Kanda E. Soderberg R. Kleinman H. Soicher s. w. Maley W. Taylor J. Mink D. J. Thompson J. Moran E. Westwater R. Pickholtz vi Tuesday Morning, 7 January, 0855-1200 Session A-1 0835-Tues. CR2-06 REVIEW OF THERMAL NOISE MEASUREMENTS AT NIST Chairman: David F. Wait, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO 80303 Al-1 INTRODUCTION TO THERMAL NOISE o8 4 o Sunchana Perera Electromagnetic Fields Division National Institute of Standards and Technology Boulder, CO 80303 Fundamental concepts are reviewed: a blackbody radiator, Planck's law, Rayleigh-Jean's law, spectral power density, Nyquist equa­ tion, noise bandwidth, unavoidability of thermal noise. An introduction to the theory of random processes is given: ergodicity, amplitude distri­ bution, effects of linear filtering. The concept of correlation is discussed; powers of uncorrelated signals add linearly. 1 A-1 Tu-AM Al-2 FUNDAMENTALS OF NOISE MEASUREMENTS 0920 Sunchana Perera Electromagnetic Fields Division National Institute of Standards and Technology Boulder, CO 80303 A distinction between the available and delivered powers is re­ viewed. The output power of noise passing through a 'passive' two-port is calculated; the available power ratio a, and the efficiency 'T/, are 'in situ' quantities and characterize two-port lossiness. The concepts of the available power gain, also an 'in situ' quantity, and the effective input noise temperature for active linear two-ports, are introduced. The reper­ cussions for
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