CONTENTS FROM EDITORS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 THEORETICAL BASES OF QUALITY OF A MANPOWER IN NATIONAL ECONOMY …………………………….. 4 Nataliya Makovskaya DETERMINANTS OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN BULGARIA …………………………………………….. 7 Konstantin Kolev CRITERIA AND INDICATORS EVALUATING THE FUNCTIONING OF QUASI-MARKETS ……………………….. 11 Maya Tsoklinova SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION POTENTIAL OF THE MINING COMPANIES ……………... 16 Borislava Galabova, Boryana Trifonova PUBLIC WELFARE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: TRENDS AND CHALLENGES ……………............... 22 Maya Tsoklinova SUSTAINABLE APPROACHES TO REVERSE LOGISTICS STATE …………………………………………………. 28 Adriana Strekalovska-Garkova, Stanislava Kovacheva EFFICIENCY OF PRODUCTION AND EXCHANGE FOR MULTIPURPOSE MANAGEMENT OF THE FOREST PROTECTION BELTS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 33 Nevena Shuleva, Fotina Yordanova COMPETITIVE VOCATIONAL EDUCATION – THE MAIN INFLUENCING FACTOR FOR THE NATIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ……………………………………………………..………………………………………. 39 Andra Zencaka, Maija Senfelde PATTERNS OF PREPOSING OF SUBJECT-ORIENTED PREDICATIVE AND LOCATIVE COMPLEMENTS IN ENGLISH ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 45 Bilyana Ovcharova STUDY ON DYNAMIC LOADS OF CUTTING MECHANISM’S DRIVE SHAFT OF THE CARVED VENEER MACHINES …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 51 Georgi Vukov FEM ANALYSIS OF DEFORMATION AND STRESSES OF UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE SKELETON MADE OF PINUS SYLVESTRIS L. AND PLYWOOD ………………………………………………………….......................... 56 Yancho Genchev, Nelly Staneva, Desislava Hristodorova GENERAL REGULARITIES IN THE HEIGHT STRUCTURES OF NORWAY-SPRUCE, SILVER-FIR AND OTHER DENDROCOENOSES …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 62 Roumen Petrin STUDY OF THE DIMENSIONS OF THE CELLS OF THE CORE BEAMS …………………………………………… 68 Nikolai Burdarov A STUDY OF THE STATISTICAL INDICATORS OF THE SIZE OF THE WOOD RAYS …………………………… 72 Nikolai Burdarov ИННОВАЦИИ, ИНФОРМАЦИОННО-КОММУНИКАЦИОННАЯ СФЕРА И НЕМАТЕРИАЛЬНОЕ ПРОИЗВОДСТВО КАК СОСТАВЛЯЮЩИЕ РАЗВИТИЯ ЭКОНОМИК СТРАН МИРА …………………............... 76 Наталья Скоробогатова, Сергей Войтко МОДЕРНИЗАЦИЯ АЭРОВОКЗАЛЬНОГО КОМПЛЕКСА МОСКОВСКОГО МЕЖДУНАРОДНОГО АЭРОПОРТА ДОМОДЕДОВО …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 82 Евгений Сафонов, Сергей Кирсанов, Галина Паламаренко, Бо Ванг 1 2 Dear followers of idea for sustainable development, Dear readers, Dear authors and friends, You hold serial 69th volume (number 2/2018) of Scientific Journal of Management and sustainable devel- opment, published since 1999 from Faculty of Business Management at the University of Forestry, Sofia, Bulgaria. In this volume you can find the integral text of the part of presented papers before the XX-th International Scientific Conference on Management and Sustainable Development, held in Yundola in the period 23– 25.03.2018. The important issues of management and sustainable development were discussed. Some main aspects could been summarized as follows: multifunctional forest management have to be developed and encour- aged in Bulgarian forests, because of their high importance for environment improvement and biodiversity conservation, there are a high potential to encourage utilization of revenuwble energy sources, based on the forest biomass; contemporary practical and theoretical issues in human resources management; more atten- tion have to be pointed out to the social aspects for sustainable management; presentation and implementa- tion of the best practices and innovations; the practice for sustainable development shaping have to be rees- tablished; more atention have to be intended to the students and post-graduated students investigations; the more important issues have to be separated and have to be discussed into a suitable approach – for exam- ple, order of round tables, unformal discussions etc.; the all thematic fields have to be protected and the conference have to be approved as a forum for ideas exchange. The Faculty of Business Management leadership and the Editorial Board of Scientific Journal of Man- agement and Sustainable Development have managed with the obligation to publish all presented before the Conference papers and posters, but in 6 volumes – 68, 69, 70, 71, 72 and 73 (1/2018, 2/2018, 3/2018, 4/2018, 5/2018 and 6/2018) of the Journal. All papers and presentations could be finding in the Internet site of the Conference and of the Scientific Journal on Management and Sustainable Development. In the same time we offer of all of you not only to read published papers. You could send to our journal results of your investigations, ideas and papers on the issues of management and sustainable development. Kind regards of all our readers! Editorial board 3 УПРАВЛЕНИЕ И УСТОЙЧИВО РАЗВИТИЕ 2/2018 (69) MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 2/2018 (69) THEORETICAL BASES OF QUALITY OF A MANPOWER IN NATIONAL ECONOMY Nataliya Makovskaya Belarusian State Economic University, Minsk, Belarus Abstract High qualification, professional flexibility and adaptive ability of employees become the basis of their social protection: such workers are the most competitive and mobile in the labour market. Changes in modern approaches to understand- ing the quality of labour in the national economy are associated with UNESCO recommendations on the transition to the concept of human competence and the provisions of the national system for assessing the quality of specialists. In this regard, the term „competence” becomes leading in assessing the level of quality of labour, the most important criterion of vocational training and an integral indicator of the quality of the workforce. Key words: labour resources, human capital, labour market, labour productivity, professional qualifications. JEL: J01. Introduction Until recently, the main criteria for the quality of In the conditions of a market economy and its labour resources were: the level of education of the innovative component, the criteria for the quality of employee; the level of professional training of the labour resources are constantly expanding and employee; the level of employee motivation to im- supplementing. High qualification, professional prove professionalism and quality of their own work; flexibility and adaptive ability of employees become the ability of the organizational structure of an insti- the basis of their social protection: such workers tution (enterprise) to disclose all the qualities of an are the most competitive and mobile in the labour employee. market. The quality of labour resources is characterized Expansion of the production profile of employ- by such indicators as general and professional work ees is one of the conditions for the fullest use of the capacity and availability of labour potential of work- achievements of scientific and technical progress, ers. The integrated quality indicators are: gender, increasing the efficiency of the use of labour in a age, social and educational level, psycho- market economy. At the same time, it is necessary physiological indicators. to take into account that the market economy, along The modern labour economy offers the quality of with the identification of interrelations and the inte- labour resources to evaluate through the „prism” of gration of individual professions, strengthens the the availability of formed human capital [2]: tendency to differentiate knowledge and skills and 1. Human capital is the basis of labour produc- further specialization. tivity of workers included in the production As practice shows, with the development of process. Productivity of labour is manifested forms of ownership, the requirements imposed on through quality criteria (ability to work, quali- workers in the labour market also change. Previ- fication, etc.). The productive capacity of a ously, the employer proceeded from the accounting person, that is, his capacity for work, is de- of 3–5 social, professional and psychological quali- termined by the age, state of health and ties and characteristics of the employee being education of the individual, is the basic sign hired. At present, their number has increased by 2– of the category „labour resources”. The 3 times, and the main criterion is the competitive- presence of the formed human capital re- ness of the employee, his high professionalism. flects the quality of labour relations between If before higher education was enough for 20–25 employees and employers regarding wages, years of practical work, today the optimal term of its social preferences, employment, etc. effectiveness is 5–6 years, and in the sectors de- 2. Human capital is inseparable from its car- termining scientific and technical progress – 2–3 rier-worker. The employer leases this eco- years. This means that in some industries, innova- nomic resource for the purpose of using it as tion cycles are shorter than the time for training a production factor for the wage rate. The specialists, which again confirms the need for con- higher the quality of this resource, the tinuing education. greater the economic effect of the producer. The quality of labour resources is a set of pro- In this case, the quality of the labor resource fessional, educational, psycho-physiological char- is related to the fact that human capital has acteristics that make a person capable of perform- a value that is determined by the volume of ing labour functions of one or another complexity. services expected from the employee in the 4 Nataliya Makovskaya organization. The ability of human capital to the coefficient before the educational variable will create
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