Index Abbott, C., 146 Ashburn, Roy, 274 Abbott, Robert S., 179 Ashe, Arthur, 246–7 Abdullah, Melina, 14, 465–74 Asian Americans, 6–7, 9, 14, 127–30, 135–40, 152, ‘Abdul’l-Bahá, 168, 170–9, 183 428–37 Abernathy, Ralph, 341, 342 Assembly to End Prejudice, Injustice, and Poverty, 308 abolitionists, 287–8, 290 Atlanta, 44, 57, 59, 62–5, 68–9, 111, 160, 360, 369, 373, Ache, 260 375, 398, 405, 410–11, 470 Adams, Cyrus Hall, 311 Atlanta Housing Authority (AHA), 62–4 Addams, Jane, 51 Atlanta University Publications, 52–3 Adoption and Safe Families Act, 277 Atwell, Christopher, 254 Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), Austin, 119, 151 58–9, 68 Austin, Elsie, 178, 180–1 Africa, 9, 31, 33–7, 82, 127–43, 169, 181–2, 187–9, 246, AZ, 460 257, 417, 421–2, 425, 438, 440, 446–7 Africa News, 259–60 Bacon, Warren, 306, 309 African American Protestant Church, 204–24 “Bad Girls of Hip-Hop, The” (Morgan), 461 African Caribbean immigrants, 2, 3, 13 Badillo, Herman, 390 African immigrants, 2, 3 Baha’i religion, 11, 167–92 African Union churches, 30, 35 Bahá’u’lláh, 167–9, 178–81, 183, 185 Afrik, Hannibal (Harold Charles), 313 Bailer, Lloyd H., 209, 212–14, 222n39 agriculture, 83–4, 88, 106 Baker, Ella, 76, 323–4 AIDS, 12, 244–67 Baker, Houston, 434 Aid to Families with Dependent Children, 106–7, 236, 273 Balk, Alfred, 266n3 Akron, 113 Baltimore, 21, 30, 44, 113, 151, 398, Alabama, 334–43, 352, 354, 359, 360 408, 411 Alabama National Guard, 342 Bamba, Ahamadou, 142n35 Albuquerque, 113, 151 Bane, Mary Jo, 114 Allard, Patricia, 270 Banks, Rae, 11, 12, 227–44 Allen, Ernest, 432 Baptist church, 195, 204–24 Allen, Samuel, 177 Baraka, Amiri (Leroi Jones), 424, 427, 433 Allen Parkway Village (APV), 57, 59–61, 65–8, 71n39 Barbee, William, 341 Amarillo, 113 Barber, Amzi, 288 American Academy of Political and Social Science, 52 Barnes, Dee, 454 American Apartheid (Massey and Denton), 7 Barnes, John, 133 American Colonization Society, 290 Barnes, Thomas, 403 American Jewish Congress, 322 Barry, Marion, 406 American Journal of sociology,52 Barthelemy, Sidney, 406 American Muslim Journal, 262, 263, 267n14 Basie, Count, 44 American Revolution, 21, 31 Bates, Karen Grigsby, 249–50 American Tobacco Company (ATC), 42 Baton Rouge, 113, 360 Amsterdam News, 201, 244–7, 250, 253–5, 257–8, Batur, Pinar, 5 262, 265 Beatstreet (film), 471 Anderson, Crystal S., 14, 427–37 Bedford-Stuyvesant, 322–3, 325 Anderson, James D., 298n5 Beecher, Lyman, 287 Annapolis, 24 Beer v. United States, 356 Anniston, 334–5, 343 Bell, Derrick, 9, 302–4, 314 Arafat, Yasir, 388 Bennett, Lerone, 451–2 Archer, Dennis, 374, 405 Bergman, Walter, 334 Argonauts of the Western Pacific (Malinowski), 130 Berlin, Ira, 19 Arrington, Marvin, 63 Berry, C., 145 Arrington, Richard, 398, 407 Bey, Twedfik, 312 476 INDEX B&G, 260 Brooklyn, 91, 321, 323, 325 Billson, Janet, 434 Brooks, Paul, 46 Biondi, Martha, 322 Brown, Foxy, 450, 459–62 Birmingham, 334–9, 343, 347, 359, 398, 407, 411 Brown, H. Rap, 420 bisexuality, 244, 247, 251–3 Brown, Hugh, 288 Bita, Amadou, 135 Brown, Lee, 66 Bitter Fruit (Kim), 4, 6 Brown, Sterling, 415, 418–20 Black, Brown and Beige (Ellington), 439–40, 444 Brown, Tony, 263 Black, Timuel, 304, 308 Brown, William Wells, 199–200 Black Aesthetic, 14, 427, 429–36 Brownsville, Brooklyn (Pritchett), 321 Black Arts Movement, 14, 421, 427, 429, 435 Brown v. Board of Education, 302–4, 314, 333, 336 Black Bourgeoisie (Frazier), 5 Bruce Boynton v. Virginia, 331 black capitalism, 8, 41–4, 46–7, 76, 262 Bryce, Herrington, 400 black convention movement, 21 Buffalo, 119, 150, 369 Black Culture and Black Consciousness (Levine), 420 Bulletin of Labor,53 Black Enterprise, 244–5, 247, 265 Bullock, Henry, 298n5 Black Feminism/Womanism, 14–15, 451–3, 456–7, Bullock, Matthew W., 178 461–2 Bunche, Ralph, J. 4, 5 Black Fire (Jones and Neal), 424 Burgess, Ernest, 104 “Black Manifesto” (NBEC, 1969), 76 Burlington Community Land Trust, 85 Black Men’s Gatherings, The (Williams and Jefferson), “Burn Baby Burn” (Jackmon), 421–4 185–6 Burns, Clarence, 408 Black Metropolis (Drake and Cayton), 5 Burns, Ken, 439 Black Muslims, 262–5, 425 Burroughs, Sonni, 1 Black/Out, 260 Bush, George H.W. (father), 273 Black Panther, 262, 415, 416, 425 Bush, George W. (son), 158–9, 228, 393 Black Panther Party (BPP), 14, 76, 415–16, 422, 424–5, Butts, Calvin, 387 428, 431, 473n8 Byrne, Jane, 370 Black Power Movement, 9, 302, 310–14, 430–1, 461, 467–8 Calhoun, Lee, 45 “Black Pupil of the Eye, The,”169, 181–5, 189 California, 113, 270–1 Black Reconstruction in America 1860–1880 (DuBois), 2 California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Blacks, Latinos, and Asians in America (Jennings), 6–7 Kids Act (CalWORKS, 1997), 268, 274–9 Black Scholar, 258, 259 Calloway,Cab,44 Black Underclass, The (Glasgow), 7 Cambridge, MA, 29, 53 Blackwell, Ellsworth, 178–9, 181 camouflaged racial discourse, 4, 12 Blackwell, Marie, 248 Campbell, Bill, 63, 405 Blakey, Art, 439, 446–7, 448n17 Campbell, Jane, 403 Blige, Mary J., 450, 454–6, 458–9 Canela-Cacho, J., 157 BLK, 260 Cannato, Vincent, 326–9 Blood on the Fields (Marsalis), 14, 440–7 Carey, Gordon, 331–2 Bloom, Jack M., 429 Carlson, Glenn, 214 Bloomberg, Michael, 392–5, 408 Carney, Magdelene, 181 Blover, Tony, 256 Carr, Julian, 42–3, 46 Bluestone, Barry, 121 Carr family, 43, 45 Bold, June, 81 Carroll, Earl, 171 Bolster, W. Jeffrey, 24, 35 Carroll, Joseph, 313 Booker, Simeon, 335 Carter, Jimmy, 229, 233, 466 Booth, Charles, 50–1 Carter, Pattie Hawkins, 45 Borjas, G., 150–1 Carver, George Washington, 176 Boston, 20, 24–5, 28–32, 84–5, 113, 145, 151, 154, 369 Casamayou, Maureen Hogan, 11 Boureima, Moussa, 135 Casky, J., 160 Boyer, M. Christine, 50 Castles, Stephen, 9 Bracey, John H., Jr., 35 Catlin, Robert A., 49, 375 Bradby, Robert L., 10–11, 204–24 Caverno, Joe, 338–9 Braddock, James, 43 Cayton, Horace R., 4, 5, 195, 197 Bradley, Tom, 371, 398, 404 Cedar Apartments, 59–61 Branch, Taylor, 337 Census Bureau, 102, 399 Brawley, Tawana, 385 Champ, Dorothy, 171, 175 breakdancing, 469–71 Chan, Jeffrey Paul, 431, 433–4 Breakin’ and Breakin’ 2 (film), 471 Chan, Sucheng, 428 Breaux, John, 273 Chandler, Mittie O., 8, 56–72 Bright, Rita, 99n77 Chaney, James, 429 “Bronzeville,”5, 193, 195–6 Charleston, 20–2, 24, 28–31, 360 INDEX 477 Charlotte, 145, 154 Comprehensive Grant Program, 61 Chicago, 5, 8, 9, 60, 113, 119, 145, 151, 154–5, 185, Comprehensive Improvement Assistance Program 193–7, 201, 302–18, 367, 370–1, 373–4, 398–9, 411: (CIAP), 58, 61–2 Board of Education, 304, 306–15 Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), 306, 319, 331–4, Chicago Defender, 193, 201, 308 336, 338, 344–5, 347, 418 Chicago Police Deparment Intelligence Division, 310 conjurers, 199–201, 447n6 Chicago Tribune, 311 Connor, Eugene “Bull,”335, 337, 340, 347 Chicago Urban League, 304 conservatives, 3–4, 6–8, 12, 101, 107, 367 children, 101, 123, 236, 254, 256, 270, 276–8, 289, 293–4 Cooper, Andrew, 258 Chilites, 450 Cooperative Economics for Women (CEW), 91–2 Chin, Frank, 14, 427, 430–36 cooperative economic strategies, 9, 75–7, 80–100 China, 135, 428 Cooperative Home Care Associates (CHCA), 90–1 Chireau, Yvonne P., 10, 193–203 Coordinating Council of Community Organizations Christianity, 31, 202, 206, 324 (CCCO), 304–11, 314 Chuchut, Mildred, 312 Copage, Eric, 248 Chuck, D., 469 Cormega, 460 churches, 5, 29–31, 33–7, 45–6, 87–8, 194–6, 204–24, Corpus Christi, 152 252, 261, 294, 298, 324–30, 341 Cotton, Jeremiah, 80, 82 CIA, 227, 229, 234 Cottrol, Robert J., 30 Cincinnati, 8–9, 26, 59, 285–301; Credit Union National Association (CUNA), 89–90 Board of Trustees and Visitors for Common Schools credit unions, 83–4, 89–90, 160 (“White Board), 292–7, 300n51; City Council, Creole blacks, 33–7 291–2; Colored School Board, 9, 286, 292–7 Crew, Charles, 308 Cincinnati Anti-Slavery Society, 288, 299n30 crime, 10, 102, 157, 233, 235, 238, 268–82, 384–6, Cisneros, Henry, 66 398–403, 406 City Sun, 253–8, 261, 266 criminal justice system, 7, 11, 126n34, 149, 229, 231–2, Civil Rights Act (1964), 71, 104, 303, 305, 309–10, 314 238, 268, 270–1, 276–9 Civil Rights Cases (1833), 41 critical race theory, 302, 467 civil rights movement, 9, 13, 44, 83, 92, 101, 105, 107, Croff, Mildren Dillard, 211 236–7, 302, 305–10, 314, 319–29, 365, 423, 466–8 Crouch, Stanley, 439, 446 Clark, Kenneth, 323 Crown Heights riot, 384 Clark, Peter H., 290, 292, 296 Cruit, George, 339 Clark Howell Homes, 63–4 Crump, Mayor, 370 Clear, T., 157 Cuffe, Paul, 35 Cleveland, 57, 61, 68, 69, 113, 145, 150, 365, 367, 371, Cuomo, Andrew, 393 375, 398, 403, 411 Cuomo, Mario, 384 Clinton, Bill, 7, 16n29, 106, 153, 159, 388–9 Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA), Clinton, Hillary, 385, 387–9 61–2, 69 Cloward, Richard, 7, 105–6 Czerniejewski, May Khadem, 182 coalitions, 13, 367, 371, 375, 377, 381, 394, 428 Czerniejewski, Rick, 182 Cobb, Clifford, 77 cocaine and crack, 12, 227, 229, 231–5, 238–9, 269–73 Dabney, Wendell, 290 Cogan, Charlie, 328 Dade, Malcolm, 219 Cohen, Cathy, 11, 12, 244–67 Dahl, Robert A., 369 Cohen, J., 157 Daley, Richard (father), 9, 304, 307–10, 314, 367, 370 Cohen, Wilber, 310 Daley, Richard (son), 370, 375–6, 407 Collins, Bruce, 21 Dallas, 59, 360, 368 Collins, Henry, 288 D’Amato, Alphonse, 387–8 Colored Intercollegiate Athletic Association, 44 Daniels, Everard W., 210–11, 214, 216–18 Colored Men’s conventions, 290–1 Daniels, John, 377 ColorLife, 260 Danner, Margaret, 175 Combs, Sean “Puffy,”454, 457 Danns, Dionne, 8, 9, 302–18 Commission on Human Rights, 321 Davidson, Chandler, 360 Commission on Inter-Group Relations (COIR), 320–1 Davies, Gareth, 327 Community
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