AAMMAATTEEUURR RRAADDIIOO AAWWAARRDD’’’SS DDIIRREECCTTOORRYY BELGIUM COPYED BY : YB1PR – FAISAL Page 1 . ANTWERP C.W. DX SERIES General Requirements: Fee for each of the awards is 5€ or $US5 - no stamps please. GCR list OK. All bands and modes. SWL OK. Apply to: Jan Van der Auwera ON4NM, Dieseghemlei 87, 2640 Mortsel, Belgium. Benelux Award Contact stations in the BENELUX countries of Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg. Europeans need 7 ON, 7 PA, 2 LX. Others need 5 ON, 5 PA and 2 LX. Contacts since 1954. WOSA Award Contact stations in the City of Antwerp, Belgium since 1954. ON's need 12, Europeans 10 and rest of the world 8. AMBI Award Issued by the UBA section ZLB for contacting its members after January 1, 1998. SWL OK. HF or VHF/UHF but not mixed. All modes, except packet radio & SSTV. Collect 10 points. Each member counts 1 point (440 MHz and above : 2 points) while the club station ON4ZLB counts 3 points. To get extra points, each member may be worked once each month. Send log extract and fee of 8€ to : Pieter-Paul Custers, ON1DIH, Albertwal 42, B-3700 Tongeren, Belgium. BAFARA Award Sponsored by the Belgian Air Force ARA to all amateurs and SWL's for contacting members on or after 1 Jan 1992. ON's need 10 points, other Europeans 5, all others 3. Each BAFARA member = 1 point, BAFARA clubstations = 2. Each station may only be contacted one time. All bands and modes OK. No use of repeaters. (SWL's should submit the cards which will be returned). GCR list and fee of 6€ or $US6. to: Lode Kenens ON6KL, Oudestraat 8, B-3560 Lummen, Belgium. Members: ON1AEW AFF AKK APF ATZ AYH AZF AZH BCS BMH BNF BLW BOZ BPP BPS BSX BUX BXO BZK BZU CDK CGD CIP CIX CLM CLO CMO CV DBP DDN DEE DEV DFR DHC DIH DJT DJU DKK DKY DNZ DPS DSA DWN HU ILL IR KFE KGC KJU KLZ KVE KYC LAL LJL LOF LVE MAN MAS MEF PF RE TY WG XC. ON2ADX AFD AHI AHJ AIT AJW AML BAM BFQ BIA BID KDF LAK LAW LBI. ON4ABP AGV ALL ALV ANE ANM AQB AWK AWM AWN AXV AYP BAJ BAN BCG BDK BEV BZ CAN CBS CBY CCB CCG CCT CDI CFC CFL CGN CHL CJD CJW CLA CLB CLJ CZ DD DW DY FG HG KBL KR KZF LAC LDK LDR MS MW NG OK PD PK TE TJ WL YA ZL. ON5AB AP DT EN GX HL HO JI JR ME MN OW PK SX VG YS. ON6AS CT CY EB HI JE KL KN NU TA TJ VP WR XI XP. ON7AA AV BQ EB EC EN GG HO HQ II JF NW NY OG PV QI QJ SR SU SV UT VZ WG WZ YP YZ. ON8JC MCO N9CMR ONL2674 2727 2943 3060 6522 7956 8858 9028 AB7KW DA1BO DA4BC EB7FQY KB8RUI KC5GBM KJ7MG VE2GOO. Clubstations: ON4BAF ON4BFS ON6AF ON6AP AAMMAATTEEUURR RRAADDIIOO AAWWAARRDD’’’SS DDIIRREECCTTOORRYY BELGIUM COPYED BY : YB1PR – FAISAL Page 2 . Belgian Castle Award Contact stations who are operating from a castle, fortified castle or a farm-castle. They will be identified by a two part reference number using two letters for the province and three numbers for castle ID number. (Operation must take place within a distance of maximum 500m around the castle. To be validated by the BCA Committee, a minimum of 25 contacts should be made within one single operation period by the respective castle. Stations operating from the castle should provide some info about the history of the castle. Operators who participate in a valid operation will be automatically credited with the point available.) The award is available in CW, phone or mixed on all HF bands or on VHF/UHF 2m or 70cm. No use of repeaters, satellites, packet. Basic Award - 50 castles with at least 3 in each province and region. Endorsements - stickers each additional 25 castles, with minimum 1 additional castle in each province or region. GCR list with complete QSO info needed. Some cards may be requested by the sponsor. SWL OK. Apply with list and fee of 10 Euro (endorsement fee is 2 Euro) to : Guy DeBoeck ON5UD, Tienne de Renival 7, B-1380 Lasne, Belgium. Belgian Mill Award General Requirements: Only windmills with valid reference number may be used. Contact [email protected] , supply SASE to sponsor, or review http://www.qsl.net/bma for complete list of valid numbers. Award is available in 3 forms. 1. Activating windmill references. 2. Contacting active windmill references. 3. SWL reports of windmill operations. Fee for each award is 10€. No use of repeaters. Contacts must be all HF or VHF, not mixed. Application log to be sent either by e-mail or on diskette (Exel) or in a sealed envelope to the following address:Maurits NOLF,Sparrentuin 29,B- 8793 St. Eloois-Vijve, Belgium Log lists must be sign by two radio-amateurs with a valid license. 1. Activating. Contacts may be made while /P or /M within 250 meters of the windmill. No use of repeaters and either HF or VHF, not some on each mode. You must activate at least 10 windmill references with a minimum of 30 contacts per windmill. May be done on different dates. 2. Contacting Windmills. Contact at least 30 different valid windmill references. 3. SWL Windmill Operations. Submit a log of at least 30 different valid windmill references you have heard. AAMMAATTEEUURR RRAADDIIOO AAWWAARRDD’’’SS DDIIRREECCTTOORRYY BELGIUM COPYED BY : YB1PR – FAISAL Page 3 . Belgian Lighthouse & Lightship Award This award is issued by the OSA – Antwerp division of the UBA for contacts with Belgian lighthouses and OSA members after June 1st 2005. SWL OK. You must earn 100 points to achieve the award. Points value Points QSO with lightship Westhinder I, II or III 20 QSO with any other belgian lighthouse or lightship 10 QSO with a ON4OSA, the OSA clubstation 10 QSO with a member of OSA 2 Activation of any belgian lighthouse or lightship (min. 50 contacts required) 25 For QSOs made in FM mode, only half of the points are attributed. No band or mode restrictions, but repeater contacts are not valid. A list of Belgian lighthouses & ships can be found at A list of clubmembers can also be found at http://osa.uba.be GCR list + fee of 6 Euro (7 Euro for stations outside Europe) to: Alfons Wittoeck (ON4AWT), Curiestraat 2, B-2660 Antwerpen, Belgium. BELGIAN POST CODE AWARD The UBA Post Code Award is available for contacting Belgian stations in towns and villages each having a different post code. SWL OK. No date limits. All bands and modes, however no use of packet or repeaters. Each post code should be contacted only ONCE, regardless of bands or modes used. The postal code is a 4 digit number shown immediately before the city or town. Your score is the SUM of all different Belgian post codes confirmed by QSL cards. The basic award requires 500,000 points. 1st endorsement sticker requires 750,000 points with 8 different provinces a second endorsement sticker requires 1,000,000 points with 9 different provinces. A trophy is available for a score of 1,500,000 points with all 10 provinces. A special Excel worksheet has been created to facilitate application and score calculation. Applicants are encouraged to use this worksheet when applying for the award. This file on diskette may be accepted as application form. The file can be downloaded from the UBA Award Mailing list webpage at the "files" section. Anyone not wishing to use this file may send his/her application in form of a GCR list. Besides the usual QSL data, this list must contain the post code of each contacted station. Every GCR list should be sorted by ascending post codes. The award fee is 5€. Endorsements are free if applied for at the same time as the initial award application. If not, a SAE + 1€ should be provided. The cost of the trophy is 30€. Apply to the UBA Award Manager: Egbert Hertsen - ON4CAS, Postbus 85, Mechelen 2, B-2800 Mechelen, Belgium. HONOR ROLL In order to promote activity towards this award, the UBA has created a Honor Roll. The HR is open to all licensed HAMs and SWLs worldwide. Closing date for the HR is December 31st. each year. The Belgian UBA member with the highest score will receive a free plaque. The foreign station with the highest score will receive a free certificate, if he/she is a member of his/her national IARU society. Anyone who applied for the award, one of the endorsement stickers or trophy will automatically be included in the HR listing of the year of his/her application. For inclusion in the HR following the year following one's initial application, it is necessary for the applicant to submit his/her new score using the Excel file or a GCR list as explained in the award rules. Applications for HR inclusion must be mailed before December 31st of each year. Anyone who has not been able to increase his/her score during the following years but who would like to be included in that year's HR listing, should inform the award manager. The HR will be published on the award web page and in the UBA's magazine CQ/QSO. Every participant should be prepared to submit any of the listed QSL cards to the award manager upon simple request. Failing to do so may result is disqualification. Participation in the HR is free of charge.
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