Green and black poison dart frog Supplement - 2016 Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust Paignton Zoo Environmental Park, Living Coasts & Newquay Zoo Supplement - 2016 Index Summary Accounts 4 Figures At a Glance 6 Paignton Zoo Inventory 7 Living Coasts Inventory 21 Newquay Zoo Inventory 25 Scientific Research Projects, Publications and Presentations 35 Awards and Achievements 43 Our Zoo in Numbers 45 Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust Paignton Zoo Environmental Park, Living Coasts & Newquay Zoo Bornean orang utan Paignton Zoo Inventory Pileated gibbon Paignton Zoo Inventory 1st January 2016 - 31st December 2016 Identification IUCN Status Arrivals Births Did not Other Departures Status Identification IUCN Status Arrivals Births Did not Other Departures Status Status 1/1/16 survive deaths 31/12/16 Status 1/1/16 survive deaths 31/12/16 >30 days >30 days after birth after birth MFU MFU MAMMALIA Callimiconidae Goeldi’s monkey Callimico goeldii VU 5 2 1 2 MONOTREMATA Tachyglossidae Callitrichidae Short-beaked echidna Tachyglossus aculeatus LC 1 1 Pygmy marmoset Callithrix pygmaea LC 5 4 1 DIPROTODONTIA Golden lion tamarin Leontopithecus rosalia EN 3 1 1 1 1 Macropodidae Pied tamarin Saguinus bicolor CR 7 3 3 3 4 Western grey Macropus fuliginosus LC 9 2 1 3 3 Cotton-topped Saguinus oedipus CR 3 3 kangaroo ocydromus tamarin AFROSORICIDA Emperor tamarin Saguinus imperator LC 3 2 1 subgrisescens Tenrecidae Cebidae Lesser hedgehog Echinops telfairi LC 8 4 4 tenrec Squirrel monkey Saimiri sciureus LC 5 5 Giant (tail-less) Tenrec ecaudatus LC 2 2 1 1 White-faced saki Pithecia pithecia LC 4 1 1 2 tenrec monkey CHIROPTERA Black howler monkey Alouatta caraya NT 2 2 1 1 2 Pteropodidae Brown spider monkey Ateles hybridus CR 4 1 3 Rodrigues fruit bat Pteropus rodricensis CR 10 3 7 Brown spider monkey Ateles spp. 1 1 (hybrid) SCANDENTIA Cercopithecidae Tupaiidae Allen’s swamp Allenopithecus VU 2 2 Northern tree-shrew Tupaia belangeri LC 2 1 1 monkey nigroviridis PRIMATES Cherry-crowned Cercocebus t. EN 4 1 2 1 mangabey torquatus Lemuridae Diana monkey Cercopithecus diana EN 2 1 1 2 Ring-tailed lemur Lemur catta EN 3 6 9 Red ruffed lemur Varecia rubra CR 2 1 1 Sulawesi crested Macaca nigra CR 11 1 1 1 8 2 macaque Red-fronted lemur Eulemur rufus VU 2 1 1 Mandrill Mandrillus sphinx EN 9 1 2 6 Lorisidae Hamadryas baboon Papio hamadryas LC 51 11 2 2 29 28 1 Pygmy slow loris Nycticebus pygmaeus EN 6 6 1 4 3 King colobus monkey Colobus p. polykomos CR 5 1 3 3 8 Paignton Zoo Inventory 1st January 2016 - 31st December 2016 Identification IUCN Status Arrivals Births Did not Other Departures Status Identification IUCN Status Arrivals Births Did not Other Departures Status Status 1/1/16 survive deaths 31/12/16 Status 1/1/16 survive deaths 31/12/16 >30 days >30 days after birth after birth MFU MFU Hylobatidae Gliridae Lar gibbon Hylobates lar lar EN 3 2 1 Hazel dormouse Muscardinus LC 14 15 1 19 5 4 avellanarius Grey gibbon Hylobates muelleri EN 1 1 1 abboti Hystrichidae Pileated gibbon Hylobates pileatus EN 2 1 2 1 Cape crested Hystrix africaeaustralis LC 1 1 porcupine Pongidae Caviidae Western lowland Gorilla gorilla gorilla CR 4 4 gorilla Guinea pig Cavia porcellus 3 6 2 7 (domestic) Bornean orang utan Pongo pygmaeus EN 5 5 Hydrochoeridae XENARTHRA Capybara Hydrochoerus LC 2 2 Bradypodidae hydrochaeris Two-toed sloth Choloepus didactylus LC 2 2 Dasyproctidae LAGOMORPHA Azara’s agouti Dasyprocta azarae DD 2 1 1 Leporidae European rabbit Oryctolagus NT 7 2 5 CARNIVORA cuniculus Canidae RODENTIA Maned wolf Chrysocyon NT 2 1 1 1 1 Sciuridae brachyurus Black-tailed prairie Cynomys LC 1 1 Procyonidae marmot ludovicianus Red panda Ailurus fulgens EN 2 1 1 Muridae fulgens Egyptian spiny mouse Acomys cahirinus LC 5 2 3 Ring-tailed coati Nasua nasua LC 4 4 Golden hamster Mesocricetus auratus VU 1 1 Viverridae Oldfield (beach) Peromyscus polionotus LC 8 6 Slender-tailed Suricata suricatta LC 7 8 6 6 3 mouse meerkat Striped hair-footed Phodopus sungorus LC 2 2 Cusimanse Crossarchus LC 4 1 3 hamster obscurus Norway rat Rattus norvegicus LC 2 2 9 Paignton Zoo Inventory 1st January 2016 - 31st December 2016 Identification IUCN Status Arrivals Births Did not Other Departures Status Identification IUCN Status Arrivals Births Did not Other Departures Status Status 1/1/16 survive deaths 31/12/16 Status 1/1/16 survive deaths 31/12/16 >30 days >30 days after birth after birth MFU MFU Felidae Giraffidae Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus VU 3 1 2 Baringo giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis EN 6 1 1 1 5 jubatus rothschildii Asiatic lion Panthera leo persica EN 3 2 2 3 Cervidae Chilean pudu Pudu puda VU 1 1 1 3 Sumatran tiger Panthera tigris CR 2 3 2 2 1 sumatrae Bovidae PROBOSCIDEA Lowland anoa Bubalus depressicornis EN 1 1 Elephantidae Eastern bongo Tragelaphus CR 5 1 4 African elephant Loxodonta africana VU 1 1 eurycerus isaaci PERISSODACTYLA West caucasian tur Capra caucasica EN 4 3 1 3 3 Equidae Barbary sheep Ammotragus lervia VU 2 1 1 Hartmann’s Equus zebra VU 3 1 2 Mishmi takin Budorcas taxicolor VU 2 2 mountain zebra hartmannae taxicolor Tapiridae Domestic goat Capra hircus 6 2 4 Brazilian tapir Tapirus terrestris VU 2 1 1 Soay sheep Ovis aries 9 1 1 7 Ouessant sheep 8 6 2 Rhinocerotidae Ovis aries ouessant Black rhino Diceros bicornis CR 2 1 1 Kafue Flats lechwe Kobus leche kafuensis VU 8 4 1 1 2 6 michaeli Totals 332 38 40 13 54 36 153 148 4 ARTIODACTYLA Suidae Specimens in collection 1/1/16 = 332 31/12/16 = 305 Red river hog Potamochoerus porcus LC 4 4 Species in collection 1/1/15 = 69 31/12/15 = 62 pictus Domestic pig Sus scrofa scrofa 2 2 Tayassuidae Note: Brown spider monkey (hybrid female) not counted as a separate species. Collared peccary Pecari tajacu LC 6 6 Domestic sheep breeds counted as one species. Camelidae Bactrian camel Camelus bactrianus CR 2 2 Tragulidae Lesser mousedeer Tragulus javanicus DD 1 1 1 1 10 Paignton Zoo Inventory 1st January 2016 - 31st December 2016 Identification IUCN Status Arrivals Births Did not Other Departures Status Identification IUCN Status Arrivals Births Did not Other Departures Status Status 1/1/16 survive deaths 31/12/16 Status 1/1/16 survive deaths 31/12/16 >30 days >30 days after birth after birth MFU MFU AVES Threskiornithidae Sacred ibis Threskiornis LC 15 2 1 1 11 STRUTHIONIFORMES aethiopicus Struthionidae Scarlet ibis Eudocimus ruber LC 3 2 1 Ostrich Struthio camelus LC 1 1 Ardeidae Red-necked ostrich Struthio camelus LC 2 1 1 camelus Little egret LC 10 4 4 6 4 Rheidae Pelecanidae Darwin’s rhea Rhea pennata LC 3 1 2 Dalmatian pelican VU 9 2 2 5 pennata PHOENICOPTERIFORMES Greater rhea Rhea americana NT 6 2 2 2 Phoenicopteridae Casuariidae Chilean flamingo Phoenicopterus NT 52 1 16 18 17 Southern cassowary Casuarius c.casuarius VU 3 3 chilensis Emu Dromaius LC 1 1 ANSERIFORMES novaehollandiae Anhimidae Apterygidae Southern screamer Chauna torquata LC 7 2 3 2 2 2 Brown Kiwi Apteryx mantelli EN 1 1 Anseranatidae Tinamidae Magpie goose Anseranas LC 1 1 Elegant crested Eudromia elegans LC 6 16 8 4 1 9 semipalmata tinamou Anatidae CICONIIFORMES White-faced tree Dendrocygna viduata LC 21 13 7 2 2 23 Ciconiidae duck Marabou Leptoptilos LC 4 2 1 1 Black-necked swan Cygnus LC 4 3 2 1 2 2 crumenifer melanocoryphus Lesser adjutant VU 3 1 2 Greylag goose Anser anser LC 12 1 11 Oriental white stork EN 1 1 Ciconia boyciana Lesser white- Anser erythropus VU 1 1 PELECANIFORMES fronted goose Scopidae Emperor goose Chen canagicus NT 1 1 Hamerkop Scopus umbretta LC 2 1 1 2 Bar-headed goose Anser indicus LC 8 8 11 Paignton Zoo Inventory 1st January 2016 - 31st December 2016 Identification IUCN Status Arrivals Births Did not Other Departures Status Identification IUCN Status Arrivals Births Did not Other Departures Status Status 1/1/16 survive deaths 31/12/16 Status 1/1/16 survive deaths 31/12/16 >30 days >30 days after birth after birth MFU MFU Hawaiian goose Branta sandvicensis VU 4 2 2 2 2 Numidiae Red-breasted goose Branta ruficollis EN 4 1 2 1 Helemeted Numida meleagris LC 18 13 4 27 guineafowl Orinoco goose Neochen jubata NT 1 1 Ruddy shelduck Tadorna ferruginea LC 2 2 Phasianidae 4 3 Common shelduck Tadorna tadorna LC 22 2 9 7 4 Crested partridge Rollulus roulroul NT 10 3 4 1 Marbled teal Marmaronetta VU 4 3 1 Green peafowl Pavo muticus EN 1 angustirostris Brown-eared Crossoptilon VU 2 1 1 White-cheeked Anas bahamensis LC 20 10 8 2 3 17 pheasant mantchuricum pintail Lady Amherst’s Chrysolophus LC 6 3 3 Bernier’s teal Anas bernieri EN 5 2 3 2 2 pheasant amherstiae 2 3 Ringed teal Callonetta LC 12 2 9 5 Golden pheasant Chrysolophus pictus LC 5 leucophrys Palawan peacock Polyplectron VU 4 1 3 2 Freckled duck Stictonetta naevosa LC 4 3 1 pheasant napoleonis 3 2 Baer’s pochard Aythya baeri CR 11 2 5 4 Great argus Argusianus a.argus NT 4 1 Edwards’s pheasant Lophura edwardsi CR 4 2 1 2 2 1 White-eyed duck Aythya nyroca NT 2 1 1 Black turkey Meleagris gallopavo LC 1 1 Red-crested Netta rufina LC 14 4 4 10 4 Chicken (domestic) Gallus gallus 22 7 3 26 pochard domestic Mandarin duck Aix galericulata LC 36 25 7 54 GRUIFORMES Wood duck Aix sponsa LC 13 6 7 Gruidae Old world comb Sarkidiornis m.
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