APPENDIX H NRHP-listed Architectural Historic Properties and Districts in the Plan Area June 2014 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement This appendix lists the architectural historic properties and districts in the Plan area that are National Historic Landmarks or are listed in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The list is based on data from the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP 2014). The Figure ID numbers in Table H-1 correspond to those ID numbers on Figure H-1 through Figure H-3 while the Figure ID numbers in Table H-2 correspond to those ID numbers on Figure H-4 and Figure H-5. DAHP also maintains records of previously recorded archaeological sites and traditional cultural properties. However, site-specific information about these properties is exempt from public disclosure under state law (RCW 42.56.300) to prevent looting and vandalism. Table H-1. NRHP-listed architectural historic properties in the Plan area Figure ID DAHP ID Property name Historic Designation 1 KI00231 12th Avenue South Bridge NRHP 2 KI00599 1411 Fourth Avenue Building NRHP 3 KI00259 14th Avenue South Bridge NRHP 4 KI01140 1600 East John Street Apartments NRHP 5 KI00773 A. L. Palmer Building NRHP 6 PI00599 Adjutant General's Residence NRHP 7 KI01127 Admiral's House, 13th Naval District NRHP 8 KI00632 Agen Warehouse NRHP 9 KI00243 Alaska Trade Building NRHP 10 PI00696 Albers Brothers Mill NRHP 11 PI00638 Alderton School NRHP 12 PI00705 Annobee Apartments NRHP 13 KI00226 Arboretum Sewer Trestle NRHP 14 KI00121 Arctic Building NRHP 15 KI00674 Arthur Foss (tugboat) National Historic Landmark 16 KI00104 Assay Office NRHP 17 KI00256 Auburn Carnegie Library NRHP 18 KI00224 Aurora Avenue Bridge NRHP 19 PI00761 Balfour Dock Building NRHP 20 KI00261 Ballard Bridge NRHP 21 KI00184 Ballard-Howe House NRHP 22 KI00556 Ballinger, Richard A., House NRHP 23 KI01166 Barksdale, Julian and Marajane, House NRHP 24 KI00092 Barnes Building NRHP 25 SN00348 Bates--Tanner Farm NRHP 26 KI01121 Bay View Brewery NRHP 27 KI00095 Bell Apartments NRHP 28 PI00775 Beutel, Conrad F. and Annie K., House NRHP 29 KI00600 Blomeen, Oscar, House NRHP 30 PI00982 Blue Mouse Theatre NRHP 31 PI00199 Boatman-Ainsworth House NRHP Appendix H NRHP- listed Architectural Historic Properties and Districts | H-1 Regional Transit Long-Range Plan Update Table H-1. NRHP-listed architectural historic properties in the Plan area (continued) Figure ID DAHP ID Property name Historic Designation 32 KI00588 Boeing, William E., House NRHP 33 KI00603 Bothell Pioneer Cemetery NRHP 34 PI00205 Bowes Building NRHP 35 KI00585 Bowles, Jesse C., House NRHP 36 KI00618 Brandes, Ray, House NRHP 37 PI00594 Browns Point Lighthouse and Keeper's Cottage NRHP 38 PI00612 Building at 1602 South G Street NRHP 39 PI00615 Building at 712--716 Sixth Avenue NRHP 40 KI00139 Building No. 105, Boeing Airplane Company NRHP 41 SN00352 Butler--Jackson House NRHP 42 KI00246 Butterworth Building NRHP 43 PI00174 Cabin No. 97 NRHP 44 KI01137 Calhoun Hotel NRHP 45 KI00638 Camlin Hotel NRHP 46 PI00159 Camp Six NRHP 47 PI01320 Central Elementary School NRHP 48 KI00647 Chase, Dr. Reuben, House NRHP 49 KI00185 Chelsea Family Hotel NRHP 50 KI01141 Chiarelli, James and Pat, House NRHP 51 KI00583 Chinese Baptist Church NRHP 52 PI00605 Christ Episcopal Church NRHP 53 KI00573 Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Priory, and School NRHP 54 PI00654 City Waterway Bridge NRHP 55 KI00191 Clise, James W., House NRHP 56 KI00575 Cobb Building NRHP 57 KI00091 Coliseum Theater NRHP 58 KI01128 Colman Automotive Building NRHP 59 KI00248 Colman Building NRHP 60 KI00087 Colonial Hotel NRHP 61 SN00345 Commerce Building NRHP 62 KI00679 Cooper, Frank B., Elementary School NRHP 63 KI00166 Cornish School NRHP 64 KI00260 Cowen Park Bridge NRHP 65 PI01271 Curran, Charles and Mary Louise, House NRHP 66 PI00632 Custer School NRHP 67 KI00183 De La Mar Apartments NRHP 68 KI00636 Dearborn, Henry H., House NRHP 69 PI00603 Devoe, Emma Smith, House NRHP 70 PI00623 Dieringer School NRHP 71 KI01164 Dose, Charles P. and Ida, House NRHP H-2 | June 2014 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Table H-1. NRHP-listed architectural historic properties in the Plan area (continued) Figure ID DAHP ID Property name Historic Designation 72 KI00187 Dr. Trueblood House NRHP 73 PI00168 Drum, Henry, House NRHP 74 KI00621 Dunn Gardens NRHP 75 KI00675 Duwamish (fireboat) National Historic Landmark 76 KI00080 Eagles Auditorium Building NRHP 77 PI00663 East 34th Street Bridge NRHP 78 KI00173 Eddy, James G., House and Grounds NRHP 79 SN00104 Edmonds Carnegie Library NRHP 80 KI00643 El Rio Apartment Hotel NRHP 81 PI00643 Engine House No. 11 NRHP 82 PI00644 Engine House No. 13 NRHP 83 PI00586 Engine House No. 4 NRHP 84 PI00645 Engine House No. 8 NRHP 85 PI00167 Engine House No. 9 NRHP 86 SN00114 Equator (Schooner) NRHP 87 SN00133 Everett Carnegie Library NRHP 88 SN00344 Everett City Hall NRHP 89 SN00342 Everett Fire Station No. 2 NRHP 90 SN00351 Everett High School NRHP 91 KI00614 Faust-Ryan House NRHP 92 KI00672 Federal Office Building NRHP 93 KI01062 Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Seattle Branch NRHP 94 KI00161 Ferry, Pierre P., House NRHP 95 PI00646 Fire Alarm Station NRHP 96 PI00647 Fire Station No. 1 NRHP 97 PI00648 Fire Station No. 10 NRHP 98 PI00649 Fire Station No. 14 NRHP 99 PI00650 Fire Station No. 15 NRHP 100 KI00177 Fire Station No. 18 NRHP 101 PI00651 Fire Station No. 2 NRHP 102 KI00554 Fire Station No. 23 NRHP 103 KI00101 Fire Station No. 25 NRHP 104 KI00105 Fire Station No. 3 NRHP 105 PI00652 Fire Station No. 5 NRHP 106 PI00254 Fireboat No. 1 National Historic Landmark 107 PI00653 Fireboat Station NRHP 108 KI00991 First Methodist Episcopal Church NRHP 109 KI00613 First Methodist Protestant Church of Seattle NRHP 110 SN00343 Floral Hall NRHP 111 KI01165 Ford Motor Company Assembly Plant NRHP Appendix H NRHP-listed Architectural Historic Properties and Districts | H-3 Regional Transit Long-Range Plan Update Table H-1. NRHP-listed architectural historic properties in the Plan area (continued) Figure ID DAHP ID Property name Historic Designation 112 PI00224 Fort Nisqually Granary and Factor's House National Historic Landmark 113 KI01120 Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist NRHP 114 KI00227 Fremont Bridge NRHP 115 KI00611 Fremont Building NRHP 116 KI00112 Galland, Caroline Kline, House NRHP 117 KI00088 Globe Building, Beebe Building, and Hotel Cecil NRHP 118 KI00592 Graham, J. S., Store NRHP 119 KI00089 Grand Pacific Hotel NRHP 120 KI00579 Guiry and Schillestad Building NRHP 121 PI00572 Haddaway Hall NRHP 122 SN00337 Hartley, Roland, House NRHP 123 KI00833 Hawthorne Square Apartments NRHP 124 KI00165 Hill, Samuel, House NRHP 125 KI00238 Hoge Building NRHP 126 KI00213 Hollywood Farm NRHP 127 KI00094 Holyoke Building NRHP 128 KI00148 Home of the Good Shepherd NRHP 129 PI00614 House at 1510 Tacoma Avenue South NRHP 130 PI00613 House at 1610 South G Street NRHP 131 PI00611 House at 2314 South Ainsworth Avenue NRHP 132 PI00608 House at 2326 South L Street NRHP 133 PI00610 House at 605 South G Street NRHP 134 PI00616 House at 708 - 710 South 8th Street NRHP 135 PI00617 House at 802 - 804 South G Street NRHP 136 KI00073 Hull Building NRHP 137 KI00164 Hyde, Samuel, House NRHP 138 KI00084 Immanuel Lutheran Church NRHP 139 KI00079 Interlake Public School NRHP 140 KI00241 Iron Pergola National Historic Landmark 141 KI00595 Issaquah Depot NRHP 142 KI01018 John B. Allen School NRHP 143 KI00186 Jones, William A., House NRHP 144 KI00695 Jovita Land Company Model Home–Corbett House NRHP 145 PI00155 Keach, Philip, House NRHP 146 SN00121 Keeler's Korner NRHP 147 KI00720 Keewaydin Clubhouse NRHP 148 KI00244 King Street Station NRHP 149 KI00619 Kirk, Lilly, House NRHP 150 KI00195 Kirk, Peter, Building NRHP 151 KI00572 Kirkland Woman's Club NRHP H-4 | June 2014 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Table H-1. NRHP-listed architectural historic properties in the Plan area (continued) Figure ID DAHP ID Property name Historic Designation 152 SN00132 Knights of Columbus Community Center and War Memorial Building NRHP 153 KI00134 Kraus, Joseph, House NRHP 154 KI00586 Lakeview School NRHP 155 KI00617 Leamington Hotel and Apartments NRHP 156 KI00160 Leary, Eliza Ferry, House NRHP 157 KI01032 Liggett Building NRHP 158 PI00787 Lord-Heuston House NRHP 159 PI00219 Lotz, J. H., House NRHP 160 PI00735 Lynn, C.O., Co. Funeral Home NRHP 161 KI00625 Lyon Building NRHP 162 PI00742 M. V. Kalakala (ferry) NRHP 163 KI00754 M. V. Westward (wooden motor vessel) NRHP 164 PI00788 Manley-Thompson Ford Agency NRHP 165 KI00590 Marsh, Louis S., House NRHP 166 KI00189 Masonic Hall–Kirkland NRHP 167 PI00602 Masonic Temple–Tacoma NRHP 168 SN00130 McCabe Building NRHP 169 PI00609 McIlvaine Apartments NRHP 170 PI00660 McMillin Bridge NRHP 171 PI00633 McMillin School NRHP 172 KI00735 Medical Dental Building NRHP 173 PI00099 Meeker, Ezra, Mansion NRHP 174 KI00167 Merrill, R.D., House NRHP 175 SN00117 Monte Cristo Hotel NRHP 176 KI00228 Montlake Bridge NRHP 177 KI00093 Moore Theatre and Hotel NRHP 178 KI00230 Mount Baker Ridge Tunnel NRHP 179 SN00123 Mukilteo Light Station NRHP 180 PI00588 Murray, Frederick H., House NRHP 181 PI00750 National Bank of Tacoma NRHP 182 KI00086 National Building NRHP 183 KI00155 Naval Military Hangar--University of Washington Shell House NRHP 184 KI01104 Naval Reserve Armory NRHP 185 KI01027 New Richmond Hotel NRHP 186 KI00591 New Washington Hotel NRHP 187 KI00118 Nihon Go Gakko NRHP 188 KI00120 Nippon Kan NRHP 189 PI00693 Nisqually
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