APPENDIX I ROSTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS (As of 31 December 1957) TOTAL AREA ESTIMATED POPULATION (IN THOUSANDS) DATE OF U.N. (Square kilometres) Date Total MEMBERSHIP Afghanistan 650,000 1 July 1956 12,000 19 Nov. 1946 Albania 28,748 30 June 1956 1,421 14 Dec. 1955 Argentina 2,778,412 1 July 1957 19,858 24 Oct. 1945 Australia 7,704,159 31 Dec. 1956 9,533 1 Nov. 1945 Austria 83,849 31 Dec. 1956 6,985 14 Dec. 1955 Belgium 30,507 31 Dec. 1956 8,951 27 Dec. 1945 Bolivia 1,098,581 5 Sep. 1957 3,273 14 Nov. 1945 Brazil 8,513,844 31 Dec. 1957 61,993 24 Oct. 1945 Bulgaria 111,493 1 Dec. 1956 7,601 14 Dec. 1955 Burma 677,950 1 July 1957 20,054 19 Apr. 1948 Byelorussian SSR 207,600 1 Apr. 1956 8,000 24 Oct. 1945 Cambodia 175,000 1 July 1955 4,358 14 Dec. 1955 Canada 9,974,375 1 Sep. 1957 16,745 9 Nov. 1945 Ceylon 65,610 1 July 1956 8,929 14 Dec. 1955 Chile 741,767 30 Apr. 1957 7,093 24 Oct. 1945 China 9,796,973 31 Dec. 1956 637,1901 24 Oct. 1945 Colombia 1,138,355 5 July 1957 13,227 5 Nov. 1945 Costa Rica 50,900 31 Dec. 1957 1,055 2 Nov. 1945 Cuba 114,524 1 July 1957 6,410 24 Oct. 1945 Czechoslovakia 127,859 1 July 1957 13,353 24 Oct. 1945 Denmark 43,042 31 Dec. 1956 4,479 24 Oct. 1945 Dominican Republic 48,734 1 July 1957 2,698 24 Oct. 1945 Ecuador 270,670 30 June 1957 3,890 21 Dec. 1945 Egypt 1,000,000 1 July 1957 23,884 24 Oct. 1945 El Salvador 20,000 1 July 1957 2,348 24 Oct. 1945 Ethiopia 1,184,320 1956 20,000 13 Nov. 1945 Finland 337,009 31 Oct. 1957 4,347 14 Dec. 1955 France 551,208 1 July 1957 44,000 24 Oct. 1945 Ghana 237,873 1 July 1957 4,763 8 Mar. 1957 Greece 132,562 31 Dec. 1956 8,062 25 Oct. 1945 Guatemala 108,889 31 Dec. 1956 3,400 21 Nov. 1945 Haiti 27,750 1 July 1957 3,384 24 Oct. 1945 Honduras 112,088 1 July 1956 1,711 17 Dec. 1945 Hungary 93,030 30 Sep. 1957 9,831 14 Dec. 1955 Iceland 103,000 1 July 1957 164 19 Nov. 1946 India 3,288,876 1 July 1957 392,440 30 Oct. 1945 Indonesia 1,491,562 1 July 1957 85,500 28 Sep. 1950 Iran 1,630,000 1-15 Nov. 1957 18,945 24 Oct. 1945 Iraq 444,442 12 Oct.-15 Dec. 1957 6,538 21 Dec. 1945 Ireland 70,283 1 July 1957 2,885 14 Dec. 1955 Israel 20,700 1 July 1957 1,924 11 May 1949 Italy 301,226 1 July 1957 48,353 14 Dec. 1955 1 Based on information contained in the United Nations Demographic Yearbook, 1957. ROSTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS 505 TOTAL AREA ESTIMATED POPULATION ( IN THOUSANDS) DATE OF U.N. MEMBER (Square kilometres) Date Total MEMBERSHIP Japan 369,766 1 July 1957 90,900 18 Dec. 1956 Jordan 96,610 31 Dec. 1956 1,500 14 Dec. 1955 Laos 237,000 6 June 1956 1,450 14 Dec. 1955 Lebanon 10,400 1 July 1957 1,525 24 Oct. 1945 Liberia 111,370 1 July 1956 1,250 2 Nov. 1945 Libya 1,759,540 1 July 1956 1,118 14 Dec. 1955 Luxembourg 2,586 31 Dec. 1956 314 24 Oct. 1945 Malaya, Federation of 131,287 17 June 1957 6,277 17 Sep. 1957 Mexico 1,969,269 1 July 1957 31,426 7 Nov. 1945 Morocco 410,805 1 July 1956 9,823 12 Nov. 1956 Nepal 140,753 15 July 1952-15 July 1954 8,432 14 Dec. 1955 Netherlands 40,893 31 Oct. 1957 11,058 10 Dec. 1945 New Zealand 267,995 30 Sep. 1957 2,244 24 Oct. 1945 Nicaragua 148,000 1 July 1957 1,331 24 Oct. 1945 Norway 323,917 1 Jan. 1957 3,478 27 Nov. 1945 Pakistan 944,824 1 July 1957 84,777 30 Sep. 1947 Panama 74,470 1 July 1957 960 13 Nov. 1945 Paraguay 406,752 1 July 1957 1,638 24 Oct. 1945 Peru 1,249,049 1 July 1957 9,923 31 Oct. 1945 Philippines 299,404 1 July 1957 22,690 24 Oct. 1945 Poland 311,730 31 Mar. 1957 28,180 24 Oct. 1945 Portugal 92,200 1 Dec. 1957 8,939 14 Dec. 1955 Romania 327,500 31 Dec. 1956 17,708 14 Dec. 1955 Saudi Arabia 1,600,000 1 Jan. 1956 6,036 24 Oct. 1945 Spain 503,486 1 July 1957 29,431 14 Dec. 1955 Sudan 2,505,823 17 Jan. 1956 10,226 12 Nov. 1956 Sweden 449,682 1 Jan. 1957 7,341 19 Nov. 1946 Syria 184,479 31 Dec. 1956 4,025 24 Oct. 1945 Thailand 514,000 1 July 1957 21,076 16 Dec. 1946 Tunisia 125,180 1 July 1957 3,800 12 Nov. 1956 Turkey 776,980 1 Oct. 1956 24,797 24 Oct. 1945 Ukrainian SSR 576,600 1 Apr. 1956 40,600 24 Oct. 1945 Union of South Africa 1,223,409 1 July 1957 14,167 7 Nov. 1945 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 22,403,000 1 Apr. 1956 200,200 24 Oct. 1945 United Kingdom 244,016 30 June 1956 51,208 24 Oct. 1945 United States 7,827,976 1 Nov. 1957 172,327 24 Oct. 1945 Uruguay 186,926 31 Dec. 1956 2,668 18 Dec. 1945 Venezuela 912,050 31 Dec. 1957 6,224 15 Nov. 1945 Yemen 195,000 1 July 1949 4,500 30 Sep. 1947 Yugoslavia 255,804 31 Dec. 1956 18,011 24 Oct. 1945 APPENDIX II STRUCTURE OF THE UNITED NATIONS THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY The General Assembly is composed of all the Members Vice-Chairman: Ato Gabre-Meskal Kifle-Egzy (Ethio- of the United Nations. (For delegations to the twelfth pia). regular session, see APPENDIX IV.) Rapporteur: Mihai Magheru (Romania). President, twelfth regular session: Sir Leslie Knox Munro (New Zealand). SECOND COMMITTEE Vice-Presidents, twelfth regular session: Ceylon, China, Chairman: Jiri Nosek (Czechoslovakia). France, Paraguay, Spain, Tunisia, USSR, United Vice-Chairman: Toru Hagiwara (Japan). Kingdom, United States. Spain was elected on 8 Rapporteur: J. G. Hadwen (Canada). October 1957, to serve on an ad hoc basis as the THIRD COMMITTEE ninth Vice-President for the duration of the twelfth 1 Chairman: Mrs. Aase Lionaes (Norway). regular session of the General Assembly. Vice-Chairman: Salvador Lopez (Philippines). The Assembly has four types of committees : ( 1 ) Rapporteur: Carlos Manuel Cox (Peru). Main Committees; (2) procedural committees; (3) standing committees; (4) subsidiary and ad hoc FOURTH COMMITTEE bodies. Chairman: Thanat Khoman (Thailand). Vice-Chairman: Aleksandar Bozovic (Yugoslavia). MAIN COMMITTEES Rapporteur: Mrs. Brita Skottsberg-Ahman (Sweden). Seven Main Committees have been established un- FIFTH COMMITTEE der the rules of procedure of the General Assembly, Chairman: W. H. J. Van Wyck (Netherlands). as follows: Vice-Chairman: Ahmed M. el-Messir (Egypt). Political and Security Committee (including the Rapporteur: Jaime de Finies (Spain). regulation of armaments) (First Committee) Special Political Committee SIXTH COMMITTEE Economic and Financial Committee (Second Com- Chairman: Santiago Pérez Pérez (Venezuela). mittee) Vice-Chairman: Assen Georgiev (Bulgaria). Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (Third Rapporteur: Abdul Hakim Tabibi (Afghanistan). Committee) Trusteeship Committee (including Non-Self-Govern- PROCEDURAL COMMITTEES ing Territories) (Fourth Committee) There are two procedural committees: the General Administrative and Budgetary Committee (Fifth Com- Committee and the Credentials Committee. mittee) Legal Committee (Sixth Committee) GENERAL COMMITTEE In addition to these seven Main Committees, the The General Committee at the Assembly's twelfth General Assembly may constitute other committees, session consisted of the President of the Assembly, on which all Members have the right to be re- the nine Vice-Presidents (Ceylon, China, France, presented. Paraguay, Spain, Tunisia, USSR, United Kingdom, At the Assembly's twelfth session the officers of the United States) and the Chairmen of the seven Main Main Committees were as follows: Committees of the Assembly. At future Assembly sessions, the membership of the FIRST COMMITTEE General Committee will be increased to 21, because of Chairman: Djalal Abdoh (Iran). Vice-Chairman: Jayme de Barros (Brazil). On 12 December 1957, at its twelfth session, the Rapporteur: Franz Matsch (Austria). General1 Assembly decided to increase the number of its Vice-Presidents at future sessions to 13. It did SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE so by resolution 1192 (XII) by which the membership Chairman: Emilio Arenales Catalan (Guatemala). of the General Committee was enlarged. STRUCTURE OF THE UNITED NATIONS 507 the decision taken on 12 December 1957 by resolu- Interim Committee of the General Assembly tion 1192(XII) to increase the number of Vice- Disarmament Commission Presidents to 13. Sub-Committee on Disarmament United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE Advisory Committee on the United Nations Emer- The Credentials Committee consists of nine Mem- gency Force bers appointed by the Assembly on the proposal of Committee on the Financing of the United Nations the President. Its members at the twelfth session Emergency Force (appointed under General Assem- consisted of Burma, Canada, Iceland, Liberia, Nica- bly resolution 1089 (XI)) ragua, Panama, USSR, United Kingdom, United United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine States. United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Pales- STANDING COMMITTEES tine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) Two standing committees have been established by UNRWA Advisory Commission Panel for Inquiry and Conciliation the General Assembly's rules of procedure: the Ad- Advisory Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic visory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Energy Questions and the Committee on Contributions.
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