Tuesday September 18 MILK PRICE CONTROVERSY SHOOTS UP OVER SA,COP DRAMATICALLY IN RUGBY 15 See stories, page 3. NBC GETS THE BOOT 'Harmless dreamer' attacks the media CHARGES of assault and malicious damage to property are expected to be laid with police following an incident at the WindhOek magistrate's court yesterday when one of the eight accused ,in a sensational treason trial kicked an expensi've television camera from the ,hands of NBC cameraperson Robert Bruwer. One of the YOtmg whites, appear­ ,eras.are valued aJ tip to R' 'lO 000. ing on charges ranging from posses­ The spokespersons aid t<.-chnicians sion of illegal weapons ane;! theft to were presently examining the cam­ treason or conspiracy against the State; era to establish the extent of the apparently losthis temper and lashed ' damage. Above and below: PUTTING ON BRAVE ~ACES. Above: One ofthe eight young men (directly ~nind out at the cameraperson, kicking the . The matter is presently in the hands his colleague in the centre) facing charges, including high treason, yesterday lost his temper and kicked camera Qnto the grotmd. of the corporation's legal advisers. , a television camera out of the hands of an NBC TV cameraperson (right, witli his hands i_D the air). He was identified as ' Coenraad In their tWo court appearances since Below: The camera goes hurtling to the ground before cameraperson Robert Bruwer appears to know Treves. their arrests, the eight have been what has happened, as the 'kicker' virtually falls to the ground from his efforts. The split-second action A spokesperson from the Namibia camera-shy to an extreme degree, was captured on film by photographer John Liebenberg. See story. Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) shielding their faces and shouting confirmed that the camera had been obscenities at journalists. damaged in the incident, and it was JUdging from the incident yester­ not Yet known whether it could be day, it 'rould appear that the men are . repaired or whether it would have to not the 'harmless dreamers' as one be !written off' . seemingly sympathetic local daily Apparently such television cam- newspaper described them recently! Case postponed Right-wingers want bail THE legal representatives for the Prosecutor-General for a decision. eight YOtmg right-wingers facing The eight men, who we;e not asked charges, including high treason and to plead yesterday, are: Coenraad the illegal possession of weapons, Treves, Thomas Henk, Josef are to apply for bail. Kleynhans and his brother Christiaan The 'arms eight' appeared briefly Kleynhans, Tobias de Klerk, Alex­ in the Windhoek magistrate's court ander Schreiner, Holm Nebe and Robin yesterday. The case was postponed Montgomery. to October 4 when the bail applica­ Strict security measures were again tion will be heard. in force when the eight men were All the accused will remain in brought to court C, which was packed custody tmtil then. In the meantime; the matter will be referred to the CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 IT IS still not certain that TransN amib sion issue. employees will return to work to­ These included demands for higher day despite having apparently told TransNaDlib strike in balance pay, transport to work, shift allow­ management yesterday they would ances and additional days off for end their three-day strike. of a longstanding dispute' over the ·back. pJoyees joined the strike and stood employees who work night shifts. The promise to return. to worl< privatisation of their pensions. What led to Friday's strike is that shoulder to shoulder with their black An agreement was reached at the was made.after managing director The pensions of TransNamib many workers who initially chose to colleagues for the first time, meeting whereby workers will h<: Francois Uys refused to meet the employees were'placed with a pri­ keep their pensions with the private There are also reports that many allowed to elect 18 representatives workers tmless they gave a written vate insurance company in Novem­ insurance company are now also white TransNamib employees are to negotiate with management. tmdertaking to end the strike. ' ber last year which led to a great deal demanding their money back. Many joining the predominantly black The repres'entatives were elected Uys eventually agreed to meet of dissatisfaction among workers. white employees who first opted to Namibian Transport and Allied Un- yest~rday and are eXpCcted to meet with the workers late yesterday After lengthy negotiations, the keep their mont;y with private insur­ ion (Natau). with personnel manager Louis afternoon to hear their grievances. corporatioo eventually agreed to refund ance companies have changed their At yesterday afternoon's meeting Conradie today for preliminary talks. The strike started last Friday when the pension money of those workers minds now. ' 'the workt;rs presented Uys with a list workers walked off the job because who decided they wanted their money In an historic move, white em- of grievances in addition to the pen- CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 , 2 : T.uesday September ,,18 ,1990 Dangerous right=winger apprehended by SA Police Audacious Piet 'Skiet' cauglit' ANC can be forced PRETOR!A: Fugitive "Boere pimpernel" Piet "Skiet" Rudolph law enforcement authorities linked was arrested in Pretoria yesterday, Law and Order Minister him to a daring arms heist from the Adriaan Vlok announced. SAAF headquarters in Pretoria about five months ago. to issue weapons Vlok said Rudolph had been ar­ person Brigadier Leon Mellet told He had been an underground resis­ rested in a motor car in which he had Sapaj1,lSt after the arrest that Rudolph tance figure ever since, frequently WORCESTER: The African National Congress would have no been travelling as a pass anger in Paul had been "very angry" to be appre­ contacting the media with statements alternative but to concede to the dt:mand of its supporters for arms Kruger Street at 1.3Opm yestei~ay. hended. while being on the run. ; if the government did not take effective action to deal with the Police impounded two .38 special He would ,not elaborate on what In a video recording he branded revolvers with 115 rounds, one 410 Rudolph had told his captors. violence in the country, ANC deputy president Nelson Mandela State President F W de Klerk as shot pistol with 32 rounds and one Special security measures had been traitor. said on Monday. '15mm "signal projector". taken for the detention of the deputy' His latest appearance, before his ' He told about 350 people at the he had said De Klerk admitted the Vlok said the car had be driven by l5!ader of the Boerestaat Party, but arrest, had been last week when he Sohnge College of Education in existence of such a force. a white male and police were inves­ Brigadier Mellet would not reveal brazenly walked into the offices'-of Worcester the ANC was fehictant to "This afternoon (Monday) I re­ tigating a charge of being an acces­ where he was being held. the Joharmesburg weekly Vrye ' provide supporters with arms ~ause ceived it phone call from Minister sory against the driver. Rudolph is expected to make a Weekblad to deliver a'letter to the it was committed to the idea of peace. Gerrit Viljoen with a message from He said an urgent investigation remand appearance in court within editor, Max du Preez. "But we will not stand by and see the Stale President in which he said I into the al1egations involving Rudolph the next 48 hour~. He was travelling. in a green sta­ our people mown down like dogs," had misunderstood him. since his disappearance, utterances "He had been very audacious re­ tion wagon at the time. 'the ANC.leader said. "We will have "In the cou.rse of our discussions and claims that had been attri buted to cently and probably thought he would Police had posted a reward of R50 to defend them and the only way in he did say there is' a force deli ber­ him during this period was being never been caught," Brigadier Mellet 000 for the arrest of the 53-year-old this situation is to accept, their de­ ately orchestrating this violence and conducted by the police. said: former policeman and Pretoria city mand for arms." He added: "This that the government is going to track Law and Order Ministry spokes- Rudolph hit the headlines when councillor. !iemand was in the same spirit of the down this force and use all means at Afrikaners' resort to arms in their , its disposal to eliminate it." fight for freedom. , "I accept he did not mean there "We are not going to keep silent was a: third force (imd that he meant) EC expels Iraq military staff unI~ss the goverrullent takes action there was a possibility that from the to stop this violence completely." contending parties in this violence it Mandi:Ia said he accepted that there may be there is a force that is being BRUSSELS: The EuropeariCoI1\ffiU­ taken in solidarity, with other EC French ambassador's residence and had been a misunderstanding between orchestrated and fuelling this vio­ nity (EC) yesterday agreed to expel members. took away four people, including the him and President F W de Klerk over lence. I accept that." Iraq military attaches from all 12 "It is absolutely right that we should military attache who was later re­ the existence of a third force operat­ However, he was amazed the gov­ member states, diplomats said. all take severe measures against Iraq leased. ing in the Transvaal violence. ernment was dragging its feet in dealing It will also restrict the number and as a result of that," Hurd told the The Iraqis also entered diplomati'c After their meeting on TIn.irsday with the vWlence.
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