LimnologicalLimnic Review water 7 (2007):pollution of selected post-sand water reservoirs of Upper Silesian Region ... 29 Limnic water pollution of selected post-sand water reservoirs of Upper Silesian Region against a background of their economical use Mariusz Rzętała University of Silesia, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Będzińska 60, 41-200 Sosnowiec [email protected] Abstract: In the Upper Silesian Region within the complex of sandy Quaternary deposits some post-exploitation water reservoirs of more than 1 hm3 in capacity have been originated. To determine the dependence between the water pollution level of selected post- exploitation lakes and the character of use of their catchments and economical function they fulfil, in the years 2002-2006 field and laboratory investigations were carried out (analysis of cartographic materials, hydrological mapping, hydrochemical investigations). e wide spectrum of changeability of pollution degree of waters in post-exploitation water reservoirs was stated – from levels considered to be natural to the state proving the significant degradation of water environment – 7.40-7.97 pH, 180.2-6040.0 µS cm-1, 1.254-5.929 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 mval HCO3 l , 6.0-945.3 mg Na l , 2.2-35.9 mg K l , 14.5-1883.0 mg Cl l , 25.5-422.0 mg SO4 l , 1.3-454.1 mg NO3 l , 0.01-2.85 mg PO4 l-1. Water from Chechło water reservoir can be regarded as the most similar to the level considered to be natural for post-sand water reservoirs. Water of Dziećkowice lake is also devoid of pollution, although it does not origin from natural catchment of the reservoir but mostly from the Carpathian tributaries of the Vistula, taking part in the reservoir supplying by means of water transfer. e pollution of waters of Dzierżno Duże reservoir, functioning under conditions of industrial anthropopression, is documented by higher values of quality indices from some up to several dozen times, and in the case of phosphates even some hundred times. e scale of anthropogenic influences on the purity state of reservoirs located in agriculturally used catchments (Pławniowice lake) and of urban-industrial character (e.g. Dzierżno Małe lake) is documented by at least several times exceeding of accepted hydrogeochemical background, with exception of phosphates stated in waters of these reservoirs in amounts higher than 100 times. e remaining water reservoirs are characterized by indirect levels of quality indices in the given absolute range of fluctuation in their values. Key words: pollution, hydrochemistry, Silesia, lake, anthropopression, land reclamation Introduction pleistocene and later period. In dependence of the way of cover deposits shaping as well as palaeogeographical Before the Pleistocene the area of presently un- location and the sequence in vertical profile, the genesis derstood Upper Silesian Region, together with the sys- of these deposits is considered to be: coluvial-deluvial, tem of valleys existing till now in the fossil form, was alluvial, proluvial, of reservoir and in the case of direct remodelled by the series of glaciations, which in this glacial material deposition by melting water of glacier region le sedimentary covers of different thickness. – fluvioglacial ones (Lewandowski 1982, Lewandowski South Polish Glaciation (similarly to preglacial) slightly and Kaziuk 1982). Post- Pleistocene relief was addition- marked in the morphology of this area considering ally remodelled during the Holocene landscape-shap- high degree of glacial cover damaging in the Masovian ing cycle, which is mostly documented by fluvial and interglacial (Lewandowski 1982). Next, Middle Polish aeolian deposits. Exactly in such lithologically sandy Glaciation, despite that in its maximum range it includ- complexes of the Quaternary deposits in the Upper ed only edges of the Silesian Upland, le in its morphol- Silesian Region in some past years several post-exploi- ogy the most important traces, because of fluvioglacial tation water reservoirs were originated of more than 1 and till material accumulated in the nearest neighbour- hm3 in capacity. ese water reservoirs occupy excava- hood, which were sedimentologically transformed tions aer sand deposits, which were mostly gained during translocation in the Eemian interglacial, Neo- for the needs of so-called stowing sand in black coal 30 Mariusz Rzętała Limnic water pollution of selected post-sand water reservoirs of Upper Silesian Region ... 31 mines. To the largest post-exploitation lakes in the re- Research aims and methods gion belong reservoirs as follows: Kuźnica Warężyńska, Dziećkowice, Dzierżno Duże, Pławniowice, Pogoria III, e aim of this study is to evaluate the state of Dzierżno Małe, Pogoria I, Chechło, Sosina (Fig. 1 and water pollution in the selected post-exploitation lakes Tab. 1). in the Upper Silesian Region in connection with the Table 1. e largest post-exploitation water reservoirs in the Upper Silesian Region. Geographical coordinates Putting into Total capacity Maximal area Name of water reservoir Longitude Latitude operation [hm3] [km2] Dzierżno Duże 50˚ 22’ 24’’ N 18˚ 33’ 25’’ E 1964 94.0 6.2 Dzierżno Małe 50˚ 23’ 16’’ N 18˚ 33’ 51’’ E 1938 12.6 1.6 Dziećkowice 50˚ 08’ 07’’ N 19˚ 14’ 07’’ E 1976 52.5 7.1 Kuźnica Warężyńska 50˚ 22’ 38’’ N 19˚ 12’ 06’’ E 2005 51.2 5.6 Pławniowice 50˚ 23’ 29’’ N 18˚ 28’ 08’’ E 1976 29.1 2.4 Pogoria III 50˚ 21’ 13’’ N 19˚ 12’ 05’’ E 1974 12.0 2.1 Pogoria I 50˚ 21’ 27’’ N 19˚ 14’ 15’’ E 1943 3.6 0.7 Chechło 50˚ 28’ 04’’ N 18˚ 54’ 49’’ E 1965 1.5 0.9 Sosina 50˚ 14’ 27’’ N 19˚ 19’ 50’’ E 1977 1.0 0.5 Fig. 1. Location of area investigated: I – more important localities, II – surface streams and canals, III – more important anthropo- genic lakes in excavations aer sand exploitation (1 – Dzierżno Duże, 2 – Dzierżno Małe, 3 – Dziećkowice, 4 – Kuźnica Warężyńska, 5 – Pławniowice, 6 – Pogoria III, 7 – Pogoria I, 8 – Chechło, 9 – Sosina). 30 Mariusz Rzętała Limnic water pollution of selected post-sand water reservoirs of Upper Silesian Region ... 31 way of reservoir use and the character of its catch- of pollution level of stable waters was the qualita- ment. e evaluation was carried out on the base of tive characteristics based on the analysis of some analyses of contemporary cartographical materials basic water properties such as: pH-reaction, salinity, and hydrological mapping. e base of evaluation eutrophication, water aggressiveness, connected with Fig. 2. Sketch of landscape sections of neighbourhood of selected anthropogenic lakes in the Upper Silesian Region: A – the Przemsza valley in the neighbourhood of Dziećkowice water reservoir, B – Dąbrowa Basin in the neighbourhood of water reservoirs Pogoria, C – the Brynica catchment in the neighbourhood of Chechło water reservoir, D – the Kłodnica valley in the neighbourhood of Dzierżno, E – the Kłodnica valley in the neighbourhood of Pławniowice, 1 – surface waters, 2 – Holocene deposits, 3 – Pleistocene deposits, 4 – Quaternary aeolian deposits, 5 – Tertiary deposits, 6 – Triassic deposits, 7 – dams, 8 – embankments, 9 – plantings and forests, 10 – water-logged meadows, 11 – dry meadows, 12 – roads and railway routs, 13 – built- up area, 14 – industrial plants and terrains, 15 – more important hydrographical objects (1 – Dziećkowice water reservoir, 2 – Pogoria III water reservoir, 3 – Pogoria II water reservoir, 4 – Pogoria I water reservoir, 5 – Chechło water reservoir, 6 – Dzierżno Duże water reservoir, 7 – Pławniowice water reservoir, 8 – Mały Zalew water reservoir, 9 – the Przemsza river, 10 – the Czarna Przemsza river, 11 – Gliwice canal, 12 – other surface streams). 32 Mariusz Rzętała Limnic water pollution of selected post-sand water reservoirs of Upper Silesian Region ... 33 corrosion possibilities of their impact. In the Upper tions and water supply for needs of navigation. Silesian Region these parameters became the essential Water reservoirs Pogoria located in the catch- determinant of investment interest in surface waters. ment of stream of the same name, are located in the e base of consideration was made by results of field eastern part of Upper Silesian Industrial Region and and laboratory investigations carried out in the years they are rather efficiently isolated before the inflow of 2002-2006. pollutants. Water reservoirs Pogoria I and Pogoria III are recreationally used. Water reservoir Pogoria I with Results and discussion two ecological lands in the littoral zone and located in the neighbourhood water reservoir Pogoria II, which Researches on evaluation of pollution of waters as the whole was considered to be ecological land are in post-exploitation lakes as an effect of their catch- important for the nature. Water reservoir Pogoria III ment management with pointing at the possibilities since the beginning of its functioning is treated as a of further water use, were carried out within the reserve water source for industrial needs of the nearby range of nine water reservoirs of the Upper Silesian metallurgical conglomerate plant. Region. Criterion of selection of investigation objects Water reservoirs Chechło and Sosina fulfil rec- was the capacity of lake bowl not smaller than 1 hm3. reation functions, what is identified with the largest For considering the research problem the essential threats of good ecological state of these lakes, and element was the regarding of catchment management small in area forestry catchments of these reservoirs and the character of use of water reservoirs since the favour retention of pure waters in their bowls. beginning of their functioning. It was assumed that e youngest from post-exploitation lakes the location of reservoir bowls in similar or approxi- investigated is water reservoir Kuźnica Warężyńska, mated lithological complex results in similar chemi- which is fed by surface and river waters from the cal composition of limnic waters and the qualitative catchment of the Czarna Przemsza. It makes an im- changes in reservoir retention follow mostly in result portant link in flood control and water economy in of anthropogenic influences, which differentiation the catchment of the Przemsza, and in the future as generates a different degree of water pollution.
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