THE ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT SECTION OF THE DAILY NEXUS The W e o f April 9 , pit; * iff ■ ■ :A ?Ji§S L rJ f ' . H |rii tM i iv ^ a 1 lu 'I i i a f l i:: 5 A »7 a ¡ w ö A New Theater Complex Offers Moviegoers a Glimpse Into The Future 2A Thursday, April 9,1992 iore [tic’s ice STA TRAVEL I FILM REVIEW We’ve Leen there! £ ROUND TRIP FROM LAX Rewriting a P A R IS 579 FRANKFURT 540 Good Book LO N D O N 439 Peter Greenaway’s Latest I TEL AVIV 900 Brings Video to the Bard Vid F ROUND THE WORLD! Iasi LAX - NEW YORK - ere is a film work­ Greenaway, along with C ATHENS - PARIS - LAX ing to recast the art Wim Wenders in U ntil the NO $1749 of the past into file End of the World, uses this V media of the to create images involving that • LOW COST ONE WATS Hfuture. video effects that are impos­ S liC : • EURAIL DISCOUNT WITH PURCHASE OF TICKET Prosperous Books is the sible to get on film. sub • LIMITED RESTRICTIONS latest endeavor of British Prospero’s Books in­ i s t i • TRAVELER INSURANCE um AVAILABLE filmmaker Peter Greena­ cludes two dozen examples way. Best known in this of the eponymous manu­ tili 120 OFFICES WORLDWIDE countiy as the creator of scripts, each animated via Isabelle Pasco (far left) and Mark Rylance (far right) enjoy a ror. \ The Cook, the Thief, His computer video graphics. THREE L A . LOCATIONS: game of chess amidst what could be termed a “primal” setting. Wife and Her Lover, he Hie pages of the books mai (3 1 0 ) 8 2 4 - 1 5 7 4 westwood village now takes one of Shakes­ come to life; they move and anyone familiar with hints at than what it exa­ John Gielgud gives a hon (2 1 3 ) 9 3 7 - 8 7 2 2 w est Hollywood peare’s plays {The Tempest) dissolve from form to form Greenaway's work. With a mines. The film is unable to characteristically amazing duc (3 1 0 ) 3 9 4 - 5 1 2 6 santa monica and creates one of the first while superimposed over background in painting and overcome the play’s empha­ performance, playing not A OR CALL LOCALLY movies to incorporate con­ film footage. architecture, he brings to sis on plot contrivance over only the role of Prospero, Vid TO DEAN TRAVEL temporary video technology Beyond the distinctive each of his films a surreal development of the charac­ but also reading the lines of 1 (805)968-5151 into a feature film. look of the video material, content observed with sci­ ter Prospero, a king de­ all the other characters. we'i With the continuing de­ the film images are among entific scrutiny. posed because of his all- Kor the STA TRAVEL velopment of High Defini- the most visually compell­ In films such as Drown­ consuming quest for Be warned that the film is tion TV technology ing in recent memory. ing by Numbers and A Zed knowledge. long, but the sheer amount T (HDTV), filmmakers are Cinematographer Saccha and Two Noughts, themes of sensual detail and visual tosi now able to create a video Viemey, a longtime colla­ of love and death are exa­ It is where Greenaway information will leave you cepl image of sufficient resolu­ borator with Greenaway, mined within a unique departs from the text that amazed at the ever-growing tion to be comparable to has created a surreal world framework that mixes artful the film becomes remark­ possibilities of cinema. the that of 35 millimeter film. of Renaissance light and drama with wry, scatologi­ able. The book illustrations, umr in ti shadow, highlighting both cal humor. the indulgent art direction, Prospero’s Books is be­ the opulent sets and the Prospero’s Books only and the framing device of bea ing shown tonight at 8p.m. his \ abundant naked bodies of goes awry when Greenaway Prospero writing the play as in Campbell Hall Call ethereal fairies and base subordinates his own aes­ it is performed in the film all 893-3535 for more demons. thetic for that of Shakes­ add new levels to an information. This aesthetic should peare’s. The Tempest is otherwise-lightweight work WANTED come as little surprise to more interesting in what it of Shakespeare. —Alex Maclnnis E HOMECOMING 1993 ta STAGE REVIEW Bre Spii MC STUDENT CHAIR Love’s Cast Rises Above Basic T SOU “Love’s Labor’s Lost,” billed by director Homer Swan- most solid casts of Swander’s recent productions. Though Bec der as one of Shakespeare’s “bawdiest” plays, certainly there are occasionally awkward moments, the cast delivers Î Mie lives up to its name. with the momentum and rhythm of the ablest professional mal Unfortunately, it is this not-60-subtie practice in sexual company. Joe Jordan, as the ridiculous Don Adriano de Ar- wh< innuendo that, despite a round of solid performances, be­ mado, is absolutely hilarious, from his pompous costume albi comes the production’s greatest fault (wonderfully designed by Heather Piccotto and Taeyon F REWARD A presentation of the student-run American Shakes­ Kim) to his frilly French accent Similarly, Andrew Weiner, Tap One of your best experiences at UCSB peare Company, “Love’s Labor’s Lost” is the story of four as Costard the Clown, maximizes the humor of the play, bad young lords who take a vow to forgo women and glutton­ and, along with the rest of the company, acts out a li ous pleasures for three years in favor of diligent study. superbly-blocked production. not Plan festivities January 18-23, '93, culminating Upon meeting the princess of France and her entourage of Hie production does have something to say about the re­ tou with the UCSB vs. UCI Saturday baskeball beautiful ladies, the four break their promises and attempt lations between men and women. Ending on a dry note, tiie the to woo the women. The ladies, in return, set up a series of play registers the distinction between love and lust be­ game tricks to ridicule the lords’ lust, and typical Shakespearean tween true emotion and sexual frivolity. Though its body is Description: tomfoolery ensues. characterized by the quick gratification of the sexual, its Applicant should have enthusiasm, school spirit, creativity, The play is very funny, and includes some of Shakes- conclusion leaves the four couples striving for something strong organizational skills and the desire to work hard lean’s wittiest wordplay. But, at over three hours in more lasting, and much more difficult to attain. For those Spc Lu ì and have fun. Oversee homecoming committee and iength, tire base level of humor, which overwhelmingly re­ looking for a contemporary relevancy to Shakespeare’s volves around phallic references, becomes wearisome. The work, it is here that they will find it 4A1 rallies, bonfire, festival, spirit week and more. Summer cast^ though indeed capturing the physicality of the work, “Love’s Labor’s Lost" continues this weekend, April C residence in Isla Vista or Santa Barbara is helpful. seems at points to be wasting their time. Though the play 9-12, with performances at 7:30 each evening, and 2p.m. era: has much romantic poignancy, it is the innuendo that gets Saturday and Sunday, in Girvetz Theater 1004. For more ban If this description fits you or someone you know, played up, often to the point of exhaustion. information, call 893-3535. hyp call the UCSB Alumni Association at 893-2288. Nonetheless, “Love’s Labor’s Lost” features one of the —Pax Wassermann the Coc pro TWO 1 2 ” Contributors gair Cheese Pizzas unf< for on ly Aaron Cappocchi F $Q 99 ENCOREstaff first ¡7 + tax Denis Faye vast PIZZA Additional Toppings Extra Assistant Editor pac! presents . with this ad Anna Kent title Pax Wassermann Alex Maclnnis mu: THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Editor effo Jeanine Natale T moi Brian Banks Traci Rossman Resents..* FREE MEMBERSHIP J $100 OFF WITH ANY RENTAL Sc 6545 Pardall Rd. & HOBBES w/this comic Ct Ci c Isla Vista, CA 968-6059 By Bill Watterson void w/other offer aO D PC 8 ca j an • to F e o na h is £0 CO ■s s fin 1 o z m Thursday, April 9,1992 3 A ■MUSIC REVIEWS 4/6 TO 4/17 CAST BRONZE SCULPTURE Waiting in Vain BY TOM BILL 4 Years Later, Bruce Delivers a Bummer UCEN ART GALLERY Human Touch aside, a couple of the tracks attention: Lucky Town really rock. “Better Days” is 1 bought a bourgeois Bruce Springsteen an exultant declaration, house in the Hollywood Columbia Records while “Souls of die De­ H ills pringsteen’s latest parted” and “Leap of Faith” With a trunkload of 4/^5 ACOUSTICS pair of albums, have some meaty grooves $100,000 bills Human Touch oing with the gospel-like Man came by to hook up and Lucky Town, ackmg vocals of wife and my cable TV S released simultaneously, We settled in for the W/ TRUE BLUE lack much of the punch and night, my baby and me bite of earlier works that We switched ’round and AT THE PUB ALWAYS WED 4 PM ALWAYS FREE made him the undisputed ‘round ’till half past dawn More Music Reviews... There was 57 channels page 7 A and nothin’ on. Is that what he’s been up Boss. How long has it been to all this time?! WED SNEAK PREVIEW since his last release — While there is some good three, four years? It’s been' stuff in Lucky Town, in­ 4/15 too long a wait for the kind cluding the beautiful pieces of mellow, Danielle Steele- “If I Should Fall Behind” esque schmaltz that we get Call him Bruce.
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