1951 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-· ·iio·usE 10465 Mr. McFARLAND. Mr. President, I amendment, the Committee shall rise and ask that the President be immediately ·HOUSE' OF REPRESENTATIVES report the joint resolution to the House With notified of all nominations confirmed such amendments as may have been adopted TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1951 and the previous question shall be considered today, as ordered on the joint resolution and The PRESIDING OFFICER. With­ Tlie House met at 12 o'clock noon. amendments thereto to final passage with­ out objection, the President will be im­ The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Bras­ out intervening motion except one motion mediately notified of all nominations kamp, D. D., offered the fallowing to recommit. confirmed today. prayer: DEFENSE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RECESS o Thou who dost preside over the FACILITIES Mr. McFARLAND. I ·move that the destinies of men and nations, we ear.. Mr. SPENCE. Mr. Speaker, I call up Senate stand in recess until 12 o'clock nestly beseech Thee to bestow the bless .. the conference report on the bill <S. 349) noon tomorrow. ings of wisdom and understanding, of to assist the provisions of housing and The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 insight and interpretation upon all who community facilities and services re .. o'clock and 51 minutes p. m.), the Sen­ serve and guide our beloved country in quired in connection with the national ate took a recess until tomorrow, these troublous times. defense, and ask unanimous consent that Wednesday, August 22, 1951, at 12 Grant that our leaders and Members the statement of the managers on the o'clock meridian. of Congress, who administer the affairs part of the House be read in lieu of the of government in these days of diffi­ report. NOMINATIONS cult adjustments and problems, may be The Clerk read the title of the bill. Executive nominations received by the richly endowed with that wisdom which The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Senate August 21 (legislative day of cometh from above as they seek to bring the request of the gentleman from Ken­ tucky? August 1), 1951: Thy blessings to all mankind. We pray that they may be wise in There was no objection. IN THE MARINE CORPS moral and spiritual strategy and in state .. Th~ Clerk read the statement. The following-named officers of the Ma­ craft and wilt Thou use them in estab­ The conference report and statement rine Corps for temporary appointment to the follow: grade of br:.gadier general, subject to quali­ lishing Thy kingdom of righteousness fication therefor as provided by law: and peace upon the earth. CONFERENCE REPORT (H. REPT. No. 901) William W. Davies William G. Manley Hear us in the name of the Prince of Peace. Amen. The committee of conference on the dis­ Reginald H. Ridgely, Lenard B. Cresswell agreeing votes of the two Houses on the Jr. The Journal of the proceedings of yes .. amendments of the House to the bill (S. terday was read and approved. 349) to assist the provision of housing and CONFIRMATIONS community facilities and services required MESSAGE FROM THE SENA'!~ in connection with the national defense, Executive nominations confirmed by A message from the Senate, by Mr. having met, after full and free conference, the Senate August 21 (legislative day Landers, its enrolling clerk, announced have agreed to recommend and do recom­ of August 1), 1951: that the Senate agrees to the report of mend to their respective Houses as follows: UNITED NATIONS That the Senate recede from its disagree­ the committee of conference on the dis­ ment to the amendment<> of the House num­ Isador Lubin, of New York, United States agreeing votes of the two Houses on the bered l, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, representative on the United Nations Eco­ amendments of the House to the bill 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, nomic and Social Council, to serve concur­ (S. 349) entitled "An act to assist the 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 40, 42, 43, 45, 46, l'.3, 49, and rently and without additional compensation provision of housing and community fa­ 50 and agree to the same. as the representative of the United States Amendment numbered 2: That the Sen­ of America on the Advisory Committee to cilities and services required in connec .. tion with the national defense." ate recede from its disagreement to the the Agent General of the United Nations amendment of the House numbered 2, and Korean Reconstruction Agency. The message also announced that the agree to the same with an amendment, as DIPLOMATIC AND FOREIGN. SERVICE Vice President has appointed Mr. JOHN­ follows.: In lieu of the matter proposed to be Waldemar J. Gallman, of New York, to be STON of South Carolina and Mr. LANGER inserted by the House amendment insert the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten­ members of the joint select committee fl llowing: "and printed in the Federal Reg­ tiary of the United States of America to the on the part of the Senate, as provided ister"; and the HoU&e agree to the same. Union of South Africa. for in the act of August 5, 1939, entitled Amendment numbered 3: That the Sen­ "An act to provide for the disposition ate recede from its disagreement to the To be consul general of the United States of amendment of the House numbered 3, and America of certain records of the United States agree to the same with an amendment, as Harold Sims. Government," for the disposition of ex­ follows: In lieu of the matter proposed to ecutive papers referred to in the report To be Foreign Service officer of class 3, a be inserted by the House amendment insert consul, and a secretary in the diplomatic of the Archivist of the United States the following: service of the United States of America _numbered 52-5. (b) second, residential credit restrictions TEMPORARY APPROPRIATIONS FOR 'IHE under the Defense Production Act of 1950, D. Eugene Delgado-Artas. as amended, ( 1) as to housing to be sold FISCAL YEAR 1952 To be Foreign Service officers of class 4, at $12,000 or less per unit or to be rented consuls, and secretaries in the diplomatic Mr. SMITH of Virginia, from the at $85 or less per unit per month, shall be service of the United States of America Committee on Rules, reported the fol .. suspended with respect to the number and Julian P. Fromer. lowing resolution <H. Res. 397, Rept. No. types of housing units at the sales prices George W. Skora. 903), which was referred to the House or rentals which the President determines to J. Raymond Ylitalo. be needed in such area for defense workers Calendar and ordered to be printed: or military personnel, and (2) as to all other To be consuls of the United States of ·Resolved, That immediately upon the housing, shall be relaxed in such manner America adoption of this resolution it shall be in and to such extent as the President deter­ f'tcphen H. McCUntic Kenneth R. Boyle order to move that the House resolve itself mines to be necessary and appropriate to Rodolfo O. Rivera H. Franklin Irwin, Jr. into the Committee of the Whole House on obtain the production of such housing need­ the State of the Union for the consideration ed in such area for defense workers or mili­ To be a vice consul of the United States of of the joint resolution (H. J. Res. 320) tary personnel; America amending an act making temporary appro­ And the House agree to the same. Samuel Atkins Morrow. priations for the fiscal year 1952, and for Amendment numbered 4: That the Senate UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE other purposes. That after general debate, recede from its disagreement to the amend­ ment of the House numbered 4, and agree Joseph Samuel Perry, to·be United States which shall be confined to the joint resolu­ tion and continue not -to exceed 30 minutes, to the same with an amendment, as follows: district judge for the northern district of to be equally divided and controlled by the Omit the matter proposed to be stricken Illinois. chairman and ranking minority member of out by the House amendment and insert in COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS the Committee on Appropriations, the joint lieu thereof the following: " (which meet Nora M. Harris, to be collector of customs resolution shall be read for amendment un­ the requirements as to types, rentals or for customs collection district No. 6, with der the 5-minute rule. At the conclusion of sales prices, and general locations)"; and the headquarters at Bridgeport, Conn. the consideration of the Joint resolution for House agree tu the same. 10466 CONGl{ESSIONAL. RECORD-· HOUSE AUGUST 21 Amendment numbered 5: That the Senate section 602 or section 605 of this Act in con­ guaranteed in accordance with the maxima recede from its disagreement to the amend­ nection with the loan on any home not made provided for in subsection (a) of section 500 ment of the House numbered 5, and agree or guaranteed by the Veterans' Administra­ ·bf this title.'" to the same with an amendment, as follows: tion and the transaction price of which And the House agree to the same. In lieu of the matter proposed to be inserted home does not exceed $7,000; nor more ;than BRENT · SPENCE, by the House amendment insert the follow­ 15 per centum in connection with any such PAUL BROWN, ing: ", but shall not, in any case, mean any loan on any home the transaction price of WRIGHT PATMAN, public housing authority, or its governing which exceeds $7 ,000 but does not exceed ALBERT RAINS, body, or any of its officers, acting in such $10,000; nor more than 20 per centum in JESSE P.
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