Mid-Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme 2006 M.c;Loc:hl.lnn (RQad Markings) Ltd. Mid Tlppe,.ry Senior Hurlint). Fi v R EI'mOIK: Dellis Curtis (T/l/lrles KRF) t Holycross, 30u Lunasa, 2006 Clar Oifiguil luach €2 Runai &st wishts to &htrltlhtllJ/Dlltll/n from - Tony Laeey's Bar BALLYDINE, CASHEL. Tel. 0504-42471. For a good Drink and Craie ROSKEEN CONSTRUCTI NODSTOWN, BOHERLAHAN, CASHEL, CO. TIPPERARY. Tel. 0504-41256. Mobile 087-2531871. Fox 0504-41256. iPONSORS OF THE JUNIOR B HURLING FINAL New Houses - Extensions Specialists in the Renovations of Old Houses f 2 Failre s ellis rnhor athais darn faille a ChUT roimh gllch aoinne m~ I i lulhair Mainistir na Croise innu agus la sui! agam go ~ __~ mbeidh sarchluichi againn. I wish 10 extend a specinl welcome to everyone today to Holycross for the mid senior hurling championship final between Boherlahan Dualla and Dram-Inch Dr0111-lnch wi)) be hoping 10 take one step forward from la~ 1 year and win back the Leahy Cup which Ihey las\ held in 1984 whilst no doubt Bohcrlahan-Dualla will do theiT utmost 10 regain the trophy which they last won in 1995. I would like 10 thank the I-I olycross-Ballycahill dub for the excellent arrange­ ment~ here today. The club has recently purchased additional land adjacent 10 the existing pilch 10 caler for thc large numbers now playing our games in the parish and they arc to be congratulated on this initiative. I would also like to thank MacLochlainn Road Mark ings for their continued sponsorship of our mid senior hurling championship. Finally we welcome the minor footbal1e r's of Thurles Sarsliclds and Moycarkey Borris who will take part in the liN game and wish all four teams well and look forward to two memorable games. Maclochlainn IRoad Markingslltd. Senior Hurling Final ClAR BOHERLAHAN·DUALLA VDROM·INCH 3.30 p.m. Reiteoir. Denis Curtis (Thurles KRF) AN Bank 01 Ireland Thurles Minor AFootball Final Movcarkev-Borris v Thurles Sarslields lAE R,/te,Ir: Jimmy StrBIIIIY fIDlllllmorl-CJlsnellllY/ Music for today is provided by the Sean Treacy Pipe Band, Team photos for todays Moycarkey- Borris. programme were provided by The Board wishes to thank the John Moloughney, Knights of Malta, who provided Clonakenny. first aid at all of our games, and are in attendance here today. PrOgramme Editor: P. J.lEAHY 3 THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFf THE OF COUNTY ~~e6 BAR ~e/ LIBERTY SQUARE, THURLES. THURLES (,John & Breada Kennedy) extends best wishes to both teams todoy. Wishes both teams good luck. When in fown do give us 0 call FOR TIIAT SPECIAL OCCASIO'J DO VISIT THE COU:-ITY BAR Gleeson Quarries Limited LAFFANBRIDGE, THU RLES. Tel. 0504-56117, • Grollme • Wet-Mix Macadam • Clause 804 • Crushed Stone • Washed Gravel • Washed Sand • Concrete Blocks • Readv-Mix Concrete l 1995 LEAHY CUP RESTS IN BOHERLAHAN FOR FIRST TIME Mid Senior l-iurlil1g Champions 1995: B(Id!. rol\': TJ O'Dwyer. Aidall Flal/agm!, Toma.I' Qllirke. 8relldall Perncomhe. Jame~' TarrwlI. A/all \~~/(Ie. Pio De/(III),. SI'OIllIlS Murphy. Alberl Ml/her. Miclwel Murphy (c(lpr.). Mark Mcwughlirl. Michael O'Ow.\'n: Jol/11 W(ltrJitk Ger F/(UwSlm. Harry Crosse, Seall Corbell. FronlITJIC O(ll'/' Ddml): Philip O'Dwyer. Dodd RY(II/, Seamus NickI'.\', Liam Maher. Carry Mcumghlill, Phil/y Ryall, Tommy O'Dwyer. COIlor Glees(IIl. jJ MeGmtll. Michael Fem('ombe, Kerill O'l)olllwfl. £(//1101111 Mailer. 995 will long be remembered in the parish of Bohcrlahan Dualla liS the Johnny 1Leahy Cup. symbol of supremacy in Mid Tipperary senior hurling. was captured for the first and only lime. When Boherlahan Dualla won the previous Mid title in 1953. there was no trophy for the winners. the Leahy Cup being presemed for the first time in [955. The early nineties saw a rcsurgcnce in the clubs fortune and with a county minor hurling title in 1993 and runners-up in 1994 at U2[ level as well as a Cahill Cup win in [993. hopes were high of II breakthrough at sen ior level. The first match in the campaign saw Boherlahan Dual[a defeat Ho[ycross Ballycahill. 2-1310 0-16. in the preliminary round in Drombane. A hard fought vic­ tory over Gortnahoc Glengoole. 1- 17 to 2-12 put them in a semi-final and in that game they defeated a fancied Thurles Sarsfie[ds team after a tense and exciting encouter by 1- 15 to [-13. [n the final in Semple Stadium on Sliturday August 26th they bridged a fort y twO year gap when they overcame the challenge of Mid cham­ pions Loughmore Castleiney 10 win the title by five points, 1-[3 to 1-8. The defending champions took a long time to settle in the game and Boher[ahan Duallll were quick off the mark with points from Aidan Flanagan and veteran Liam Maher. 5 Conor Glec\on wa~ lording it at cemre back a~ hc caught ball after ball and cleared down ficld, A., time wore on in thc £arne Loughmore Ca~lleiney camc more imo it and at the interval led hy four paim.,. 1-6 to 0-5. The transformation fro m Boherlahan Duall:1 who were wind a~~l~ted in the ... econd half wa., quile remark able and they got off to a grl!at ,>ccond half stan with three Aid:m Flanagan points. in~ide seven minutes. Aftcr cightcen minute., a Phillip O'Dwyer paim ga\c Boherlahan Dualla the lead but the decisive .,corc of the gamc came onc minute bter wi th a Ger Aanagan goal. This ... corc ga\e thcm grcat hean and tf)' n~ thcy might in the clos­ ing stages Loughmorc Ca"tleiney were un able to get the .,cores to bring them back into the game and Boherlahan Dua]]a held oUi for a historic five paims win ing mar­ gin. [t wa., an extra "peeial wcekend of celebration for Boherlahan as they were aho commemorating the 100th an ni ver.ary of the Tubbemdora All Ireland win of 1895. TCllln ; Philfv RW/I1, St'WIIII.\" /-lickey, .,J 0'/)"'.1'(, 1: I){/I'(' Deloller. Garrett M£Ltmghlill, CO/lOr Gfeewm. Tom",y 0 ·1)1I'\,er. S(>(/IIlII\ Mllrph.\" (0-1), I)m·itJ Ryall, Gel' Flanagal/ (1-0), Midwel Mwphy «(;(/1'1.). Philip 0 'Dwyer (0-1), Pio Delalley (0· / J. Lifllll Maher (0-2 J. Ait/(m Flallagan (0-8J. Subs: Mic!wel Femcombe for Pio I)elalley. Thomas Qllirke. Brendall Femcombe, lames 7("r(llll. Ahlll Wade, Albert M aller. Mark McUJ/(f;1tIill. Michael O'J)II'\·er. 101111 Uhrtlick. Bm'!'v Crosse. Liam Corbett. 11 McGraIl!. Knill O'J)ol1lU'lf. Eallloll Maher. In the quaner final at Semple Stadium on September 16th they defeated Knockavilla K icha l1l ~ by 2-12 to I-II and in the ~el1l i - fin : L1 two week., later th ey defeated county champions Toomevara by 2-11 to 1-12. Howe\er in the county final at Semple Stadium on October 15th they ~uffered 11 heavy defeat at the hands of Nenagh Eire Og on the score 2-25 to 2-8 Seamus Power he Power name ha~ a long a~.,ociation with hu rli ng in Boherlahan-Dualla Tparish. Hi ., uncles. Jack <lnd Paddy Power won All Ireland senior medals with Tippemry in 1916 and 1925 while Seamus's father. Tom won an All Ireland junior llledal during the Triple Crown ycar of 1930. His cousin Pat won two AIl 1reland U21 in 1979-80 and one Minor medal in 1976. Seamus himself gave many year~ of sterli ng service \0 club and count y. He wo n twO All Ire land Vocational schools ti tles with Nonh Tippemry in 1968 and 1969. won an All [re1:md Intcrmediate title in 1971. an Oireachlu~ medal in 1972. the year he madc his sen ior debut. He also WOI1 a Munster U21 mcdnl that year. He played corner forward on the team that won the 1979 National Hurling League final. In 1985 he helped Tipper.lf)' win the All Ireland Open Draw Championshi p and for hi s performance in the fin al. he was awarded the B+I Spon s I)ersontllity of the 6 Month for May. He also won a Railway Cup medal with Munster that year and was ,>elected as an All Star replacement for the tour 10 San Franci~co and New York. He captained the club team that won County honours at minor level in 1970, and was the key player at centrebad in the team that restored loenior "tatu~ 10 Ihe club with victory in the County Intermediate final of 1981. Seamus recei\'ed the Mid Player of the Year award for hilo efforts. Seamus continued 10 give greal service and ha ... coached Illany team~ in recent years. He was Manager of Ihe Tipperary U2 1 hurling learns that won Munster hon­ ours during his two year term of 2003-W. Captain Johnny Leahy, Boherlahan n the fiN day of January 1891 Johnny Leahy was O born in the little townland of Tubberadora. a ~hort di~t:mce from the \iltage of Boherlahan. Johnny's father Mike Leahy, had been a member of Torn O·Gntdy·s famous team which travelled to Cork in Augu~t 1886 and defeated the famed Cork Nationals - later to become known as the ·'Rockies·· and he was also on O'Grady's county champion\hip team to defeat Toomevard in the county final of 1889, Tubcradora, that lillie to"nland of ju.!.! one square mile was little known at the time of Johnny's birth, but e're he had reached hi~ tenth birthday it had become a household n3m!:, nol only in Tipperary but through the length and breath of Ireland and even beyond.
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